numenefarie · 6 years
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     “…” He can already tell this kid’s going to be a handful. Part of him wants to turn on his heels and leave the boy to his own devices, but another part says that’s a bad idea but also… who is he to leave someone like this? Brow furrowing slightly, Deen can’t help the sigh that leaves his lips.
     “You… are you sure you’re okay?” The words just leave him without a second thought, lips staying parted as the mercenary stares at the kid.
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Morgan slowly cocked his head to the side. Come to think of it, since he’s been here and the few times he’s talked with people, they’ve had similar reactions. He’s always brushed it off, but when a guy that looks like he’s had his share of battles is concerned. Well.
“I’m sure,” Morgan straightened back up, smiling just as much as before,”Valentian tactics are different from each other depending on if it’s Rigel or Zofia, but they still have a lot I can use and study up on. So I just stay on high ground to watch... I’ve thought about joining in the fight to get some more firsthand experience and lend a helping hand but...I think Lucina would get mad if I directly involve myself.”
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numenefarie · 6 years
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He’s still messed up from dealing with that Managarm.
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numenefarie · 6 years
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“Nope, I’m alright,” Between looking like a kid still and dressing strangely, he stuck out like a sore thumb, didn’t he? “Besides, you can’t be lost if you never had a place to be in mind.”
@numenefarie​ ♥’d for a one liner!
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     “Can I… help you, kid?”
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numenefarie · 6 years
looks @ the thread with suede
and this is why it’s important to protect morgan
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numenefarie · 6 years
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Morgan and Chrom😍
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numenefarie · 6 years
     There it is. The realization that hits the boy hard is enough to get Suede shivering in delight. He loved that sort of look. The one where his prey realizes what situation they are in and are desperate to get themselves out. Out, out, out. That’s all they ever think. Ever want when they are cornered. He’s half a mind to tell the boy he can’t escape that there’s no where to run. 
     And he almost does. Until a book is swatting him across the face and he cries out loudly, head being whipped violently to the side.
     Oh. That hurt. There’s blood dripping from his nose now, down his lips as he registers what just occurred in that moment. Tongue poking out and swiping up over his lip, under where it and his nose meet. The metallic taste is something divine, even if it’s the garou’s own and he can’t help the gaze that flashes over his eyes.
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     “Cheeky,” He hisses through his teeth, fingers tightening in the man’s shoulder as he shoves him hard against the cobblestone. Even to let him know what strength he possessed before his fingers loosen their hold, “That wasn’t very nice of you, y’know. I think you owe me an apology.”
The wound beneath his hand had tore open again from moving his arm too fast, too hard. Fresh blood spilled beneath his palm, drenching his already bloodied shirt anew. Morgan clenched his jaw to keep whatever cry from slipping. But his plan didn’t work. He could only watch, unable to look away with some morbid curiosity when a glimmer of moonlight hit the beastman’s face. How he lapped up his own blood but most of all.
The glaze that covers his eyes.
Even if he had his wits to move, he couldn’t. The hold on his shoulder never eased like he had hoped.
The sheer strength alone from being shoved down against the cobblestone knocked the air from his lungs, the back of his head smacking against the rocks with a sickening sound. He couldn’t scream if he had wanted to. The world exploded in array of colors that spun, doubling in his vision.  Shakily, Morgan moved one of his legs to try and wedge it between them, but it slid uselessly against the garou’s side, unable to get between them. He could feel his heartbeat getting out of control, the panic starting to grip it.  Between the pain and miasma of disorientation, he laid there panting and eyes wide.
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Nothing was working.
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numenefarie · 6 years
     It’s incredible just how much it takes for one person to give up. To give in and let fate decide the course for them. It’s even more incredibly ( hilarious as well ) when that person realizes that whatever fate wanted of them wasn’t going to happen. Especially with a situation like this. Suede can’t help but chuckle.
     “Hah… No,” He reassures the boy, keeping him pressed against the wall with his palm, “Though, it’s cute that you thought I would,” Another laugh, red eyes glinting with mischief.
