nyanifesto · 17 hours
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say his name three times!
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nyanifesto · 2 days
harry dubois would end death note in one episode. he'd be unkillable bc he has no fucking idea what his name is and then he'd go drink driving and accidentally run light over and the killings would mysteriously stop
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nyanifesto · 2 days
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loud thoughts cant get you if your environment is even louder
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nyanifesto · 3 days
It's been said before but I will always maintain that kingdom hearts is peak because it spends two games building up the villains as a powerful group of mysterious, unfeeling humanoids who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, only to reveal one game later that they're actually all coworkers who live together in a hype house, hate their boss, and have sitcom-level interpersonal drama
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nyanifesto · 3 days
had a fascinating dream last night where there was a new, virally popular trading card game - it was called MOUNTAIN (stylised in all caps) and the whole gimmick was that you couldn’t buy boosters or anything - you had to find them?
nowhere sold MOUNTAIN - I mean, I expect players did, once cards were in their hands.
but acquiring cards meant noticing a box lying around, and just….nabbing it? they’d be in weird places - in a skip, wedged high up in a fence, nestled in the branches of a tree? nobody ever saw who left them there, and there was a lot of debate about how MOUNTAIN boxes were sometimes hard to acquire without risking one’s physical safety - but then, that was also bragging rights. especially as harder-to-reach boxes seemed to contain more elusive and sought after cards…
no, I don’t remember anything about the actual gameplay, we never played any MOUNTAIN. alas. I know there were “frame cards” that were literally transparent but for a fancy metallic or holographic border, which I guess upgraded the card they were applied to? frames were super rare, my coworker literally ran up to me in the pub purely to show off the frame he’d just found
dream brain gimme the deets on MOUNTAIN’s actual mechanics, I’m invested in this controversial unpurchasable scavenger hunt game
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nyanifesto · 3 days
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nyanifesto · 3 days
I remember years ago when I was still in therapy I told my therapist that I felt bad asking my friends for help because a lot of them were also going through some bad stuff and she told me
“You know, sometimes people in crisis will enjoy helping. It can be a distraction from their own problems.”
And then the next week I reached out to a friend who was in the middle of going through something about what I was going through and my therapist was right. That friend jumped at the opportunity to help.
And I’ve realized since then that my own problems rarely have anything to do with my ability to help others with theirs unless I am literally having an attack of some kind at that moment. In fact, it is actually refreshing to work on other peoples problems with them sometimes. Listening to problems you’re not soaking in constantly and helping your friend is often something you just want to do because you care about them. And you don’t stop caring about people because you’re having a hard time right now.
So I guess sometimes inviting someone into your sinking ship does work actually.
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nyanifesto · 3 days
Hey you know that song that goes na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
What’s the first song that just came to your mind?
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nyanifesto · 4 days
ive read a lot of anti-transition arguments towards people unsure about their gender that basically pose any sort of internal exploration as inherently solipsistic and narcissistic, with the mantra being that to think about your relationship to your assigned sex is already thinking too much; you should be thinking less! go get a job! work with your hands! volunteer for the needy! get involved in your local church! pray! marry! start a family! keep yourself busy, so you can never think about yourself again. maybe if you fill your mind with enough noise, you can drown your own conscience out.
im 100% not exaggerating btw, it's actually kind of madness inducing w how many times ive seen people use this mode of argument, it's extremely common. i think ive seen conversion therapy resources use a similar line of reasoning too. and like, if you are a cis person just trying to keep a closeted tranny in the closet, it works like a charm. you can, in fact, drown a person with enough noise and garbage until they stop thinking about their gender dysphoria or, well, anything. all the better that "i saw the tv glow" addresses it head on in relation to the closeted subject in question; yeah, go ahead, do it. you might be trans, you might actually be in serious danger, but it won't hurt if you don't think. and it will work for you, for years and years, and you'll always find more responsibilities and more opportunities to muffle your thoughts. but, maybe 5, 10, 20 years from now, none of the noise will be enough and it will dawn on you, how seriously in danger you actually are - but by that point you've drowned out your own inner conscience so aggressively that there's nothing there, just more of the static and noise of others and no interiority left to seek refuge in. you've got a job, you've buried yourself in work, you've married and have a family; you've given every part of yourself to others just to preclude the possibility of thinking about yourself, for yourself, and now there's no you.
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nyanifesto · 4 days
I feel like being a transfem dyke is different in a loooot of ways that cis dykes and even transmasc dykes don't begin to realize
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nyanifesto · 4 days
Is there any love for trans girls who didnt know? Who never had signs? Who went through life comfortable with their gender until one day suddenly they werent? Where all of a sudden after years of going “auhh yeah i wanna have a sick beard and be a cool guy” it all swapped and facial hair makes you hate yourself and you feel trapped in the body that once used to make you so unbelievably happy. Is there any love for those trans girls?
The girls who see all these girls going “hehe i always was stealing skirts to wear them and i always felt like a girl since the beginning” and get sad and dejected because they just dont feel like they belong?
Is there any love for us?
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nyanifesto · 4 days
The last post is so real. All transfems please please learn how to be a bitch. Learn to let yourself be the bitch is someone else's mind. I've seen people criticize this attitude by pointing out how the term isn't empowering or whatever but in my experience when everyone around you keeps treating you that way over and over it's far more effective to start identifying with it. If standing up for myself and refusing to be a doormat makes me a bitch in other's eyes then I will flaunt it. I will be bitchy and mean and defensive. It not only protects my peace but it has saved my life before. It will save yours too. Be the bitch. Put your foot down.
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nyanifesto · 4 days
mutuals if you were a video game character I would do every step of your questline and get your good ending
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nyanifesto · 5 days
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dadchuck is everything to me
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nyanifesto · 5 days
I think being a trans woman is a little bit like belonging to a breed of “aggressive dog”. There are people who swear up and down they love us. That we’re uniquely wonderful in our own ways and that there’s a mountain of misinformation about us. They show you videos of their pitbull sitting on their lap, desperate and anxiously attached to a person they love and are so dedicated to. They show you pictures of their pitbull, all gentle and soft with a baby. Maybe a kitten, something small and dainty. I feel sometimes like that boxy headed, muscular, square dog that keeps you out of nice apartments. But I love pitbulls. I always have.
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nyanifesto · 6 days
popular fanon will kill patient. he needs source material to live.
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nyanifesto · 6 days
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