nuventosystems · 1 year
How Nuvento leveraged Azure Cloud to build a robust EHR application
Are you looking for a comprehensive EHR application that can streamline your healthcare operations and improve patient outcomes? Look no further than Nuvento's EHR application, which is built on Azure Cloud technology. In this post, we'll dive into Nuvento's case study and explore how they leveraged Azure Cloud to build a robust and scalable EHR application.
Nuvento's EHR application is designed to help healthcare providers manage patient records, track medications, and automate administrative tasks. The application is HIPAA-compliant and offers a range of features that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each healthcare organization. With Azure Cloud, Nuvento was able to build a secure and reliable platform that can handle the high volume of data and traffic associated with EHR applications.
One of the key benefits of Azure Cloud is its scalability. Nuvento's EHR application can easily handle a large number of users and transactions, making it ideal for healthcare providers of all sizes. With Azure's built-in scalability features, Nuvento can quickly and easily adjust resources as needed to meet the demands of their users.
Another benefit of Azure Cloud is its security features. Healthcare organizations must comply with strict regulations regarding the handling and storage of patient data. Azure Cloud offers a range of security features that can help healthcare providers meet these requirements, including data encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. With Azure Cloud, Nuvento was able to build a platform that is both secure and compliant with industry standards.
In addition to its scalability and security features, Azure Cloud offers a range of other benefits for healthcare providers. For example, it can help organizations reduce costs by eliminating the need for expensive hardware and software investments. Azure Cloud also offers a range of tools and services that can help organizations improve their data analytics and decision-making capabilities.
In conclusion, Nuvento's EHR application is a powerful and scalable solution for healthcare providers who are looking to streamline their operations and improve patient outcomes. By leveraging Azure Cloud technology, Nuvento was able to build a secure and reliable platform that can handle the high volume of data and traffic associated with EHR applications. If you're looking for a comprehensive EHR solution, be sure to check out Nuvento's EHR application case study and see how they can help your organization succeed.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
How Nuvento's Multi-Specialist Hybrid Healthcare Application is Improving Patient Care
If you're interested in the intersection of healthcare and technology, you might want to check out Nuvento's multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application. This innovative app was developed to improve patient care and coordination between healthcare providers, and the results so far have been impressive.
The application offers a variety of features to both patients and healthcare providers, including appointment scheduling, prescription management, and telemedicine capabilities. This makes it easier for patients to access the care they need and for healthcare providers to communicate and collaborate more effectively.
According to the case study on Nuvento's website, the development of the application involved a combination of agile methodology, user-centered design, and cloud-based infrastructure. The end result was an app that was easy to use, scalable, and secure.
Since its implementation, the multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application has led to improved patient outcomes and reduced costs for healthcare providers. This is a win-win situation that demonstrates the potential for technology to transform the healthcare industry.
If you're interested in learning more about Nuvento's multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application, check out their case study at https://nuvento.com/multi-specialist-hybrid-healthcare-application-case-study/. You might just be inspired by what you find!
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Revolutionize Your Healthcare Practice with Nuvento's Multi-Specialist Hybrid Healthcare Application
 Are you tired of navigating the complexities of healthcare delivery? Nuvento's multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application may be just what you need to streamline your practice and improve patient outcomes.
With Nuvento, patients have access to a comprehensive network of specialists, all at their fingertips. This means faster, more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans that are tailored to each patient's unique needs. From general practitioners to specialists in cardiology, oncology, and more, Nuvento's team of experts work together to ensure the best possible care for every patient.
But that's not all. Nuvento's healthcare application is designed to improve patient engagement and reduce healthcare costs. With features like remote consultations, appointment scheduling, and secure messaging, patients can stay connected with their care team from the comfort of their own home. This not only saves time and money but also improves patient satisfaction.
Don't just take our word for it - check out our latest case study to see how Nuvento has transformed healthcare delivery for practices around the world. From faster diagnoses to improved outcomes, Nuvento is leading the way in healthcare innovation.
