noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Chess here: Some print screens taken to show where the game is at, and also to give to our concept artist in order to put it on the box art.  I aim to get at least some basic Sky Box in, this background looks very bland. 
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Chess here, with more work to help Grace (the Environment artist) out with. She needed Graffiti to be placed on the walls of the lower level of the library. So I got an image off of the moodboard we used and then tried different colours/textures to create something that matched out art style, but also could stand out enough to be seen.  I personally like the firs one the best, as it incorporates all three main colours of our characters.  Wolf (blue/purple) Rosa (Pink/Red) and Hunter-the man behind it all (Yellow/Gold). These colours work well together and are striking when made into graffiti. 
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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More Models that I (Chess) created to fit into the game. The first is a plain notebook, jotted around tables by music students who were going to take notes from Wolf’s talk and get his signature with. 
And then there are both doors to the Librarian’s office, and to the outside of the library itself. I wanted the office door to have a more ornate feel to it, the classic door handle and design of panelling make it look less modern that the push door that I had for the outside-shows how the building is a mix of elements.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Chess here, with some very simple models of objects that are scattered around and belong in the level. For example, bags that people have lost in the panic, Wolf’s Laptop and a Bin that lies on it’s side just outside of the library-pushed over as people rushed out of the front doors. I modelled these to help my Environment Artist -Grace, out. She and I worked effectively and closely together in order to make sure that we had good pacing of work. I made these in order to let her focus on the texturing of assets already featuring in the game.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Hey there, Peter here. These are a few animation stills of Rosa to demonstrate the rig ample weight painting (as well as making Rosa look like a total bamf)
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Games Designer here, with an updated schedule- we have until 4:00pm today then times up!  
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Our environment artist asked me to quickly put together a billboard design to be used for the texture in-game to promote Wolf’s autobiography so I put together some art assets from earlier in the project.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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This is the application of the textures that i have produced so far. the other objects that i have are just basic colour as to get the feel of the right colour choice so that when i have to texture all of them they would basically only have black out lines added to them.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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I changed the bookshelves as they i didn't know the best way to texture books. so i removed fake books i had before and made them book-less. what i then went on to make was a series of books on a shelf. then textured it as to simulate books and changed the colour so i could use them on all the floors.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Texturing of the books that are spread around the levels. What i wanted to produce i you Went down each floor that the books each time create a more visual pathway that you would follow this is considerably shown on the ground level.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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These were made for the level some are useless objects but others are part of the story-line. I kept everything simplistic so that the use of repetition accounted to our ploy limit. At this stage i have also unwrapped all the objects so that i can go through and texture them.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
For the second level of Wolf, this track depicts a transitioning from Rosa’s careful investigation, to her friend Wolf’s delivery of clues for her to follow. It also solidifies the hip-hop genre of music present in the game, as the character himself is second-natured to said genre. Tempered synths and a minor-chord soft piano melody bring the player’s attention back to Rosa’s investigative means.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Just finalised the Main Menu and Pause Menu for the game. Continuing the purple colour scheme, I added in some contrast with the stark white lineart. I really like how the stylised cassette buttons look, as the shape is very iconic and links the game back to the ‘hip hop’ buzzword we got at the start of the project. This will be implemented in engine as a canvas with transparent GUI buttons overlayed on top of the cassettes, so when the player clicks the cassettes the different functions will happen seamlessly.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Just a closer look at the logos I quickly designed and used for our game and company name. I wanted something sophisticated and slick for our company logo, and I wanted the logo for Wolf to reflect that image too.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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After a quickfire session of sending drafts back and forth to the game designer, we landed on the finalised box art for the game. I began with the red colour scheme but eventually we decided on the purple as it reflects the tone of the final stages of the level, as well as creating a certain uniformity with the team blog and aesthetic that would be important if we were to market the game.
I knew I wanted Rosa to be the focal image of the box art as she has quite an aesthetically striking silhouette. I went through a few different iterations of the box art, playing around with the colours and the layout of the back cover; I looked to the box art for some Telltale games for inspiration as well as recent trends in box art designs. Games have shifted towards having a large splash image that reflects the game, with smaller screens of the actual game, so I tried to create something like that for our box art.
I also had to pay close attention to getting the right rating logos and appropriate warnings on our game so that this art would most accurately reflect how the finished product would look on shelves.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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The GUI art for the code puzzle in our game. Using the A1, B2, C3 code, the player will be able to decipher the message on the two halves of the paper as ‘Find Hunter’, a plot point which would tie into the full game. We added it into our vertical slice of the game to give a taste of what the puzzle solving would be like, and to hint at the story of the game.
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noxstudio-blog · 9 years
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Texturing and new model complete! -- Peter here; this version has done away with the afro hair alpha from last time, as it played finicky and didn’t really feel like a good stylistic choice. This version has a new retopologised mesh, as well as less vertices that proved unnecessary. 
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