nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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Buat aksi menghemat energi dan menyelamatkan bumi dalam rangka Earth Hour. Rekam dalam video kreatif durasi 1 menit dan menangkan hadiah total 6 Juta Rupiah beserta menginap gratis di Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. ———————— Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba: 1. Follow Instagram @hyattregencyyogya, upload video ke Instagrammu dengan mention @hyattregencyyogya dan hashtag #HyEarthHour di caption. 2. Video adalah karya asli, belum pernah dipublikasikan atau diikutsertakan di kompetisi lain, diupload paling lambat pada 26 Maret 2018. 3. Video yang masuk akan dinilai berdasarkan kreativitas, dampak positif, cerita/caption dan jumlah ‘likes’. 4. Penyelenggara berhak share video peserta untuk awareness Earth Hour di media sosial. 5. Hadiah untuk pemenang yang akan diumumkan pada 31 Maret 2018: o Juara 1 : Rp 3 juta + Voucher menginap di Kamar Regency Suite o Juara 2 : Rp 2 juta + Voucher menginap di Kamar Regency Club o Juara 3 : Rp 1 juta + Voucher menginap di Kamar Garden View. . . #HyattRegencyYogya #earthhour #hyearthhour (at Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
3 hr 22 min (118 km)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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"Surga itu saat ini, disini.." kata-kata sederhana tapi dalam dari mas Bahram, tadi ketemu di warung dekat pantai Srau, Pacitan. Dia tidak tahu tentang konsep In the Now atau Mindfulness, tapi dia malah selalu menjalankannya.. A great reminder. #srau #sraubeach #pacitan #explorejogja (at Srau Beach Near Pacitan Indonesia)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
Today is good
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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A moment at #batucermin, Labuan Bajo. A million years cave that used to be under the sea. #goabatucermin #labuanbajo #flores #exploreflores #explorelabuanbajo (at Labuan Bajo, Flores - Indonesia)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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A moment at #batucermin, Labuan Bajo. A million years cave that used to be under the sea. #goabatucermin #labuanbajo #flores #exploreflores #explorelabuanbajo (at Gua Batu Cermin)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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Instead of trying to make your life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward. - Drew Houston #flores #labuanbajo #pulaurinca #pulaupadar #komodo #exploreflores #familyadventure (at Komodo National Park)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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Each one of us has our own evolution of life, goes through different tests which are unique and challenging. On a spiritual journey, we all have the same destination. - A. R. Rahman #komodo #flores #pulaurinca #labuanbajo (at Pulau Rinca, Loh Buaya-Komodo)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives. - Deepak Chopra Sunrise hiking at Pulau Padar Labuan Bajo. #labuanbajo #flores #pulaupadar #padar #komodo #sunrise #hiking #hikingadventures (at Pulau Padar)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
The new year is here, like a new chapter in a book, waiting to be written. Let's start writing! #HyattRegencyYogya #fireworks #newyearseve #arthyatt #hymoments (at Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta)
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
If you use faith to make real-life decisions in the real world, you are renouncing the use of reason. You need your reason to think clearly.
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
Kebun Binatang
Di pintu masuk , tertulis :
Tarif tiket : Rp 50.000,-/orang
Karena beberapa lama tidak ada pengunjung,
maka harga tiket diturunkan menjadi : Rp 25.000,-/orang
Namun masih tidak tidak ada juga pengunjung yg datang,
akhirnya kembali di turunkan tarif tiket menjadi hanya : Rp 10.000,-/orang
Dan tetap tidak ada pengunjung yg mau masuk.."
Akhirnya ditulislah pengumuman :
Dan.., tiba2 banyak orang yg berebutan untuk masuk.,
Ketika pengunjung di dalam penuh, Sang pawang lalu membuka semua pintu kandang binatang buas, seperti :
Singa, harimau, macan, serigala, ular, dsb. Pengunjung pun sontak PANIK !"
Kemudian pintu keluar di KUNCI..'
Lalu di pintu keluar itu ditulis :
Keluar Bayar Rp 500.000,-!!
Kemudian, ternyata BANYAK orang yg berebut membayar.."
*Inilah ironi kehidupan..*
Ketika ditawarkan HIDUP SEHAT :
~ Makan yg sehat,
~ Istirahat yg cukup,
~ Olahraga,
demi menjaga kesehatan sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit, banyak orang yg enggan/ 'TIDAK MAU.."