Interested in learning more? Visit our website to access the full case study and see how Nuvento can revolutionize your healthcare practice. 
 #Nuvento @healthcareinnovation-blog-blog  @MultiSpecialistHybrid @CaseStudy @healthcaretechnology
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nuventosystems · 2 years
What is a dedicated software development team and why are they important for businesses in 2023?
A dedicated software development team is a group of experts who are solely focused on developing and maintaining a specific software project for a single client. They work exclusively for the client, providing the necessary resources and support for a successful project outcome.
In the fast-paced world of technology, having a dedicated software development team can provide numerous benefits for businesses. Firstly, it ensures that the project is given the necessary attention and resources, leading to a more efficient and effective outcome. Secondly, the team can provide valuable expertise and knowledge to help businesses stay ahead of the curve and stay competitive in the market.
As we enter 2023, the demand for dedicated software development teams is only set to increase. Companies are realizing the benefits of having a dedicated team and the impact it can have on their bottom line. If you're a business looking to stay ahead of the game, now is the time to invest in a dedicated software development team.
Are you interested in finding out more about successful dedicated software development teams and how they can benefit your business? Let us know in the comments below! 
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Stay Ahead of the Game in 2023: Hire a Dedicated Development Team
As we start the new year, businesses are looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to a constantly changing digital landscape. The employment of a dedicated development team has shown to be an effective strategy. A dedicated development team is a group of highly-skilled developers who work solely on a certain project or set of projects. In this blog article, we will cover the advantages of hiring a dedicated development team in 2023, as well as the best methods for creating and maintaining such a team.
Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated Software Development Team in 2023:
In 2023, hiring a dedicated software development team can bring a number of benefits to your business, including increased efficiency through specialised skills and expertise, faster time to market for products and services, improved communication and collaboration within the team, and a higher quality of work due to a dedicated focus on a specific project. In today's fast-paced business world, a dedicated software development team may provide you with a competitive advantage.
Best Practices for Managing a Dedicated Software Development Team:
Management of a dedicated software development team differs from administration of a general development team. It is essential to create a clear workflow and communication channels, plan regular team meetings and check-ins, support continuous learning and growth, and manage conflicts and disagreements effectively.
In conclusion, If you are hiring a successful dedicated software development team in 2023 might provide your company with a competitive advantage in the current fast-paced business market. By forming a team of skilled developers and managing them efficiently, you may enhance productivity, decrease time-to-market, and improve product and service quality. If you're considering hiring a dedicated software development team, take the time to thoroughly plan and execute the process, and you're certain to reap the benefits.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
What Is A Dedicated Team Model?
A dedicated development team is a type of engagement between a customer and an outsourced team of developers that involves long-term involvement. Comparable to the fixed price (FP) and time-and-materials (T&M) models, this is one of the most common collaboration modes.
When you Hire a dedicated development team, you have a group of professionals chosen expressly for your company objectives. This group is analogous to an in-house team, who are officially your employees.
With a dedicated team, however, you are not responsible for general, human capital, tax, and social benefits issues, unlike with employees. In comparison, you may focus on greater business issues while your development partners handle the rest.
In conclusion, a dedicated team model offers you with a hand-picked, skilled team that is devoted to the completion of a single project. Furthermore, they cover all admin expenses.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Advantages of Hiring Dedicated Development Teams
Many businesses are starting to see the value of the Hire dedicated software development team approach for outsourcing project development. With 11 years of experience, we can provide you detailed explanations of all of the benefits:
If a corporation has a specialised development staff, it might save money by outsourcing out the work. This means that businesses may now find and hire top-notch programmers regardless of their location. Finding the best nations for outsourcing software development is essential.
70 per cent or more of businesses worldwide report cost savings after outsourcing software development. This frees up human resources to concentrate on other matters, such as locating compatible project partners and filling open roles at successful businesses.
Easy to Manage
Either the entrepreneur may hire a project manager to do the job, or they can work with the software development team directly.
The company's owner has complete say over the team's makeup and strategy.
