nqvbleble · 6 months
Navigating the Complexities of Social Media Governance
Social media governance is a multidimensional term that includes developing and enforcing  regulations, and policies that govern the behaviour of users, content providers, and platform operators in social media ecosystems. It is critical for preserving order, assuring user safety, safeguarding privacy, and encouraging responsible online behaviour.
Content Moderation and Policy Enforcement
Content moderation is critical in social media governance since platforms are responsible for controlling user-generated content to maintain community standards and reduce dangerous or objectionable information. By exposing the unseen choices made by platform operators that influence online debate, Gillespie's (2018) "Custodians of the Internet" provides insightful information on the nuances of content moderation procedures. This examination highlights the issues that platforms confront when combining freedom of expression with the requirement to maintain a secure and respectful online environment.
2. Surveillance and Privacy Concerns
Through an analysis of the ways in which social media monitoring functions, researchers have brought important issues concerning the fundamentals of user privacy and the accuracy of personal data to light. The widespread collection and meticulous analysis of user data for a variety of purposes, most notably targeted advertising and personalized content recommendation, serves as a stark reminder of the critical need for legislative frameworks that regulate and oversee surveillance practices on these platforms. In terms of protecting user privacy in the face of more sophisticated surveillance measures used by social media platforms, the underlying conflict between pursuing individualized user experiences and protecting individual privacy rights remains a conundrum.The tension underscores the complex landscape of social media governance, where platform operators must balance the demands of commercial interests with the imperative of respecting user autonomy and data security (Trottier, 2017)
3. Gender Dynamics and Online Harassment
Addressing incidents of online harassment in digital arenas presents varied problems, especially in light of gender relations. To get significant insights into the persistent issue of online harassment and its negative impact on gender equity in online communities, correlations between harassment occurrence and gender-related differences in tolerance and reaction must be connected. Governance methods are vital for cultivating inclusive and safe online environments that emphasize the well-being and safety of all users, regardless of gender identification (Haslop et al., 2021). This entails not only implementing strong policies and mechanisms to combat harassment, but also fostering a culture of accountability and respect among online users. By recognizing the importance of proactive measures and prioritizing the promotion of gender equity, policymakers, platform operators, and users can collaborate to create safer and more inclusive digital spaces in which all individuals can thrive and participate freely.
4. Humor and Affective Practices
The exploration of the the context of the #MeToo movement on social media platforms sheds light on the intricate ways in which humor is used as a coping mechanism, a form of resistance, and a means of building solidarity within online communities affected by gender-based violence. Sundén and Paasonen's (2019) study delves into the phenomenon of humor and highlight the need for platforms to develop robust content moderation policies and mechanisms that can effectively navigate the diverse ways in which humor is employed in online discussions while ensuring that discussions remain respectful, inclusive, and conducive to meaningful dialogue (Sundén & Paasonen, 2019). Therefore, this requires a nuanced approach to content moderation that balances the principles of freedom of expression with the need to create safe and inclusive online spaces for all users.
5. Regulatory Frameworks and Policy Development
In order to effectively govern and regulate these digital spaces in a way that promotes user safety, privacy, and responsible online behaviour, policymakers must create flexible and adaptive regulatory frameworks that can keep up with the rapidly changing social media landscape. Van Dijck and Poell's research highlights the critical need for regulatory frameworks and policy creation that are matched to the intricacies of social media platforms. As addressing the underlying logics of these platforms, they recommend to solve the limitations of traditional regulatory techniques in dealing with the particular issues provided by dynamic and decentralized digital environments and social media's unique affordances and dynamics in order to develop successful regulation solutions.
6. Ethical Considerations and Platform Responsibility
Ethical issues and platform accountability are critical in the world of social media, as digital platforms have enormous impact over user interactions and information transmission. Platforms have a moral commitment to follow ethical standards and protect the well-being of its users, which includes values like openness, accountability, and respect for user rights. This encompasses data privacy concerns, content moderation techniques, and the prevention of negative behaviours like harassment and disinformation. Platforms must also address the ethical implications of algorithmic decision-making, including ensuring justice and equity in content distribution and voice amplification. As crucial arbiters of online discourse, platforms are responsible for creating inclusive and respectful online environments, encouraging civil conversation, and opposing prejudice and hate speech. Last but not least, ethical issues and platform responsibility have a significant impact on the digital environment, impacting users' trust and confidence in social media platforms and their potential to constructively contribute to societal discourse and well-being.
