nyxisuga · 3 years
Evening with Kenma
genre: k.kozume x reader // fluff
word count: 1k
a/n: I just started writing this with no particular goal in mind, umm I haven’t read the manga so I don’t know what the characters are like post-timeskip. I know their general occupations but since I don’t really know their typical life-style, I kind of just made it up. Again I didn’t really plan anything, I just wanted to make a fic as Kenma’s s/o, just something short and sweet so I hope you enjoy :>
The evening was mostly pretty chill. I imagine spending time with Kenma would most definitely mean playing some of his favorite games and watching certin movies.
You wouldn’t really go anywhere, you’d both stay in the comfort of his home.
If Kuroo found out that the two of you were spending time together, he’d invite himself over, but that wouldn’t ruin your fun. If anything, it would make everything even more entertaining.
He’ll eventually leave to attend to his own responsibilities but you’ll stick around not wanting to go home just yet.
Kenma will try to close it off by getting food because he knows you have more important things to do but since his fridge was unexpectedly empty you’d have to go out to buy some.
The two of you had gone out to get food. You had already spent the day together at his house and you were gonna close it off by eating some ramen at your favorite park. It was nothing fancy, it was just a small business selling bowls of delicious food from a cart in the park but you had to admit, it was really good. Kenma ate about half of his before he stopped and took out his phone. “Are you gonna eat that,” you asked. “You can have some if you want,” he offered. “Leave a little for me though.” You took the bowl out of his lap and ate a portion of his ramen before giving it back to him. “Whatcha doing?” You leaned over to glance at his screen. “Just playing… you ready to go now?”
“You didn’t finish your ramen though,” you pointed out. “I’m full.”
“Hmph, then I’ll eat it.” You quickly finished off the rest of his food before returning the bowls to the cart. “Thank you,” you told the old woman running it. She bowed her head in response but eyed Kenma as the two of you departed. “It’s kinda late… you should be at home,” he said to you as you caught up. “It’s a Friday, it’s never ‘late,’” you argued. “I meant it’s dark and you shouldn’t be out here during that time…” he argued back but his tone was softer.
“We can go back to my place so you can pick your stuff up and I’ll drive you home.” His expression was monotonous but you could hear the insistence in his voice. The two of you walked in comfortable silence, counting the cars that passed you. Every once in a while you would tell each other how many cars you caught to see who had more. Kenma suddenly broke the silence with a question; “Are you doing anything tomorrow,” he asked instead. “No… why?”
“You wanna come over again? We could play this new game I got. I haven’t played it yet, I wanted to wait so we could start it together at the same time.” You smiled, “Sure.”
After a little while, you could tell you were close to his apartment. Suddenly you began to feel a light drizzle come down. Raindrops started to fall, tapping you on your eyelids and nose. The drizzle then turned into rain. “Ack!” You felt something be draped over your head. Kenma had put his hoodie over you for cover. You wanted to protest, knowing he needed it too but he grabbed your wrist and ran. “It’s not much farther,” he tried to reassure you. You ran until you finally arrived at the lobby of his apartment complex. The moment you escaped the rain, Kenma stopped his hands on his knees, breathing hard. “You good?” He nodded through his breaths. He recollected himself after a moment. “Sorry.”
“Here.” You wrapped the hoodie’s sleeves around his neck and draped the rest of it over his shoulders.
“You have no stamina,” you teased. He looked away, blushing. “You know, I’m not used to you being this close to me,” he said. “Sorry…” You stepped back, trying to give him some space.
As soon as you were inside your apartment, You plopped down on his couch and checked your clothes. They were damp. Kenma disappeared into his room. Moments later he came back out. “Here.” He tossed you something. When you caught it you found it was a pair of his sweats and an old short sleeve shirt from his high school. “Put those on, I’m gonna go change,” He disappeared again, closing his bedroom door this time. 
You quickly changed into the new clothes he gave you. They were much bigger than you expected them to be. His shirt hung loosely over your legs and his sweats practically dragged on the floor. You sat back down on his couch. “I’m done,” you called. Moments later, Kenma came out of his bedroom in his pajamas and sat down next to you. Getting a closer look at the patterns on his shirt you laughed. “Kitten pajamas?” Kenma blushed once more. “They’re old, Kuroo picked them out without my consent,” he hissed. “There there.” Your tone was mocking. Kenma let out a huff. You stroked your hand on the top of his head, it was something you did often that actually worked when you wanted him to calm down. “Your hands are cold,” he said. You were about to respond, probably to tease him again but he leaned over you and grabbed a blanket from your side. He draped it over the two of you and pulled you closer to his chest. The comfort made you drowsy but you still managed to blush through it all. “I might not be used to you being this close to me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love it,” he said softly. He noticed your head bobbing, an effort you made to stay awake. “I don’t think the rain is going to stop anytime soon… and we’re most definitely not going to drive through that to get you home, so… just rest here for a little bit.” You gave in to exhaustion. Everything about the setting made you sleepy. The pattering of the rain on the windows, the warm comfort of the blanket and being held by Kenma, and his soothing voice that finally urged you to sleep, which you did. 
You rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on you in return. “Kenma,” you murmured half asleep. “Yes?”
“I love you.”