The company must maintain a watchful watch on its management and greater benefits. This should not, however, add unnecessary busywork for the top business. Having a project manager act as a broker in management as well as provide true information is the best solution.
If they know they have complete control over everything related to management, they may shift their focus elsewhere.
Focus on the Specific Task or Project
A dedicated group of software developers has been assembled to focus only on this issue. The greatest results in terms of learning may always be achieved by increasing one's level of engagement in the work at hand.
Focusing only on the task at hand will allow you to adapt more rapidly to any changes that may arise as the project progresses. In this case, the dedicated development team method lot of flexibility in the face of changing project needs, variable market performance, or limited budgets.
Better Collaboration
Managers and the business owner can create the most conducive environment for teamwork by giving regular updates using a dedicated team model.
Better cooperation and simplified processes made possible by dedicated development team models may help businesses do more in less time.
Faster Development Cycle
The development cycle is faster when developers and other specialists work on a single project continuously. They're well into it at this point, so by the conclusion of the cycle, they should have higher output.
Expertise Access
Organizations may be certain that they will have access to highly effective talent for projects with no territorial barriers when they choose for the dedicated development team model.
Hiring the top Python or Ruby experts who can produce high-quality code and bring specialised knowledge to the table is not an issue if that is what the organisation needs.
Great Flexibility
To assess the flexibility of outsourcing, the dedicated software team hiring model is a good place to start.
Hiring a group of specialists via outsourcing allows you to manage their work as you see fit. A larger outsourcing workforce is a must for every company.
Fast Scaling
Scalability is one of the most obvious benefits of a plan with a dedicated development staff. From the very beginning, it is up to the clients to select how many people will be hired to build the software, and they may always add or remove individuals from the development team as they see fit.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
The role of Cost Management in improving your cloud investment.
With proper cost management, cloud investments may be made at lower prices, increasing returns. You can get the most out of your cloud solution if you utilise the right tool, ensure that costs are tracked, and take precautions. Money advisors, business owners or managers, and app developers should all be on the same page to achieve optimal cost savings. Be mindful of the basics of cost management in all of your actions. You can get everyone in your company involved in a cost management lifecycle by dividing it down into the following steps.
Plan ahead – Build a strategy that ensures that the public cloud meets all of your business size. Determine your needs, then choose the appropriate services and infrastructure networks.
Ensure visibility– Users of the resources for which they are responsible will be made more aware by structured cost management, which in turn will lead to more efficient use of those resources.
Be accountable – If you have the right people in charge of your cloud resources, you can better control and manage your cloud expenditure.
Optimize – Having a strategy and better understanding of cloud expenses will allow you to make informed choices about things like licence acquisition and infrastructure upgrades.
To know more about “Azure Cost Cost Optimization Best Practices” visit this page.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Cloud-Based Electronic Health Record System
Let’s Find out how Nuvento helped the schools across US With the help of Nuvento's cloud technologies, a well-known EHR programme used in US schools started its cloud adventure.In order to guarantee that kids at schools receive sufficient healthcare, an electronic health record (EHR) system is essential. The electronic health record system could be used by school nurses to collect, analyze, and manage data on students' healthcare issues. The school is able to give the pupils the best medical treatment possible because to the digitization of health records utilizing EHR technology. Additionally, it lessens paperwork and facilitates school nurses' ability to care for the health of all pupils.
The challenge
Up to the pandemic, student medical records could be maintained in schools using a SharePoint-based EHR application. Most schools and the rest of the world weren't ready for COVID-19. In order to keep student wellbeing and implement prompt interventions, it demonstrated the significance of staying current with new technology.
In order to be ready when the schools reopened in the midst of the epidemic, the firm sought to take the lead by updating the EHR programme. The SAAS application was created in the cloud by Nuvento's cloud team as part of the platform's modernization. The duties included creating the application on the cloud, transferring the current databases, and updating the programme with new features and functionalities.
