np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
script version 4
Sam the sloth wakes up on the end of a branch at the top of a rubber tree, he moves slow and with grace. He opens his eyes and glances at the magnificent view of the forest. Monkeys are jumping from branch to branch below, birds are talking and flying towards the water fall to clean them selves. He stands on his feet and feels the tree shake, he looks down and sees his neighbour, Tim the bear is scratching his back on Sam's tree. A large nuisance that appears most mornings.
Sam falls of the tree branch into a giant puddle beneath, he struggles out soaking in muddy water, he spits water out of is mouth. Tim the bear sits next to the puddle, he gives Sam a big slap on the back making him fall back into the puddle and laughs. 
scene 2
A family of crocodiles are sitting by the river relaxing in the sun light. Stuffy creatures who believe they are above others. A monkey walks slowly towards the water fearing the worst from the giant reptiles. The crocodiles gaze follows the monkey as he moves close to them. As the monkey kneels on the ground to drink, the big crocodiles grab him and drag him to a bush and the small ones follow hastily. Sam walks to the river, he passes a rustling bush and stops at the river edge.
He splashes his face with water and notices many animals up the stream in shock from what they have just witnessed. He looks at the yellow water cupped in his hand. Sam turns his head and sees the family of crocodiles. They stare at him with shocked faces as they finish eating the monkey. 
Scene 3
Sam is reaching for a fruit on a branch at the edge of a water fall. He hears a crack and stops moving, a small rodent climbs over his face and takes the fruit. The rodent looks at Sam, laughs and bounces a couple of times. The branch starts to crack again, the rodent rushes of the branch with the fruit in his mouth. The branch slowly breaks and falls down the waterfall with Sam still holding on to it.
The rodent looks down the waterfall while taking a big bight out off the fruit.
Scene 4
Sam is climbing up his tree, he reaches his branch and lies down on it. He looks at the sun set. A small black spot jumps out of his fur onto his arm, Sam notices the spot and blows at it. He sees when looking closer that it is a flea. 
Sam the sloth
It would be nice to be a flea.
The little black spot jumps off his arm and falls down the tree. Sam watches as it falls and releases a sigh.  He lies on his back looking up at the leaves, he feels his hair moving. A big swarm of black spots jump from his body down the tree. Sam covers his ears and falls asleep.
Sam wakes up on the top of his tree, he opens his eyes and glances at the magnificent view of the forest. He stands on his feet and feels the tree shake. Sam hears a loud scream, he looks down the tree to see coughed in a trap. 
He takes his time climbing down the tree ignoring the loud screams, he savours every moment as it has been a long time since he was able descend peacefully down his tree. He lands on the ground with a smile and walks calmly towards the agonising bear. He looks down at him confused about what he is seeing. He finds a trip wire attached to the ground. As Sam looks around the bear. He see's letters shaping themselves on the ground. Sam reads the phrase that has formed.
Would you like to be one of us ?
Sam looks down at the bear, Tim screams in pain as Sam pulled the trap off him. Sam pushes Tim away.
I would like that very much. What do you want ? 
We want to be noticed and respected.
We have something in common then.
The swarm of fleas moves over to Sam's body covering him everywhere, Sam smells the air around him while flexing his muscles. He looks at him self in the puddle and sees a stronger version of him self.
A tiger is slowly stalking a baby gazelle with her mother peacefully eating grass by a tree. He moves quietly across the field crouching as low as he can. He pounces towards the baby gazelle, as he reaches his pray in mid air the baby gazelle smiles at the tiger, Sam gets in the way and slaps him on the ground with a banana leaf.
The tiger growls as he circles around Sam ready to pounce at any second. Sam stands alert holding his banana tree leaf in hand watching the tiger closely. Sam raises his left hand as the tiger pounces towards him, while in mid air vines are pulled from under him leaving him hanging and unable to move.
He takes a fish out from behind him and slaps the tiger continuously in the face while he struggles in the air trying to break free. The tiger gives up and hangs there without making a sound, Sam holds the fish in front of his mouth. The tiger licks the fish and takes a bite out of it. Sam cuts the vines to let the tiger down, the tiger attempts to attack Sam again. The fleas enter the tigers mouth making it feel Ill, Sam places a leash around its neck. The tiger trows up the fleas and submits.