“Love you too n/n,” he whispered back.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
So I cried-
Imagination || t.oikawa ||
Blurb/Drabble/One shot? - Angst, I'm so sorry😭✋ Song fic with the song Imagination by Shawn Mendes
Warnings - ANGST ANGST ANGST, no mentions of cheating or death don't worry👌
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Oh, there she goes again
Every morning it's the same
You sighed heavily as you looked at your exam score. "My parents are going to kill me..." You groaned heavily, bumping your head onto your arm as you rest it there.
"[Y/n]~chan, don't worry! You did great!" Oikawa reassured you, patting your back lightly. "I know that but you know how my parents are." You sighed once again, looking up to look at Oikawa.
"Just cuddle me, please?" You pouted, giving him puppy eyes even though he would never reject your offer. "Okie dokie!" He exclaimed, gently getting you off of your chair and move you to the bed.
You walk on by my house
I wanna call out your name
"[Y/n]~chan! Let's bake cookies!" Oikawa suggested as he laid on top of you. "Eh? I'm bad at baking though." You stated. "So am I so we're even!" Oikawa chuckled and grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the kitchen.
"We don't even have ingredients!" You say. "We do! I bought some on my way here." Oikawa replies, pulling out the ingredients from the cabinet.
You sigh and rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. You finally gave in and helped Oikawa set the ingredients together.
I wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause
As you were mixing some ingredients, Oikawa grabs a handful of flour and threw it at the side of your face. You stood there shocked while Oikawa was laughing at you.
"So you want to play dirty huh?" You grumbled, a mischievous smirk coming up on your face as you grabbed 3 eggs and threw it at Oikawa. Two landing on his eyes and one landing on his forehead.
Oikawa chuckled and wiped off the egg, throwing another handful of flour at you. Some getting in your mouth. You spat it out and wipe your face a little and tackled Oikawa, wrestling him.
You both laughed at this sweet and messy moment. Forgetting completely about the cookies. Oikawa chuckled and opened his eyes, admiring your beautiful laughing face, he doesn't care if you had flour on your face you're beautiful in anyway. He was lucky to have you.
You stopped laughing when you felt Oikawa's stare and you looked at him confused. "What?" You ask. Oikawa lifted up his hand and caressed your face, giving you a little peck on the cheek. "You're very beautiful, Little Cutie."
I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you
"Happy Birthday, [Y/n]~chan!" Oikawa exclaimed as he threw confetti in your room. "Tooru!" You gasped, looking around at your birthday themed decorated bedroom and the cake on your desk.
"I tried my best to decorate your room, and I had troubles with baking the cake but hey! Anything to make you happy!" He stated, and handed you your gifts. "These are my gifts for you! I went a little overboard though." He sheepishly chuckled.
"[Y/n]~chan? Are you okay?" He asked in concern after seeing your teary eyes. His worried expression turned into a surprised one when you tackled him into a hug, sobbing into his chest.
"Thank you, Tooru." You whispered, barely audible. "You're welcome." He smiles genuinely at you and pecks your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too."
This is typical love
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait
You groaned heavily as you walked into your room, plopping down on the bed. "Welcome home, [Y/n]~ch- EH?! What happened to you?!" Oikawa asks worriedly as he saw a huge cut on your leg and bruises were surrounding it.
"I just got chased by a damn dog and I hit a sharp wood by accident." You explained, sitting up and flexed your leg at him. Oikawa sighed and walked inside your bathroom, soon coming back with your emergency med kit.
"This will hurt." He warns before dabbing your wound with rubbing alcohol. You hissed and bit back a groan, trying to endure the pain. "Sorry." He whispers after he cleaned the wound. "It's fine. Just stings." You reassured.
After wrapping a bandage around the wound, he gave it a small peck and smiled at you. "That'll help heal faster." He says with a goofy grin. You chuckled and rolled your eyes playfully. "Thanks, Tooru."
"Anything for you!" He exclaims and grabbed a marker, beginning to write on the bandage. "What are you doing?" You ask, as you try to peek at what he was writing.
"Nothing! Just a reminder!" He says and showed you what he wrote on the bandage.
"Tooru x [Y/n]❤️"
I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever
"Tooru! I'm home!" You called out to your room with a bright smile on your face. But your smile dropped when you saw Oikawa sitting on your bed, looking gloomy. "Tooru? What's wrong?" You ask, sitting down beside him.
Oikawa looked at you with teary eyes and hugged you tightly, his head resting on your chest. "I only have until midnight before I disappear..." He mumbles, and you remembered that he was only here for 3 months before he goes back to his world permanently. "I don't want to go yet..." He cries.
"Tooru..." You cooed, running your hands through his hair and pecked his forehead. "I don't want you to go either but...you also have families and friends that cares for you. You don't wanna leave them behind, don't you?"
"I don't...but you're way important to me." Oikawa says, looking up at you and caressed your cheek. "I want to stay here with you forever..."
"Tooru, as much as I want you here...you can't stay...you're not real...you're just my imagination."
"Then let's spend our last times today." He suggests, his eyes full of pleads. You gave him a smile and nodded, pecking his forehead again. "Let's do it then."
In my dreams you're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
8 pm hits. You and Oikawa were cuddling at the couch, watching a show. His anime rather. "Damn, I'm fabulous!" Oikawa exclaims and flips his hair flawlessly. "Yes you are, Tooru." You giggled as he gave you a goofy grin and cuddled back into your chest.
