nurseofnewasgard · 1 year
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The Heartstopper webcomic returns on the 1st April 2023! (I promise this isn’t an April Fool’s joke lol)
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nurseofnewasgard · 2 years
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Roshambo by jemariel * destiel Words: 17,631 Rating: Explicit Tags: Canonverse, no timeline. New-human Cas in an early-seasons vibe motel room background case romp. POV alternates between Cas and Sam with Dean coming in at the end.
Do you know how hard it is to find a motel room with three beds? Somebody's gonna have to share with the newly fallen angel.
So Sam and Dean settle it with their time-honored tradition: Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Dean loses. A lot.
But maybe that's not such a bad thing.
“Dude. Always with the scissors.”
It’s not really a game anymore. Hasn’t been for years. It’s not even really an unbiased means of deciding who has to do the unwanted task—like cleaning up ghoul guts or crawling down into the sewers. It’s more like a battle of wills. Who wants to do the thing less (and who is more stubborn about it) versus who’s willing to take one for the team.
Dean usually loses. He will throw a predictable scissors nine times out of ten, and Sam is just enough of a wiley little brother to let him get away with it.
In any case, it lets Dean keep up appearances, with a whiny “aww mannn” and a little light foot stomping. And Sam keeps up his end of the bargain, gloating just enough, flopping down on the bed that he gets all to himself tonight, stretching out with a satisfied sigh as he watches Dean point his finger in Cas’s face.
“You better keep your knees to yourself this time, Jackie Chan” he says, a low threat before he disappears into the bathroom with his toothbrush bag. (None of the Winchester men would ever allow the word “toiletries” to pass their lips. Dad had called it their toothbrush bag, and that was that.)
Cas stands at the T-junction between the beds, nonplussed, shifting his weight from foot to foot and fiddling with his own second-hand toothbrush bag. Technically, it’s a pencil case they’d grabbed at Goodwill for fifty cents, along with a few T-shirts and a couple pairs of jeans that only mostly fit. He looks like a proper Winchester now, or so Dean had said with both hands clapped to his shoulders. “Just gotta get you some real boots, and you’ll be all set.”
Cas had frowned down at his pre-worn Converse All Stars. “But these are comfortable.”
A few weeks later, Cas had been the fastest of them in outrunning a werewolf, which meant he’d been the first to grab the rifle out of the trunk. He’d nailed the beast right between the eyes with a silver slug mere seconds before it snagged Dean’s ass in its teeth. There had been no more talk of replacing his shoes.
The trouble with being a three-man band, though, is that rooms with three beds are scarce and more expensive than rooms with two. As kids, Sam and Dean had shared a lot, and by the time Dean was breaking out in puberty, Dad was leaving them alone for long-enough stretches that it hardly mattered. One of them could always sleep on the floor or in the Impala on the rare occasion he was in the same town. Maybe that was when Sam and Dean had started their little ritual of rock-paper-scissors. Sam sure as hell remembered winning the bed more than half the time.
In any case, their rooms had always had two beds. It never even occurred to them to ask for anything else until Cas started traveling with them. Three men in a two-queens room got them the occasional odd look, but it hadn’t actually mattered while Cas was all juiced up with angelic glory. 
Then he fell human.
And that has opened a whole new can of worms.
Keep reading on Ao3...
Tag list below the cut, let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post fics in the future (or if you're on th
@magnificent-winged-beast @starsinursa @silvie111 @gneisscastiel @yourspecialeyes @bend-me-shape-me @weathergirl83 @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow @maliciouslycreative @suckerfordeansfreckles @emblue-sparks @rosemoonweaver @helianthus21 @paperwhitenarcissus @maiosaurus @naruhearts @super-powerful-queen-slayyna @anironundomiel-blog1 @jasminrogue @onsarah @cassbutt-and-the-righteousbi @elanor-n-evermind @sharkfish @fangirlingtodeath513 @angelarbaugh @psychoticblackhappiness @holyllamabananaclam-blog @lanaserra @freckles-and-wings @7faerielights @casbean @destielhoneybee @feraladoration @deaneatscake @fuckedupasusual @generaldeliciousness @bre95611 @psychicbouquetblaze-stuff @lizleeillustration @deanandkastiel @hexentaenzerin @peacewhendone @nickelkeep @ellen-of-oz @malmuses @ltleflrt @archiivael @idaaeri @kazshero @depairt
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nurseofnewasgard · 2 years
Do you ever find yourself over-using the word “said” in your writing? Try using these words/phrases instead:
pointed out
blurted out
chimed in
brought up
wondered aloud
(NOTE: Keep in mind that all of these words have slightly different meanings and are associated with different emotions/scenarios.)
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nurseofnewasgard · 2 years
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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nurseofnewasgard · 3 years
My Own Drum from Vivo.
if you see this post you’re legally obligated to reply to it with your current favorite song
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nurseofnewasgard · 3 years
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nurseofnewasgard · 3 years
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My baby is the cutest.
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nurseofnewasgard · 3 years
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Well that wasn’t very subtle.
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
I seriously can’t stop thinking about @anonymusgeek’s AU of Derek rescuing pitbulls. But imagine Stiles comes to visit him one day and Derek introduces him to his newest rescue, a young pitbull that had been starved, abused and used as a bait dog for dog fights. The poor thing’s so shy and scared, it wont come out of their crate
That night, Stiles hears a scratching at his door. He opens it to find the little pitbull there. Turns out, the pitbull had followed him home.
Stiles gives him some water and lays out a blanket for him to lie on and rest. He calls Derek and tells him what’s happened. Derek says he’s been searing for him for the past two hours and says he’ll come over and bring some dog food for him.
In the meantime, Stiles boils some carrots and mashes them into a paste. He gives it to the pitbull who eagerly licks at it. Stiles is taken aback; the dog seems so different to when he’d seen him hours before, he’s eating,his tail’s wagging and he’s happy to be pet.
It’s only when Derek gets there that Stiles realises that the reason the dog is so happy is because it’s quiet; there’s no other dogs. He’s been used as a bait dog for years and is terrified of other dogs. Stiles offers to take care of him and Derek says he’ll drop by in the morning with some things for the dog–a bed, a leash, food, toys, etc.
Weeks later, the dog has finally put on some weight and is strong enough to go on walks–during which Stiles joins Derek and they introduce the dog to the others one at a time. He sleeps in Stiles’ room and loves squeaky toys.
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
peter: You’ve been giving derek a lot of attention lately.
stiles: He injured his wrist.
peter: Well, I injured my leg.
stiles: Then go to the hospital.
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
So….. Stiles moves back to Beacon Hills.  He sees a grumpy guy in a leather jacket walking an injured pit bull.  Two weeks later he sees the same guy with a different pit bull.  By the third he goes to Scott, concerned about dog fighting.  Scott is confused cause Derek is a sweetheart that runs a pittie rescue with an adorable YouTube, Instagram, etc.  Stiles then feels he has to go apologize for judging him?
(submitted by @anonymusgeek)
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
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Vulgar Teacup & Saucers from EthansLunchMoney
x / x / x / x / x x / x / x / x / x
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
@swlfangirl omg I love them so much!!!!
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Shelter (2007), dir. Jonah Markowitz
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
stiles, to a new deputy: I need help finding a stubbly grumpy man with a black leather jacket
new deputy:
stiles: I mean, a specific one. I didn’t just wake up this morning with a craving.
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nurseofnewasgard · 4 years
derek: I only feel one emotion and its anger.
stiles: Last night you got drunk off wolfsbane infused whiskey and texted me a thousand heart emojis.
derek: Out of anger.
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