nubismosher · 1 year
The worst thing you can do, as someone who has recently realised they are transfem, is to let terves and transphobes convince you cis women will never accept you.
I was told that when I came out everyone would reject me. That I would find myself isolated from the world, and from other women especially, who would react to me with horror and revulsion.
In reality, within the first months of coming out, in no particular order:
My sister's reaction on my coming out was, "Right, so I have a sister instead of a brother. Cool. I'm taking you clothes shopping tomorrow."
A friend, when she learned I am a woman, immediately invited me to her women-only, girls-night-out birthday party the following week.
Another friend, when a friend of hers expressed doubts about my gender, immediately shut them down and reaffirmed I am a woman.
I went camping with a group of friends, and we had two tents, one for the boys and one for the girls; I was unsure as to which I should enter, to which a girl friend responded by grabbing me and physically dragging me inside the women's tent.
In the women's bathroom at a movie theatre a random woman, whom I'd never seen before and haven't seen since, stopped me as I was going into a stall, to warn me there was no toilet paper in there, because she'd just used the last of it.
All of these, and more, some from friends, some from complete strangers. All within a few months, as a trans woman who hadn't started medical transition yet, and was very visible as being a trans woman.
I've had some people reject me, true, but the vast majority, including almost all cis women, accepted me as a sister with open arms.
Cis women are cool. It's terves who are bigots.
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nubismosher · 1 year
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with love, from [x]
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nubismosher · 1 year
We owe all the gay men and women who came before us an incalculable debt for living in the world they did and still making art, writing poetry, taking pictures of themselves loving the people they loved. Please love each other just as fiercely as they must have looked to the future and loved us.
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nubismosher · 1 year
i envy ppl who can provide deep analysis about their favorite media and/or characters b/c whenever i like something a lot it looks like:
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nubismosher · 1 year
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nubismosher · 1 year
Jensen singing “Sounds of Someday”
Radio Company Live Concert | Nashville, December 19, 2022 [JessieTeaSippin]
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nubismosher · 1 year
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Jensen Ackles | The Boys, Behind The Scenes, 3x04 “Glorious Five Year Plan” [x] 
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nubismosher · 1 year
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Sam finally found out the truth.
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nubismosher · 1 year
bi!dean by episode
a guide to bi!dean in canon, sorted by episode and season!* // long post warning
season one
1x01- pilot (watch)
this isn’t part of the pilot but it feels like the fact that dean was based on a bisexual character who was based on a bisexual man should be in this post somewhere 
bi set design at the gas station 
dean flirts with both jess and the male cops (on two different occasions) (meta)
1x04- phantom traveller (watch)
dean checks out every male mechanic in the airplane hangar, smiling and leering at all of them, without paying attention to the planes. (meta)
man on the plane winks at dean, dean is taken aback but waves anyway before carrying on with the EMF meter. the man apparently had a gaydar which dean was definitely on. (meta)
1x07- hook man (watch)
first guy they see is a guy bent over the hood of a car, eating a banana. the guy then notices dean and can’t stop staring at him.
dean checks out a half naked guy, while reading ‘Backside’ magazine. tells sam he missed a spot near the guy’s butt after looking at it
dean checks out a guy at the party and winks at him, and then a few moments later, turns around to check him out again, and then again when they’re leaving.
dean is disappointed he can’t hook up with someone that night; says it while staring at the same guy (meta #1, #2)
1x10- asylum (watch)
dean has the sports section of the newspaper next to his bed, even though dean isn’t shown to have any interest in the sport. dean is also mostly naked, and his right hand is beneath the covers. (meta)
1x12- faith (watch)
dean gets given the heart of an openly gay teacher (meta)
1x15- the benders (watch)
dean winks at a bunch of men at a bar, before spending an hour in the men’s bathroom. coincidence?