Then Kageyama, his rival, shows up. "Blech! He's a no no!" Oikawa says, sticking his tongue out at Kageyama while you just sweat dropped. "He's not that bad..." You mumble with a shrug.
"Eh?! How dare you break my heart!" Oikawa dramatically rests his wrist on his forehead, falling down on the other side of the couch. "Oh shush, you drama queen." You roll your eyes and laid down on top of Oikawa. "Let me heal your heart, majesty!" You played along, giving little pecks on his chest.
"S-Stop. That t-tickles." He says through his giggles as he tried to push you off. You laughed and moved to his face, peppering kisses all over before passionately kissing him on the lips.
You both pulled away and he grins at you. "My heart is fully healed. Thank you my little mistress." He cooed, pecking your jawline. You giggled and pulled away, sitting down beside him as you continued watching.
The show ended. You glanced at the time, seeing it was 10:30 pm. It was almost time. "Tooru, wanna go out to the park?" You ask. Oikawa smiled at you and says "Sure! It's gonna be quiet there anyway since it's night time."
You nodded and began changing into your outerwear. But just as you got rid of your t-shirt, you felt strong arms wrap around your waist, a chin laying on your exposed shoulder.
"So sexy~" Oikawa cooed, kissing your exposed shoulder. You blushed madly and hit him square in the face. "Pervert! You're supposed to be in the bathroom!" You exclaimed, covering your underwear with your hands.
"Sorry, thought you were done." Oikawa excused, looking at you innocently. You roll your eyes and quickly put on some jeans and a hoodie. "Let's go."
And from there, who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
11:50 pm
You and Oikawa walked hand in hand at the park, admiring the night sky. Suddenly, Oikawa steps in front of you with a smile on his face. "[Y/n]~chan, may I dance with you?" He asks.
You blink at him before giggling. "Yes, you may." You reply. With that being said, you and Oikawa danced under the moonlight, not caring of there wasn't any music.
You both knew it was almost time for him to go. And you want to spend your last time at the park where you first met him. Where you first imagined him.
You both stared at each other's eyes, full of love and sadness. The smiles on both of your faces were enough to tell you, that you'll meet again soon.
11:59 pm
You both stopped dancing but still haven't broke eye contact. Oikawa leaned in and gave you his last kiss. You immediately kissed back, and before you knew it, tears started rolling down your cheeks. Same with Oikawa.
You both pulled away and hugged each other, Oikawa rocking you side to side gently. "I promise we'll meet again soon." He says, giving you one last peck on the forehead. "I love you, [Y/n]~chan."
And that's when you woke up with tears in your eyes. You glanced at the bandage on your leg, seeing the same message Oikawa wrote. Looking at that made you break down immediately.
Or is that just me and my imagination?
A/n: Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! WHAT HAVE I DONE😭😭😭
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nyxisuga · 3 years
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⤹ feat. oikawa tōru + female reader.
⤹ genre. fluff + angst + suggestive + college au + pro volleyball player au.
⤹ word count. 1.5k
⤹ summary. you're not supposed to fall for your brother's best friend, so why was he causing butterflies in your stomach?
⤹ notes. this turned up differently than i originally planned. but then again, when do my works ever go that way? reblogs are appreciated! <3 also ty @cafemiya for the push. i hope you like it! (bc i hate it lmao 😅)
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There was always this one unspeakable rule in the Iwaizumi household: Don't fall for each other's best friends. 
It was an idiotic rule in your eyes, mainly because your brother's best friend was far from your taste. You've known Oikawa since you were a baby, literally. You watched him go through the awkward pre-teen phase, having an obscene amount of embarrassing stories about him. 
People always speculated you two were some type of item, and the thought alone made you laugh. So when you saw Oikawa for the first time in months, you didn't expect your heart to soar at the sight of him. Or expect your stomach  to leap as he wrapped his now very muscular, tanned arms around your waist. 
You weren't supposed to fall in-love with your brother's best friend, yet somewhere along the way, you did. And now you're trying to figure out when the did that happen.
"I can't believe you're actually here." 
You dip another fry in your shake, watching as students walk side by side, attempting to ignore the light-haired guy in front of you. Spending your Saturday afternoon with your brother and his lifelong best friend, Oikawa Toru, was not what you had in mind. 
You thoroughly enjoyed Oikawa's company. You found his antics rather amusing as opposed to your older brother. Oikawa knew how to make you feel comfortable wherever you went. He was an easy-going person, someone you could confide in whenever needed be. Yet, his light brown eyes were causing your cheeks to turn bright red, while your leg moved up down, up down as you try to steady your breathing. 
"You seem awfully quiet, Y/N-chan. That much in shock I'm here?"
You let out an awkward small chuckle, stuffing your face with another fry as you gave Oikawa a smile. "Something like that."
Oikawa sent you a wink and a teasing smile, causing you to suck a breath in, forgetting that you decided to eat a fry mere seconds ago. Hajime quickly hit your back as Oikawa ushered you to drink his water. You never felt so embarrassed.
The walk back to the apartment was tense. You intentionally kept your distance from Oikawa which began to irritate him, since you were always to close to him. Hajime kept looking back and forth between the two of you— his brows creasing as he tried to figure out exactly what was going on.
As soon as you reached the apartment you dash straight towards your bedroom door, only to be tugged back by your brother. 
"You've been acting weird. What's the matter?"
