nuzi · 3 years
a lil list of a few personal things
*I need to find a long white nightgown or maybe try to make one myself. inspo should come from CP movie and some other nightgowns
*Cape! black cape
*hair dye. u always need hair dye
*neckless mandses
*summer to do list and summer most wanted
*write a few people some letters? that's cool
*keep ur hair loong
*gym gym gym gym "summer project"
*ig misterious baddie project ongoing
*ask papa for new shoes as a christmas gift
*make a copy of the ruedell/schmitt book cause ur sister thinks she owns it.
*find 7/8 black not-that-se*y sock to match the 'always in black lady' look
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nuzi · 3 years
dear old diary :p
it been a long time.. pretty much a year. Life totally changed, if you care to ask.
I do still enjoy it here, but there's not enough sparkles and daydreams and things to fall in love with.... I go to the gym now like,, what?,, Also trying to do the nurse technician thing or whatever - don't really know how to translate that.
I'm not in love atm. Like, ew how boring life gets sometimes. I'm not happy nor sad, just sooooo bored. I miss my 2020 life cause that felt like me. 2021 me doesn't feel like me, it feels like total black deep smelly loneliness even tho -- I do look the hottest I've ever ever ever looked heheh.
I'm very stroked by how I look cause I'm back to redhair <3 this totally feels like me. I'm soo pretty it makes me dizzy sometimes.
Just found my favorite movie ever which is Crimson Peak. U should watch it, seriously. This one movie totally inspired me in my looks and now I'm trying something a little more *medieval-Crimson Peak realness-goth inspo nymphet-school girl-witch-60'70'groupie* thing.
But still I'm in the hunger game trying to find a new man better than B and still haven't. maybe he really was my soulmate, match made in heaven. idk. maybe not.
btw I got my barbie doll old emma <3 I'll take a pic and show it to u tomorrow.
as the days go by I'll give u more extensive updates about what lyfe looks like now.
For now, that's it
it's raining and thundering outside and that's my favorite wheather ever <333 I'm so in love with the feelings, the colors and the noises this gives off
Strawberry kisses from your dream girl, Pamela Roselily
3dit:: I just lightened up a candle to complete the long haired nymph lolita medieval crimson peak goth gemini red-haired countess going to sleep in her princess messy room while the rain and the thunders make the background noise- vibe. Love the light of candles, love love love love it. That's something I fell in love with today. the beautiful light of a candle while it rains outside. Favorite moments on earth. Moments 2 die 4.
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my new life feat me <3 in tha pic
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nuzi · 3 years
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nuzi · 3 years
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“What you do to me is indescribable, got me sparkling just like an emerald.” - Queen of Disaster.  “I know more about jewelry than I do about fashion and I love emeralds and diamonds.”
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nuzi · 4 years
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From Lana Del Rey’s 2008 MySpace account
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nuzi · 4 years
this is the most powerful image on the internet.. reblog to join the circle
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nuzi · 4 years
night night sweet diary <3
today I had a cute n sweet like cinnamon day!! in the morning I had a visit to the doc and momma went with me cause I don't really appreciate going to the doctor by myself. Miss doctor gave me some medication and bullied me cause I don't do any sports and she thinks I sleep to much...dont really care tho... :)
by the afternoon, 4PM to be exact, I went to another medical appointment but this time with my darling therapist..it was really nice and she helps me so much with my life problemz.. I adore her and I'm very very thankful to have the privilege of being able to see a therapist when I'm in a low mood season (basically all the time,, heh)..
by the start of night time dad forgave me for when I turned the fone off in his face yesterday while I was at the toy store, and we went shopping on one of my favorite places in da world <3 the huge bourbon supermarket...we bought foodie, he bought me caesar salad sauce, caju nuts, some mela lampone fragola drinking sachets, ice cream and some bakery goodies!! :p
we tried to get bears from the bear machine but didn't win any, which got me feeling a bit emo but the feeling didn't last long cause we decided to make a fun lunch inside the car in the parking lot and I ate a bit of my bakery goodies while drinking cola <3 I luvs having fun with my dad cause he protects me and he helps me forget that the world outside doesn't live to make me happy -like he does-. being with him was the high point of my peaceful day..
(being at bourbon also made me think -I wanna buy myself a barbie doll again!!!<3 can't wait for that day to come)!! but for now I'm calling this page of my diary over foreva....
rn I'm in bed in my barbie bedspread with my thrasher boyfriend shirt and frilly socks on, and I think my day is done!!!!
see u again tomorrow
strawberry kisses, nuzi <3
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pic from some minutes ago when I was having a snack in bed <3
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nuzi · 4 years
dear dairy <3
this is my first post here. today we're in day idk of quarantine, and I'm trying my best to survive this dark times. I've been having some not very-nice days cause I'm always kinda messed up.. but that's ok cause I actually love the fact that I'm unpredictable from bottom to top...
I'd like to tell y'all a bit of what my life looks life
my life is beautiful, I'm very unstable emotionally which makes everything look like some dramatic movie. I live a really easy life at home, we're financially chill and I get everything I want from my parents without any big problems. we eat good foodie like sushi and pizza all the time and whenever I need something like new clothes or makeup or I want to buy something stupid online, they help me with the money. I'm not into the idea of working now tho, cause I'm very young, and momma doesn't want me to work cause she wants me to focus on my mental health, travelling and adventuring with her, and she also wants me to focus more on doing small courses like the one I'm making to learn how to be a seamstress <3 so I can make my own clothes and maybe sell some cute things. I don't really like studying at all :(
I really like to eat the things my momma and dadda buy me at the supermarket, my morning breakfast everyday is fermented milk, froot loops, strawberry cereal bars.. all that kind of delicious foodye..
I myself am a spoiled person..I love it and I think it's v stupid of people to think that a spoiled person is weak or doesn't know how difficult life can be. I've been through all tipes of hell for this 17 yrs of life even tho my family protects me with money benefits.. but that part of my life, the part were I get to spend $30 on the bear machine everytime we visit bourbon to buy groceries and that my dad buys me all the arizona iced tea flavors <3 is very sweet...
love you, nuzi
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