the bar set includes a sign saying ‘men’s’ and another sign saying ‘thursday night meat’ 
dean fondles a man’s pelvis bone the next day
meta, more meta
1x16- shadow (watch)
dean gets the number of a bartender, speaks about them in gender neutral terms. sam asusmes it’s a girl, but dean doesn’t seem interested at all in the woman bartender; suggesting that the number is from the male bartender (meta) 
dean has the number of a guy named caleb written down, who dean calls and caleb helps him with the case. dean says it’s their dad’s friend caleb, but the area code suggests he’s gotten the number recently. if it had been their dads friend, he would have had the number in his cellphone already, seeing as he calls him in 1x10 (meta)
1x17- hell house (watch)
the first shot after the cold open is of the word ‘bi’ and nothing else, followed by the second shot, which is of course a shot of dean
season two
2x02- everybody loves a clown (watch) 
dean sees ash on the pool table, turns around but looks back to check out his ass
ash tells dean he likes him, dean says thanks, dean and ash staring at each other until jo pulls their attention away, sam looks lowkey awkward
dean does his flirty face when ash winks at him
dean tells ash to call him, then does his pleased-with-himself smirk 
dean drinks from a beer bottle with cupid’s bow and arrow on it, and then ash drinks from dean’s bottle 
ash makes a queer movie reference (pink flamingos) then watches dean to see his reaction, to gauge dean’s interest level 
dean/ash meta
2x05- simon said (watch)
sam calls for ash, but he doesn’t answer the door. the second dean calls for him, ash opens the door, naked 
contrast between sam and dean’s reactions to seeing ash naked- sam is surprised, but quickly gets over it and  goes about his business.  dean, on the other hand gets a look at ash’s dick and screws his eyes shut. His reaction is overblown. he avoids looking at his in an extremely pronounced way. his reaction is not in proportion to what is happening in the scene. just before, he had dodged the eyes of Jo, his designated female love interest at the time, in the same way. he basically has the same reaction to Jo and to Ash, but Ash is way more naked. (roughly quoted from)  
dean/jo and dean/ash parallels
dean/ash meta 
dean tell’s sam ‘it’s like being roofied man, it doesn’t count’ which sounds like something a closeted guy would say, like ‘we were drunk man, it doesn’t count’ or ‘it was only blow jobs man, it doesn’t count’. this also suggests that dean has done things with other men while roofied or drunk. (while doing stuff with men under the influence of roofies doesn’t necessarily make you bisexual, the way in which dean says it suggests that ‘it didn’t count!’ is an excuse he’s used before)
2x11- playthings (watch)
hotel owner asumes dean and sam are queer;  dean then brings it up afterwards, asking sam why everyone assumes they’re gay. (meta) 
sam says ‘Well, you are kinda butch. Probably think you’re overcompensating’
dean’s reaction
2x17- heart (watch)
madison says ’you get a few scotches in him and he started hitting on anyone in a five-mile radius. you know the type.’ sam, after looking at dean, says he does know the type.(notice the gender neutral terms)
2x19- folsom prison blues (watch)
dean flirting with the cop taking his picture 
dean wants to go to the prison to help deacon, and even though sam keeps saying they should leave, dean refuses. he seems to like deacon a lot and wants his respect. 
dean and deacon were very hands on during the episode
2x21- all hell breaks loose part one (watch)
ash is wearing a new watch that he hasn’t worn in previous episodes, but dean is able to identify him by it later in the episode, suggesting that dean’s visited ash a few times off-screen
dean is paralleled to lily; who killed her girlfriend by touching her, and the scene cuts directly from dean’s touching of dead ash to her. 
2x22- all hell breaks loose part two (watch)
when ellen brings up what happened at the roadhouse, we see this reaction shot of dean, but none of sam even though he was also friends with ash, suggesting dean is more bothered by his death
season three 
3x01- the magnificent seven (watch)
doublemint twins; dean having a m/m/f threesome. (meta: #1, #2, #3)
a song with the lyrics  ‘any love is good love’ plays while dean is in the motel with the twins
3x04- sin city (watch)
dean’s happy to see ritchie, but his face falls when he sees the woman in ritchie’s room
ritchie goes into sam and dean’s room, and dean immediately begins taking off his clothes like it’s something he’s used to doing in front of this guy. (which it probably is. dean saved ritchie from a succubus in the past, so they’re obviously intimately familiar.) he takes off his fed suit clothes and rolls up his sleeves, something we’ve never seen him do before this moment on the show (meta)
dean checks out the demon!priest guy when they’re done interviewing him
3x10- dream a little dream of me (watch)
dean asks if sam’s having a sexual dream about angelina jolie, or brad pitt. dean thinks that it’s normal and completely understandable to make ‘happy noises’ while dreaming of brad pitt.