"Nothing. It's just—" I've had butterflies non-stop since Oikawa has been with us is what you wanted to say, but you couldn't. Couldn't fathom the way Hajime would react to your sudden crush over his best friend. So instead, you shove him back, telling him to mind his own business as you lock the door in his face.
You didn't see the way Oikawa's bright smile turned into a pout when you retreated to your room. Grabbing your phone, you shove your headphones in, ignoring the bell notifications that kept popping on your screen. You knew it was Oikawa, and a part of you felt guilty for acting in such a way, but you really just wanted space. 
A couple days have passed since your temper tantrum, but getting rid of your feelings for Oikawa was harder than you thought. Turns out he was staying at your shared apartment, specifically in the living room that was across from your own room. Deciding on running from your problems was the better option, you stay cooped up in your room, stating you had a couple of projects that needed to be done by the end of the week.
You weren't lying exactly, you did have some work that was due, and by the third day you couldn't escape the persistence that was of Oikawa Toru. No matter how hard you tried. 
"Ah-ah! I haven't seen you once since I've been here, pretty girl and I'm getting bored looking at these white walls. Get your shoes on, we're going out."
You groan, putting your head in your hands. You knew he wouldn't take no for an answer— having seen it multiple times when Hajime would roll his eyes, letting out an irritable grunt as he begrudgingly did whatever Oikawa asked of him. 
"You have five minutes," his sing-song voice caused you to jump and run.
Oikawa sat down on the hand-me-down couch, plucking the tiny strands that were sticking out. Even though you knew he was just being nice, you couldn't help but entertain the idea of a date. It was a foolish thought, but as you lifted your skirt up past your thighs, your mind wandered off to what it would be like going on a date with Oikawa. 
You wondered if he would grab your hand as you walked side by side. If he would take you out to a movie or to a nice restaurant. You began to smile at the image of Oikawa being a complete gentleman, knowing full well how much of an idiot he was. Preoccupied with your current thoughts, you didn't hear the way your door was softly pushed open. 
You heard an audible gasp as you suddenly turn around, eyes met with Oikawa's. Time stood still— your shirt in your hands as Oikawa ogled at your bra-clad chest, his wandering eyes slowly looking at every curvature of your body. 
"You— you can come in, if you want."
You watched with wide eyes Oikawa lowered his head as he slowly entered your room, lightly closing the door behind him. You weren't sure what possessed you to say such a thing, knowing very well that your brother could walk in the apartment any moment. But the way Oikawa had looked at you, as if he was actually seeing you for the first time, and was making your body hot inch by inch.
Your gaze never left Oikawa's figure, eyes narrowing slightly as he hesitantly sat on your bed. You slowly walk towards him, standing inches away from his body. You weren't sure what you were supposed to say, the atmosphere becoming tense as every minute passed. You jumped when Oikawa grabbed your hand; his long, lithe fingers intertwining with yours, as he slowly looked up at your doe eyes.
"You've been avoiding me."
It wasn't a question, but a statement. An obvious observation. You didn't think he was paying attention to you, his comment taking you completely by surprise. You turned your head in shame and guilty, nodding slowly as his hand wrapped around your wrist. 
"Why?" He breathed. 
Suddenly, the room was becoming too hot. Oikawa was too close for comfort. Your mind and heart at war with one another. You began to bite your bottom lip, eyes scanning every else but the man below you.
Oikawa wasn't Oikawa anymore. He wasn't the guy who felt he wasn't enough, felt as if he couldn't do enough. The Great King became something more— he was a man, sitting below you and demanding attention. You tried to tug your wrist away, only to be pulled down as Oikawa caught you in his arms. 
"Do you know why I came down here, Y/N? I wanted to see you— wanted to see the girl who captured my heart in third year."
You gulped, mind racing at his confession. This wasn't supposed to be happening— it can't happen. Yet, your refused to pull away. Too afraid that if you let go, it would all be a figment of your imagination, that this was too good to be true.
"We— we can't, Toru. Hajime—"
You felt Oikawa's body tense underneath your skin. He thought about this, thought about it for quite some time. Deep down he knew Iwaizumi wouldn't approve, not because he didn't feel that Oikawa wasn't worth it. In fact, he noticed the way he looked at his younger sister. He's seen the yearning in his eyes to know enough. 
Oikawa was on his way to becoming a professional athlete, meaning he wouldn't have time to spend every minute with you, and it pained him. Pained him that for once his life, he found something else loved more than volleyball, and that was you. His best friend's little sister. The girl he would vent to, the one who would help him practice, the one who truly believed in what he was capable of. 
"I just want you to know, no matter where I am, I'm always thinking of you. You're always on my mind. And I'm sorry— I'm so sorry I didn't say anything sooner."
You began to laugh, genuinely laugh. You pull away from Oikawa, watching in amusement as he had his head tilted to the side. "Toru, I don't mind waiting. I know how important volleyball is to you, so it's okay, honestly. Just don't forget to call me every once in a while. You do have another Iwaizumi in your life, ya know."
You hummed as Oikawa softly kissed your forehead, pulling his body closer as you snuggled into his broad chest. You two stayed still for a while, embracing the peaceful moment.
