nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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saint mocianne’s arboretum.
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
i havent posted in a while because i forgot my password and i have nothing of substance to post so anyway. emrys would be a cryptid in the nature tumblr community, and if she comments something weird on your post its like communicating with god. no one knows if she’s serious or doing it for jokes but this is just how she communicates online. 
artist rendition:
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paint tried to crash while i made this which i think was a sign that this was a bad post, thank you all for reading
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
Layers - Emrys Penn
LAYER ONE : THE OUTSIDE Name: Emrys Penn Eye Color: Green Hair Style/Color: Brown, usually tied up Height: 4'11 Clothing Style: anything practical
LAYER TWO: THE INSIDE Your Fears: "I've never been too fond of loud noises, nor machinery like Magitek." Your Guilty Pleasure: "I have been known to get lost in a good book every now and then... My favourite Genre? It's romance." Your Biggest Pet Peeve: "Sometimes my handwriting is so messy when I'm trying to get my ideas out that I can barely read it myself. I'm quite lucky that Ren has gotten good at deciphering my odd lettering. Does that count?" Your Ambition for the Future: "I'd love to travel to an unexplored land and be the first to document the flora there!"
LAYER THREE: THOUGHTS Your First Thoughts Waking Up: "Hmm... I usually like to plan my day while I eat my breakfast. There's always something to do." What You Think About the Most: "There's usually something on my mind, if I'm looking for a certain something in the shroud or planning out a garden or bed for a client. I never stop thinking until I get the job done!" What You Think About Before Bed: "I don't think I remember... I'm quite quick to sleep, you know. If I go to bed early then I can get up earlier the next day for more work." Your Best Quality Is: "Everyone always tells me I'm very unique. I think it's a wonderful compliment!"
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? Single or Group Dates: "I don't think I've ever been on a group date before... I wonder what people get up to on them?" To be Loved or Respected: "The passion between two lovers is something that can be eclipsed by nothing." Beauty or Brains: "I'd be nowhere if not for my brains!" Dogs or Cats: "I think I'm obliged to say cat."
LAYER FIVE: DO YOU? Lie: "One or two white lies every now and then doesn't hurt anyone, but I would never intentionally deceive someone without good reason." Believe in Yourself: "I always try my best. I wouldn't want to let everyone down, after all!" Believe in Love: "This earth would be a cold and helpless place if it weren't for our love." Want Someone: "Want someone to do what?"
LAYER SIX: EVER? Been on Stage: "Never in the leading role, not that I mind too much. Done Drugs: "Nothing too major, though once after eating the boiled root of a certain flower..." Changed Who You Were to Fit In: "I don't think I've ever found myself needing to fit in around other people, I've never tended to attract much of a crowd."
LAYER SEVEN: FAVORITES Favorite Color: "Green." Favorite Animal: "The little nutkins that live in the shroud are such cute little creatures, I wish I could have one for myself..." Favorite Food: "I would never turn down a good slice of cake." Favorite Game: "When I was younger I would pull the petals off flowers to tell a fortune. I wouldn't do it anymore, though."
LAYER EIGHT: AGE Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: "Sometime near starlight is when I usually celebrate it." How Old Will You Be: "Nineteen!" Does Age Matter: "I've never found myself held back by my age yet. Most in the botanical community come from a very diverse background, so we all like to support each other."
LAYER NINE: IN A BOY OR GIRL Best Personality: "I suppose I don't particularly care for personality so long as we get our work done." Best thing to do with a Partner: "I often need some help carrying specimens back from my field trips, oh and someone to help me carry things there would be handy too. And someone to help me gather what I need! Oh, were these questions about a romantic partner?"
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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Move the ⦿ to match each trait and REPOST!
Physical Traits: Female  ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Male Scrawny ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Bulky Short ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Tall Weak ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Strong Clumsy ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Agile Slow ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Fast
Personality Traits: Lawful ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Chaotic Good ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Evil
Feminine ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Masculine Chaste ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾Lustful Heterosexual ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Homosexual Romantic ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Aromantic
Oblivious  ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Perceptive Ignorant ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Knowledgeable Pious ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Worldly
Forgiving ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Vengeful Honest ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Deceitful Generous ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Selfish Just ⦾⦿⦾⦾⦾ Arbitrary Temperate ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Indulgent Merciful ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾  Cruel
Introverted ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Extroverted Kind ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Stern Modest ⦾⦾⦾⦾⦿ Proud Pushover ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Stubborn
Coward ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Valorous Prudent ⦾⦾⦿⦾⦾ Reckless Opportunistic ⦾⦾⦾⦿⦾ Loyal Optimistic ⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ Pessimistic
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
Muse Info Sheet - Akihiko Kusakabe
ty @autoturret for tagging!!
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / n/a   ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / middle / working / slave / unsure / none ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying ✖ CRIMINAL RECORD – yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / has aided / committed crimes but hasn’t been caught yet / none / in multiple countries / where am i wanted again?
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered, happily / single / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated ✖ CHILDREN – has a child or children / no children / wants children / adopted a child ✖ FAMILY – close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)
✖ extroverted / introverted / in-between ✖ disorganized / organized / in-between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ✖ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ✖ cautious / reckless / in-between ✖ patient / impatient / in-between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in-between ✖ leader / follower / in-between ✖ empathetic / apathetic / in-between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ✖ traditional / modern / in-between ✖ hard-working / lazy / in-between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in-between ✖ loyal / disloyal / unknown ✖ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
✖ FAITH – monotheistic / polytheistic / atheist / agnostic / nontheist / unsure ✖ BELIEF IN GHOSTS / SPIRITS – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ BELIEF IN AFTERLIFE – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ BELIEF IN REINCARNATION – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ BELIEF IN ALIENS – yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✖ PHILOSOPHICAL – yes / no / sometimes / yes, but is unaware of it
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / enthusiastic ✖ POTENTIAL SEXUAL PARTNERS – male / female / agender / none / all / undetermined ✖ POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS – male / female / agender / none / all / undetermined
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ DRINKING ALCOHOL – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ SMOKING – trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ OTHER NARCOTICS – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ MEDICINAL DRUGS – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ INDULGENT FOOD – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ SPLURGE SPENDING – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✖ GAMBLING – never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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a test of some new brushes w/ a very pink-y sae 💕
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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The yard is done, I need a miracle for the inside. ( @faerie-apples is in one of these photos )
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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💞 - 💞 - 💞 - 💞
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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this valentines day emrys got to hug a moogle
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
How well can your OC hold their alcohol? 
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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♥ Valentione’s Ceremony. ♥
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
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a few maint day doodles of oborozuki b/c i wanted to figure out how i want to draw his face (i didn’t) feat @autoturret‘s cute robocatte
aka eorzea’s most troublemaking mercenary duo
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nymianmarine-blog · 7 years
I don’t care, I love you anyhow. It is too late to turn you out of my heart. Part of you lives here.
Anne Sexton, A Self-Portrait in Letters (via wethinkwedream)
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