Sam walks towards the temple holding his tiger on a leash. Different types of monkeys are spying on him from the top of the trees, they are generally very hyperactive and clumsy animals. Sam walks through the big door way into the main hall. Monkeys, gorillas and chimps swarm the walls. They climb up the pillars holding the room up and hang from the vines dangling down from the ceiling. Bits and peace of the temple crumble to the ground. Sam takes a step back as the monkeys start to make larger pieces of the structure fall to the ground.
The monkeys all start  speaking at the same time over each other, jumping in the air and pushing. Sam looks at them shocked and confused at what is happening. The monkeys stop talking at the same time. They start walking towards Sam at the same pace, they stop inches away from him, starring at his face. They all ask him at the same time.
We know about you.  
Sam pulls the leash and the tiger raw's, scarring all the monkeys back. The monkeys take a few moment to process the fear then slowly start talking softly over each over.
I am taking control of this jungle.
A small monkey laughs at Sam. The others join in and mock Sam. They all start to point at him holding the rebellious monkey on their shoulders. 
Sam sighs and points at the monkey contesting him, a swarm flows from his arm onto the monkey, who starts scratching uncontrollably. The other monkeys look at him in shock, the tiger jumps on the monkey and devours him in one bite. Sam holds both his arms up and stands on a fallen rock. The monkeys kneel before him and submit to his power.
SCene 7
Sam is standing in front of a construction sight, the monkeys and other animals are building him a new house. Birds are coming from the sky dropping building supplies for the house onto the lager gorillas, who pass them on to the smaller animals. The animals all look run down, they fight to continue fearing what will happen to them if they fail their new ruler. 
Sam turns to his right and sees the fleas communicating with the other animals. As if they were plotting against him. The fleas have grown in power and mass. The fleas see him watching and move towards him.
Don't forget who's in charge.
Don't forget that we gave you your power.
I am the only reason these animals even notice you.
Sam turns back towards his new house and smiles. The swarm disperses. Tim limps up to Sam cautiously. 
You will end up alone you know.
Sam turns to Tim, he picks up a rock and throws it at him. Tim walks away into the bushes.
SCene 8
Sam wakes up on a soft bed in a large room, a bird lands on the small window next to his bed and starts to sing. Sam raises his hand and the bird stops singing. He sits on the edge of his bed, two pumas curl up around his feet. Sam stands up and walks towards the door with both pumas acting as slippers. He opens the door walks down the stairs. As he walks down the stairs the black swarm writes on the wall.
We have a surprise for you tonight in your house.
Great ill be there.
See you there partner.
Sam arrives at the bottom of the stairs in the kitchen. An elephant trunk comes down from the open ceiling and fills the bathtub. Once the bath is full they all leave but one monkey, who starts to squeeze juice out of an orange into a cup.
Sam walks towards the bath, placed in the centre of the room. A big gorilla comes through the window and stands behind him, the gorilla picks him up and places him delicately in the bath and leaves through the window. The monkey jumps on the edge of the bath and passes Sam a big cup of juice. The monkey raises its hand  as if to hit Sam . The swarm of fleas surrounds the monkey, it starts to scratch uncontrollably and jumps out of the window screaming. Sam drinks it, sighs and stands in the water holding both his arms up. The gorilla comes back into the room through the window, picks him up and places him on a tiger curled up in the corner of the room, Sam lies on the tigers back. The gorilla holds the door open for Sam and the tiger. They walk slowly to a strange contraption made out of wood, Sam steps off the tiger so that it can enter the strange machine. He glances behind him and sees the swarm of fleas messaging the animals in his living room. He climbs on top of the vehicle to sit. 
The tiger moves his paws in a circular motion, the cogs and gears made out of wood start to turn and the car starts to move forwards. Sam sits back as the car reaches a very high speed, he picks up a wooden travel cup from his side and takes a sip as the camera looses sight of him.
Scene 9
Sam drives fast on the dirt road towards a small mountain.
Animals of different shapes and sizes scatter from the road as Sam drives towards them with no intention of slowing down. A large trail of dust left by Sam car suffocates the animals still hiding in the bushes and trees. They are all coughing, all the animals hiding in the trees start falling on to the ground. Sam drives up the mountain and reaches a cave, he exits the car and walks slowly towards it. Tim the bear opens the door to his cave and sees Sam standing in front. They stare at each over with sad faces. Tim is still wounded and can no longer hunt for him self, Sam comes every evening and brings him something to eat. 
