nuksponyart · 4 months
Being bad at communication isn't toxic. Especially when Rose and Pearl are aliens who had no one to teach them that stuff. It'd in fact be very weird to assume they'd instantly get communication right without any help or guidance.
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why did i accidentally open an old dm that was relevant to my current goings on. no idea who the person is that sent me this btw ajfhahd not putting their name for obvious reasons. i dont even remember the full context
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nuksponyart · 6 months
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Young Twilight understands every cat owner’s struggle
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nuksponyart · 7 months
I guess one """""problematic"""* thing she has is not being honest with Charlie about being an angel. But that is ALL I can think of.
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When Gomez Addams obsesses over his tol goth wife who he calls a million pet names, everyone calls them couple goals. But when a gay lil angel does the same thing for her tol demon gf suddenly it's toxic? As if Charlie isn't such a huge enough sweetheart to deserve having someone fawn over her anyways.
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nuksponyart · 7 months
LISTEN, with how alien gem Pearl and Rose are I doubt they even knew the difference between marriage vows and fealty vows
Pearl knelt. Rose clasped her hands. They did the knightly oath and they were like: "I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to my Knight/Liege, never cause her harm, shield her back, and will observe my homage to her completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."
And from then on they were never sure if they were married or not but by god both were scared to ask and it didn't make much difference cause they'd take care of one another either way.
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nuksponyart · 8 months
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nuksponyart · 9 months
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nuksponyart · 9 months
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i love you, rose, but you're not mine
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nuksponyart · 9 months
I made a little Brother Bear animatic. The voice acting is obviously super rough but I did want to have it in there cause I wanted it to look like the actual animatics in the DVD hehe
LEt me know if it is fun at all
BTW the joke is this bead thingie on moose is called a bell
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nuksponyart · 10 months
Toxic Yuri Bracket Round 27
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nuksponyart · 10 months
Toxic Yuri Bracket Round 27
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nuksponyart · 1 year
So I wrote that vent fic. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14266534/1/They-Don-t-Know-the-Truth
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nuksponyart · 1 year
What kinda pomy art would you guys like?
Generation 4 is still my fave. But if yall wanna I can give 5 a try.
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nuksponyart · 1 year
Did you miss that Raps literally risked Eugene's life amd the kingdom more than once, to try to get Cass back? Raps did show that she is as important to her, or she'd have given up on Cass, forgotten and kept Eugene and the others safe when everyone told her to.
As for your second point, something being obvious to us as an audience doesn't mean it was obvious for Rapunzel. Cassandra went out of her way often to not show when something bothered her, that is why the others (not only Raps) often ignored it. Rapunzel didn't listen to Waiting in the Wings, nor did anyone.
At least that is clearly what they were trying to show, Cass being new to showing vulnerability to others + Rapunzel also being new at this and not noticing, not Rapunzel intentionally ignoring Cass and being a jerk to her on purpose.
As for what OP said, I dunno if I'd go as far as to say cassunzel is canon, but I do think it is pretty obvious why people ship them - many in the crew obviously did and it was an intentional decision by them to add those undertones to that relationship.
Hell, I am even surprised that some episodes were allowed to be made (like the one with Cass and fresh out of the towers Raps) because the understones are pretty obvious.
If you don't mind me asking, why don't you ship cassunzel/Unknighted dream? I don't ship it either but I'm curious about your reasoning
Sorry this is very long. ;-;
Wellll around the series ending I tried to get into uk but from what I saw from tt and insta (my mistake XD) the content was just subtle Eugene bashing when he was included in content OR barley including him as much in whatever content be it fanart/edits/fanfic. I never found the stealing ur gf-esq posts appealing. Like it’s funny once and then I was just like meh. It’s kinda amusing to me that the parallels from the series and movie seem to have drawn ppl into the ship but it had the opposite effect on me heavily.
Also I’ve seen ZERO cass/gene content, and it just goes back to making the point that he and Cass couldn’t be friends w/o Rapunzel which I dislike. (I believe I already mentioned how their platonic relationship should’ve been developed better.)
I don’t ship cassunzel because firstly, it was difficult for me to even appreciate Cassandra’s character overall. When I finally did, I was like- why would she even want to be with Rapunzel if she was treated so unfairly by her being outshined and all- besides attraction I guess. Like wouldn’t she deserve better anyways?
More personal reasons would be bad experiences with hardcore shippers of both ships, anti-Eugene’s who somehow almost always happened to be part of those communities and lastly-
I’ve just been into Tangled way longer than I’ve been invested into the series, like I’m talking 2012 even though I wasn’t active online much then. New dream has always been my #1 romance pairing. The movie had a universe much different aesthetically than the series that really did fascinate me! It’s my comfort movie for sure.
