Causes and treatments of male pattern baldness
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Male pattern baldness is a troublesome scalp issue. This genetic problem is responsible for making your scalp entirely bald. Therefore, if you experience symptoms like hair thinning, receding hairline, and balding temporal along with crown region, visit a clinic to be sure about the occurrence of male pattern baldness. For the appropriate treatment of baldness, you need a surgical procedure called a hair transplant in Mumbai.
Causes of baldness
A hair loss patient needs the guidance of a well-qualified hair loss surgeon because of the cause of male pattern in genetic. 
The symptoms of genetic baldness are hard to control when in the case of genetic baldness because of disturbed hormonal levels. According to hair loss experts, the male pattern baldness takes place due to the production of androgen hormones like dihydrotestosterone. 
If a person is more sensitive to androgen hormones, he is more like to be a victim of genetic baldness. 
Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is responsible to kill your hair follicles that never grow hair again due to genetic and hormonal effects of baldness. 
if you are facing serious signs of male pattern baldness, you need not worry since there are a number of treatments that are available for hair loss patients. 
To get proper hair loss treatment, you need to meet with qualified hair restoration experts. He will suggest a proper treatment after checking your bald scalp thoroughly. 
Possibly they will decide to treat your scalp with the following treatments. 
If the hair loss is in its primary stage, the surgeon may use medications to reduce the effects of baldness. Sometimes the surgeon does not advise the patients to get surgical treatment due to the unstable nature of genetic baldness. In this case, also, he may suggest medications like finasteride or minoxidil. 
Finasteride prohibits the process of hair loss whereas minoxidil stimulates hair growth. 
You have to note that to get proper results, regular use of these medicines is necessary. 
If you stop to take these FDA approved drugs, it is possible that the previous condition of the scalp comes back. 
PRP hair loss treatment:
There are some non-surgical approaches that are used by the hair loss experts. PRP is one of them and it is widely popular due to its amazing advantages. 
In this procedure, the experts take some drops of blood from the body of the patient and spin it into a centrifuge quickly. 
The rapid round movement of the machine separates the components of the blood. 
The expert is interested in one component of blood called platelet-rich plasma. In short, we called PRP and it is extremely efficient for promoting hair growth. 
PRP is often injected into the scalp to get the desired results. 
Hair transplant in Navi Mumbai
Hair transplant is a surgical treatment that is performed by removing the hairs from the back of the scalp due to the genetically stable nature of these hairs. 
Borrowed hairs are then transplanted to the recipient area and never fall due to their resistance to baldness.  According to hair loss experts, hair transplant in Andheri is the best approach used by well-qualified and trained experts.
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Are Hair Transplant Scars Permanent or Can They Be Removed?
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Plenty of hair loss patients are concerned about scarring that may occur after the surgery. Well, the desire to get perfect results after a hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is totally natural but according to the hair loss experts, patients should not be worried about the results. With an authentic expert, they are going to obtain natural results without any doubt. 
The prime concern for most male pattern baldness patients is scarring. 
During the procedure, the surgeon has to extract the hairs from the donor site and this step causes tiny wounds. After the donor site is entirely healed, the patients are supposed to observe scar marks on the treated area. 
Hair loss patients often wish to have a treatment that causes fewer scar marks. 
Or, they look for a procedure that may remove scar marks. 
First of all, look at the two hair transplant called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 
Follicular unit transplant or FUT:
The surgeons carry out the hair transplant in Mumbai with the use of FUT or strip surgery by removing a strip of tissue from the donor site. As the next step, he borrows single hair follicles from the strip and implant these separate hair grafts onto the bald region. 
Obviously, this technique is going to cause linear scarring in the donor area. Due to different factors, scars may widen to irritate the patients. 
Follicular unit extraction FUE:
In this technique, there is no role of the strip since the surgeon is expected to extract the hair follicular units directly from the scalp. A follicular unit may have 1 to 4 hairs. The surgeon uses these follicular units wisely to restore the bald area. 
A tiny instrument is used to remove the hair follicles from the donor site in a random manner. It clearly means the scarring will not be linear and the patients would experience tiny scars in the donor area without a clear pattern. 
As you observe, scarring is possible in both cases but later techniques cause tiny wounds that heal faster. Therefore, this technique is more popular than strip surgery. 
