numba1director · 4 years
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【 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐞 】
🌸 Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Fats Domino, 2011. 🌟 Johnny Cash, holding baby, c, early ‘70s. 🍀 Roy Orbison, Bo Diddley, and Carl, 1987. 💎 Carl Perkins, c. mid ‘80s. 🔎 Daryl Davis & Jerry Lee Lewis, early ‘80s.
In the time of my research, I’d known of Daryl. He performed with and was friends with Jerry Lee. And he converted KKK members by befriending them. A week ago, Misha Collins posted a live stream to his YouTube, “A Conversation on Racial Inequality & Injustice.” What Daryl said, in his last share, stood out to me. He said ignorance can be cured with education, exposure, and peaceful conversation. It sounds good but is it possible? When I started my “12 Days of Christmas” tradition, I shared posts of black musicians on my Tumblr. To name a few, Howlin’ Wolf, James Brown, Billie Holiday, Ray Charles, and Chuck Berry. I had a handful of followers but in a few days, I lost 10. I chalked it up to bots, but some of the profiles looked real. It seemed like when I’d post about a black musician, I’d lose followers. I don’t care for numbers. It’s that instant “unfollow” reaction, someone has, at the mere sight of a black person. That bothers me. Yet, I made excuses. When I posted an edit “Cool Breeze,” I stopped. It was dedicated to Kimbel’s appearance on “Moonshiners.” I hadn’t lost followers for fan edits of white guys, so that moment I knew.
The people who unfollowed were racist. It didn’t matter that Kimbel’s a sweet guy. That James Brown is the God Father of Soul. It didn’t matter what any black musical artist achieved or how good a person they were. They judged them, solely for their skin color, and probably think they’re better than them too. That infuriates me. So, I question is it possible to cure ignorance? I’m hoping, to contribute to that process, with this post. Many love Jerry Lee, John, Roy, and Carl. So, I hope a person who thinks they’re better than a black person, asks themselves why? When the person they admire and respect, didn’t. But I suppose if Daryl could bound with a KKK member, over Jerry Lee’s piano playing…Anything is possible, even curing ignorance.
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numba1director · 5 years
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Torque from The Suffering: Ties That Bind, 2009.  The shock and uncertainty, that eases into the realization of what he has to do.
“Those trapped in misery dream of escape. But just when you think you’ve made it out, it turns out you’ve never really left.” – Ranse Truman.
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numba1director · 6 years
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numba1director · 6 years
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Carl Perkins, photos by J.T. Phillips, for The Tennessean, published Feb 5, 1969. (Edited from free preview articles, Newspapers.com)
For Veterans Day, I’d like to share one of my favorite stories of Carl. The following was paraphrased from “Disciple in Blue Suede Shoes,” pg 107 - 111.
On January 9th, 1969, Carl performed with Johnny Cash’s group in Saigon, at the Long Binh Air Force Base. Around 5 in the afternoon, they heard their first sounds of war, Carl said, “big guns boomed in the distance and carried on through the night.” None slept well, Carl lay awake, listening to the far-off booms and talking to God. “Oh, God, why does this war have to be fought? Please, Lord, help us get out of it soon. So many innocent people are losing their lives.” While there Carl visited, played and sang for wounded soldiers. “My heart was touched when the young soldiers tried to smile their appreciation. Some of them looked much too young to be there. But how blessed I was by the experience.” That night, he thought, prayed, and was sure God had a job for him to do, the next day he asked Colonel Castle for a tape recorder, to record conversations with the boys to send back to their families, so they’d know they were okay, the Colonel agreed and Carl set onto record. Leaving Saigon, he returned home to a celebration, “Carl Perkins Day” that lasted for a week, when things settled, he and his wife Valda began calling families, he said, “I didn’t realize how much hearing the voices of their boys would mean to them until I heard their weeping.” A mother cried, “that’s really Danny’s voice. We didn’t know if he was even still alive. I think God you called.” Carl and Valda listened, prayed, and cried with the families too, saying, “It was in helping that we ourselves were helped.” Six months later, at show in Montgomery, Alabama, a stage guard informed Carl, some people came to see him, adding “They won’t go away until they talk to you.” Carl went to the stage entrance, he saw the boy, he talked with from the hospital, he was from Montgomery and was with his girlfriend and parents. Carl recalled, “They wanted to thank me in person, but it was I who thanked them for the blessing I had received. I got seats for them beside the stage, and as I performed I looked over at their happy reunion. My voice almost broke.”
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numba1director · 6 years
In the Twilight universe, “vegetarian” vampires have golden eyes from drinking animal blood, a more ethical source than human blood, which would give them red eyes. It has also been established that a diet of human blood makes vampires physically stronger. So, if the Cullens wanted to become stronger without jeopardizing their morals, could they consume mosquitoes instead? How many mosquitoes would they have to eat to survive? Since mosquitoes drink from both humans and animals, what color would their eyes be? Orange? In this essay, I will
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numba1director · 6 years
Somebody Please Draw This
I need somebody to draw this
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But make Sam Fenneko, Dean Retsuko, And Cas Haida. Please. I beg of you.
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numba1director · 6 years
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The Unluckiest Zircon in the Galaxy
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numba1director · 6 years
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ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴅɪᴇ
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numba1director · 6 years
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“I’m a new fan of SU, and before I saw “Earthlings”, I really disliked Smoky Quartz’s third arm. It looked so odd and mutant like. But it finally made sense once I saw how her third arm allowed her to control her yo yo weapon with deadly accuracy. Such a badass”
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numba1director · 6 years
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex + official photographs
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numba1director · 6 years
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The three G’s in Gregg stand for GAY
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numba1director · 6 years
See that's what I thought Pirates of the Caribbean world look like. Or at least be different. You know. They were pretty lazy for not making a custom form for him in each world, I get it’d be a lot of work, but it’s worth it. This is soo cool, though.
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Yo ho Yo ho a pirate’s life for me!
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numba1director · 6 years
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numba1director · 6 years
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i think about this a lot
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numba1director · 6 years
you deserving something doesn’t mean any specific person owes it to you
you deserve love. your crush does not owe you a date.
you deserve success. your coworkers do not owe you extra hours.
you deserve emotional support. your friends do not owe you free therapy.
what ‘you deserve this’ means is that it’s ok to want it and hope for it and try to achieve it, not that you have the authority to demand that a person provide it. it’s good to ask for it, but you have to be willing to take no for an answer.
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numba1director · 6 years
Anyone else screaming “THEY DID TOO CARE” at Pink after watching Reunited?
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numba1director · 6 years
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