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Emily Didonato
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Jack Sparrow
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Jacqueline Olivia Teague (Emily Didonato) Twin of Jackson Oliver Teague (Dacre Montgomery)  Son  Daughter of Marium [Lodda] Teague and Edward Teague.  Captain of The Black Pearl The Seabreeze until we find the Pearl again.  Trusts Leo (First Quartermaster/Boatswain and best friend), Landon (First Mate and occasional shag), rum, his instincts, his twin Likes being out at sea, rum, a long-legged woman, a generous man, the smell of fresh bread, a freshly picked flower, fresh fruit, sketching, a nice hot bath (preferably with company) Dislikes mermaids, authority, wizards, corsets, snakes, cold tea, an unfair fight, powdered wigs Notable features are his random cuts and scars on his body. Has about eight total, picks up a few random ones. Tattoo of a sparrow on forearm (matched his twin).  Important Items to him are The Black Pearl, his twin’s lost necklace, his twin’s lost compass, his hat, his crew Grew up in a seaside town. Mother the local baker, father a disgraced baron who left the life to become a legendary pirate. Twin worked the docks. 
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Anne Bonny || Anonymous 
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“Q, c’mon! If I can do it, you can too. We’re twins after all!” 
That’s what you used to always tell me whenever I was scared or apprehensive. You’d adventure off, but always come back to get me and offer me your hand. I’d go hesitantly, but I’d follow you anywhere. 
You always promised to keep me safe no matter what and you always kept that promise. Whenever mum would have her bad days, you’d do whatever you could take the worst of it so I could get away. It always made me feel guilty, but you’d come in with that bright smile of yours and tell me they’re just scrapes and bruises; they’d heal. My first adventure you never left my side unless I asked. After a job well done, we’d be at a pub, and I could always feel your eyes searching for me, making sure I was alright. You’d let me socialize or hide for a bit but before I knew it, you’d be back by my side. 
You were my guide and my protector. 
On that dreadful day, I let you down. I’ll never forget the feeling of your finger tips slipping through mine. They were always a good match. Sure, you were a boy but we’re twins! My hand should have fit yours perfectly. Despite the rain I thought I had you. But I didn’t. I watched you and the other half of the ship twist and sink as I was grabbed away to leave. I couldn’t save you and I’ll never forgive myself for that. . 
We were supposed to see the world together and the day I lost you, my world ended. 
Pirate or not, you were doing good wherever you could. The world needs Jack Sparrow and since I died with you that day, I had to continue your legacy. You’d want me to be selfish for once. I needed to get away from mother and living on in your honor would be the only way to do it. The story told is that Jacqueline Olivia Teague died that day and Jack Sparrow lives on. 
Everyday I make sure my grip is good so I never let anyone half as important as you slip through my fingers again. I love you Jackson. Please forgive me. 
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