Gillespie, T. 2018, 'Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, Content Moderation, and the Hidden Decisions That Shape Social Media', Yale University Press.
Haslop, C., O’Rourke, F., & Southern, R. 2021, '#NoSnowflakes: The toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture', Convergence, 27(5), 1418–1438.
Markham, A., & Buchanan, E. 2012, 'Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research: Recommendations from the AoIR Ethics Working Committee (Version 2.0)', Association of Internet Researchers.
Sundén, J., & Paasonen, S. 2019, 'Inappropriate Laughter: Affective Homophily and the Unlikely Comedy of #MeToo', Social Media + Society, 5(4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119883425
Trottier, D. 2017, Social Media as Surveillance, Routledge.
Van Dijck, J., & Poell, T. 2013, 'Understanding Social Media Logic', Media and Communication, 1(1), 2–14.
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nqvbleble · 6 months
The rise of Vietnam's gaming community: Esports, Streaming, and Influencers
The Vietnamese gaming community has grown dramatically in recent years, altering the country's recreation scene. This transition is being driven by a variety of causes, including the growing popularity of esports, the proliferation of streaming platforms, and the rise of influential streamers. Esports, or competitive video gaming, has grown in acceptance in Vietnam, with players earning national and international recognition (VietNamNews, 2022). Titles like League of Legends, Free Fire, and PUBG Mobile have become household names, attracting a diverse audience of gamers across different platforms (Streams Charts, 2024). This spike in popularity has been spurred by the accessibility of gaming, made possible by the commonplace availability of smartphones and the affordability of PC cafés.
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Streaming platforms have played a significant role in the development of the Vietnamese gaming community. Platforms like Facebook Gaming, Nimo TV, and Twitch allow gamers to interact, share their experiences, and watch live broadcasts of their favourite games (VnExpress, 2020). These platforms have democratized gaming by allowing anybody with an internet connection to join the community. Furthermore, streaming platforms also have facilitated the growth of influencial streamers who are currently playing significant positions in the gaming industry (J. Clement, 2024). Streamers such as Do Mixi, Refund Gaming, and Misthy have massive followings and have a major impact on their viewers. Their colourful personality and gaming abilities entice viewers, increasing engagement and establishing a sense of unity among gamers.
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Streaming platforms and renowned streamers have a far-reaching impact on consumer behaviour and game industry trends. As influencers, streamers frequently work with game developers and marketers to promote new releases and items to their following (Dursun Z., 2023). This mutually beneficial interaction between streamers and gaming industry stakeholders has driven the community's growth and helped to commercialize gaming culture. However, it calls into question the impact of economic interests on game content and customer preferences (Viktor, 2024).
The emergence of the Vietnamese gaming community is a multidimensional phenomena fueled by the confluence of esports, streaming platforms, and important figures. As the community evolves, stakeholders in the sector face both possibilities and problems. Understanding the intricacies of this ecosystem, as well as exploiting the power of esports and streaming platforms, allows stakeholders to capitalize on the Vietnamese gaming market's enormous potential and contribute to its long-term growth and development.
Dursun, Z 2023, ‘How Influencers and Streamers Affect Game Popularity - Ratic’, Ratic, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://ratic.io/how-influencers-streamers-affect-game-popularity/>.
J. Clement 2024, ‘Gaming video content worldwide - Statistics & Facts’, Statista, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://www.statista.com/topics/3147/gaming-video-content-market/#dossier-chapter1>.
VietNamNews 2022, ‘Báo VietnamNet’, VietNamNet News, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://vietnamnet.vn/en/livestream-game-platforms-in-fierce-competition-827819.html>.
Viktor 2024, ‘The Global Impact of Gaming Influencer Marketing’, Influencer Marketing Factory, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://theinfluencermarketingfactory.com/gaming-influencer-marketing/>.