Now, let us have look at the main procedure to remove scars. 
Scalp micropigmentation or SMP:
This procedure is quite advanced and used by a lot of hair loss patients. In this procedure, a qualified expert will inject colored ink into the bald skin to create the illusion of dense hairs. 
The patients need not worry about the hair color because the surgeon will consider the color of your hair before initiating the treatment. 
Tricopigmentation or TMP:
This procedure is widely known as another form of SMP. During this procedure, the expert injects the colored ink into the outermost layer of the skin. 
The results of this technique are not forever but you can enjoy the optimum appearance of your scalp for nearly 6 months to 3 years. 
Laser treatment:
Laser treatment is utilized to target the scarred area to reduce the appearance of scar marks. Trained experts perform this treatment with a laser device. 
Final words:
Scarring is normal after a hair transplant in Andheri but reliable hair loss experts are efficiently capable of reducing the impacts of scar marks. 
So, you can hope to have natural results after the treatment.
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Factors affecting the cost of hair transplant
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Hair loss is a serious problem but fortunately, a Hair transplant in Mumbai is a permanent solution for hair loss or male pattern baldness is available to help the patients. If you are experiencing constant hair loss with severe hair thinning and your hairline is receding steadily with these symptoms, it is quite possible you have become a patient of male pattern baldness. 
We have made this blog to describe the hair transplant cost mainly but before we start, you have to be familiar with the disease and its possible treatment. 
What is male pattern baldness?
There are multiple variations of hair loss and male pattern baldness is one of them. In fact, this is the most common type because a large number of patients suffer from this scalp issue. 
Experts relate this issue with genetic and hormonal reasons. If male pattern baldness is coded in your genes, your hormonal system will be disturbed and you will face male pattern baldness sooner or later. 
Several factors trigger the issue as well, such as improper diet, season effects, prolonged illness, anemia, hairstyles, and products, etc. 
Male pattern gradually removes hairs from the hairline, temple area, and crown area. 
What is Hair Transplant in Navi Mumbai?
A hair transplant is a great procedure to restore the look of the patient. In this procedure, the surgeon uses the back and sides of the scalp as the donor area and remove baldness resistant hairs from these areas. 
The surgeon implants these borrowed hairs to the bald regions of the scalp. 
Therefore, the patient gets his natural look back with their own hair. 
Now you are ready to have a discussion about the cost factors that often decide the final cost of a hair transplant. 
Carry on exploring! 
The phase of hair loss:
The Norwood scale explains seven phases that show the development of pattern hair loss. 
While you fix the first meeting with your surgeon, he will examine your scalp to determine the phase of baldness. Actually, the stage of baldness is the most important factor for a surgeon because he has to decide the number of hairs that he requires to restore the bald area. 
When the clinic will tell you about the final cost of Hair Transplant in Andheri, he will certainly consider the number of required grafts and the number of grafts depends on the baldness grade. 
The technique of hair transplant surgery:
Generally, two main techniques called follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant are used to perform hair transplant surgery. Both techniques have some pros and cons and only the surgeon will decide whether you are a suitable candidate for either of the surgery or not. 
You should note that FUE is a costlier procedure and you have to pay more if your surgeon decides to perform the surgery with this technique. 
Experience and expertise of the surgeon:
it is sure you would like to get the hair loss treatment under the supervision of a capable surgeon. Thus, experience, qualification, and skills also play a major role in increasing the final cost. 
The place of the clinic:
The situation of the clinic is also important. Undoubtedly, a metropolitan clinic will be costlier than the clinic situated in a small town. 
Finally, whenever you finally decide to undergo hair loss treatment, do not forget to consider these factors. We are sure you will be a satisfied patient after the treatment.
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Hair Transplant in Mumbai | Solution of Female Pattern Baldness
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Generally, male pattern baldness specialists prescribe a hair transplant in Mumbai for hereditary male pattern baldness. Right now, safe hairs are acquired from the back and sides of the head and transplanted to the uncovered zone. Specialists consider this treatment as a perpetual solution for male example sparseness since the hairs are impervious to hereditary balding and will develop in the new territory for eternity.
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Why I can’t get a Hair Transplant?