Tapi kalau sudah masuk Rumah Sakit, berapapun mahalnya biaya PASTI ttp dibayar asal bisa sembuh, sekalipun harus jual ASSET bhkan berHUTANG!
*Semoga terinspirasi*
*Jack Ma* bilang: jika *pisang dan uang* diletakkan di hadapan seekor monyet, maka monyet akan *memilih pisang,* karena monyet tidak mengerti bahwa uang bisa digunakan untuk membeli banyak pisang .
Dalam kenyataan hidup, jika *uang dan kesehatan* diletakkan dihadapan orang, acap kali orang akan memilih uang, karena terlalu banyak orang yang tidak mengerti' bahwa *kesehatan dapat berguna mendapatkan lebih banyak uang dan kebahagiaan*.
*Semangat week end ..*
Semoga semua sehat selalu, bahagia dan panjang umur.."
Aamiin.. 💪🏽🙏🏼🙏🏼
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
These People Live Longer Than Anyone. Here Are 9 Things They Do
These People Live Longer Than Anyone. Here Are 9 Things They Do
Dan Buettner
July 7, 2014 — 13:22 PM
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The people of Okinawa, an island southwest of Japan's main landmass, are known for their longevity. Having studied the habits of particularly long-lived people, I've taken nine lessons from the Okinawans that I believe help them live long, happy lives.
1. Embrace an ikigai.
An ikigai is one's reason for being, or one's purpose in life. Older Okinawans can readily articulate the reason they get up in the morning. Their purpose-imbued lives gives them clear roles of responsibility and feelings of being needed well into their 100s.
2. Rely on a plant-based diet.
Older Okinawans have eaten a plant-based diet most of their lives. Their meals of stir-fried vegetables, sweet potatoes, and tofu are high in nutrients and low in calories. Goya, with its antioxidants and compounds that lower blood sugar, is of particular interest. While centenarian Okinawans do eat some pork, it's traditionally reserved only for infrequent ceremonial occasions and taken only in small amounts.
3. Get gardening.
Almost all Okinawan centenarians grow or once grew a garden. It’s a source of daily physical activity that exercises the body with a wide range of motion and helps reduce stress. It’s also a near-constant source of fresh vegetables.
4. Eat more soy.
The Okinawan diet is rich foods made with soy, like tofu and miso soup. Flavonoids in tofu may help protect the heart and guard against breast cancer. Fermented soy foods contribute to a healthy intestinal ecology and offer even better nutritional benefits.
5. Maintain a moai.
The Okinawan tradition of forming a moai, or a gathering of people, provides secure social networks. These safety nets lend financial and emotional support in times of need and give all of their members the stress-shedding security of knowing that there is always someone there for them.
6. Enjoy the sunshine.
Vitamin D, produced by the body when it’s exposed on a regular basis to sunlight, promotes stronger bones and healthier bodies. Spending time outside each day allows even senior Okinawans to have optimal vitamin D levels year-round.
7. Stay active.
Older Okinawans are active walkers and gardeners. The Okinawan household has very little furniture; residents take meals and relax sitting on tatami mats on the floor. The fact that old people get up and down off the floor several dozen times daily builds lower body strength and balance, which help protect against dangerous falls.
8. Plant a medical garden.
Mugwort, ginger, and turmeric are all staples of an Okinawan garden, and all have proven medicinal qualities. By consuming these every day, Okinawans may be protecting themselves against illness.
9. Have an attitude.
A hardship-tempered attitude has endowed Okinawans with an affable smugness. They’re able to let difficult early years remain in the past while they enjoy today’s simple pleasures. They’ve learned to be likable and to keep younger people in their company well into their old age.
This is an excerpt from Blue Zones: Lessons For Living Longer From The People Who’ve Lived The Longest by Dan Buettner, Copyright 2008, all rights reserved.
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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Mom's of little flow dance group
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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It takes time to take you to all of these competitions yet it gives us a great pleasure to see you perform and winning sometimes..
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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David Benoit, Patty Austin, and Michael Paulo at Bogeys Teras, Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. In coordination with UGM Economic Jazz 2017
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nurcahyadhi · 7 years
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You would never invite a thief into your house. So why would you allow #thoughts that #steal your #joy to make themselves at home in your mind? Enjoy life simple pleasure. Life is too short and happiness is too rare. Today's journey is from Pelabuhan Ratu back to Jogja.
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