nura-rihan-akuma · 2 years
i think i will love this year XD
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
french ! yeah 
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Feel like I’ve become stupid at art lately
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
on se demande bien qu’es qu’ils aiment a retourner autant de fois au cinéma ;)
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Sketches I'm doing for replying a question about my characters regarding the theater and movies. It seems like Faikel thinks is so embarrassing to see the same movie over and over. Oh atrix! Please don’t say they like to watch movies over and over, that’s disgraceful and there are minors around!*chuckles*
Before continuing working with the expressions and poses more (because I’m not very satisfied with them, I only like faikel’s one on the second pannel) I thought it was going to be wise to share them in this moment cos I would love to know your opinion about it, and if you can get the joke I tried to do here. They expressions and body language should be enough to make it understandable without me explaining it. If that’s not the case then please let me know so I can work on other pannels or try to do it other way maybe. Explaining jokes in descriptions of a drawing takes all the fun out of it XD so I hope this is understandable!
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
Is it possible for the Nightlights to breed more Night Furies?
So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I just found it really interesting. I’m only in like yr 11 biology so I really don’t know a whole heap XD. This is just something I thought might work.
So, first of all, I researched and found that the colour of the coating, or skin on many animals a monogenic trait, meaning it is controlled by a single gene. That is unlike humans who have many different shades of skin colour, not just black or white due to it being controlled by many genes. From this, I think we can assume that the colour of Night Furies and Light Furies is monogenic as there is only black or white and no in-between.
So then if we only look at the colour gene for the Furies, we can call the complete black coat BB (aka Night Fury), and complete white coat WW (aka Light Fury.) Now looking at the Nightlights, since they display colours from both parents without any blending, we can assume that the alleles for black and white colour are co-dominant. Then we would give the colour of Nightlights the symbol BW.
Before I go on, for anyone who is not familiar with pedigree charts, the squares represent males and circles represent females.  
A horizontal line between a male and female represent marriage or mates. Lines that stem from that horizontal line represent their offspring.
And the key below shows which colour each individual displays.
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Let’s begin…
This is the overall pedigree I made which I will break down in a sec.
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So first of all, we know that Toothless is the last Night Fury, but he and the Light Fury had had three baby Nightlights. Those three will obviously never meet another Night Fury and it is unclear whether dragons inbreed. However, there are many more Light Furies for them to mate with which is shown with Nightlights 1 and 3.
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If a Nightlight and Light Fury are crossed in this example there is a 50% chance of producing a Nightlight and 50% chance of producing a Light Fury.
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And if we assume that Nightlight 3 also crossed with a Light Fury, they would also have a 50% chance of having another Nightlight.
Then if we cross the two Nightlight offspring from the original Nightlights…
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There is a 25% chance of having a Night Fury…
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If anyone here knows anything about bio pls correct me because i was really just playing around with this. XD
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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Sacha Baron Cohen’s Keynote Address at ADL’s 2019 Never Is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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Sun-Seeker Knight
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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“The wizard places a chalice on the table, filled with a strange, smoking liquid. He cautions that this potion is incredibly danger-“ “I knock it over.” via /r/aww https://ift.tt/2QOEiAW
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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Some photos of new exhibits in the arms and armor department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Pt. 2/2
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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Art by Ksenia Svincova
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
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Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum flagellum) by 2ndPeter
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
je ne suis pas un dessinateur mais de se que je connais le regard du personnage lui est très caractéristique alors peu être chercher  a leur donner des yeux graphiquement différent ?
ou tu peu aussi essayer de t’exercer a dessiné différent visage avec de caractéristique très différent genre un visage très “carré” un autre bléssé un autre très allonger (genre le méchant dans how to train your dragon  3)?
voila voila 
l’avis du non-dessinateur ^^
Different styles of drawing heads?
I just feel like, I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately and even doing research of my own, about how to draw faces, and heads differently. Mostly because I’ve been told that I have a problem with my character’s faces because all of them are very much alike. Is that true?