VnExpress 2020, ‘Vietnamese gamer tops international streamer ranking - VnExpress International’, VnExpress International – Latest news, business, travel and analysis from Vietnam, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://e.vnexpress.net/news/life/trend/vietnamese-gamer-tops-international-streamer-ranking-4197460.html>.
Streams Chart 2024, ‘Most Watched Vietnamese Streamers, last 7 days’, Streams Charts, viewed 20 March 2024, <https://streamscharts.com/channels?lang=vi>.
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nqvbleble · 6 months
Digital Facets: The impact of Snapchat filters onto the world of beauty filters on Instagram and Tiktok
The introduction of Snapchat filters was the turning point in the history of digital self-expression. Introduced in 2011, these filters first provided users with entertaining overlays and effects to improve their images and videos shared within the app (Statista, 2022). However, it was the introduction of face recognition technology in 2015 that truly transformed the landscape of Snapchat filters (Lee & Sung, 2016). This technology allows users to apply filters that dynamically change their face characteristics in real time, such as adding animal ears and noses or smoothing skin. Snapchat filters immediately became a cultural phenomenon, with millions of users worldwide seeing them as a creative and enjoyable method to enhance their look in images and videos.
Snapchat filters had an extensive impact in the world of beauty filters, shaping beauty standards and trends on other social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. As Snapchat users became accustomed to seeing themselves with digitally enhanced features, they developed a yearning to emulate these changed looks. As a result, Instagram and TikTok added their own versions of beauty filters to their platforms, allowing users to improve their look right within the applications (Statista, 2022). These beauty filters provided a variety of effects, mostly focus on smoothing skin and erasing facial imperfections, as well as applying cosmetics and adjusting face proportions, similar to the features popularized by Snapchat filters. The incorporation of beauty filters into Instagram and TikTok helped to normalize digitally changed looks, establishing modern beauty standards and influencing how users present themselves online.
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Research has shown that beauty filters have an adverse effect on users' self-image and physical satisfaction, particularly among young women (Tiggemann & Slater, 2014; Perloff, 2014). Exposure to idealized pictures on social media has been linked to increased body dissatisfaction and low confidence. The availability of extensively filtered photographs may contribute to excessive beauty standards, forcing users to set themselves up to impossible aspirations and be dissatisfied with their natural appearance. Furthermore, the normalization of digitally changed appearances on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok may contribute to a society in which authenticity is overwhelmed by digitally modified images. As a result, though beauty filters empower users with a method of creative expression and self-improvement online, they raise crucial considerations regarding the impact of digital technology on body image and self-esteem in today's digital age.
Lee, J., & Sung, Y. 2016, 'Exploring the Impact of Snapchat on Self-Presentation and Social Interaction', Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(6), 336-340.
Tiggemann, M., & Slater, A. 2014, 'NetGirls: The Internet, Facebook, and body image concern in adolescent girls', International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(6), 630-643.
Perloff, R. M. 2014, 'Social media effects on young women’s body image concerns: Theoretical perspectives and an agenda for research', Sex Roles, 71(11-12), 363-377.
Statista 2022, 'Number of daily active Snapchat users worldwide from 2014 to 2022', https://www.statista.com/statistics/545967/snapchat-app-dau/.
Statista 2022, 'Number of monthly active Instagram users worldwide from January 2013 to September 2021', https://www.statista.com/statistics/253577/number-of-monthly-active-instagram-users/.
Statista 2022, 'Number of daily active TikTok users in the United States from January 2021 to March 2022', https://www.statista.com/statistics/1095186/tiktok-us-dau/.
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nqvbleble · 7 months
Exploring Body Modification in the Digital Age
Body modification is a long-standing practice that involves purposeful changes to one's structure or appearance for a variety of purposes. People modificate their bodies in a variety of ways, from permanent operations like scarification and plastic surgery to more temporary ones like tattoos and piercings, to express their own selves, conform to societal standards, or reflect personal beliefs.
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In the history, physical modification has been common in many cultures as a way to define one's identity, affinities, and perceives in a particular setting (Lane, 2020). However, in the modern era, this has evolved to reflect the shifting dynamics of society and the process of developing identity. With an effort to match their outward look with their inner sense of self, people modify their bodies as a means of self-expression (Atkinson, 2003b). People alter their bodies to express their individual ideas, values, and aesthetic preferences, whether through beauty procedures, tattoos, or piercings.