     “I like that look on your face. The one where you’re anticipatin’ somethin’ bad, just acceptin’ what’s about to happen to you,” A slight shudder runs itself up the garou’s spine, another lick of his tongue over white teeth being made once again. “It’s… intoxicatin’. Makes me want to hurt you more just to see that look. The look of pain, of fear.” His tail wags a little to fast at the thought, lips curling further in a dark smile. Too bad the boy can’t see it, can he?”
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     “So, no, I’m not goin’ to kill you. But that doesn’t mean I’m not goin’ to stop toyin’ with you.”
This situation was rapidly slipping from his grasp. Morgan’s chest rose and fell, near hyperventilating the more the wolf’s words settled in. Shameless, pure sadistic intent dripped from them. What little he could see, he dearly wished he didn’t. What would his mother do? He squeezed his eyes shut, unsure when they had opened. What would be the course of action his mother took?
There was no way he had the upper hand in strength, maybe not even speed. But there was a whole city’s network of streets and what filled it to his disposal.
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Morgan sucked in a sharp breath and tightened his fingers around the thunder tome he held dearly. And swung. Hard.
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numenefarie · 6 years
“Well, to be fair it is pretty funny.”
He didn’t think for a moment he was being laughed at,  Morgan was right there with him, chuckling just as much. If anything seeing someone laugh and smile was the best thing he could ask for. It was extremely fuzzy, but he could remember someone telling him that cruelty was effortless. Kindness, without ulterior motives, was not only a rarity but could be just as effortless if people tried. Without knowing someone, there was no telling what hardships they’ve been through.
Still, he kept this tidbit to himself, philosophy was always a pretty solemn topic.
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“Scimitars are great to work with, but I never thought I’d get to see a falchion- and by someone who really specializes with it too to boot!” He was dripping with fascination, and if one looked hard enough, admiration. “It’s a pretty light sword, right? Are broadswords awkward for you to handle?”
Alternis pushed his glasses up and laughed a bit. It was at Morgan’s expense, yes, but he just, he couldn’t keep it in as he heard Morgan say he didn’t even know why he was there.
“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but I just find your lack of motive funny, I’m sorry again.”
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“Yes, I use a falchion, it’s a type of curved sword that specializes in swift attacks that strike critical areas, think of it like a more powerful scimitar.” It was a weapon he had mastered the quickdraw with, he was really quite skilled with his blade, a result of having so much free time.
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numenefarie · 6 years
The chances of survivability were dropping, but he can’t give up. Not yet. There had to be something he could do still, right? Morgan drew a knee up, foot sliding against the street’s stonework when he noticed the beastman was drawing closer. He didn’t realize just how close he was until he felt a hand pin his shoulder against the wall.
His eyes sealed shut and went rigid, bracing for teeth to find the flesh again just like before.
The pain never came.
Morgan remained stiff with tension, not daring to move or even breath. Not while the wolf sniffed at him. His fingers fumbled desperately along the cobblestone, even if it stung since it disturbed his wound.They felt something solid, something familiar. His tome. Relief flooded him but a hot rush of air hitting his ear and Morgan jerked his head to the side with a small sound. What the wolf had to say next only made the situation more confusing.
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“You’re.... You’re not?....” He wheezed, failing to comprehend what motive would drive someone to do this, “Then... what are you going to do?”
@numenefarie | from x
     “Hoh? Stayin’ silent are you?” Such a fact was enough to get the wolf to smile. A pity it was dark, otherwise those large teeth would be visible, if only to instill a further fear into the boy he has cornered against the wall. A flick of his tongue is given, wiping a red stain from ivory teeth and there’s a hum that escapes his throat.
     Blood was lovely. Delicious. It made his stomach burn with a warmth and frankly, the wolf wanted more. Far more but he restrains himself.
