noxin-sans · 2 months
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noxin-sans · 2 months
More lil update cuuuuus i hadnt posted anythin to here in months..
Like Original Undertales Sans, and his well known likeing for ketchup and to drink ketchup, commonly being seen either holding or drinking a bottle of ketchup, Noxin Sans whould instead commonly be seen with Pickles.
So being near her..or just watching her, seeing her doing anything not impoetant or nothing at all, you have a good 80% chance to see her with a jar of pickles and likely eating them or drinking the known to be sour pickle juice in the jar, she will not share, but she will dare you to drink pickle juice, and maybe in return.. she'll give you one of the gold feathers, it dosent do much besides glow, and dosent really hold magic aside from what makes it glow, but its cool looking? And if she likes you enough, she may give you an explosive throwing knife, she will also not be responcable for any.. casualties that may occur with your use of the knife.
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Nice to meet you too flamey color boy!
killer ty for taking a bath and being a good boy here * color gives killer chocolate *
*takes and noms chocolate*
You’re treating me like a child and I don’t like it…and don’t call me a good boy-
*insert smol pouty killer*
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noxin-sans · 6 months
You can call me Noxin!
Im apart of Feraltale!
killer ty for taking a bath and being a good boy here * color gives killer chocolate *
*takes and noms chocolate*
You’re treating me like a child and I don’t like it…and don’t call me a good boy-
*insert smol pouty killer*
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noxin-sans · 6 months
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noxin-sans · 6 months
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Um yeah um oh no they're furries
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Downfall on your highlighter colored skele>:))
The noot noot winss>:》
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Killers a wittow babwy confirmed👀
killer ty for taking a bath and being a good boy here * color gives killer chocolate *
*takes and noms chocolate*
You’re treating me like a child and I don’t like it…and don’t call me a good boy-
*insert smol pouty killer*
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noxin-sans · 6 months
A bet well bet on
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So, I sorta made a bet. Ehm ehm to ask a question to see... the reaction.
How big is Shattered's GYAAAAAA-
what the fuck.
(However big he wants)
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noxin-sans · 6 months
A bet well bet on
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So, I sorta made a bet. Ehm ehm to ask a question to see... the reaction.
How big is Shattered's GYAAAAAA-
what the fuck.
(However big he wants)
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Apple bread eaterr-
Wellll,i guess ill just have to test this theory..
*N o m*
hi. shattered chews on his tentacles when nervous. bye
also they agere.
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noxin-sans · 6 months
I love it when i intend to draw something but i end up morphing it into something different. This was supposed to be a redraw but now error is there
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noxin-sans · 6 months
But...apple bread even SOUNDS gross..
And if you wont get in the banana bread..
..are you DENYING to taste like BANANAS!?
hi. shattered chews on his tentacles when nervous. bye
also they agere.
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noxin-sans · 6 months
So, I sorta made a bet. Ehm ehm to ask a question to see... the reaction.
How big is Shattered's GYAAAAAA-
what the fuck.
(However big he wants)
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Oo i could...
But nightmares confirmed to taste like apples..
Aint no apple bread,ew
I'd also risk running into a chaotic 3,i'd get distracted before getting to em.. soooo
B a n a n a b r e a d
hi. shattered chews on his tentacles when nervous. bye
also they agere.
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Awhh what? Ego too big to be put into breaaaad?
Cmooon, you dont need aaallll four!
Ill hug the soul outa you until you doooo!
hi. shattered chews on his tentacles when nervous. bye
also they agere.
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noxin-sans · 6 months
Yeah yeah, angry giraffe..
Well if you dont WILLINGLY get in the bread,ill bother you until you DO get in the bread! I juuuust need ONE tentical!
Its not like you wont get another one!
hi. shattered chews on his tentacles when nervous. bye
also they agere.
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