The conversation around modifying one's body is significantly shaped by online platforms. They operate as forums for enthusiasts to interact, exchange experiences, and discuss techniques. In addition to platform governance, which guarantees adherence to community guidelines and regulations addressing body alteration material, these communities frequently self-regulate by creating norms and standards.
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Social media platforms enable users to display their physically changes and interact with communities with equivalent intellects, increasing the exposure of these changes. Social media sites like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube function as online galleries where people show off their piercings, tattoos, and other body modifications while sharing their life stories worldwidely (Wohlrab et al., 2009). But platform governance uses community standards, moderation guidelines, and algorithms to control how such information is presented and made it visible. The kinds of body modification content that are allowed on certain platforms can be influenced by the community standards and content moderation rules that these platforms implement. For example, some platforms have limitations on content that includes violence, nudity, or violent images (Ellis, 2015).
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1.Atkinson, M. 2003b, 'Tattooed: The sociogenesis of a body art', Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2. Ellis, J. B. 2015, 'Platform principles: A community-centric approach to governing online social platforms', Social Media + Society, 1(2), 2056305115610862. 3. Featherstone, M. 2010, Body modification: A cultural analysis of body piercing', Body & Society, 16(2), 47-72. 4. Lane, David C 2020, 'Understand body modification: A process-based framework', International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23.2, 171-186. 5. Wohlrab, S., et al. 2009, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most tattooed of them all? Personality and Individual Differences', 46(5-6), 627-631.
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nqvbleble · 7 months
Why SLOW FASHION (in terms of consumer behaviour)?
Understanding consumer behaviour is crucial in the global slow fashion movement. The five principles listed below serve as the core of this movement, assisting clients on their ethical clothing engagement journey and advocating a holistic approach that extends beyond simple purchases.
1. Ethical values:  A critical influence in determining customers' purchase decisions in the slow fashion sector as a whole, influencing their preference for socially responsible and sustainable solutions. Consumers that emphasize ethical values have a strong dedication to ideals such as social justice, fair labour standards, and animal welfare. They seek apparel goods that reflect mentioned values, highlighting the need for humane working conditions, fair compensation for garment workers, and animal rights protection throughout the manufacturing process (Lu, H., & Vrontis, D. 2021). Customers in this industry prioritize the growing importance of ethical considerations in shaping behavior, emphasizing the need for brands to prioritize ethical values in their production processes to meet the demand.
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2. Sustainable consumption: The fashion industry is a manifestation of customers' deliberate attempts to lessen their environmental effect by making conscious purchases. Customers who set a high value on sustainable consumption look for apparel made of sustainable materials like recycled fibres, hemp, bamboo, or organic cotton. Because they use less water, chemicals, and pesticides during manufacture and frequently have lower carbon emissions, these materials are chosen over conventional textiles due to their less environmental impact (Niinimäki, K. 2010). Additionally, environmentally conscious customers show reservations for items with an excessive amount of packaging; instead, they choose recyclable or minimum packaging solutions to cut down on waste. 
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3. Consumer motivations: The primary motivating factor is a concern about how fast fashion is affecting the environment, particularly with regard to issues like pollution, waste production, and resource depletion. Shoppers choose slow fashion aim to reduce their environmental impact and encourage more sustainable methods of manufacturing and consumption. (K. Fletcher 2012). Besides, the reasons for consumers' adoption of slow fashion frequently come from a profound resonance with their values, including social responsibility, fairness, and ecological preservation. It shows their dedication to moral values and support constructive social change in the fashion industry. In addition, a lot of customers are influenced by a desire to break off from the excessive and mass-consumption culture and a rejection of fast fashion's character. Slow fashion offers an alternative ethos that prioritizes mindful consumption, individual expression, and respect for the environment and garment workers (Ha-Brookshire, J. 2020). 