Maybe falling for your brother's best friend wasn't a bad thing after all.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Ahahaha I got Kunimi the first try but I did it again to pick all the second most favored answers and got Hanamaki fudjfjdkskdk :D
i made a which underrated haikyuu!! boy would be your high school best friend quiz. reblog what you got <3
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nyxisuga · 3 years
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Haikyuu characters and a snowy Valentine’s Day
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ᴰᵃᶦᶜʰᶦ, ˢᵘᵍᵃʷᵃʳᵃ, ᴬˢᵃʰᶦ, ᴺᶦˢʰᶦⁿᵒʸᵃ, ᵀᵃⁿᵃᵏᵃ, ᵀˢᵘᵏᶦˢʰᶦᵐᵃ, ʸᵃᵐᵃᵍᵘᶜʰᶦ, ᴴᶦⁿᵃᵗᵃ, ᴷᵃᵍᵉʸᵃᵐᵃ, ᴷᶦʸᵒᵏᵒ, ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵃᶜʰᶦ
ᴬᵇᵒᵛᵉ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛, 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢!𝙸𝚝 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚢, 𝚜𝚘 𝚒𝚝 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜! 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
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Definetely going outside and having fun in the snow.
This man will start a whole snowball fight with you
You obviously fake being hurt to win
Daichi just throws a snowball that accidentally hits your face a little too hard.
You act like you’re dying!
“Oh my god, babe are you alright?!”
He runs over to you all worried
Little does he know you got a snowball in your hands, which you hide.
As soon as he comes running closer, you tackle him and shove the snowball in his face.
Daichis stunned for a good moment.
Play fights in the snow!
It’s cold, but fun!
After all that, the two of you- in your frozen state- go back inside to drink hot cocoa and probably take a nap.
Baking. Yep, just baking.
You two probably have a baking contest
Doesn’t matter if it turns good or bad, cause you guys had fun!
He definetely throws flour at you.
“Oh it’s on!” You say
“Babe- babe I was- I WAS JOKING!-“
And that’s how Suga died.
By the end of it you turned out covered in flour and peices of butter.
He was covered in flour and at one point you threw an egg at him.
He was mad but you were DYING!
You two end up taking a shower together and cuddling afterwards.
Oh he’s the BIGGEST teddy bear!
Cuddles and hot cocoa for the win!
He probably bought sugar cookies before coming over.
You two probably watch romance movies and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Overall, very basic but very cute!
Oh, you know this man took you sledding.
He probably pushed you down a hill
And you might’ve ended up with a broken or sprained bone because of it.
But it’s okay! Because he’s Nishinoya-
Afterwards yall definetely spent the rest of the day cuddled up together and eating tons of food.
This man is a SIMP
He will do anything that you want to do.
But he most likely will cook for you(it’s canon that he cooks with a kitty apron!)
He also probably bought matching onesies for you two to wear to your homemade dinner.
When they came they were probably made of cheap fabric and he probably cried.
“But babe I wanted us to be matching!”
Lots of cuddles.
Tsukishima Kei:
This mans probably made you think he forgot it was Valentine’s Day.
All day you’re just waiting for him to do something for you for Valentine’s Day, but it never came.
Until it was nighttime.
He probably came to get you unexpectedly.
You’re bundled up in a blanket, sad because Tsuki didn’t remember to your knowledge
Then out of nowhere your phone dings and it’s a text from Tsukishima.
“Open the door” it says
You open the door and he’s in a tux with a small bouquet for you.
He takes you to an old gazebo where he set up a small picnic area
It’s all romantic with candles and rose petals.
Of course, it’s freezing, but he brought a big warm blanket for the two of you.
The night ends with tears because you really thought he forgot.
His favorites are probably the To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before movies.
It’s a cuddly lazy day for y’all.
Watching all three of the tatbilb movies with snacks and kisses and cuddles.
You two probably fell asleep to one of the movies
As soon as you guys woke up you were flustered about the position you two were in, no matter how long you dated it was always like that.
Overall just lots of love! Lots of cuteness! 100/10
You guys spend all day outside!
Snowball fights, building snowmen, etc etc!
You probably tried making a snowman replica of Hinata, only to fail miserably.
He laughs but then tried making one of you, claiming it will be the best.
It turned out worse than yours
You two had a good laugh at each other
You definetely caught him looking at you with a loving gaze
He turned around immediately because he was embarrassed
“Why were you looking at me like that?” You say with a smile
“Because- I thought you looked like an angel..” he mumbles
You tackle him in a hug and smother him with kisses
He gives you his iconic, radiating smile
You could’ve sworn the snow melted a bit after he smiled.
Most likely you two went back inside because it got too cold, took a nap, and went back outside as soon as you two woke up!
You two spent the night outside looking at stars, both of you in the snow.
This man really forgot it was Valentine’s Day.
He was texting you and something seemed off so he started walking to your house
He sees a lot of couples outside
Like an awful lot of couples
And they have balloons and chocolates and
Oh my god he forgot
He started rushing to your house, buying at least something for you
He ended up buying you a singular rose and a volleyball
You stared at the volleyball like 👁👄👁
“I-I forgot, I’m sorry..” he says with a flustered face
You laugh because he got you a volleyball
Funniest thing you’ve ever seen
After that little fluke, you two spent it indoors, an unexpected blizzard came by and covered everything with snow, so it was best to stay inside.
Y’all just cuddled and listened to relaxing piano music
He played with the volleyball and showed you how to set which was cool
Overall 9/10 because he forgot
You two decided to surprise each other with gifts on Valentine’s Day.