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If you are facing severe hair loss then find out what are the factors causing this. Some types of hair loss problems may be caused by various factors like stress, chronic illness, imbalanced diet, hormonal problems etcetera. Hair loss can be treated by medicines in this case. But when hair loss occurs due to inheritance-based genes or pulling of hairs for a long duration, the problem becomes irreversible. Hair transplant is the only option to overcome permanent hair loss and start hair growth that stays forever. Hair transplant in Mumbai provides astonishing services to the persons who want hair loss treatment by giving perfect transformation. They offer consultation to the people to check whether they can go for a hair transplant for hair restoration. 
The procedure of Hair Transplant
The hair transplant is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure done by authorized cosmetic surgery specialists. Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction are the two methods followed to operate on the scalp and perform hair follicle transplantation. DHT resistant healthy hair follicles are selected in the donor area of the patient and implanted on the bald region using the latest technology tools and equipment. A patient requires several diagnostic tests before the hair transplant surgery. These are helpful to determine whether the patient is eligible for the surgery or not.  The following are the factors to decide the suitability of the treatment. If the doctors find any risk factors in you, then you cannot get a hair transplant. 
The doctor checks for the type of hair loss you are facing, and the reasons for it. In case of irreversible hair loss creating pattern baldness, receding hairlines, hair thinning, patches or scars; you can choose hair transplantation to grow hairs on your scalp. The doctors who provide hair transplant in Navi Mumbai investigate a patient's profile thoroughly.
Your age is also taken into account to fix the treatment for you. If you are older than 45to 50 years or too young, hair transplant is not suggestible because there can be chances of failures in the form of future hair loss that occurs after a long time of the surgery. 
Your health profile is most important to check for readiness because you should have good immunity without any chronicle illness. You must be able to cope up with the surgery by sufficient healing power and grow hairs without fail due to any problem. 
The important and major aspect checked before the hair transplantation is the availability of donor hairs. A person must have healthy hair follicles on the scalp that are unaffected by hair loss factors and able to grow hairs. Scalp test is done to check the area of transplantation and the location of the donor’s hair. If the donor area is not available on the scalp, then it can be selected from any other area like beard, mustache, underarms, chest, or eyebrows. If no donor hair follicles are existing on your body you are completely ineligible for the treatment. You should have an adequate number of hair grafts to cover the bald area in the required density. 
Select an experienced doctor
Choose a perfect clinic and doctor who can explain to you everything before the surgery and let you prepare. Hair transplant in Andheri is suitable for consulting expert doctors and getting a perfect treatment. Transform yourself with proper treatment and permanent results.
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Cost Of Hair Transplant - Fixed Or Not?
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A hair transplant is a suitable option for people who have severe hair loss and received pattern baldness. So many people are suffering from hair loss at a very young age due to so many factors. It can be overcome with treatment if it is reversible with medicines or changing the lifestyle. But in the case of baldness due to hormonal factors, burns, or inheritance, the hair growth is completely stopped and no more expected with normal treatment. Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia, Traction Alopecia are some of the types where hair transplant is the only option to restart hair growth. The Hair transplant in Mumbai is popular for delivering reliable treatment and offering permanent hair.
Hair transplant surgery
The hair transplant is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure done to retrieve hair growth on the scalp in men or women. It is done by transferring donor hair grafts from the donor area on the scalp to the bald area where hair restoration is essential. The expert cosmetic surgeons who have special certification and license from the board to conduct the treatment. Every person is not eligible for the surgery and needs to have thorough diagnostic tests to check whether the patient meets the factors or not. It is suggested to consult an experienced professional who offers hair transplant in Navi Mumbai to know all the details of it.
Hair transplant cost
As hair transplant treatment is innovated by advanced technology procedures, it needs to use the latest tools and equipment to perform so. The clinics must offer an environment in which a person can successfully undergo the treatment and get a positive output. The clinic should maintain trained experienced professionals who can serve the patients in an amicable and expert way.  In India, there are popular clinics that are providing reliable services adapted by expert surgeons. Hair transplant cost depends on various factors such as the popularity of the clinic, expertise of doctors, costs of hair transplantation, pre and post-surgery treatments. The charges of every clinic's expenses and the surgeon fees are fixed for hair transplantation as it depends on the popularity of them. It may vary from place to place, but it is better to go for reliable treatment, not a cheaper treatment that may not be dependable for a successful result.