4. Consumer attitudes: Ethical responsibilities and a feeling of social duty are frequently the root causes of positive opinions toward slow fashion. According to Joy et al. (2012), individuals find joy in dressing in a way that embodies their personal style and beliefs, all the while reducing their environmental impact. Furthermore, because moral businesses assist customers experience a feeling of community and connection with people who share their beliefs, positive opinions about slow fashion may also be influenced by these connections. On the other hand, negative perceptions about slow fashion might result from doubts about the viability of sustainable methods or from the disadvantages that slow fashion enthusiasts might think about embracing. Some customers might distrust the veracity of businesses' green claims or the possibility of bringing about significant change through individual choices
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5. Sustainability awareness: In recent years, there has been a notable increase in sustainability awareness among consumers, driven by growing concerns about issues such as climate change, environmental degradation, and social justice Customers are becoming more picky about their fashion choices as a result of this increased knowledge, looking for details about companies' supply chains, methods of manufacturing, and certifications attesting to their ethical and environmentally responsible business practices (Chittenden, L., Rettie, R., & Brewer, C. 2012). Slow fashion companies will have a good chance of winning over customers who respect sincerity and responsibility. Consumers that care about sustainability are more likely to trust and stick with firms that are transparent and detailed about their sourcing, production processes, and sustainability commitment.
Chittenden, L., Rettie, R., & Brewer, C. 2012, 'The Role of Narratives in Sustainable Consumption: A Research Agenda', Journal of Business Ethics, 111(4), 377-385.
Fletcher, K. 2012, 'Sustainable Fashion and Textiles: Design Journeys', 2nd edn, Earthscan.
Ha-Brookshire, J. 2020, 'Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management: From Sourcing to Retailing', Springer.
Joy, A., Sherry Jr, J. F., Venkatesh, A., Wang, J., & Chan, R. 2012, 'Fast Fashion, Sustainability, and the Ethical Appeal of Luxury Brands', Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, 16(3), 273-296.
Lu, H., & Vrontis, D. 2021, 'Sustainability and the Environment: Key Factors Driving Ethical Fashion Consumption', In Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., & Tsoukatos, E. (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Managing and Marketing of Ethical and Sustainable Clothing, 1-15
Niinimäki, K 2010, 'Eco-clothing, Consumer Identity and Ideology', Sustainable Consumption: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives in Honour of Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, 141-154.
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nqvbleble · 8 months
Platformization: the platforming of connectivity and diversity
Digital activists face a multitude of obstacles that cut across both technological and sociological domains, greatly affecting their capacity to function efficiently in the digital sphere. Regarding technology, digital activists face content filtering and restriction that limits the information that is essential for advocacy and organization (Barlow, 1996). Cyberattacks and hacking are an ever-present threat that might jeopardize activists' data and communication links, undermining their work (Denning, 2001). Furthermore, activists are intimidated by the threat of increased government monitoring, which encourages self-censorship and has a deterrent effect on online activity.
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Digital activists confront additional problems due to societal issues. Online freedom of expression, assembly, and organization is restricted by legal and regulatory hurdles that take the form of restrictive frameworks (MacKinnon, 2012). The potential risks and implications connected with digital activism are further compounded by the social stigma aimed towards them, especially in authoritarian countries where dissent is severely condemned. Furthermore, a major barrier that disproportionately affects underprivileged populations and prevents them from fully participating in digital activism initiatives is restricted access to resources, such as internet connectivity, devices, and technical abilities (Warschauer, 2004).
The efficacy of digital activism is further undermined by the effects of digital divisions, monitoring, and online censorship. Censorship techniques limit the free flow of ideas, making it more difficult for online activists to voice dissident viewpoints or promote social change (Morozov, 2011). The variety of voices and ideas in digital settings may be compromised by self-censorship brought on by the fear of censorship. The confidentiality of sensitive information is put at risk by the compromised security of activists' communications, directly endangering both their safety and the effectiveness of their activities (Ronson, 2015). Digital gaps are further exacerbated by differences in internet access and technology resources, which prevent some groups from engaging in digital activism and exacerbate social injustices (DiMaggio & Hargittai, 2001).
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1.Barlow, J. P. 1996, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, Electronic Frontier Foundation.
