nyssatrevelyan · 3 years
Please stop trigger tagging with #epilepsy tw/cw/warning/etc.
I need every single person to understand how horrible tumblr’s tagging system is
I go into the tag for epilepsy and its all flashing lights. We can’t use our own tag because people without epilepsy fill it up with improper warnings.
Use ‘flashing’ in place of ‘epilepsy’ in your tags. You aren’t warning people of epileptics, you’re warning us of flashing lights. Please please tag properly. Epileptics say this endlessly and constantly and it’s ignored. You are risking lives by doing this.
Here’s proof of what I mean:
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nyssatrevelyan · 3 years
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Amazing how they also dismiss it without knowing anything about it too (x)
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nyssatrevelyan · 3 years
What Olympics?
Fuck the Olympics. Putting the nationalism of it aside for a second, the absolute nonsense happening this year with it is ridiculous. Disqualifying Sha’carri Richardson for smoking weed after she found out from a reporter that her mother died? Absolutely disgusting. Banning BLM apparel and afro swimming caps? Straight up racist. Deeming two cisgender Black women (Namibia's Christine Mboma and Beatrice Masilingi) ineligible for female classification because their natural testosterone levels were considered too high? A direct consequence of transphobia that the queer community has been saying would happen, with some misogynoir as well!
Boycott the Olympics!
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nyssatrevelyan · 3 years
Isn't the whole premise of Star Trek that people's jobs are what they are interested in and that they aren't paid so much as provided with what they need to live and to fulfill their interests?
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A new mode of production arises out of the newly networked masses.
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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“The burden of being a Grey Warden” Saw this picture of C.Hunnam and it screamed Alistair so much that I had no choice but to draw him
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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So Funny!😂
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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Credit: @pet_foolery
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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I've just finished my first drawing of this cool man Dorian Pavus 😌
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
1. Doctor finds anecdotal evidence that people are passing kidney stones after riding on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disney World
2. Doctor makes 3-D model of kidney, complete with stones and urine (his own), takes it on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 60 times
3. “The stones passed 63.89 percent of the time while the kidneys were in the back of the car. When they were in the front, the passage rate was only 16.67 percent. That’s based on only 60 rides on a single coaster, and Wartinger guards his excitement in the journal article: ‘Preliminary study findings support the anecdotal evidence that a ride on a moderate-intensity roller coaster could benefit some patients with small kidney stones.’”
4. “Some rides are going to be more advantageous for some patients than other rides. So I wouldn’t say that the only ride that helps you pass stones is Big Thunder Mountain. That’s grossly inaccurate.”
5. “His advice for now: If you know you have a stone that’s smaller than five millimeters, riding a series of roller coasters could help you pass that stone before it gets to an obstructive size and either causes debilitating colic or requires a $10,000 procedure to try and break it up. And even once a stone is broken up using shock waves, tiny fragments and “dust” remain that need to be passed. The coaster could help with that, too.”
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
tw death
just watched a video from caitlin doughty aka ask a mortician and she finally had to make THAT video. all year, she has said that her funeral home in l.a. has been able to handle the amount of bodies they were getting. but now after reaching an insane number of deaths and counting, her funeral home is finally completely overrun with bodies, just like all the other funeral homes, crematoriums and hospitals. the bodies are quite literally stacking up.
the government is nowhere to be seen to help them in this absolute crisis. she along with disaster relief professionals have incredible ideas on how to alleviate the situation even slightly. she said that people were dying at home with no hospice care or pain medication. ambulances are so tied up that they are having to make the call on who needs care over others. she said there has been a huge mask issue, with little penalties or arrests.
the cases soared after the holidays because people cannot stop traveling and having parties and all this nonsense. yall really need to wear your masks. we just cremated my 92 year old grandmother who was doing well up until she caught covid because nurses at her assisted living facility werent wearing masks when one of them was positive.
caitlin and everyone who works with her from other funeral home directors to autopsy doctors to anyone and everyone else involved in the death process are so overwhelmed that they are now afraid.
please call your local representatives and let them know how you feel about the lack of assistance places like los angeles are recieving.
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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Oh gawd every time you think it's over it gers BETTER
🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
I love Loghain's sarcasm and manners.
lmfao zevran
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
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#FightFor15 #MinimumWage
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nyssatrevelyan · 4 years
Rhunae does excellent work -- you will NOT be disappointed!
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I’m ready for three more. 
Daz 3D Studio Commissions
Recently I started doing DAZ 3D renders of your OCs as a fund raiser for Xochi’s vet bill (it was over $4500 so I’ll be doing this for awhile. Heh).  I’ve done Dragon Age characters, (except qunari, I just don’t have any good horns for them, unfortunately), but check with me to see if I have the assets for other D&D fantasy races (I don’t have many, but I have a few).
I don’t rip the characters from games, so there will be some deviance between the game character and the daz character. Note the differences between Serafina and Rhue in the images above. I also don’t rip the armor from the games. I can kitbash something and get close, but never exact.
If you want more examples of my renders, please visit my deviant art page @ rhunaebell or under /rhuelearns2art
The prices are listed in the image above.
If you’re interested, please fill out the request form. I’m only accepting three at a time (I don’t want to feel overwhelmed). The invoice will be sent via Paypal (I’m also able to do kofi, but I’m trying to keep track of these).
1-5.  done
6. Available
7. Available
8. Available
Contact me if you have any questions.
Do it for him. :)
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Images will be 2000x1600px single character portraits. Freckles, fangs, make up, simple scars, DAI vallaslin are available. Anything more complex would be extra. If it’s too complex, I maintain the right to refuse.
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