     Gloved hand lifts up, pressing against the boy’s shoulder to push him further against the stone wall. To keep him in place as the garou leans further with a heavy, sharp inhale. The smell of iron was heavy, hot from the viscous fluid that pools from split lip and the bite he so graciously gave to the poor man. Another lick of his lips as he leans forward, letting a breath huff from his nose against the boy’s ear.
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     “Kyaha, don’t worry. I’m not goin’ to kill you.”
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numenefarie · 6 years
Morgan blinked owlishly, the optimistic smile dropping for a moment. Not because of the compliment (it was actually pretty flattering!). He’d become so enraptured with meeting Alternis that he’d completely forgotten why he was there in the first place.
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“I can’t remember, I guess it wasn’t that important!” Morgan admitted finally, cocking his head. There was a nagging feeling,but he couldn’t quite put a finger on it. It was telling him to be more cautious but he tossed that idea right out of his mind. His gaze started to drift down in thought, if anything to figure the feeling out but his eyes caught sight of metal. Or more specifically-
“Oh! You use swords?”
Alternis had to laugh a bit at his enthusiasm for his ability. Such a young life, so full of energy, he loved how it felt. It was tempting to make his move, but he decided to hold off, maybe it’d be better to have him as an ally.
“Glad to meet you Morgan, what brings you around here?” Alternis inquired. He had his sword at his hip and he was ready for anything as he pushed his glasses up.
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“Especially with your cute little features.”
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numenefarie · 6 years
He didn’t mean to gawk. But it was more than a little impressive that it’s possible for someone to feel another person’s essence, let alone distinguish how it feels.
“Whoa... Right!-” Morgan hastily bowed to reciprocate the gesture, straightening up too quickly with a smile plastered still on his face. It wasn’t every day that he got to meet someone like this. They seemed so elegant and fluid.
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“Alternis, is great to meet someone like you. My name’s Morgan!”
@numenefarie continued from here!
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“Well, I originally only felt the warmth of your life energy, but I’m glad to know you’re so hospitable. I’m Alternis, who are you?”
He smiled and bowed with as much grace as he could muster, trying to make a phenomenal first impression. He wouldn’t reveal he was an Incubus just yet, he’d wait and bide his time.
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numenefarie · 6 years
​❝ blood has such a metallic taste. ❞
Could the wolf see easily in the dark?
The night made it impossible to see in the unlit, neglected street. His mother always taught him that against all odds- he must not give in to panic, To remain calm. Yet a torrent of questions rampaged his thoughts and panting through the searing pain. Blood was still profusely spilling from his lips, a hand was still planted over the gash on the crook of his neck. 
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Where was his tome and sword, what weaknesses did this strange man have? Morgan leant back against the cold, stone wall. His hand trembling as it weakly skimmed the cobblestone for something. Anything that could be used to his favor.
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numenefarie · 6 years
​❝ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers. ❞ -Alty of course
There was a puff forced between his pursed lips, what an effort it took to keep himself from laughing! Still, he couldn’t stop a chuckle from bubbling. Anyone would have thought it odd to have their hair carded through by a stranger, but Morgan just folded his hands in front of him and stayed still.
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“Do you really? I never really paid any attention to it, but if you like it then it must be pretty soft.”
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numenefarie · 6 years
Send 👐 to catch my muse
They could have tripped, or are falling out of a tree… catch ‘em! 
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numenefarie · 6 years
some   may   be   nsfw   and   /   or   be   triggering.   
01    :     TOUCH .
❝ i love this [ FABRIC ], it feels satisfying. ❞
❝ your touch. it leaves me breathless. ❞
❝ your touch is unlike any other. ❞
​❝ have you ever felt anything more comfortable? ❞
❝ feel this. what does it feel like to you? ❞
❝ i wanted to see what it felt like. ❞
​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞
​❝ you felt ice cold when i touched you. ❞
​❝ you feel warm to me. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of [ FABRIC ] against my skin. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your skin against mine. ❞
​❝ i would never touch anyone else. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers. ❞
​❝ don’t you dare touch me. ❞
​❝ i want to feel your lips against my own. ❞
​❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞
​❝ let me give you a massage. ❞
❝ you feel like home to me. ❞ 
02     :      TASTE .