3x11- mystery spot (watch)
dean’s deaths are all euphemisms for sex (meta) 
season four
4x05- monster movie (watch)
dean says that if his life could be a movie, he’d pick porky’s 2. (meta)
4x06- yellow fever (watch)
dean gets drunk and flirts with a cop
sam has to pull him away (while coincidentally, a mural of wild horses is painted on the wall behind them)
4x08- wishful thinking (watch)
mentions duchovny, makes a thinking-about-sexy-stuff face, noticies sam is looking and quickly schools his expression
‘sub’ / ‘that’d be me!’
4x14- sex and violence (watch)
dean’s siren is a man (meta)
dean x nick mirrored with sam and the woman doctor
dean ignores the strippers, his attention on nick
sam and dean both thought the siren infected victims through sex; and when sam finds out dean’s been infected, he immediately accepts that dean apparently had sex with the siren, no surprise or hesitance.
actor who played nick says ‘(nick) enjoyed having control over these boys in a sexual way. It’s a strange way to describe it. Considering the Siren initially appears as a female that seduced men, it was almost as if gender wasn’t a factor for it.’
season five
5x03- free to be you and me (watch)
says bert and ernie are gay right before telling cas he’s not going to let him die a virgin. how do these things correlate?
dean makes two references to queer characters- thelma and louise and bert and ernie
compares himself and cas to thelma and louise
5x04- the end (watch)
cas and the orgy girls are waiting for dean to get there before starting the orgy, suggesting it’s something dean takes part in and is a normal part of their lives at the camp. 2014!dean is obviously comfortable enough to let cas see him naked, at the very least
dean canonically likes to wear woman’s underwear. while this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s bisexual, it does show that dean does project stuff like this (onto sam mostly, which we saw when dean asked sam if the bra was his) and it also shows that dean isn’t the macho man that he appears to be on the surface.
cas winks at dean, and dean does the thing with his mouth that he does when he sees something hot and desirable (see it here too) (meta)
5x06- i believe the children are our future (watch)
dean jerking off to the thought of a male nurse
5x07- the curious case of dean winchester (watch)
he looks at a naked guy’s crotch unnecessarily (they already knew it was the guy they were looking for because of the arm tattoo, credit card and driver’s license they’d already seen)
tells said guy that he looks great
5x08- changing channels (watch)
comes out of a closet into TV land
intensely watches dr sexy make out with someone on TV
gets visibly flustered when he sees dr sexy, similar to how a girl would react over seeing their male crush 
thinks dr sexy is sexy (in cowboy boots) ���what makes dr sexy sexy is he fact that he wears cowboy boots, not tennis shoes’
men/women sign behind his head suggesting bisexuality
5x09- the real ghostbusters (watch)
dean is visibly happy and smiley while thinking of the queer sam and dean cosplayers once he’s by himself (meta)
5x14- my bloody valentine (watch)
dean checks out men/looks at men as though he’s hungry for them. (which he probably is, seeing as it’s the famine episode.) examples: cas, cupid (meta #1 #2)
bi flag colors when cupid hugs dean and cas
5x15- dead men don’t wear plaid  (watch)
three episodes after this, dean tells cas ‘the last person who looked at me like that i got laid’. who’s the last person to look at dean ‘like that’? digger wells. carver wrote both of these episodes, so it’s not coincidental. (meta)
digger asks dean ‘who died and made you queen?’ not king. 
5x18- hammer of the gods (watch)
dean imagines fucking gabriel
season six
6x01- exile on main street  (watch)
dean x sid; sid has been buying him beers for a year, dean bothered by the sight of sid with his wife, dean more interested in sid than hot waitresses (meta)
6x06- you can’t handle the truth (watch)
dean thinks two men having sex is sexy. (the non sexy kind of drilling, right?)
6x10- caged heat (watch)
dean mirroring cas’ body language as he kisses meg
season seven
7x12- time after time (watch)
dean fangirls over eliot ness
sam asks dean if he’s strictly into dick now
checks out a guy’s ass instead of girls (checks him out in the same way as he would a girl) 
eliot then drags dean into the store away from the guys he was checking out, similarly to how sam did in yellow fever.
fan fiction gap! eliot tells dean he needs to get him more clothes (at night time, in the interrogation room) then dean leaves with eliot. next scene, it’s the day time and they’re at the tailors.
7x20- the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo (watch)
teaches charlie how to flirt with a man
dean/charlie parallels (ex. charlie being gay and loving female characters, similar to how dean loves dr sexy)
season eight
8x01- we need to talk about kevin (watch)
dean asks ‘spanky the demon. yeah, i heard about you. you’re the one who uses too much teeth, right?’ 
