nuka-bolt · 46 minutes
I can't hsndle this anymore. I know I said I wouldn't post fundraisers more than once anymkre but I just got hrorifyng news feom mahmoud that he's sustained injuries to hsi back from shrapnel while protecting his kids from nearby air strikes I can't fucking breathe please just donate to him and get him ojt I feel like I've been holding my breath for months now and I can't exhale
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nuka-bolt · 13 hours
i've been pondering about this for a while. i'm curious what you guys think
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
Looking for something specific?
Digital art commissions
Poetry/short story commissions
Digital paintings
Physical paintings
Wood panel
Colouring Pages
Art Bundles
Miscellaneous handmade items
Gofundme’s currency:
€ Euro
Palestine themed items
Items with multiple winners (higher chances to win!)
United States shipping
North America shipping
United Kingdom Shipping
Australia shipping
Philippines shipping
International shipping
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
For all of the northerners that stood up for Texas during our freeze and said, "Don't make fun of them, they've never dealt with this before. Their infrastructure isn't made for snow and freezing."
This one is for you.
Where I live 108°F with 80% humidity with no wind is normal.
Pacific North West is dealing historic best waves 35-40°C or 95-105°F.
First of all. Don't make fun of them for bitching about the heat. Just like Texas isn't built for a freeze and our pipes burst, Pacific North West isn't built for heat and a lot of their homes don't have AC.
If you live somewhere with a high humidity like 80+ HUMIDITY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. The "humidity makes it feel cooler" is a lie once it gets beyond a point.
If you live somewhere with a lower humidity, misters are nice to cool off outside.
Once you get over 90°F (32°C) a fan will not help you. It's just pushing around hot air. (I mean if you can't afford a small AC unit because they're expensive as hell, by all means a fan is better than nothing).
If you have pets, those portable AC units aren't safe. If your pets destroy the outtake thing, it'll leak CO2. Window units are safer.
Window AC units will let mosquitoes or other small bugs in. Sucks, but that's life.
Now is not the time to me modest. If you have to cover for religious reasons, by all means. If you don't, I've seen people wear short shorts and a swim top. It's not trashy if it keeps you from getting heat stroke.
If you do have to cover up for religious reasons, look for elephant pants or something similar. They're made with a breathable material.
Shade is better than no shade, but that shit it just diet sun after some point. Don't think shade will save you from heat stroke.
I know the "drink your water" is a fun meme now, but if you're sweating excessively you need electrolytes. Drink Gatorade, Powerade, or Pedialite PLEASE. I don't care if you're fucking sitting in one spot all day. That shit WILL save you from heat stroke.
If you're diabetic and can't drink Gatorade, mix water, fruit juice, and either lite salt or pink salt
If you can afford it, cover windows with thick curtains to insulate the house
If you have tile floors, lay on them with skin to tile contact. If you don't, laying your head on cool counters works too.
If the temperature where you're at is hotter than your body temperature, don't wear heat wicking clothing. Moisture wicking is safe though.
Check your medication labels. Many make you more susceptible to sun and heat
-Room temperature water will get into your body faster. This is something I learned doing marching band in high summer in Georgia, and it saved all of our asses. Sip it, don't gulp it, especially if you're getting into the red; same goes for whatever fluid you're drinking. And just in general drink during the day.
-If you are moving from an air conditioned space to an un-air conditioned space, if at all possible try to make the shift gradual. When my dad and I were working outside and in un-ac houses a few years ago, he'd turn the air down to low in the truck about ten-fifteen minutes before we got where we were going. This way your body doesn't go from low low temps to high temps. S'bad for you.
-If you can, keep your lights off during the day. Light bulbs may not generate a lot of heat, but the difference is noticeable when it gets hot enough. I literally only turn my bedroom light on in the evening when it gets too dark.
Don't be afraid to just like... pour water on yourself if you need to. The evaporation will cool you off.
Put your hand to the cement for 15 seconds. If you can't handle the heat, it'll burn your dog's paws. Don't let them walk on it.
Dogs with flat faces are more prone to heat stroke. Don't leave them out unsupervised.
Frozen fruit is delicious in water.
Wet/Cold hat/handkerchief on your head/neck will help you stay cool.
Pickle juice is great for electrolytes! You can even make pickle juice Popsicles!
Heat exhaustion is more, "drink water and get you cooled off." Heat stroke is more "Oh my god call 911."