The variation of hair transplant charges
A person needs donor hair grafts to implant at the location where hair growth is required. The number of hair grafts that have to be transferred is counted to determine the hair transplant surgery charges. If the thick density of hair follicles transfer is needed, then two or more surgery sessions may also be required which costs are planned accordingly. The travel expenses may also be faced according to the location of the clinic. It is essential to acquire post-surgery treatment to not get any infections on the scalp and also get abundant hair growth. 
Choose a reliable treatment
Select an expert doctor and clinic with good reviews to receive a reliable treatment and get a perfect transformation. The Hair transplant in Andheri is providing prominent treatment where every patient is treated with special interest and offers a good quality result.
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What Is Your Checklist Before Choosing Hair Transplant Surgeon?
The hair transplant is the best option to restore hair growth in adults if they are suitable to undergo any type of latest method.  Expert hair transplant surgeons are available in India who reliably tackle the patients and transform their lives. Hair transplant in Mumbai is very famous for delivering extensive skills towards the treatment with good reviews. 
The checklist to obtain a perfect hair transplant
If you follow a perfect procedure to select a clinic and doctor, then you will get a positive result from a hair transplant treatment. Consult doctors in a reliable clinic of hair transplant in Navi Mumbai and check out the following queries. 
What type of hair loss are you having?
Men or women face hair loss in different ways according to personal tendency. Pattern baldness, receding hairlines, hair thinning, and scars are the types of hair loss that are irreversible with any type of non-surgical treatment. In these cases, the hair follicles on the scalp shed the hair strands and cannot grow anymore. A hair transplant is a suitable option for growing hairs in the persons who have Androgenetic Alopecia, Traction Alopecia, or Alopecia Areata.
Are you eligible for a hair transplant surgery?
Persons who want to undergo a hair transplant treatment must get a thorough checkup to determine whether they are eligible for it or not. Several medical diagnostic tests like a blood test and a scalp test to check the condition of the patient. In the hair transplant, donor hair follicles will be transferred into the bald area using surgery methods. The person should have DHT resistant hair follicles on the scalp which are not affected by hair fall factors and hormones. If these are not available on the scalp, they can be selected from anywhere on the body. 
What is the best and famous clinic near you and who is the surgeon?
Choose the best clinic which is popular and has good reviews. The clinic should maintain trained staff members and expert doctors who can offer their reliable services. The hair transplant is done by advanced technology tools and equipment to obtain a minimally invasive procedure. So, the clinic must offer the latest treatment which gives a better output. 
Does the surgeon have a good experience?
The hair transplant surgeon should be a certified board member of hair transplantation and licensed to conduct the treatment. Enquire for the reviews on the surgeon and determine his excellence in providing the treatment towards his patients. It is better if the doctor has abundant experience in conducting completely successful surgeries. 
Does he employ aesthetic skills in his treatment?
The hair transplant must be done very carefully because the result depends on the process being done according to the prerequisite design by the patient. The surgeon must employ aesthetic skills to offer a good design of new hair grafts implementation to offer a good density of hair growth. The result also depends on how post-surgery treatment is obtained by the patient. 
All the queries help to find a suitable location to receive proper treatment. The Hair transplant in Andheri is suitable for you where you will get skillful surgeons with abundant experience. Obtain a perfect transformation by following the suggestions by expert doctors.
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How I Got Bald?
Experts say that hair loss is a complex issue affecting the scalp and hair of the patients. If you observe some fallen hairs on your pillow, you need not worry since hair shafts fall as a part of the hair growth cycle. In this cycle, hair follicles grow the hairs again after the hair strand has fallen out. Hair loss or male pattern baldness takes place when this process is disturbed and hair does not grow again due to shrunk and dead hair follicles. According to the experts, hair transplant in Mumbai is the best treatment for hair loss. Hair transplant is a surgical problem carried out by trained hair loss or cosmetic treatment doctors. 
If you think hair loss is only genetic, you are wrong. There are several reasons that may cause hair loss or baldness. However, male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss but ignoring other reasons may increase the chances of severe hair thinning and hair loss. On the other hand, keeping these reasons in the mind will help you cope with hair loss and its adverse effects. 