8x04- bitten (watch)
the people from the video think that sam and dean are queer, and also that dean says awesome too often. unlike in Playthings, dean doesn’t ask ‘why do these guys think we’re gay?’ instead, he asks sam if he says awesome a lot, to which sam replies ‘ no. no, no. no.’ (meta)  
8x06- southern comfort (watch)
dean sarcastically says he was in purgatory, miami (a gay bar)
8x07- a little slice of kevin (watch)
the scene between dean and cas is inherently romantic. 
cas knows where dean is- how? because angels can sense longing. otherwise, cas would have had no way of finding dean straight out of purgatory. (meta) 
dean blatantly checks out cas when he comes out if the bathroom all clean. 
the camera pans up cas’ body as it would in a romance movie, from dean’s pov.  (meta)
8x12- time after time (watch)
grandaddy winchester comes out of the closet, mirrors dean 
dean x closets subtext (meta) 
sam says ‘when one of us falls out of your closet-’ and the camera pans staight to dean.
8x13- everybody hates hitler (watch)
uses the alias of a bisexual person (mark bolan) 
flirts with aaron
flustered and cute at the fact aaron is interested in him
the only reason dean turna aaron down is because ‘it’s a federal thing’, not because he ‘doesn’t swing that way.’
visibly disappointed at lack of gay thing (meta)
meta on the way dean closes his FBI badge to talk to aaron
not in the episode, but in the director’s commentary, they talk about ‘the potential for love in all places’ in reference to dean/aaron 
a guy dressed like cas walks behind dean during the dean/aaron bar scene
8x17- goodbye stranger (watch)
bi!flag set design after we were told to pay attention to the set. (meta)
scripted ‘I love you’
8x23- sacrifice (watch)
dean confirms he watches m/m/f porn
dean’s reaction when seeing that cupid brought two men together. meta
bisexual colors in the background
arrow symbolism (arrow coming from cas and pointing at dean, similar to how there was a man with a bow an arrow on the tv between the two men.)
season nine
9x06- heaven can’t wait (watch)
sam asks dean “you’re not even gonna see cas while you’re there? then what’s the point?” when he finds out that dean is going to drive 14 hours to idaho, suggesting that unless dean visits cas while he’s there, there’s no point going even though there’s a case there and people are dying 
the music when dean watches cas through the window of the gas n’ sip is the same music from when sam was watching amelia through the window in 8x09
dean is visibly bothered by the fact cas is going on a date, but hides it from cas
fan fiction gaps! there’s actually two in this episode- even though only one is really talked about. there’s one before they get to nora’s, from when cas asks for a ride (in which it’s daytime) and when they get to nora’s (at night) and there’s another one after nora’s, in which they leave (at night) and get back to the gas n’ sip the next day. what did they do during those hours? we’ll never know. 
dean says ‘you’re human, now’ and pointedly looks at cas’ lap. (meta)
their goodbye is decidedly not how you would say goodbye to a friend. if you were to take out that scene and place it into a gay romance movie, it would fit in perfectly.
dean tells cas to take off his vest and unbutton his shirt, then seems to check him out. 
nora doesn’t look back at cas after their last scene together, like it seems she would. dean does.
9x12- sharp teeth (watch)
dean gets back to the bunker and sam asks what happened to his arm, to which answers ‘oh, it was a gft from cain.’ sam then asks ‘like…the wrestler?’ (like seriously, what does sam think does in his spare time? go out and roll around with wrestlers?) dean then answers ‘i wish, that would be awesome.’ long story short, dean wants to get pinned down and roughed up by a wrestler.
9x13- the purge (watch)
’best of both worlds, salty and sweet’  
instead of telling sam about canyon valley he shows him a video instead, which coincidentally involves a hot (occasionally topless) dude that is definitely dean’s type
acts awkward towards larry when they met, getting lost in his eyes and grinning a lot (meta)  
guy tells dean to stop flirting with his trainer, assumes dean is into guys
dean says he relates to a girl saying it’s nice to have cushion when having sex with a guy. 
meta on the whole ep
9x15- #THINMAN (watch)
dean spanks harry’s ass for no apparent reason
season ten
10x01- black (watch)
completely comfortable with crowley seeing his dick after having sex with ann-marie
he and crowley fuck male triplets together. (jensen also gets very awkward while mark is talking about the triplets in sdcc, immediately says ‘next question’)
10x02- reichenbach (watch)
goes to a gay bar 
the bartender leaves dean alone at the bar, completely trusts him to be in there alone. they were obviously friendly with each other. 