Sam walks back to his car and takes a bag of fruit out of it. He trows it at the bear. Sam jumps back into the car and he drives away leaving a massive trail of dust, causing Tim to suffocate. Tim looks down at the bag of food covered in dust, he picks it up and looks inside, there is a dozen oranges.  
As Tim walks back into his cave, a baby crocodile comes behind him and pulls on the bag of oranges. The bear feels the pull and looks behind him, the crocodile smiles at him, Tim looks at him with an angry face and growls. The baby crocodile looks down scared and takes a couple of steps back. Tim spots the mother and father further ahead eating an antelope, staring at him with shocked faces. Tim smiles intimidated by the large reptiles. A monkey walks slowly towards the bear and takes three oranges from his bag without breaking eye contact for a second, he takes a few slow steps back and runs into the bushes. Tim looks up into the trees and sees the birds signalling him to head towards Sam's house.
SCene 10
Sam is leaning on the side of his car, watching a sun set. He throws a rock over the edge of the waterfall.
A bird springs out of the water below, as she flies up the water fall she hums a song. Sam attempts to warn her about the rock but before he gets a chance, the rock hits the bird, she falls on some leaves. 
What is wrong with you ! My face ! Dammit ! 
Sam slaps his forehead and kicks his car, this causes the car to loose a joint that falls into the tigers eye. He roars but stays locked into the cars mechanism. Sam sighs and gets into the car. He drives away. 
Your not even going to apologise?! 
Scene 11
Sam drives up to his house, he stays in the car for a couple of minutes then open the door. He walks slowly to the front door, he sighs and enters his house. 
As he is walking up the stairs the swarm of fleas rushes in front of him and starts to grow bigger, Sam follows the large shape to his room. He looses sight of the fleas but notices the animals in his room.
Sam looks behind him only to see the fleas have formed a shadow of him. They push Sam into the room. He looks behind him fearing the worst, his shadow starts to grow bigger and envelopes most of the door way.
Sam falls on the ground, in the middle of the room filled with animals. They are all starring at him with an angry face. 
Tim the bear limps out of the crowd and places a box on the ground, he points at Sam and then at the box. The swarm of fleas disperse onto the ground, they scatter around the bear. Tim feels the swarm envelope him, taking control of his body. Once The swarm has taken control of the bear, it turns towards Sam and speaks using Tim's body.
Looks like we don't need you anymore.
The Swarm of fleas releases Tim who drops to the ground, gasping for air.   
All the animals walk towards Sam slowly as he crawls towards the door. As he crawls he sees a shadow on the ground, he looks up, the flees stand in front of him blocking the door way, they push him towards the other animals. They surround him and force him into the box. 
Sam tries to push him self out but gets overpowered, he is curled up in the small box, he hears the other animals tying the box closed.
Sam opens his eyes in the box and sees nothing but two small holes, he cannot look through them because how he is positioned in the box. Tim the bear walks up to the box discretely, he sits next to Sam.
You could have been a better person but you chose your own selfish needs. You are now more alone then ever. How does it feel?
Tim stands up and walks away slowly. Sam starts to cry. He realises the mistake he has made and falls asleep. 
Scene 12
Sam wakes up in the box, he is very cold. He tries to push the box but cannot move. He starts to scream. 
Sam spend a while in the box before he hears someone opening it. Sam is exited to finally get out and breath the fresh air. He screams of joy.
The box opens and Sam is blinded by a bright white light. He stays in the box a little longer. Once he gains his vision he stands in the box to look outside. 
He looks around the horizon and notices nothing but snow, he stops turning when he sees a penguin starring him straight in the face, the penguin slaps him hard in the face. 
Shut up !they are many predators in the area you best be quiet.
The penguin walks away from him slowly and vanishes in the cold winter blizzard. Sam starts crying for help. 
Please help ! ill freeze to death out here !
 He looks behind him and sees a polar bear.
The polar bear sits on Sam. Sam manages to pull his head out of the bears fur. He looks into the distance and then at the bear.
Time to start a new.