Apart from genetic baldness, the following reasons may work as triggers for hair loss. 
Unbalanced diet:
if you do not have a nutrient-rich diet, hair loss may take place because in this condition, hair follicles do not get enough nutrients. Hairs are not vital for the body like the brain and heart. It means the body is going to supply the nutrients to vital organs and hairs are ignored. The result is severe hair loss.
Living in stressful conditions for a long period of time may cause severe hair loss. This type of hair loss is eliminated automatically after the person reduces stress with the help of meditations etc. 
Chronic illness:
Chronic disease affects every part of the body including hairs. Thus, if you are sick and having severe hair loss, the reason for hair loss may be the disease you are suffering from. 
Certain medications:
certain medications increase the chances of hair loss. The most common example of these medications is cancer treatment. Medication for cancer generally removes all the hairs from the scalp. 
Seasonal effects:
If you expose your hair to severe weather conditions, your hairs are affected since they cannot cope with extremely hot or cold conditions. 
As you may observe, these causes may lead to hair loss that may be genetic in nature.
In the case of male pattern baldness, hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is the only solution that brings your own real hair back. 
However, for a certain success after the surgery, you need to take assistance from authentic and well-qualified hair transplant surgeons. 
If you are willing to have Hair Transplant in Andheri, you can visit the Nutrite Hair Transplant that is a premier place for proper hair loss treatment. The experts of the clinic will treat you by following a complete pre-defined process including diagnosis and treatment, and aftercare.
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Nutritional Requirement after a Hair transplant
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A hair transplant is indeed a great procedure to cure male pattern baldness. However, hair loss doctors say that this procedure yields good results if the surgery is performed by a well-qualified and experienced surgeon. The other factor to ensure success after hair transplant surgery is the quality of aftercare. If you are going to undergo a hair transplant in Mumbai, you have to be careful about your activities after the hair transplant surgery. In fact, following the instructions provided by the surgeon is mandatory during and after the hair loss treatment. 
The quality of aftercare may include several things but in this blog, we are going to talk about the food you have to take after the treatment. 
The surgeon’s instructions apart, you have to make sure you have a healthy diet because newly transplanted hairs need a consistent supply of nutrients. 
In fact, your diet makes a considerable difference after the surgery. therefore a balanced diet will ensure optimum hair growth along with the proper density of existing as well as transplanted hairs. 
Experts of Nutrite Hair Transplant claim that a poor diet may lead to temporary or even permanent hair shedding. If the diet is not proper, new hair follicles would not be able to grow hairs. 
Before we discuss other essential nutrients, you have to make sure you consume at least 8 glasses of water every day. Optimum consumption of water keeps your body and hair follicles hydrated. 
Apart from water, you need to include the following nutrients in your diet daily. 
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is a known antioxidant that helps in the production of collagen and elastin. It also fights with hair loss and gray hair. Foods that have sufficient Vitamin C are citrus fruits, Kiwi, broccoli, peppers, etc. 
Vitamin E:
It is also a good antioxidant and accelerates the healing of the skin. Also, Vitamin repairs the damaged hair follicles. Good sources of Vitamin E are spinach, avocado, almonds, olive oil, and sunflower seeds. 
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is essential for the growth of all cells in the body. Obviously, the cells of hair follicles also need Vitamin A. This vitamin moisturizes the skin and prevents itching. Sources of Vitamin A carrots, sweet potato, spinach, and kale, etc. 
Iron is an important nutrient for hair texture and responsible for good hair growth. Some foods having Iron are oil-seeds, spinach, leafy vegetables, etc. 
Zinc is also an essential nutrient for hair growth. you may have nuts, eggs, cheese, whole grains and oysters for a good supply of Zinc. 
Finally, if you include these nutrients in your diet after the hair transplant in Andheri, you may hope for good results after the treatment. 
If you need further information regarding hair transplant in Navi Mumbai, you have to visit the Nutrite Hair Transplant. Here, the experts are supposed to provide every detail about the safe end of the surgery.