You bought her a huge bouquet and matching onesies!
She bought you a huge teddybear along with your favorite snacks!
After that exchange, you two went to spend the day outside
Either building snowmen, drawing on the snow, or even playfully hitting each other with puffs of snow.
It was cute
After that you two cuddled, she made hot cocoa and you hummed her to sleep.
Specifically, the oldies.
You two had a movie marathon with all her favorite romance movies
You bought snacks as she set the movies
You two made a blanket fort before the marathon
She may or may have not fallen asleep in your arms
So cute<3
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𝙸 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚅𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚖 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝! 𝙸𝚝 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍! 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍!
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nyxisuga · 3 years
thinkin’ about valentine’s day confessions with your childhood best friend suna rintarō —
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pairings: suna rintarō x reader.
very heavily inspired by i’ve always liked you.
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you’ve been so nervous all day, mind filled with anxious thoughts over the little red letter filled with all your feelings folded into the back of your bag.
“what’s wrong, y/n-chan?” atsumu singsongs, nudging you in the hallway. “nervous about confessing your undying love to suna?”
Keep reading
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nyxisuga · 3 years
— yamaguchi, tsukishima with s/o that is too straightforward about their feelings —
hcs + scenarios
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being praised means a lot for him. especially if the person who praises him is a person he likes
sometimes cries inside when you express your feelings for him as they are
he just needs reassurance and words of affirmation, and if you can provide him that, don’t be confused when he starts to think about you as a sort of soulmate and cling onto you
gives you back everything you give to him, thinks that every kind word should be given back
“you’re so adorable like this, dashi.”
laying on top of him while confidently gazing into his eyes, letting your breath warm up his red-from-coldness nose and shamelessly complimenting him with sincerity in your words- was the highlight of this year, although it just started. a thick layer of snow was all around both of you and the boy couldn’t stop breathing heavily. just a minute ago, you and him were playing around, throwing snowballs at each other and mixing your deep breathing with laughter. suddenly, you felt like your legs couldn’t hold you anymore. you make a few steps closer to tadashi and threw your body at him. with a quiet scream mixed with giggle that left his lips, he fell on his back. blush spread on his cheeks as he realised that your body, your face is so close to him. and the fact that you mentioned his cuteness in this position you two were laying in, didn’t help him to calm down his excitement. “thank you for spending time with me, i am so grateful for having such a good boyfriend as you.” he couldn’t get used to you being so open and vocal with him, but he was grateful for this. this part of your personality makes him falling for you more and more. “i am grateful as well for being with you,” he said with a shy smile as he avoided meeting his gaze with yours.
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your straightforwardness makes him weak every now and then but he low-key adores that
teasing is included in his list of “reactions to y/n’s sudden confessions”
his body is pretty athletic and it blows your mind, seeing him shirtless
“Kei you’re so hot what the-?!”
his eyes widened at your words, although he promised himself to not act surprised whenever you say something like this.
“i know right?” - he was now folding his shirt, smirking because you boosted his already big confidence, “and you are quite bold for a person who can’t even finish the sentence.” “too bad your personality sucks, loss of sexiness,” you teasingly signed.
there were also times when he felt bad about not being able to express his emotions as you do.
he felt kind of insecure whenever you confessed your love to him, how far he had gone and how proud you are of him, because he felt like he was not showing you as much love as you.
but you reassured him that you know about the importance of you in his life and how much he loves you. without saying many words.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
um could you maybe do a post where their s/o is acting rly shy and wearing a bunch of huge baggy clothes ( they posted on social media and they're getting hate comments about their size since they're overweight and they're insecure ) and then bokuto, terushima and yaku cheer them up.
Reacting to their s/o getting hate on social media because of their size
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⇢ Includes : bokuto , terushima , yaku 
⇢ Genre//warnings : comfort, f!reader // self-doubt , insecuritiies , body image
⇢ WC~ 0,8K
a/n:  My requests were closed by the time but I liked your idea and my brain decided to make something  so here you go love! Hope you like it!
reblogs are very appreciated ;)
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he has always been very protective with you and even though he checks up on you daily he is also very,  blunt
constantly having emotional drops makes bokuto very conscious of how ugly insecurities can be
however, for bokuto to notice those insecurities in you, you must talk about them with him
this means, when you start wearing more oversize hoodies and long sleeve shirts, he doesn’t think it is because of other’s opinions
in fact, the sight of you wearing more of his big t-shirts and sweaters makes his heart warm.
but he can’t deny the way your mood switches every time you check your phone.
it is the moment you flinch away from him when he is about to tickle your tummy, he realizes there is something wrong.
so he asks you
bokuto usually is not a very good listener but he puts extra effort to listen to each word that slips through your lips,
through your whole explanation, his brows remain furrowed and his chest feels heavy. bokuto is someone very empathetic and seeing you on the verge of tears hits him hard
“but..w-why would they say that? you are gorgeous”
bokuto quickly holds you tight against him, pressing your head into his broad chest
he makes sure to name every single part of and your body that makes his heart flutter, smooching your face to emphasize each word
this will have him awake until his head cracks a solution but as for now, he is gonna throw at you all the praises he can think of
“have i told you how insane it is that i get to call you my girlfriend? no? well i’m a lucky guy”
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awooga this cocky mf….sorry
terushima is also super protective with you maybe as much as bokuto, but is much more hotheaded
he loves to show you off so someone degrading you because of  something as your size definitely gets into his nerves.
he squints his eyes, opens them wide and squints them again, staring at the disgusting comments
he is pretty impulsive, so he starts tapping angrily the keyboard, throwing swears under his breath as he replies
this is another one who goes straightforward about it
when he sees you walking around the house with those oversize clothes you no longer used, his usual grin curves down
your eyes widen when he pulls you onto his lap, hands firmly on your thighs making soothing motions as your legs straddle him.