Polar bear 
Were do you strange animals keep coming from ?
There's more like me here?
The end.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Sloth troubles FULL CRIT
Writing ‘Sloth Troubles’ has helped me understand how creating different versions of a same script can have different effects, outcomes and interpretations with audience perception: they view it as light or dark, funny or macabre.
I have learned a lot about how to phrase my narrative, allowing the viewer to imagine the scenes in a more fluid way: one scene leads on seemingly seamlessly and naturally into another.  I have also taken out a lot of the dialogue in the script, which leaves more room for the viewer to use imagination, leaves more room for interpretation and in a sense, building up of the scene and a mood behind it. It has allowed me to spend more time showing the viewer what is happening and make the existing dialogue have more meaning without necessarily having to use words.
My goal was to create a lovable character that would slowly change as the storyline moves forward but leaves the viewer a little confused because they build up a picture of a good personality that slowly becomes corrupt before their eyes for no apparent reason other than wanting and enjoying power.  The image of a cuddly, harmless personality wielding power and misery over other seemingly more powerful and naturally superior animals goes against our natural perception of the order of things and leaves the viewer curious to see how it will turn out and want to know more.  
I wanted to show Sam as a simple, open, natural personality that has his place in the world of animals, a creature that in the jungle that we know, is harmless and just gets on with life without having a negative impact on anyone else in his world.  This slowly changes but in a subtle and unexpected way and he becomes a corrupt and hated egotistical dictator.
In the story I wanted my main character to be punished for doing wrong.  I decided in the end to put into the story an element of some of the other characters reminding him and bullying him into submission: he endures this, it has an impact on him in a subtle way and he gets a second chance at starting over.  I take the moral high-ground and decide that he deserves a bit of punishment for the viewer to enjoy.  The story is left open at the end for the animals of the forest so that the viewer can imagine for themselves how it could end.
The message for my story is that the bully becomes isolated in the world of his creating,  he is despised and mistrusted and in the end pays the price for it.  Only after realising his mistake does he get a happy ending: a second chance.
I wanted to created a script suitable for all ages, using an old favourite movie of mine called "Animal farm" as a model for my story.  The idea of animals becoming ‘humanised’ behaving like we do, having the same emotions, traits and characteristics.  Since I don't believe most children would understand the message in ‘animal farm’ , I wanted to create a friendlier version that had elements of humour in it.
As for the structure in my story, it all begins in the forest.  I paint an image of the forest being a peaceful and harmonious place where the normal hierarchy of animal life goes on. Then I introduce an element that shatters that image: Tim the bear screaming as leg is caught in a trap.  Sam doesn’t hurry to his rescue because it is the start of his relationship with power and also the notion that suffering might also be part of the normal hierarchy of things in the forest.
I wanted Sam to be perceived at first as a kind-hearted character that lives his life as a victim in his surroundings: he doesn’t have control over what happens to him in the forest. He discovers the fleas and there is an unspoken arrangement between them that leads to new possibilities of existence.   Sam goes about his business subtly making changes for his own benefit and reaches a point of no return when he speaks to the fleas, telling them that he is in charge and that they would be nothing without him. I wanted to introduce an element of foreboding that his perceived overconfidence and new selfish nature would be his downfall.  The climax comes when Sam is betrayed by the fleas and put in a box.  Sam accepts his fate as animals seem to and this is evidenced when he falls asleep in the box.  The story concludes with Sam being shipped off.  At first he thinks that he is finished but then he realises, at the same time as the viewer, that he can start anew in a new world, under the snow and ice.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Sam the sloth
Sam is a slow character with long frizzy hair on his body but his chest, feet, hands and behind. Sam is 28 years old and known by the other animals as the strange slow monkey. He has bright green eyes. Living in the jungle is hard for him because of his slow nature. He get pushed around a lot so his fur is patchy in some areas. This character would normally move very slowly unless he is in danger. The long nails on the end of his fingers are blunt and worn out. 
He has a long frowning face most of the time, so when he  smiles his skin stretches. Sam is passive aggressive in most situations and wishes for a life were he is in control. If he ever was to be in a position of power he would use it to his own advantage.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Script test version 2
1       FADE IN :                                          1
Sam the sloth wakes up on the end of a branch at the top of a rubber tree, he opens his eyes and glances at the magnificent view of the forest. Monkeys are jumping from branch to branch below, birds are talking and flying towards the water fall to clean them selves.