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You don't get hair loss or baldness from your birth, it can be at any age and increase day by day. There are a lot of treatments available to treat your baldness but few of them work effectively. All of them the hair transplant in Mumbai is the most successful procedure to fix your baldness. With a hair transplant, you can regain your natural and permanent look. You can regain your perfect look if your transplant procedure is performed by experts. If you have more queries about hair transplant, visit us - http://hairtransplantinandheri.com/
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Routine Hair Care And Styling After Hair Transplant Procedure
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A hair transplant surgery transforms one’s life into the better by giving abundant hair growth and natural appearance. When severe hair loss appears due to inheritance, hormonal imbalance, stretching of hairs or burns can be overcome with advanced technology hair transplant procedures. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the methods to pick the donor hair graft and implant them on the recipient bald area. Hair transplant in Mumbai is famous for offering successful hair transplant surgeries and proving it is the best solution for hair loss. 
Special care during a hair transplant treatment
A hair transplant is conducted in one or more sessions depending on the grade of hair loss, type of loss, and the area to be transplanted. After undergoing the surgery, a patient should take care of the scalp and the area of the surgery to get the wounds to heal soon. It takes nearly two to three months for the transplanted hair grafts to start growing new hair strands. The scalp should be treated smoothly to not get any reactions and infections. Post-surgery check-up and treatment must be taken by the doctor to follow instructions for making the surgery successful. After getting the hair growth from the operated area, the responsibility begins to take care of them. Here are some of the routine hair care tips and the ways how to manage them without making any problems. 
It is better to not start any hairstyle methods for a few weeks after the hair growth because the scalp feels tenderness and the location cannot become normal. Waiting for the hair growth until normal levels would give a natural look and easy to handle the locks. 
Hair fall is natural for a few weeks after the surgery from the transplanted grafts during their process of allocation. New hair strands grow from them within a short period and grow nearly one inch every month. Proper instructions are by the doctors if hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is selected for fulfilling the desire of abundant hair growth.
Hard shampoos with strong chemicals cannot be used immediately after surgery until a few months because of the sensitiveness of the transplanted location. Mild shampoos can be used after the doctor suggests, in a smooth manner without rubbing the area by giving much pressure. 
Cosmetics, Hairdryers, straighteners, and any other machines are not applicable for a few months until the hair gets into a normal stage.  It is better to treat the hairs and scalp with low setting heat and mild shampoos after the locks become into the normal condition. 
The usage of hair sprays and gels must be minimized and followed according to the doctor’s instructions. A Haircut is also advised only after a few months of surgery to not get any shock to the newly transplanted hair follicles. 
Select reliable hair transplant treatment
Choose an expert surgeon and a popular clinic to obtain a victorious hair transplant surgery. It is suggested to choose a hair transplant in Andheri where experienced doctors help throughout the treatment and also give proper suggestions to get full of hairs successfully.
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Hair Transplant: A Hope for Those Who Suffer From Baldness
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It is very unfortunate to see a balding scalp for hair loss patients. They have limited options if the nature of hair loss is genetic. Experts call this genetic baldness male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. According to hair restoration doctors, hair transplant in Mumbai is the best solution for male pattern baldness. 
Usually, we all see hairs on our comb due to hair fall that takes place as a natural part of the hair growth cycle. However, excessive hair loss may be the start of androgenic alopecia. 
Apart from the genes and hormones in the body, various reasons may work as triggers for the male pattern baldness. 
These reasons include improper diet, stress, seasonal effects, pollution, hairstyle and hair products, medications and chronic illness. 
Male pattern baldness always follows a pattern while it takes place in the body. Generally, the hairline is receding and temples along with the crown area bald quickly. 
According to experts, male pattern baldness is a serious disease. It removes the hair follicles from the scalp forever. Therefore, hair never comes back after the male pattern baldness takes place. 
Possible treatments for hair loss
Different hair loss experts try to bring the hair follicles back but it is never easy due to the genetic nature of hair loss. 
Home remedies may work when the hair loss is in its initial stage. However, these ideal are incapable of controlling the advanced stages of hair loss. 
Hair restoration experts recommend medicines and other non-surgical treatment if the nature of hair loss is not genetic or hair loss has just started. 
Usually, medicines and non-surgical treatments are not effective in case of a completely bald scalp. 
The treatment of advanced-stage hair loss is only possible with the help of hair transplant surgery. 
Why is hair transplant a useful treatment?
Hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is a surgical treatment in which the surgeon is supposed to borrow the hairs from the back and sides. These hairs are baldness resistant and inserted by the surgeon into the recipient area. 