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Image Description provided by @loveize
[Image description: an infographic showing the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The graphic is labeled "Heat Dangers: First Warning." Signs of heat exhaustion: faint or dizzy, excessive sweating, cool, pale, clammy skin, rapid, weak pulse, muscle cramps. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat exhaustion, get to a cool, air-conditioned place, drink water if conscious, and take a cool shower or use cold compress. Signs of heat stroke: throbbing headache, no sweating, red, hot, dry skin, rapid, strong pulse, may lose consciousness. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat stroke, call 911. End description]
Be safe.
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
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nuka-bolt · 16 hours
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nuka-bolt · 17 hours
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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nuka-bolt · 22 hours
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Fallout 4 random sceneries (8/?)
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nuka-bolt · 2 days
brainrotting per usual but deacon’s last affinity dialogue in fo4 is my favorite in the entire game
if you accuse him of lying about his late synth wife and the bigot gang he was a part of he snaps and gets short with you, and the conversation is over. this is one of the only times he does this and his tone about it is weird
the entire game he has shown himself off to be a massive liar, so naturally you have a hard time trusting the shit he says, even he says himself to not trust everyone. but when he finally starts to open up after traveling, if you don’t believe him he’s like “i fucking knew it, forget it,” and he’s not snapping at the player here, rather himself because he knows he’s not trustworthy. he will always be seen as the liar no one can trust, and he’s lost sight of who he actually is completely.
i also love when you switch him out for mac and mac essentially calls him out for running away from himself, “still pretending to be someone you’re not?” I feel like people constantly see deacon as a one dimensional character cause “oh he’s the liar secret railroad agent” but he’s so much more than that
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nuka-bolt · 2 days
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Welcome to Megaton. Have yourself a nice visit, partner.
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nuka-bolt · 2 days
don't take this writing advice as be all end all because i'm a stranger on the internet and if you trust the things i say after seeing my posts then you are beyond the reach of even the lord but i have a fascination with character voice and take a lot of care to try to get it right. one thing i find helps a lot is that people tend to orbit around certain words and don't usually deviate, unless for a specific reason.
like, for fic, it's worth going to a dialogue or quotes page and punching in a word that's used a lot, like 'think'. do they say 'think' a lot, or is it i reckon, i figure, i guess, etc. everybody has a little idiosyncrasy to their speech, and ones shared between people communicate a lot, if you do it deliberately
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nuka-bolt · 2 days
Obviously this is an adorable bit but I'm so struck by how different this is from so many little kid shows today like.......the muted colors. no background noise. no sound effects. you can literally hear Jim Henson breathing between his lines. Ernie is talking very slowly, meandering, letting the kids digest the info. it's a full minute before you get the payoff of it all. man
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nuka-bolt · 3 days
aww the doctor finally experienced racism? that’s sad. anyway, I expect his novel-length apology to Martha Jones on my desk by tomorrow morning
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nuka-bolt · 3 days
remember when i said “if you are super negative and aggressive about a character in the notes of someone’s post when op likes this character enough to make the post, nobody is going to like you very much” before? yeah we’re going to need to bring that back for veilguard. especially if you’re expressing how violent you want to be. op doesn’t want to hear how badly you want to kill this character, keep that to your own posts. show a little courtesy
i’m not just talking about solas or whoever here, i have literally already seen people do this for the newly announced companions who haven’t done anything yet. please just tone it down and be civil rather than discourage the people who are making the posts you want to share. you’re being weird to strangers
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nuka-bolt · 3 days
emojis oc ask game! These are unabashedly just the questions *I* want to ask about y’all’s ocs. Feel free to copy the entire question into the ask box, because this list is hefty and I wouldn’t mind not searching through it, hahaha. Remember to specify which oc(s) you’re asking about!
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
👁️ - How do other people perceive this oc? How close do their first assumptions come to the truth?
💝 - How much effort do they put into appearances? Do they have a favorite article of clothing?
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat?
👖 - Coffee shop or high school AU, your choice: tell me their role.
☕ - What is their preferred beverage(s)?
🧁 - When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all?
🧠 - What is their stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
💔 - Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves?
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
⚔️ - How does this oc handle conflict?
🌍 - What are this oc’s religious views?
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
🧶 - Do they do any arts, crafts, or creative hobbies?
🍪 - What are their favorite scents?
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain?
🌲 - Do they have a favorite location to hang out in?
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears?
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward?
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
👁️‍🗨️ - Eye contact: good or bad for this oc?
🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude?
🔅 - How does this oc deal with physical pain?
🌱 - Share one of this oc’s early memories.
🐰 - How huggable is this oc?
🍁 - What is this oc’s favorite season?
🌕 - If this oc was an animal, what kind would they be?
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
🐉 - Very serious question… are they more like a dragon, or a unicorn?
🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like?
🚷 - Tell one difference between yourself and this oc!
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
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