He stands on his feet and feels the tree shake, he looks down and sees his neighbour, Tim the bear is scratching his back on Sam’s tree.
TIM THE BEAR Good morning Sam ! Beautiful morning isn’t it !
Sam falls of the tree branch into a giant puddle beneath the tree, he is soaking, he spits water out of is mouth. Tim the bear sits next to the puddle and laughs.
2            FLASH : 2
Sam walks to a river and splashes his face with water, he notices many animals up the stream relieving them selves in the water. Sam turns his head and sees a family crocodiles, they are starring at him with shocked faces as they finish eating a monkey.
He looks in disguised at the water he is using to splash his face.
A   baby crocodile walks up to Sam and slaps him in theface.
3            FLASH : 3
Its lunch time, Sam is reaching for a fruit on a branch at the edge of a water fall. He hears a crack and stops moving, a small rodent climbs over his face and takes the fruit. The rodent looks at Sam and laughs, he bounces a couple of times.
The branch starts to crack again, the rodent rushes of the branch with the fruit in his mouth.
Sam looks sad as the branch slowly breaks and falls down the waterfall with him still holding on to it.
4            FADE TO BLACK :   4 5  FADE IN : 5
Sam is climbing up his tree, he reaches his branch and lies down on it. He looks at the sun set with a sad face.
A   small black spot jumps out of his fur onto his armfacing Sam’s face, Sam looks at it with a tear in his eye.
SAM THE SLOTH Tell me little spot why do the other animals treat me like this ? All I want is to be able to wash myself with clean water, eat fresh fruit of the trees and for the other animals to leave me alone.
The little black spot jumps off his arm and falls down the tree. Sam looks as it falls and releases a sigh.
He lies on his back looking up at the leaves, he feels his hair moving.
A big swarm of black spots jump from his body down the tree. Sam covers his ears and falls asleep.
6       FADE IN :                                          6
Sam wakes up on the top of his tree, he opens his eyes and glances at the magnificent view of the forest. He stands on his feet and feels the tree shake, he looks down and sees his neighbour.
TIM THE BEAR Good morning Sam ! Beautiful morning isn’t it ! Wait ! Whats happening ?!
Sam hears a loud scream, he looks down the tree to see Tim the bear pinned to the ground by giant wooden spikes.
Sam takes his time climbing down the tree ignoring the loud scream’s, he savours every moments as it has been a long time since he was able descend peacefully down his tree. He lands on the ground with a smile and walks calmly towards the agonising bear.
He looks down at the bear confused with what he is seeing. He finds a trip wire attached to the ground.
TIM THE BEAR Did you do this ?! Are you out off your mind ?!
SAM THE SLOTH I didn’t do it ! I swear ! I
would never do some...like...
As Sam looks around the bear he see’s letters shaping them selves on the ground.
Sam reads the phrase that has formed on the ground.
SWARM OF FLEES Do you feel better now ?
Sam has big smile on his face. He looks down at the bear, Tim thanks Sam as he carries him off the spikes, Sam trows him into the giant puddle he falls into every morning and laughs.
7       FADE  TO BLACK :
8       FADE  IN :
Sam wakes up on a soft bed in a large room, a bird lands on the small window next to his bed.
The bird starts to sing "fly with me" by Frank Sinatra, Sam listen’s to the blissful song, he raises his hand and the bird stops singing.
He sits on the edge of his bed, two puma’s curl up around he’s feet. Sam stands up and walks towards the door with both puma’s acting as slippers.
Sam opens the door walks down the stairs, as he walks down the stairs the black swarm writes on the wall.
SWARM OF FLEES How are you feeling ? Would you like some fresh squeezed juice before your bath ?
SAM THE SLOTH I would like them at the same time. Also I believe that these puma’s are getting to old, I need new ones.
Sam arrives at the bottom of the stairs in the kitchen, monkeys are filling his bath carved out of a tree trunk. Once the bath is full they all leave but one monkey.
He walks towards the bath, placed in the centre of the room. A big gorilla come through the window and stands behind Sam, he picks him up and places him delicately in the bath filled with warm water and leaves through the window. A monkey jumps on the edge of the bath and passes Sam a big cup of juice.