Because of the stable nature, these hairs are believed to grow in the new area forever. 
Hair transplant surgery is carried out by trained surgeons with full facilities. Therefore, the patients may expect to have successful results after the surgery. 
Unlike temporary treatments like wigs, hair transplant surgery provides real hairs on the bald areas. After the surgery, the patients may wear any hairstyle or haircut according to his desire. 
If you are interested in the hair transplant in Andheri, we invite you to visit the Nutrite Hair Transplant that is a reliable center for hair transplant surgery in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness. 
The experts in the clinic are expected to diagnose your problem deeply. After they have found out the reason for hair loss, the treatment will be started immediately.
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Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplant
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Hair loss is a very common problem in men, women, and children that changes the person’s appearance too.  Shredding of hairs causes hair thinning, receding hairlines, scars, and bald patches making so much difference in the natural look. The reasons for hair loss can be imbalanced diet, inheritance, chronic illness, accidents, or depression. Among all of these, hereditary factors and stretching of hairs occur with irreversible hair loss where hair loss is permanent. Hair transplant is the only best option for overcoming baldness and growing hairs in a natural way. Hair transplant in Mumbai offers the latest technology treatment conducted by expert and experienced doctors. 
Hair transplant clinics and doctors
The hair transplant is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery procedure to restore hair follicles and start hair growth. The surgery is performed by the doctors who have studied the specialized course and qualified by the board to conduct the treatment.  In India, expert professionals exist who have good reviews and show a perfect transformation to the hair loss patients. Hair transplant clinics are available with advanced technology tools in their operation theatres and amicable experienced staff who can manage the process in a supportive way. The hair transplant expenditure includes the conveyance to the location of the clinic, doctor’s expertise, type of surgery, count of hair grafts to transfer, pre and post-surgery treatments. Reasonable and affordable treatment is available by the hair transplant in Navi Mumbai with all the facilities required for obtaining proper treatment. 
Hair transplant procedure and methods
The Hair transplant is done in different methods such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). A person who wants to undergo the treatment needs to be checked with some diagnostic tests to know the personal health profile and the grade of hair loss. A middle-aged person without health problems and having the donor’s hairs is appropriate to get the surgery. Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia, Traction Alopecia are the major problems that are directed to hair transplantation. The patient should have DHT resistant hair follicles on the scalp which can be treated as the donor hair grafts in the transplant. These are picked and transplanted at the recipient bald area in the surgery. If the donor’s hair is not available on the scalp it can be selected from any other part of the body. If the area of baldness is too large or the count of hair grafts are needed in large number, hair transplant is done in more than one session. After the transplant, it takes two to three months for growing new hairs and gives a natural appearance. 
Choose an expert doctor and the best clinic
Select a clinic and doctor where you are treated by good-quality services and end up with a successful result. Choose a hair transplant in Andheri to receive prominent treatment by giving you accurate directions. Get a transformation in your life with abundant hairs and good looks.
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Are You A Suitable Candidate For Hair Transplant?
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The Hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery procedure and a wonderful option for persons who have severe hair loss. It has been updated with the latest technology methods and popularly known for a good transformation of the personality.  Generally, persons who are suffering from partial baldness due to inheritance or hormonal imbalance are prescribed to go through hair transplant surgery. Hair transplant in Mumbai is popular and offered in advanced technology methods to restore hair growth. If you have chosen to grow healthy hairs through the hair transplant, you must know some facts that are essential to decide the eligibility for the treatment. Here are the factors to find whether you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant or not. 
The factors to decide a suitable candidate
First of all, you must have to undergo some diagnostic tests to check your health profile. The present health condition and earlier case history must be understood by the doctor who decides the type of treatment. If you have the physical ability without any health complications, then you can certainly take up the charge for modifying your appearance for the better. 
Blood tests and other medical tests help to discover your body profile and present condition. Doctors investigate whether no risks are indicated to perform cosmetic procedures or not taking into so many factors including age and the receiving capability of the patient. 
Centers for Hair transplant in Navi Mumbai are very keen on examining the patient’s case profile. The clinics suggest diagnostic tests to find the type and grade of the hair fall that are the primary factors to find the eligibility of the patient. 