Our cloud experts suggested a multitenant SAAS solution for the EHR software with Azure cloud after evaluating numerous variables including affordability, security, efficiency, and compatibility. This was the greatest option because Azure made use of the majority of the standard concepts and technological frameworks needed by the EHR application.
The conversion is made simple by the ready-built services, including APIs and templates, customizable environment, and interoperability with Microsoft frameworks.
The most big benefit of moving from on-premises to Azure is the increased availability and scalability of the application. The fact that the EHR application is hosted on the Azure cloud makes it easy to expand internationally and accommodate expansion.
Performance, including speed, responsiveness, usability, and user experience, has improved significantly.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Azure Cost Optimization: Tips and Best Practices
Here are some “ Azure Cost Optimization Best practices”  to reduce your cloud costs. Follow these recommended techniques to reduce your cloud costs using Azure cloud cost management:
 Delete idle resources:
Azure Advisor identifies idle virtual machines and other resources in your Azure account. Check to see how much money you can save by turning these resources off.
Right-size underutilized resources: 
Find resources, then explore how to repurpose them to better satisfy genuine requirements while cutting costs.
Reserve instances to support consistent workloads: 
Save money by pre-reserving instances for your regular workloads.
Configure your auto-scaling options:
Allocate and deallocate resources depending on usage to fulfil your performance requirements.
Maintain a budget and allocate expenses among teams and projects:
You may use Azure Cost Management to build and manage budgets for the Azure services you use, as well as track your company's cloud expenditures.
Choose the right Azure compute service:
You may operate more efficiently and economically if you select the right computing service for your application.
Select pricing option according to your need:
The amount users pay for resources is determined by how long they utilise them. Choose the suitable price option to reduce the overall cloud charge.
Move workload to containers:
Containers are a more affordable and lightweight computing option. To host containers for your computing needs, you may leverage the fully managed Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) infrastructure.
Shifting workloads to serverless computing:
Azure Functions, a serverless computing platform powered by events, allows for the creation, deployment, and scaling of applications. By only paying for the resources you really use, you may avoid paying VM rent.
Use B-series VMs:
B-series virtual machines are used to run applications that are normally dormant but experience spikes in usage. B-series virtual machines use regular CPU power, so you only pay for what you use. In reaction to rapid bursts, CPU power increases, and you are charged more for the extra capacity utilised.
Delete unused disks:
When deleting a VM, a virtual disc cannot be erased. Discs are still alive and continue to cost you money until you find and destroy them. Save money here.
Move from Database VMs to Elastic Databases:
Because of the high cost of VMs, the cost of hosting a SQL server on Azure may rise quickly. By migrating your SQL server instances to the Azure SQL service, you may dramatically reduce your costs.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Factors to consider while choosing a managed cloud service provider
Since selecting a managed cloud services provider is an important strategic decision, particularly for entirely managed cloud services, you need a partner that is informed about your operations, your needs, and who can offer wise advice.Your cloud MSP partners create strategies after knowing about your objectives and the setting you operate in. Consequently, while selecting a cloud Managed Services Partner, IT directors should take into account important considerations.
Define a clear purpose
You will want a cloud-managed service provider to guide you through what you are inputting since cloud settings might be complicated. Therefore, determine a clear objective before selecting services. It may be easier to choose services and make judgments that are in line with the bigger picture by being aware of the actual demands and taking operational realities into consideration.
 Choose the right set of cloud-managed services
Each firm has a particular set of IT problems and commercial goals. Each IT environment is different. As a result, managed services are unique.
IT leaders must establish the standards and objectives, as well as customise their managed services, before the requirement for seamless integration becomes apparent.
Choose a provider that understands your business
Since selecting a managed cloud services provider is an important strategic decision, particularly for entirely managed cloud services, you need a partner that is informed about your operations, your needs, and who can offer wise advice.
A managed services strategy must meet organizational realities
Applications, services, infrastructure, and other interactions are typically found in complex and varied IT systems. There are so a variety of choices to consider. As an illustration, rewriting or re-platforming not all software is necessary for application modernization. In addition to the cloud, while creating a managed services strategy, it's crucial to consider compliance, security, in-house expertise, and costs.