And when I drew THIS , I tried so hard to drawing the faces and head shapes differently but when I shared it to the ones who told me my faces were all alike, they said that…
well…that they were still very much alike!!!  That they are just the same face with different hair and skin color and different face traits, and that I didn’t work to improve my drawing skills as I said I did. So it’s so frustrating!! Specially and moslty because:
First, It’s people I care about and I look up to.
and second, I researched and worked a lot for improving and even so the result of that wasn’t good.
After google searching for a year and a bit more on this, honestly, I feel lost on that regard…
I just would like that people stop confusing Rita the teutologist with my character Estelle, and my character faikel with atrix, or my character faikel with capitain Byron who is also the same species of faikel and has also long hair…or that people mistake my character Faikel with a girl when he’s clearly, a boy!!!!
I want that when people see one of my characters they can know they are a different character even if they don’t know their names.  Sorry if it sounds like I’m ragging, it’s not the case, I’m just too exhausted of all this. Specially and mostly to be critiziced of being lazy when I’ve dedicated a lot of effort and time to improve my art skills, specially this year.
So my question is folks, do you have an advice on how to draw different faces to make unique characters?
please, Help me!! Je vous en prie!!!!! Whatever advice you can give me or link to any article, video about that, it will help a lot!
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
la belle ^^
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Hi there folks! Today when I came back from work I was inspired to draw a character with Splatoon related design. But my tablet didn’t wanted to cooperate, so I made this one on artflow for android. At first I had the idea of drawing faikel in Splatoon universe…but I think I got carried away at the end and I ended doing this character with no name XD And when I was almost going to finish it I remembered the canvas is too small on artflow for android. I hope you like though ^^ Is the first time I draw her so that’s why she still doesn’t have a name, I just felt inspired to make her up. You can suggest one :) Curious fact, she’s based on the East Pacific Red Octopus (Octopus Rubescents)  ^^ So that’s why her tentacles are red.
….Yeah I have a soft spot for cephs that live on the pacific XD But I don’t mind making characters based on any cephs, and I love all cephalopods, all of them are awesome!
I must say, Splatoon, even if the game mechanics are rather simple, and I haven’t played it yet, I love the character designs, species, and all the universe in general. The designs are rad! And there’s a lot of folklore on the fanart and inkling oc’s from people on the web that inspires me to draw Splatoon related stuff from time to time.  As for this design, I know the suction cups usually are on the other side of the head, but I just thought they could look a lot better like real tentacles aka my scientist brain didn’t let me to do otherwise. I love that they have tentacles on the head insead of hair! XD
Sorry about the messy look of the lineart and coloring, but remember I did in my smartphone with finger, without stylo! So it’s already a miracle that I finished it XD My arm hurts a lot!
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nura-rihan-akuma · 5 years
très beau !
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I’ve feeling to draw stuff for mermay all this month, but when I come home I feel like there’s no energy left to do it…Appart from the physical energy I lack something else…
…Spiritual energy.
That one that comes when you’re excited and ethusiasted about an idea to draw. And it’s normal I guess…things in my life are upside down in these moments. Physically and emotionally I feel exhausted, I feel like I swim against river currents.
But well, anyways, I feel l should keep making art because that’s what have helped me in the past to go through difficult times, and I feel it helps me now as well. So I tried to do at least one thing for mermay this month. It took me a few days to finish this one, and I know there’s a lot of anatomical mistakes here because I was tired. But at least is here and is finished!
Well and the best part is that I have a lot of fun doing it. Specially the eyes and the tail details! ^^ I think that’s what matters the most in this moment and not if the drawing is something extraordinary or not :)
Made on artflow for Android. Actually it was a bit for both parts, I drew the basic sketch on paper but then I decided she was going to look better if I inked and colored her on digital :)
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nura-rihan-akuma · 6 years
félicitation ! ! !  
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Flora Redraw by TheShadowRam
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nura-rihan-akuma · 8 years
best cosplay i see of astrid since the star of httyd
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nura-rihan-akuma · 8 years
Who are yours pants? O:-)
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Boo bi / смешные картинки и другие приколы: комиксы, гиф анимация, видео, лучший интеллектуальный юмор.
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nura-rihan-akuma · 8 years
Tellement mignons^^
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Fruit bats with pacifiers (Source: http://ift.tt/1O0d2Tw)
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