10x04- paper moon (watch)
guy tells dean to get on his knees, and dean replies ‘well i’m awfully flattered but..’ instead if his usual ‘i dont swing that way’ response. meta
10x05- fan fiction (watch)
the wall behind dean when he’s talking about destiel is pink and blue 
responds to sam’s questioning the same way as he did with cassie in season one
10x06- ask jeeves (watch)
dean comes across a man and woman in a closet. i wonder what that could possibly mean?
10x07- girls girls girls (watch)
dean’s dating profile is said to contain ‘one outright lie’, the only non-fact on there is ‘seeking: women’
10x08- hibbing 911 (watch)
dean flirting with the cute deputy 
dean seduces the information out of the cute deputy 
even more fanfiction gaps! in which dean was totally having sex with the cute deputy (meta)
10x11- there’s no place like home  (watch)
dean x charlie parallels, why it means bisexual dean 
dean says ’booze, burgers, and… more booze.’ he doesn’t say babes like it seems he was going to. (meta) (more meta)
10x12- about a boy (watch)
dean listens to taylor swift and doesn’t turn it off (meta) (more meta)
sam comes to dean with a case of missing naked people. as far as Dean knows, they’re all men. the one confirmed case sam shows him is a man, whose photo dean enlarges. he then says ‘bout time this gig got an R rating’ (meta)
10x13- halt & catch fire (watch)
dean is visibly worried that ‘nothing is ever deleted off of the internet’, even though it’s canon that sam knows that dean watches anime porn online and was on a dating site to look for women, i wondr what he’s possibly hiduing? 
checks out a dude pretty blatantly 
‘halt and catch fire’ is a tv show about a bisexual man
wears his bisexual colored shirt again
10x15- the things they carried (watch)
the episode was full of homoerotic subtext (even if it was with the character that no one likes) 
10x16- paint it black (watch)
dean says there are things, feelings, he want to experience differently, or for the first time. (meta) (watch) 
bisexual color lighting in the church
10x17- inside man (watch)
dean visits donnie at a bar he obviously goes to often and without sam.
donnie is sad that dean doesn’t sit at the bar and talk to him, hinting that it’s something that dean usually does. says ‘I guess I’m by myself, then’ when dean walks away. proving that dean usually sits at the bar with donnie rather than try to pick up chicks, as some would assume
flirts with donnie (winks at him, shows off in front of him)
dean’s type 
parallel to the man from the bar scene 8x23
10x18- book of the damned (watch)
dean is given the same nickname as a gay rodeo star 
dean says he wants to explore the ‘local wildlife’, once again using a gender neutral pronoun to describe future hook ups
10x22- the prisoner (watch)
uses the alias of a bisexual man (freddie mercury and the alias of an accused bisexual man (lemmy kilmister) (meta)
‘the ladies, or the fellas. i don’t judge’
season eleven
11x01- out of the darkness, into the fire (watch)
dean making a magic mike reference, showing that he’s watched a film involving stripping males
‘you know where i stand’ says dean, under a rainbow colored sign
11x02- form and void (watch)
jenna confirmed queer while coincidentally being paralleled to dean and wearing the same colors.
11x03- the bad seed (watch)
dean and cas are very touchy-feely, dean finding any excuse to touch him, with the blanket, helping him up, unbuttoning his shirt etc. he also strokes cas’ thigh and hold his hand in the warehouse scene.
11x04- baby (watch)
dean hooking up with a guy in the roadhouse. (meta)
now if you compare this list of bi!dean moments with the list of straight!dean moments, you can definitely see that the proof for bisexual dean vastly outweighs the proof for straight!dean. which isn’t hard, as there isn’t any proof for straight dean; which i’m gonna prove for you real quick right here:
1. people like to use the fact that dean said he ‘didn’t swing that way’ to prove that he’s straight, when in fact, it’s null and void. no closeted queer person would come out to a random person, especially an enemy, which dean was speaking to each time he’s said something along those lines. when dean is approached in a non-platonic manner by non-enemies, though, he doesn’t say ‘he doesn’t swing that way.’ or deny his sexuality whatsoever. (for example, with aaron.) 