Develop your in-house skills
You need internal skills and expertise if you want to optimize ROI and save costs.
Your managed services strategy may be built on the strength of your existing DevOps team. In a perfect world, managed services would help your IT team rather than the other way around. IT leaders should internally decide who is in charge of what.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Why cloud modernization?
Modernizing an application is a significant choice that takes into account both financial and business considerations. The value of apps may increase as a result of cloud modernization in both the now and the future of company. Application modernization can improve an application's scalability, performance, security, and dependability.
Modernization can be done to provide better functionality and higher value, though it might not always be required. When apps, however, are incompatible with cloud operations and cannot simply be lifted and relocated, modernization is necessary.
How to plan for cloud modernization?
Improved client experiences, the capacity to promote creativity, more flexibility and agility, and cheaper costs are just a few advantages of cloud modernization.
 1. Assess and evaluate applications 
Develop a modernization strategy after evaluating key applications, identifying business benefits, risks, and dependencies. This entails determining the functional, technological, and monetary relevance of the apps.
 2. Group applications and follow a phased approach 
Depending on their target and intermediate functioning models, significant technical and legal constraints, and extensive data transfer requirements, applications are grouped, graded, and organized in a certain order. As a result, you will be better able to prioritize tasks and create a detailed modernization strategy.
3. Decide the approach: Rehost, Refactor, or Re-platform?
The process of moving applications to the cloud is referred to as cloud migration, and the "Rs" stand for "Rehost, Re-platform, Refactor, Retire, Replace, or Retain." When an application cannot simply be rehosted, it has to be improved. A phase in the modernization of the Platform is selecting between refactoring and re-platforming.
Re-platform – It gives the same functionality with little to no code modification due to re-platforming.
Refactor – Refactoring or rearchitecting is the process of reconstructing the program and recreating them in a cloud-native style.
4. Perform application modernization in phases 
After building a modernization strategy that describes the phases, milestones, and risks of MVP development, you are prepared to migrate and modernize cloud apps. You may run key apps in parallel while modernizing and migrating to ensure service availability by moving the most important applications first.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Azure-based hybrid application
In order to provide access to healthcare for all people, a rapidly expanding healthcare organisation decided to create a Azure-based hybrid application. There were four distinct sister apps in this multi-tenant application for patients, physicians, labs, and pharmacies. In addition to asking for home prescription delivery and mobile lab testing, patients may communicate with doctors via the app. Patients could get care whenever they needed it thanks to a PaaS application we created that operated on Azure.
Nuvento's customer required a reliable, long-lasting, and reasonably priced solution that could scale as their subscriber base grew. A variety of difficulties plague the hybrid multiuser healthcare application.
Because there are four distinct sister programmes and user personas, all processes must be synchronised and error-free.
Because of the sensitivity of the application, it was vital to assure quick reaction times, availability, and processes.
On all platforms, the app must work well and be responsive.
High security was required for crucial components like payments and sensitive data.
Nuvento developed the best solution after carefully evaluating the client's objectives and problems. We chose Azure cloud hosting since one of the most important factors was application availability. We could handle the application's development, testing, deployment, management, and upgrades using Azure PaaS while keeping data control.
With the help of Cloud Atlas and Mongo Db, Azure PaaS services including Azure App Service, Azure Functions, and Azure DevOps were connected. Since various user categories will sign in to the programme using various devices, guaranteeing responsiveness, we recommended a hybrid application. While, for instance, physicians can be using a PC, patients might be using a mobile device.
Azure app service
Using Azure App Service, we can host the application reasonably and without having to worry about the risks associated with running the server, such as security, load balancing, autoscaling, and DevOps. Azure applications services may be restarted in about 15 seconds, as opposed to the 15 minutes it can take to set up or restart a server.
Azure functions
With Azure functions, you can select from a range of automatic deployment choices, tailor the pricing based on usage, and obtain app analytics. The application relies on Azure Function to manage time-triggering functions and processes that are essential to its efficient operation.