2.Denning, D. E. 2001, 'Reflections on cybersecurity', Computers & Security, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 664-675.
3.DiMaggio, P. & Hargittai, E. 2001, 'From the ‘digital divide’to ‘digital inequality’: Studying Internet use as penetration increases', Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies.
4.MacKinnon, R. 2012, Consent of the networked: The worldwide struggle for Internet freedom, Basic Books.
5.Morozov, E. 2011, The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, PublicAffairs.
6.Ronson, J. 2015, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, Riverhead Books.
7.Warschauer, M. 2004, Technology and social inclusion: Rethinking the digital divide, MIT Press.
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nqvbleble · 8 months
Digital Community and Fandom: Reality TV Case Study
Behind The Screens Of Reality TV
While the label "reality TV" conjures images of unscripted, non-fictional glimpses into "real life," a closer look reveals a genre woven with intricate threads that extend far beyond the superficial. The fact is real people navigate seemingly real situations, but the tapestry is far richer and more complex.
The term "unscripted" demands closer scrutiny. While improvisation is present, varied degrees of scripting, coaching, and deliberately created circumstances exist. Shows like "The Face" and "Amazing Race" may record real events, yet others, such as "Two Days One Night," methodically orchestrate conversations and alter circumstances for entertainment purposes. Andrejevic (2004) contends that reality TV subjects individuals to continual scrutiny, and he investigates how this surveillance affects both participants and spectators, researching how reality TV commodifies human lives, turning them into marketable items for a large audience. It may be complicated to distinguish between genuine moments and staged scenes, which begs the issue of how much "realness" we are taking in. However, the emphasis has the potential to sensationalize and misrepresent reality, raising questions about how the genre represents interpersonal relationships and social interactions.
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Furthermore, even though untrained players are usually a defining feature of reality TV, their representation introduces another level of nuance. Their "realness" becomes subjective when they are forced into strange settings, trained on behaviour, and altered to match particular storylines. A compelling illustration of the complex dynamics of participant representation in the setting of reality TV may be seen in programs like "MasterChef." The show's participants undergo intense culinary challenges in strange settings, receive behavioural coaching from mentors and judges, and have their on-screen personas carefully crafted. Because of this complex process, it becomes difficult to distinguish between planned entertainment and reality, rendering "realness" a subjective concept.  This calls into doubt the legitimacy of oppression. Do they really embody who they are, or are they well crafted personas fulfilling a preset role? This ambiguity encourages further in-depth contemplation on the ways in which reality TV presents people and the possible effects on their lives.
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Reality TV Narratives: Shaping Public Opinion and Information Dynamics in the Public Sphere
The storytelling techniques used in reality TV have a significant impact on how the audience is informed and how opinions are formed. This effect is complex, affecting many facets of public debate and society beliefs. Reality TV stories have a substantial impact on the normalization or stigmatization of particular behaviours, lifestyles, and beliefs. As a result, they mould the opinions of viewers and have an impact on larger social and cultural standards (Andrejevic, 2004). Furthermore, it is clear that reality TV has an impact on public discourse since it popularizes and presents particular subjects or points of view, sparking debates that then spread to larger social circles (Murray, 2004). These stories' hazy boundaries between fact and fiction have the ability to diverge perceptions of reality from actual reality, influencing public opinion and possibly leading to false information or erroneous interpretations of historical events (Hill, 2005). Reality TV stars' rise to prominence as public personalities has a distinctive impact on cultural perceptions, fashions, and even political discourse (Turner, 2014). Lastly, while reality TV serves as a form of entertainment, the information it conveys holds significant weight in shaping how individuals perceive the world. Striking a balance between entertainment value and the potential consequences of the information presented becomes a critical factor in shaping public opinion (Holmes & Jermyn, 2004). The intricate narratives woven within reality TV have far-reaching implications, contributing to the dynamics of public opinion and information dissemination in the public sphere.
1.Andrejevic, M 2004, Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched, Rowman & Littlefield.
2.Hill, A 2005, Reality TV: Audiences and Popular Factual Television, Routledge.
3.Holmes, S & Jermyn, D 2004, Understanding Reality Television, Routledge.