“okay, i know what’s bothering so please talk to me.”
he won’t let you go until you tell him how you are feeling and for him there is nothing more important than you knowing how mesmerizing you are
like bokuto, he is not such a great listener and you know it so watching him looking directly into your eyes and nodding makes your heart soft
so for tersuhima, an immediate solution to cheer your mood is spoiling you rotten,
he takies you to the mall, encouraging you to try on almost all the store and with every outfit you try on his eye glisten and a wide smile spread on his lips
you both leave the mall with hands and arms stuffed with bags and he is more than happy.
“you are so fucking beautiful, you know that? yeah?”
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yaku is calmer and more subtle addressing this situation, unlike the other two, but that doesn’t mean he is less protective with you
don’t get me wrong, he gets into beast mode whenever you are involved.
it is in the small things he notices there is something up
how you start covering up, how you take longer to choose your outfit and then take some good 20 minutes before changing it again
but as i said, he will first observe and give you reassuring words before asking you what is going on
he patiently waits for you to open up with him and tries to ignore the anxious feeling he gets by watching your head down
so when you feel confident enough to tell him, yaku listens attentively immediately clasps his fists, anger boiling in his stomach
“they did what?!”
he stares at the comments for 10 solid minutes, fingers holding his chin analyzing them
“you know these are nonsenses, right?” “m-maybe they are right mori”
as i said, he will try to keep his composure but nothing makes him more crazy than you doubting about yourself
yaku grabs your hand and drags you to your bedroom, standing in front of a mirror with you
“i’m in love with everything i see, okay? everything”
then, kinda like bokuto, he enlists all of the reasons he finds you beautiful but the difference is that gives you an arguments for each of the things he loves about you
remember when i said he goes into beast mode…after you are smiling again he non-chalantly asks you
“now, beautiful, any idea where do they live?”
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nyxisuga · 3 years
HW & Studying w/ Haikyuu Characters
HINATA, KAGEYAMA, TSUKISHIMA, YAMAGUCHI  (first years basically) note: this is more like if you were studying with them as a friend or even an acquaintance (mostly bc is you were their s/o, it’d be a little different)
You guys will try to study together but it usually ends up turning into you tutoring him instead.
He gets distracted by the smallest things and will procrastinate a lot.
This study session would end a lot later than it should’ve because you. both would lose track of time. Even though it goes on longer than it should have, you still haven’t covered everything you planned to.
You guys would snack a lot on random food even though you’re not supposed to.
If you’re teaching Hinata, he’ll be very obedient. He’ll ask a lot of questions and it might get frustrating (because he doesn’t know what he’s doing at all) but you just can’t get mad at him.
He really just wants you to know that he’s struggling but still trying his best.
You sometimes end up having too much fun and don’t get all your work done.
He will literally praise you whenever you solve a problem that seems hard to him.
Kags is probably even more frustrationg than Hinata. You’d have to be especially patient with him.
The study sessions are actually study sessions. You guys wouldn’t get distracted like you would with Hinata.
They’re mostly chill until you and Kags have an argument over whats correct and what’s incorrect.
You usually win and he grudgingly has to agree with you but you know he doesn’t mean it.
He is literally so cute sometimes when you correct him on something. He’ll get all flustered and violently erase his answer to replace it with the right one.
Again, (if you haven’t already noticed) you’re the one to be helping Kageyama with his work.
He memorizes things pretty well so you hardly have to repeat yourself (that is unless he doesn’t understand it).
Despite the small arguments and being sort of hard to work with, he’s still thankful and respectful to you for helping him out. 
Kageyama will always have a small cup of yogurt as his snack during study time
The only reason you’d be studying together is because you asked him for help.
These study sessions are especially quiet. You guys only speak when needed to (like if you had a question) but it’s not awkward because you both are actually being productive and doing your work.
Tsukki is pretty smart so he’s very reliable and can explain and answer pretty much any problem.
He’s actually good at helping you out when you have a question (he just liked to give Hinata and Kageyama a hard time lol not to mention how far behind they were in the first place).
You’ll probably be playing some chill music in the background, a mix of both of your playlists (if you were doing it at either of you guys house).
The guy is there to study and only to study, don’t expect him to do anything else.
You guys would probably go out to a library or a starbucks to study
Actually pretty normal, you guys would get stuff done like you’re supposed to but you also have small conversations on the side.
Usually these conversations are just you guys venting with each other and that’s how youd get distracted but it’s not that big of a deal because you can still be productive afterwards.
It feels more like a hang out than a study session.
You guys would help each other out equally and you’d figure things out together.
Yams would try to be as helpful as he could but he’ll freak out over the few parts you both can’t understand (it’s really cute though).
He tries to keep it together just for you but you end up calming him down instead.
When you first asked him to study with you he got nervous and didn’t really know why you came to him for help but went along with it because he couldn’t say no.