❝ i love the taste of you. ❞
❝ i can never forget that taste. ❞
❝ fair warning, it does have a bitter taste. ❞
​❝ no offense, you just aren’t my taste. ❞
❝ can i have a taste of that? ❞
❝ i have yearned for the taste of your lips. ❞
​❝ that tasted pretty good actually. ❞
​❝ it just left a really bad taste in my mouth so no thanks. ❞
​❝ nothing taste better than chocolate. ❞
​❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
​❝ i will forever savor that taste. ❞
​❝ blood has such a metallic taste. ❞
​❝ my taste buds are mad at me after eating that. ❞
​❝ how’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? ❞
​❝ you didn’t even taste it. ❞
​❝ trust me, you’ll want to taste this. ❞
​❝ i think it has a bit of bitter sweet taste. ❞
❝ so you tasted it, did you like it? ❞
03     :      SIGHT .
❝ i see you. ❞
❝ i’ve never seen things so clearer than i do now. ❞
❝ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❞
​❝ how can you see anything? it’s pitch dark. ❞
❝ i’ve looked close enough and i see you for what you are. ❞
❝ please, just look at me. ❞
​❝ stop staring at me like that. ❞
​❝ get that light out of my face. ❞
​❝ it’s so bright outside today. ❞
​❝ what’s wrong? what did you see? ❞
​❝ you’re scared, you must have saw something. ❞
​❝ what i saw, you’ll never believe me. ❞
​❝ i’ve never seen you before. ❞
​❝ have we seen one another before? ❞
​❝ you see me for what i truly am. ❞
​❝ i didn’t see anything. ❞
​❝ did you see that? ❞
❝ i can’t believe my eyes. ❞
04     :      SOUND .
❝ shhh, i just heard something. ❞
❝ did you hear that? ❞
❝ what is that sound? ❞
​❝ i missed the sound of your voice. ❞
❝ do you hear me? stay away from me. ❞
❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞
​❝ i’m sorry, what was that? i didn’t hear you. ❞
​❝ i’ve heard that sound before. ❞
​❝ you didn’t hear anything at all? ❞
​❝ can you hear what they’re saying? ❞
​❝ aw, i love the sound of music. ❞
​❝ i never said i could hear them. ❞
​❝ wait, hear that? something is coming. ❞
​❝ i could hear screams … ❞
​❝ i heard you all the way upstairs. ❞
​❝ you didn’t just hear that? that sound? that noise? ❞
​❝ trust me, you’re going to want to hear this. ❞
❝ please, just hear me out. ❞
05     :      SMELL .
❝ what is that smell? ❞
❝ i have missed your smell. ❞
❝ you smell nice. ❞
​❝ it’s unlike anything i’ve smelled before. ❞
❝ i smell the food cooking from here. ❞
❝ do you smell that? ❞
​❝ how are you able to smell that? ❞
​❝ no offense but it really smells. ❞
​❝ it’s starting to smell. ❞
​❝ tell me, you’ve smelled this before. ❞
​❝ i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies. ❞
​❝ i can smell you from here. ❞
​❝ are you smelling me? ❞
​❝ i missed the smell of your hair. ❞
​❝ i need to step away, get some fresh air. ❞
​❝ do you smell that? that’s the smell of freedom. ❞
​❝ i could never erase your smell. ❞
❝ i can smell the fear on you from here. ❞
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numenefarie · 6 years
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there, i cleaned up the theme and pages a little
i sure was energetic 2 years ago... if not a little excessive
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numenefarie · 8 years
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“I’ll be just a moment, you see I’m actually looking for an archive or a library to touch up on some history. Do you know if and where one is in this town?” Strange, but the style of clothing seemed to differ from what he  and the man wore, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, he would have stood out in his Plegian robes. As much as the ambush was unwelcoming, it was good timing. But what the one eyed man wore seem to hold a thread of resemblance to Ylissean or even Feroxian attire.
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