nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
Since Anti-Cosmo and Ymmit seem to dress properly, I'm guessing it was Anti-Wanda who took Irep to buy his clothes from Hot Topic
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
Has ever ymmti tried to like, to the blame on irep when he did some mischievous? And did.ever irep did it the same? (Kind of like that typical thing of the younger brother blaming the older brother and the older doing the same lmao)
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if they had a nickel for every time they heard those words, they would be rich.
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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jecka goes by jessica again and SWEARS by the keto diet
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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Cosmo and Wanda outfit aesthetic boards ✨
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
What if I was crazy, what then.
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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very quick doodle of my favorite girls 💜🩷
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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“gay son or thot daughter,” you start to ask, but you can’t even finish your sentence because cosmo and wanda heard “gay son” and immediately started cheering and clapping
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
small relationship tip:
if you’ve got someone in your life who apologises for a lot, instead of constantly telling them that they don’t have to apologise for that thing, slip in a couple ‘thank you’s or other small compliments.
“I’m sorry I can’t talk about that right now.” -> “thanks for establishing a boundary.”
“sorry I won’t be home for dinner” -> “I’m glad you’re able to go out and spend time with friend/treat yourself/etc.”
“I’m sorry I vented so much” -> “thank you for trusting me with this.”
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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the difference between rarijack interacting with their past selves 🍎💎
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
More random AW headcannons
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These are my more personal ones but I wanna share them to cheer myslef up.
- I headcannon her to smell like very strong cologne. Very musky and sharp.
(I think more sharp smells is considered more attractive in Anti-Fairyworld so many wear musky, sharp and strong smells.)
- She has no idea how to use makeup and Anti-Cosmo is the one who helps her with her lipstick and lashes everyday
- She doesn’t like using cuss words and will tell her husband or son off for using them, even if it’s family friendly such as “frick”
- She’s Anti-Sparky’s fav of the family because she’s always feeding him and cuddling him. He sometimes growls at AC when the two are lovey dovey if he wants cuddles with her.
- She most likely has many photo albums that she keeps of her time with AC and Ireps journey into adulthood
-She hates her birthday so much that no one actually knows it. Even AC doesn’t know but respects her wishes not to celebrate it even if he did know the date.
- She still has her baby blanket from when she was born that her grandmother knitted for her. Occasionally when overwhelmed she’ll cuddle it for comfort and the smell.
-As stated before I headcannon her to be autistic like me. I think her comfort food would be things like unseasoned chicken legs ect, and I think her shirts are probably custom made for her so they have no itchy fabrics or labels. AC is very strict about making sure she feels comfortable. He also makes sure he explains things in detail in meetings so she can follow along if things get a bit complex.
- She can regurgitate items that she’s swallowed unharmed, which is useful for when in places like prison lol.
- She has a “nest” in her private quarters made of things she finds cool such as pebbles, bones, trinkets, buttons, gold, old clothes, AC monocle… wait a minute
18+ Adult headcannons:
- She fantasises about AC being a female in her dreams. She loves him how he is but she also can’t help but think about how hot he’d be as a woman for one hook up.
- You can tell when she’s going through her heat cycle because she will sniff AC and will be more defensive and agitated. She will also begin to bite her and ACs tail.
- She is a very active partner and AC often allows her to get her pleasures in other anti-fairies as long as they agree on who together and the terms. He is very very protective of her but also knows thier libido difference is very big and knows she’s a trustworthy woman with her own needs so is happy for her to find her kicks in others if they agree to it.
- She is very much an ass-lady, often seen catching glimpses off ACs behind when he’s bent over lol. She’s gonna grab it too if he isn’t paying attention.
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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Oh no straight ppl
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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Wildberries кормит
Извините, что в плохом качестве😭
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
Donation protected
I am Imtithal from North Gaza, I share with you the deep sorrow of my family from Gaza, so I created this campaign for him to try to help him and his family. I know that donations are not easy in these times, but I believe that every contribution has the power to change someone's life.
That is why I am participating in this campaign
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with all my faith, not only to keep them saved, but also to protect their dreams and help them get out of Gaza. I am Imtithal from Gaza, I lost all my dreams and my job as a dentist, I lost my home, I lost my brother Obaida who was killed and he had young children, and my family lost their entire livelihood because of this war in Gaza. We live in miserable conditions and live in poor conditions with my family of 35, most of whom are young children. We are always trying hard to provide a living as hunger and thirst kill us. The scene continues, full of depression, sadness, fear and horror. The siege imposed on us, the
genocide that follows us, all kinds of torment and suffering, the spread of diseases, all of this and more kills life in Gaza, kills our existence, and our lives have turned into an endless nightmare, amidst hopes hanging by a thin thread. We are suffering now, and we do not know what tomorrow will bring. We do not know when this war will end!!! Because we have lost everything beautiful, we are about to lose more. We face harsh conditions and a dark future for our lives, displacement, poverty and pain. But there is a glimmer of hope with your help and generous donations. We can leave Gaza and build a new life and rise from the rubble. Every small donation can make a big difference. That is why I seek through your donations. To get out at a time when an individual pays huge sums of money ranging between ($5,000, $10,000) per person. My family and I are in dire need to get out of Gaza so that we do not lose our lives, and we also need to rebuild our lives again, so that we can rise and return as we were. A new home, the opening 
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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omg what a besties
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nurdhaniyam · 6 hours
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making a rewrite au where the show is focused on the female characters more
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