2. people also like to argue that the fact dean has never kissed or had sex with a man on the show means he’s not bisexual, which isn’t true. a person of any sexuality can have never kissed or had sex with anyone, and it wouldn’t lessen their sexuality. (for example: charlie was still as much of a lesbian before she kissed gilda as she was after.)
3. then of course there’s this interview that kripke did. this is not evidence against bi!dean! eric kripke, the show’s creator, has never called dean straight. he said that he thought the dynamic between sam and dean (who are brothers) is not unlike the dynamic between sebastian and miles from revolution (being the topic of the interview), who are two straight men. this quote by him is often used out of context by people trying to disprove bisexual dean by saying that the two straight men he’s talking about are sam and dean, when the people in question aren’t even on supernatural. 
but yeah, carry on saying dean is straight if that’s what floats your boat, and if you do happen to know any evidence for straight dean, i’d be happy to debunk it for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
*this only contains the more obvious moments, and there is more evidence in the show that isn’t on here, such as in the symbolism, body language, tone or set design of a few episodes, but they’re smaller and/or more open to interpretation than these, so they’re not on here. feel free to watch the show and try to find more!
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nubismosher · 1 year
version of spn where dean is openly bisexual the entire time and definitely fucks a priest during a job and sam is does his judgmental little "dude" and dean is like "i already went to hell once man,, what's the worst that could happen" and everytime there's a new bad guy or apocalypse sam is like "this is bc you fucked a priest" and eventually he says it in front of Cas who does his little squint and head tilt and just
"You what?"
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nubismosher · 2 years
Day 9: Vintage
Dean sheepishly drags his feet into the costume room.
“What did you do this time?” Cas demands, rushing out from behind a rack of flapper dresses, his voice a growl of pure exasperation.
Dean plucks at his shirt with its arm half-torn off and lifts his other arm holding his bloody jacket. “Hello to you too, Cas. I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
Castiel ignores him and snatches the emerald jacket back, frowning as he fingers the bullethole in the arm and the trail of dried blood all the way down to the cuff. “This was hand sewn,” Cas moans, running his fingers down the embroidery along the lapel, splattered with smears of red.
“Sorry?” Dean smiles crookedly. “I really tried my best not to get shot, I swear.”
Keep reading
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nubismosher · 2 years
I haven’t seen this on my dash so here it is. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill codifying same-sex marriage and it is now going to the Senate where there really is an actual chance of it passing. Sure, there are assholes who won’t support it, but there are Republican senators willing to support it and we need their support to get this passed. If you live in a state with a Republican senator, please call the senate office telling them that as a constituent, you support same-sex marriage and the Respect for Marriage Act.
The following senators are reported to be undecided, if one of these senators is yours, CALL!!!
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Roy Blunt, Missouri
Mike Braun, Indiana
Joni Ernst, Iowa
Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Mitch McConnell?, Kentucky (yeah, I’m shocked the evil undead gizzard demon is in the undecided category as well but…might as well pressure the fucker)
Mitt Romney, Utah 
Mike Rounds, South Dakota (specifically Mr. Rounds is quoted as acknowledging difference between a religious marriage and a legal one, go ahead and specify that you support granting couples the legal rights and protections that are given with a legal marriage)
Rick Scott, Florida 
Dan Sullivan, Alaska (notably, Mr. Sullivan is quoted to recognize and respect the existing Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage! Pressure this man!!)
John Thune, South Dakota
Patt Toomey, Pennsylvania
Tommy Tuberville, Alabama
Todd Young, Indiana
This information was gathered from CNN on 7/21/22.
For clarification: Same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states right now based on the 2015 Supreme Court ruling. But, with the court standing as it is and with Roe being taken down, codifying same-sex marriage in law would mean that the Supreme Court would have a much, MUCH harder time stripping away the right. This is important. Marriage as a legal binding is critical to allowing spouses to visit each other in the hospital, make medical decisions, share assets, adopt and form families, and more. We need TEN Republicans to support the bill, so far there are FIVE likely supporters - we need AT LEAST FIVE MORE.
Please reblog this!!!
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nubismosher · 2 years
In this time of the Ao3 elections going on, I would like to remind everyone of one crucial fact: Ao3 is an archive. It is not curated. There is no vetting process, there is no standard to meet.