Azure DevOps
A variety of services are available through Azure DevOps and may be used as needed. These services include Azure Artifacts, Boards, Pipelines, Repos, and Test Plans. Without disrupting the services, we may build, test, and deploy artefacts using agile development methods, workflows, and CI/CD pipelines.
Cloud Storage
Storage must be secure, scalable, and affordably priced to guarantee availability. Because of its rapid performance, adaptable architecture, and sophisticated querying and analytics tools, we chose the cloud database Mongo Db Atlas. We registered for an Azure Blob storage account to store additional data, including code, logs, pdf reports, and other files.
The Outcomes
Cost savings;
Thanks to the Azure app service, the overall operating costs were reduced by 35%.
Faster time to market;
Our development, testing, and deployment processes are now more agile due to Azure DevOps.
Near-zero downtime;
With the help of CI/CD procedures, downtime has been reduced to 2–5 seconds, ensuring the availability of mission-critical applications.
Lesser Complexity;
The methods for connecting to applications have been streamlined by Azure apps.
Auto scalability;
When the number of consumers utilising Azure applications services varies, scaling up or down improves performance.
Multiplatform support;
Because of Azure's capabilities, the app runs at maximum efficiency and loads quickly on all devices.
Improved efficiency;
manages process workflow to ensure that all clients receive high-quality service
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application
A well-known healthcare startup hired Nuvento to develop a hybrid multi-specialist health application that allows patients to schedule appointments and speak with doctors over the phone, order mobile lab tests at their homes, find the closest pharmacy in their area, and have medications delivered to their doorstep. A talented software development team is required for the production of such a difficult and multifunctional software application.
Integration was the main problem the development team faced. The application's hybrid and complex design supported four independent sister apps that served to four distinct personas: patients, physicians, pharmacists, and medical labs. The hybrid ecosystem also includes a platform for coordinating and assigning drivers who travelled up and down to deliver test samples and medications.
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The Nuvento team instantly recognised the problems and created a work plan that included careful testing and creating the UX/UI of each application.
To guarantee the greatest possible integration and communication between the patient profile and the doctor, pharmacist, labs, and operations involving drivers in the app ecosystem, the applications underwent modifications. In order to make sure that payment tracking operated correctly, it was rigorously tested and confirmed.
The healthcare startup was satisfied with the outcomes following the project's successful conclusion and the initial showcase.
The application's hybrid capabilities and results in medical consulting, pharmaceutical services, and lab services pleased the healthcare
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Why cloud migration fails and how to prevent it?
The process of migrating to the cloud might be scary. However, before beginning a cloud migration, it is vital to understand the potential hazards and errors and take safeguards to avoid them. Let's take a look at the most typical causes of cloud migration failures.
Lack of proper planning
A well-researched and well stated approach will assist you in avoiding the majority of the pitfalls. Cloud assessment can help you save money, resources, time, and effort. This will assist you in setting realistic objectives and timetables.
Migrating everything at once
Attempting to move everything at once might result in unanticipated complications, extra costs, and further implementation delays. Migrating the programmed gradually will offer you time to improve the process and save money.
Migrating without a cause or a solid business case
Moving your organisation to the cloud can help you save money, better manage resources, and increase performance. A cloud readiness evaluation can assist you in understanding the infrastructure, workloads, and present business environment, as well as avoiding dangers.
Neglecting differences between cloud environments
Each cloud platform is unique in terms of infrastructure, architecture, and application. There are several cloud alternatives accessible, including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud.
Having unrealistic expectations
There are many advantages to moving to the cloud, but it all depends on how you use it. The cloud cannot magically decrease efforts, save costs, or boost performance. You must put in place the proper procedures, educate your staff, come up with the proper answers, and locate the proper solutions for your company.
Unrealistic projection of cloud migration costs
Your cloud migration plans may suffer from too optimistic cost and effort estimates. On the cloud, cost optimization may be done using a variety of tools and techniques. However, you must make a deliberate effort to accomplish so after the move and have a clear plan in place.