4.Murray, S 2004, 'New directions in research on television and reality', The Communication Review, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 239-250.
5.Turner, G 2014, Understanding Celebrity, Sage Publications.
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nqvbleble · 8 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr is a vibrant online community that offers users an adaptable microblogging platform for content production and engagement. By combining a variety of material forms, including text, photos, videos, and links, users may create blogs that are customized to their interests. Tumblr is unique because of its reblogging function, which promotes community engagement and cooperation by allowing content to spread throughout the site. Communities centred on certain themes may be formed more easily thanks to the tagging system, and the platform's strong feeling of community is further reinforced by its prominent role in fandoms and subcultures. Users engage through direct messaging, replies, and the mobile app, enhancing accessibility and facilitating real-time interactions. Upholding community guidelines, Tumblr ensures a safe and inclusive environment for users to connect and share. This description is informed by various studies on digital communities, including research on Tumblr's role in subcultures (Brown et al., 2016; Miller & White, 2018) and social interaction on online platforms (Chen et al., 2018; Tufekci, 2017).
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Comparative Analysis of the #bodypositive Movement Across Social Media Platforms: Insights into Content, Engagement, and Community Dynamics
Comparative study of the #bodypositive hashtag's usage on Tumblr and other social media sites offers a comprehensive look at community dynamics, participation, and content in the context of body positivity. The significance of visual components on Tumblr has been highlighted in earlier research, which raises the possibility that the #bodypositive movement on this platform places a premium on pictures and gifs. On the other hand, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter may favour textual representations of body positivity (Schrock et al., 2017; Smith & Jones, 2019).
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Studies that have looked at connection trends have revealed differences in the dynamics of interactions between platforms (Chen et al., 2018; Garcia & Smith, 2020). As an example, Tumblr's reblogging function may encourage community development and collaborative content production, but Instagram and other platforms might rely more on immediate sharing and comments. Determining how consumers engage with the #bodypositive movement across various platforms requires an understanding of these tendencies.
Within the #bodypositive movement, the distinctive characteristics of each platform impact how communities function. Studies have shown that Tumblr frequently provides birth to a variety of body-positive sub-movements or sub-communities, each with its own intricate syntax (Brown et al., 2016; Miller & White, 2018). As algorithms on sites like Instagram or TikTok may differ greatly from Tumblr's model, the influence of platform algorithms in determining the appearance of #bodypositive material should not be disregarded (Duffy et al., 2019; Sen et al., 2021).
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Analyzing the offline effects of the #bodypositive movement across various platforms requires a thorough examination. Although research has shown that online communities have varied degrees of effect on offline behaviours and attitudes (Lee & Kim, 2017; Yang & Wang, 2020), a thorough analysis is necessary to comprehend how the power of online communities translates into advocacy or real-world activities.
1.Brown, J., et al. 2016, 'Exploring Subcultures on Tumblr: A Case Study of Rich Sticky Notes', In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
2.Chen, L., et al. 2018, 'Understanding User Engagement in Social Commerce: A Social Learning Perspective', Information & Management, 55(4), 450-464.
3.Duffy, B. E., et al. 2019, '(Mis)Informed: Examining Fake News in the 2016 Election', Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
4.Garcia, D., & Smith, A. N. 2020, 'From Incel to Extremist: Investigating the Role of Anonymous Social Networks in the Evolution of Online Extremism', Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-22.
5.Lee, J., & Kim, H. N. 2017, 'Predictors of the Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Apps: A Trust Transfer Perspective', Information & Management, 54(5), 648-661.
6.Miller, C., & White, B. 2018, 'Diverse Subcultures in Social Networks', In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
7.Schrock, A., et al. 2017, '#Activism: A Quantitative Analysis of #Cyberactivism', Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
8.Sen, A., et al. 2021, 'Algorithmic Accountability: A Primer', In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
9.Smith, J., & Jones, M. 2019, 'Linguistic Reflections of Online Extremism: A Case Study of Gab.AI', In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
10.Yang, J., & Wang, Z. 2020, 'Examining the Effects of Online Reviews on Consumers’ Decision-Making: A Heuristic-Systematic Model Approach', Journal of Business Research, 113, 57-68.
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