What does that mean? It means that even though there is some truly horrendous shit on Ao3, it is, in a way, necessary. If you demand that something be removed from Ao3, you are opening the door for others to demand even more be removed. That means potentially censoring queer stories, POC stories, even anything that addresses social issues in a way not deemed “appropriate”. It is the same way we cannot demand transphobic rhetoric be removed from bookstores or Mein Kampf be removed from libraries. Once censorship begins, there is no stopping it. Ao3 has a highly sophisticated tagging system that allows you to block out all the stuff that makes you uncomfortable; use it. The simple fact is that when it comes to censorship, it’s all or nothing. You cannot curate a public space to perfectly fit your whims, and it’s time people accept that.
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nubismosher · 2 years
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The Common Hours
Three months ago, Castiel lost all memories of himself and his past. His life revolves around the only things he’s ever known: spending time with his new friend, Charlie, and photographing things in the world that he’s forgotten. But when a man who he doesn’t remember rolls into his life with haunted (and oddly familiar) green eyes that linger on him too long, the life—and person—he thought he knew is thrown into chaos.  
a dean/cas au coming soon to ao3 
Every night, Castiel dreams of him. 
He doesn’t know who he is—a figment of his imagination, maybe someone locked in his memories—but he’s always doing the same thing. Smiling at Castiel with a blinding, cheerful grin, as the sun catches the auburn of his hair. His mouth moves, but there’s no sound. He reaches for Castiel, green eyes sparkling with a joke Castiel doesn’t get, and Castiel reaches back. 
The dream always ends before he can touch him.
That night, Castiel wakes in the middle of the living room—one hand is pressed against the wall, the other tightly to his chest. His forehead rests against the chipped paint, his breath shallow and tight.
He had woken himself up to an incessant chant: “I hear you,” again and again, with a hollow ache resting on top of his ribs.
He steps away from the wall. Wiping the wet off his cheeks with the back of his sleeve, taking a shuddering breath, he turns to go back to bed.
tagging some people who have liked my writing before?? idk hello guys<3: @whelvenwings  @inacatastrophicmind @ialwayscomewhenyoucall @valleydean @lovercas @ne8ula @halevetica @castielscarma @castielrisingabove @synonymouslyyours @saminzat @rauko-is-a-free-elf @peanutbutterjelly-pie @dadstiel @shelikestv @wigglebox @gayangelofthursday @bluefirecas @of-magic-and-monsters @jensenackhles @cottondean @thisisapaige @turnedintoearth @malallory​ @casblackfeathers​
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nubismosher · 2 years
Can confirm
WARNING: do NOT watch hbo max show “Our Flag Means Death”, it WILL make you a HOMOSEXUAL. Before watching the hit romantic comedy starring Taika Waititi and Rhys Darby I had FRIENDS and A JOB but now I am GAY and spend my time listening to irrelevant romance music and CRYING because I am associating it with GAY PIRATES
Do not watch this show I want my life back 😡
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nubismosher · 2 years
At first i didn't notice the tags and was so confused about this new and revealing info about OFMD, but then I did look at the tags and of course it was about The Boys.
Not usually one to say this but it was honestly no surprise that Frenchie likes wearing collars and getting pegged lmao
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nubismosher · 2 years
Video essays that make me go "oh, so you're like smart smart"
Elon Musk and Grimes: A Retrospective
Bo Burnham vs. Jeff Bezos
The Systemic Abuse of Celebrities
Lana Del Rey: the pitfalls of having a persona
we need to talk about Call Me By Your Name
MYTH OF THE AUTEUR: Stanley Kubrick vs David Lynch
In Search Of A Flat Earth
The Commodification of Black Athletes
The Lies Of The Lighthouse
The Green Knight: The Uncanny Horror of Masculinity
Max Payne, Kane & Lynch, and the Meaning of Ugly Games
Time Loop Nihilism
How Bisexuality Changed Video Games
The Golden Age of Horror Comics - Part 1 (Part 2)
Weighing the Value of Director's Cuts | Scanline
The True Horror Of Midsommar
a few more -
You're Wrong About Cyberpunk 2077 | An Overdue Critique (this is such great critique of both the game and the genre)
Disney's Fast Pass: A Complicated History
It Has Come To My Attention You Don't All Love BIRDS OF PREY
The man who almost faked his way to a Nobel Prize
Music Theory and White Supremacy
Here's the YouTube playlist! ill be adding more but that's all so far pls like and reblog xoxo 💕
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