Wrong migration approach
The organisational structure, business practises, and culture must all be changed as part of a comprehensive corporate cloud migration. Every cloud migration is different, calls for a customised strategy, and follows a varied path depending on the particular demands.
Not testing thoroughly
After completing the whole infrastructure move, the majority of organisations leave testing till last. Every stage of the cloud migration process has to include testing. Before shifting a complete infrastructure to the cloud, you must do comprehensive and thorough testing.
Neglecting security issues
One of the easiest ways for cloud migration to fail is with inadequate and unfinished security procedures. Data leaks, data loss, and other security breaches may occur as a result of an organization's failure to detect sensitive data and security issues during the assessment, which may cause cloud migration failures.
Lack of an upgrade policy
As you upgrade to the cloud, upgrades are inescapable. Your cloud plan will fail if you don't have a set upgrade policy. If you choose your upgrade policy without considering the business needs, your attempt to migrate to the cloud will fail.
Moving your organisation to the cloud might be a move that genuinely improves it. Your cloud migration might, however, go wrong in a number of different ways. To successfully migrate to the cloud, it is essential to comprehend why cloud migration fails and how to avoid it.
Visit our page to learn more about how to avoid a failed cloud migration.
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Design principles of AWS cost optimization
There are five design concepts for the AWS cost optimization pillar that will assist you in meeting your cost optimization objectives. Let's go over them one by one.
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1.Implement cloud financial management in the organization
Investing in cloud financial management is the first step toward financial success and faster realisation of corporate value in the cloud. You must devote time, money, and resources in developing financial management expertise and becoming a cost-effective firm. To develop competencies in the domain of technology and utilization management, you must employ knowledge building, programmer, resources, and procedures.
2. Adopt the right consumption model
On the cloud, you only have to pay for what you use. Design your cloud environment to grow or decrease resource utilisation based on your needs. For example, on a normal day, your development and testing environments are only used for 8 hours. A week is only roughly 40 hours out of 168 hours. This implies you may save up to 75% on costs by only provisioning resources when they are needed.
3. Measure the overall efficiency of the workloads
Measure the business output and the related delivery cost for each job and utilize the data to evaluate the benefits of expanding functionality and output or lowering expenses.
4. Do not spend money on undifferentiated heavy lifting
AWS does the heavy lifting for data center operations like racking, stacking, and powering servers, and also does operational tasks with managed services such as managing operating systems and applications.
5. Analyze and attribute expenditure
To improve transparency, accurately identify the cost and consumption of workloads and correlate IT expenditures to revenue streams and individual workload owners. You can track ROI and help task owners manage their resources and cut expenditures.
Click here to know more about AWS cost optimization;
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nuventosystems · 2 years
Multi-specialist hybrid healthcare application case study
Nuvento was commissioned by a well-known healthcare startup to develop a hybrid multi-specialist health care application that allows patients to book appointments and consult with doctors over the phone, get mobile lab tests at home, find the nearest pharmacy in their area, and have medications delivered to their door. A skilled software development team is required to create such a multi-functional and complex software program.
The Challenge
Our development team's primary challenge was integration. The application's architecture was hybrid and multifaceted, with four distinct sister applications serving four unique personas: patients, doctors, pharmacists, and medical labs. The hybrid ecosystem also included a platform for integrating and assigning drivers who travelled up and down for the delivery of test samples and medicines.
Our Solution
Our team identified the issues quickly and devised a work plan that included designing the UX/UI of each application as well as rigorous testing.
The apps were altered to ensure the best integration and communication possible between the patient profile and the doctor, pharmacist, labs, and operations involving drivers in the app ecosystem. Payment tracking was also thoroughly tested and validated to ensure proper operation.
The client was pleased with the results after the project was completed successfully and the first demonstration.
The client was impressed by the application's hybrid capabilities and outcomes in medical consulting, pharmacy services, and lab services.
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