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nuksponyart · 1 year
real OGs remember when nuksponyart posted pony art
I wanna post pony art again, but have been very busy.
I also don't know if people still care about my pony art? Would you guys like to see some?
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nuksponyart · 1 year
Cassandra 'deserves better' sounds like something said by someone who missed the entire point of the story which was about mutual issues communicating. Rapunzel wasn't being a jerk to Cass.
Their issues were in the fact that they both were new to relationships (cass clearly never had many close people before raps). And thus had trouble seeing eye to eye and showing the love they have for each other in a way the other can understand.
Even then, a lot of their relationship was them having fun. Nobody would ship them if they didn't love each other so much and had a lot of good times together.
If you don't mind me asking, why don't you ship cassunzel/Unknighted dream? I don't ship it either but I'm curious about your reasoning
Sorry this is very long. ;-;
Wellll around the series ending I tried to get into uk but from what I saw from tt and insta (my mistake XD) the content was just subtle Eugene bashing when he was included in content OR barley including him as much in whatever content be it fanart/edits/fanfic. I never found the stealing ur gf-esq posts appealing. Like it’s funny once and then I was just like meh. It’s kinda amusing to me that the parallels from the series and movie seem to have drawn ppl into the ship but it had the opposite effect on me heavily.
Also I’ve seen ZERO cass/gene content, and it just goes back to making the point that he and Cass couldn’t be friends w/o Rapunzel which I dislike. (I believe I already mentioned how their platonic relationship should’ve been developed better.)
I don’t ship cassunzel because firstly, it was difficult for me to even appreciate Cassandra’s character overall. When I finally did, I was like- why would she even want to be with Rapunzel if she was treated so unfairly by her being outshined and all- besides attraction I guess. Like wouldn’t she deserve better anyways?
More personal reasons would be bad experiences with hardcore shippers of both ships, anti-Eugene’s who somehow almost always happened to be part of those communities and lastly-
I’ve just been into Tangled way longer than I’ve been invested into the series, like I’m talking 2012 even though I wasn’t active online much then. New dream has always been my #1 romance pairing. The movie had a universe much different aesthetically than the series that really did fascinate me! It’s my comfort movie for sure.
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nuksponyart · 1 year
well said
This post made me think about how in Rose's Scabbard and Sworn To The Sword Pearl puts her importance to Rose in terms of what she can do for her. If you listen to Pearl, their relationship sounds pretty transactional on Rose's side. Pearl emphasises her importance to Rose with the 'jobs' she's doing for her. She can keep secrets Rose wouldn't trust anyone else with. She can fight for and protect Rose with her life. Even when she's arguing with Greg in We Need To Talk she defaults to "You're no threat to me because I am a Gem who can fuse" rather than, I don't know, anything about her actual emotional bond with Rose?
Listening to her, it's no wonder many viewers would initially come to the conclusion that Pearl's romantic feelings, or even feelings period for Rose were unrequitted, and that Rose valued Pearl more as an ally than anything else.
But then we see Rose's side of it and Pearl's abilities aren't a factor in her affection for Pearl at all! In fact, I don't think I recall a single instance where Rose even mentioned things Pearl can do for her as a positive. More than that, every time the acts of service Pearl treasures so much come up, Rose seems more worried than anything.
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Judging from Pearl's flashback to her arguments with Rose in Sworn To The Sword it sounds like Rose was actually actively distressed about the very acts that Pearl seems to regard as the foundation of their relationship.
When Rose actually expresses positive feelings for Pearl, we get this:
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Rose emphasises simply being with Pearl. In a world where they can be free and at peace and Pearl would never need to take on any burdens for her. She doesn't want Pearl to do anything for her, she just wants Pearl.
Where is my point? I had a point. Oh, right!
Pearl seems to determine the strength of her relationship with others, especially Rose, by how much she can do for them, and doesn't realise that her loved ones not only love her for herself, but would, in fact, appreciate if she stopped throwing herself into the meatgrinder for one second, we mean it, Pearl, Rose is getting the gem equivalent of dehydrated.
(Rose, of course, takes all of this as evidence that her existence is causing everyone she loves to suffer and they would be better off without her)
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nuksponyart · 1 year
I found it super sad that they replaced Roses portrait, it felt like she was being camcelled
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Look what I stumbled across while going through my old files! It’s my original drawing for the family picture that replaces Rose’s on the wall!
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