Sam drinks it, sighs and stands in the water holding both his arms up.
The gorilla comes back into the room through the window, picks him up and places him on a tiger curled up in the corner of the room, Sam lies on the tigers back.
The gorilla hold the door open for Sam and the tiger.
They walk slowly to a strange contraption made out of wood, Sam steps off the tiger so that it can enter the strange machine.
He climbs on top of the vehicle to sit.
The tiger moves his paws in a very uncomfortable manner, the car starts to move forwards.
Sam sits back as the car reaches a very high speed, the camera looses sight of him.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Step outline
1- Sloth wakes up on a shaking branch, he fall into a pile of leaves.
2- Sloth drinks out of a river. He notices a bunch of animal peeing down the stream.
3- Sloth is at the end of a branch reaching for a fruit, a mouse runs past him and takes the fruit while he is reaching for it.
4- Sloth returns to his tree and climbs up it to lie on his branch.
5- He notices the flee, speaks to it and falls asleep.
6- Sloth nearly falls of his branch when he notices the bear causing the tree to move, impaled on the ground.The flees offer their services. he accepts.
7- Time passes 
8- The sloth is living in a tree house built by his helpers, he gets out of bed and walks down the stairs.
9- he comes out of the house and gets into his car.
10- he drives past many animals that hide when seeing him come towards them.
11- He drives past the bears cave and trows a bunch of rats that chase him out into the river next to it.
11- The sloth drive to a hill and watches the sun set.
12- The car stops in front of the house, the sloth gets out of the car and walks into the house.
13- Sam is betrayed by his followers and sent away.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Story idea
Sloth riddled with flees is trying to find food in the jungle but constantly gets picked on by other animals, the main bully would be the bear that comes every morning extremely early to scratch his behind on his tree making the tree shake and often causing the sloth to fall from his branch. There is also the mice that constantly follow him around and take the food that he is reaching for before he can get a hold of them. 
 One evening after going through his usual day, he climbs a tree to reach his house, he notices a black spot moving across one of his hair. He speaks to the spot sharing his pain and sorrow hoping it will bring some relief. 
The spot jumps of his body and falls down the tree. He lies his head on his branch and notices a swarm of spots jumping of his body down the tree.
He sighs and falls asleep.
The next morning 
He wakes up as always. shaking on his branch, the bear laughs as he scratches his ass. A massive spike trap springs out of the leaves under the tree pinning the bear against the floor. The sloth climbs down the tree and spots the swarm of spots on the floor, its written “do you feel better now ? “. The sloth smiles at the bear still in pain.
Screen goes black 
Being so slow causes him to miss many opportunities but thanks to his intelligence and kindness he builds him self an army of flees that fetch him all the food he needs. He uses his little army to take out his bullies and make his home nicer.
Every night before going to sleep the flees ask him if he is happy yet. He gives the same answer “no”.
Weeks later 
He’s needs start becoming more demanding adding many creatures to his army of flees, mice, rats, spiders and ants. His tree is now a house, he has asked his little helpers to build him a car out off wood allowing him to travel faster around the forest.
One afternoon the sloth comes back home and when he enters the door he sees all of his little followers standing facing the door. They all ask him “are you happy now ?”. He replies “no”, all of his followers gather around him and reply back “we know what to do now”.
The flees take the sloth to a tree were a female sloth resides, he look up to her and smiles. 
All of his little followers gather up together a to form a female sloth. The sloth smiles and say that he is finally happy.
All the animals of the forest gather into his house, they hold him while they build a box to put him into. 
They place him in the box and trow him at the bottom of the river, the animals all come out of hiding and celebrate.
0 notes
np0672benjaminhall · 7 years
Story idea
My story is about a boy who has lost he’s little sister at a young age, it has been so long that he forgets he has ever had a sister. He spends a long time living a normal life, two parents that want him to succeed, a dog, a nice house in a great neighbourhood. He feels bored and unaccomplished, living his life day by day watching the world around him change as he gets older. 
When walking to school he spots a little girl lying on the side of the pavement with dark eyes and pale white skin, he runs to her and tries to wake her up. The little girl stands up facing towards him, she thanks him and walks away from him. 
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