If the patient is found suffering from the hair loss diseases like ‘Alopecia Areata’, ‘Androgenetic Alopecia’, or ‘Traction Alopecia’, he or she can definitely get hair transplantation. Men or women lose their hair on the scalp due to hereditary factors at a very young age until it leaves partial or pattern baldness.
Hair loss may occur in different forms like hair thinning, receding hairlines or bald patches in men and women. These effects can be seen from a very young age leading to a variant impression on the scalp. 
The important factor for a hair transplant is having adequate donor hair follicles on the scalp. In the hair transplant procedures like FUT or FUE, active DHT resistant hair grafts are picked from the donor area and implanted on the bald area where hair growth is required. So, it is essential to have donor hair tissues to relocate them to the recipient area.
If you don’t have eligible donor hair follicles on the scalp, you can choose them from anywhere else on the body like eyebrows, underarms, chest, mustache, beard, or pubic area. You have to show perfect eligibility in the form of donor hair availability, age, and health conditions to get the treatment. 
Choose expert doctors and reliable treatment 
Select expert and experienced surgeons who are qualified board members and check the patients in a systematic procedure so that you obtain a successful treatment. Reliable clinics are existing that provide prominent hair transplant in Andheri with perfect infrastructure. You can depend on them for obtaining a clear understanding of the treatment and get a transformation.
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Are You Too Young or Too Old For Hair Transplant?
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Physical health plays a vital role in the life of a person. If the person is not physically fit and fine, he is not able to face the challenges of life efficiently. Therefore, usually, a person tries his best to remain healthy. Most of the disease is painful and causes discomfort to the patients but the nature of hair loss is quite different and this genetic problem removes the hair from the scalp without causing pain or discomfort. Hair transplant in Mumbai works as the best solution for genetic hair loss because this treatment is the result of several studies and researches. 
Fortunately, a lot of people are fully aware of this treatment. However, several myths and misconceptions stop them from coming to the hair restoration clinics for hair transplant in Navi Mumbai. 
The hair loss patients have many questions in their minds. All these questions should be answered since they want error-free and permanent hair loss treatment. 
The most important issue for hair loss patients are the time when they should arrive at the clinic. 
Logically, we see the doctor immediately when we feel something is wrong with the body. Surely, treatment is needed instantly for any disease but the nature of hair loss is quite different from other problems and it is not necessary the surgeon is going to treat you at the same time you visit the clinic. 
To know the reason for this fact, you must have knowledge regarding the progressing of baldness. Baldness progresses following a certain pattern that is usually measured with the help of the Norwood scale that divides the progression into seven main stages. 
Let us have a look at all the stages. 
Stage 1:
This stage shows a normal scalp and no changes in the hairline are visible. 
Stage 2:
The hairline starts to recede. The changes are mainly observed around the temples. 
Stage 3:
Hair loss is more visible around the temples and the hairline recedes, making a curved’ shape. 
Stage 4:
The hairline on the temple area recedes at a faster rate making a ‘U’ shapes pattern. besides the temple area, hair loss is quite noticeable at the crown area with a bald spot. 
Stage 5:
Balding crown and receding hairline are about to meet and only a small section of hairs is between these two parts. 
Stage 6:
The crown area and hairline meet together to form a larger bald area. The hairy partition goes away and the crown and the front area is totally bald. 
Stage 7:
Baldness further progresses to leave a spars layer of hair on the top of the head. 
What is the best age to have hair loss treatment?
Hair loss can be a problematic issue for a teen or an old person. Therefore, we have to talk about the ideal age for surgery. 
In fact, there is not a certain rule about the ideal age of the patients and the surgeon will decide to perform the surgery after looking at the following factors:
Stage of baldness according to Norwood scale
The general health of the person 
Condition of the recipient area
Gender of the person 
Characteristics of the patients
Medical history 
Family history 
The final decision made by the surgeon is usually based on these factors. 
Finally, if you have a dense donor area along with good general health, you can visit the hair loss clinic at any time. 
If you want to gain further information regarding hair transplant in Andheri, visit the Nutrite clinic for proper guidance. The doctors of the clinic are appropriately efficient to cure hair loss with advanced tools and techniques.
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Hair Transplant - The Best Procedure to Get Rid of Baldness
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