Yams would also have some music playing in the background.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Haikyuu Characters Comforting You After You Wake Up From A Nightmare
KUROO, AKAASHI, BOKUTO Warning: fluff, fem reader Word Count: 1k
At first he’d be kind of shocked himself. Groggy and unprepared, he’ll panic a little bit too but he’d quickly realize that you were just having a bad dream and would try to get you to calm down
The two of you would have quite the moment but he wouldn’t stop teasing you about it the next morning.
You gasp and sit straight up in bed, breathing hard. You choke back a scream but you can hold your panic in very well. Scrambling in bed, you end up waking Kuroo. He sits up too but he is much more disoriented. “What? What is it,” he said trying to be alert but clearly failing to do so. You could hardly control your breathing. “K-Kuroo, there were these people and-- and--.” 
“Wha- where!? Where are they I’ll...” He slowly began to realize what was going on. You weren’t speaking anymore but you couldn’t stop your trembling as the feeling of the nightmare lingered. After several moments he finally takes the initiative the grab your shoulders but he makes sure to do it gently. “Y/n, y/n, calm down.” You make an effort to breathe but to him, he didn’t seem to notice a change in your condition. “Y/n,” he said firm enough to get you to look at him. “Look at me. It’s going to be okay.” After a moment, the panic finally beginst to leave you. You look down at the bedsheets breathing almost normally now, but you didn’t trust yourself to say anything. You heard a small laugh from him and looked up. He was smiling. “You had me there for a second,” he said playfully. “Stop,” you respond putting your face into your palms, feeling embarrased. “Hey-”
He grabs your head, pulls it in towards himself and kisses you on the forhead. “It’s okay,” he says, inhaling the scent of your hair. The two of you sat in this position for a while. Even though you felt slightly humiliated, you felt much more comfortable in his grasp.
Akaashi is a light sleeper, if the slightest noise was made, he’d hear it.
If you were to wake up and move around, he’d know, so if you were to wake up from a nightmare, he would be ready to comfort you because he would’ve already picked up on your quickened breathing.
You gasped as your eyes flew open. You finally successfully pulled yourself out of the nightmare and woke up to complete darkness. It was the middle of the night and you could feel his arm resting on top of you. You didn’t want to wake him up but the pictures of the nightmare still flashed in your head and you suddenly didn’t feel so good. Struggling to breathe, you put your hands over your mouth and tried to take deep breaths. “Y/n?” You heard his voice break through the silence of the dim room. You didnt trust yourself with words so you just let out a muffled noise through your hands. You made an attempt to sit up, letting his arm slide off of you. 
You sat hunched over, still covering your mouth. Were those tears forming in your eyes. “Bad dreams,” he asked. You heard him sit up next to you. “Come here,” he mumbled. Following his command, you cralwed into his lap. He put his arms around you and began to rock you gently while humming quietly under his breath. You felt safe in his arms. After a while you were completely calm, tired even. You let out a quiet but audible yawn. “You need to sleep,” he said, breaking his lullaby. By now you were too tired to argue. You let him lay you down but you didn’t allow him to let go of you for a second.
As soon as the two of you were under the covers he kissed your forehead. “Don’t worry,” he spoke softly. “You’ll forget about it in the morning.” With that, he began to hum the lullaby again and you fell asleep with your head burried in his warm chest.
Bokuto would probably also be very disoriented at first, not understanding why you woke up.
It might even scare him a little but as soon as he caught on with what really happened, he’d do everything he could to cheer you up or comfort you.
“Gah!” You jolted awake in bed, clutching the bedsheet on top of you. Bokuto’s eyes snapped open the moment yours did. The sudden noise you had made startled him so bad that he flailed, rolled over, and fell off the bed. You heard a muffled thud from the other end. All of the fear from your nightmare vanished and was replaced by a frantic worry for Bokuto. “Koutaro!” Despite the subtle tears in your eyes, you crawled to the edge of his side of the bed. “Ouch,” he mumbled. “Are you--
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he muttered getting back onto the bed. As soon as his legs were under the covers, he looked at you. You weren’t sure if he could see your face through this darkness, you hoped he couldn’t, but that thought was meaningless as soon as his hand touched your face. His thumb brushed the dampness under your eye. “What’s wrong,” he asked. You could hear the genuine concern in his voice. “Just... a bad dream.” His hand dropped from your face. “They’re not real,” he said, almost as if he was talking to himself. You saw his silhouette straighten up. He put his hands on his hips. “Don’t worry, I’m here. I can chase your bad dreams away.” You couldn’t see his face clearly but you could tell he was smiling pridefully. You laughed a little. “Kou- You fell off of the bed at the sound of my voice,” you teased. “Y-you surprised me!”
“I cheered you up didn’t I?” You giggled. “Yes, you did,” you admitted, still laughing under your breath. You then wrapped your arms around his torso. You rested your chin on his chest and looked up at his face. “I love you Koutaro.” He smiled. You could feel how happy he was hearing those words from you. “Love you too n/n.”
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Kuroo, Kageyama, Oikawa, and Atsumu teaching volleyball to their gf who's just very clumsy and terrible at sport please🥺✨ (in any format you prefer)
kuroo tetsuro
honestly just supports you like a mom like yes y/n omg you’re doing great baby when all you’ve done is hold the ball
he teases you for it alot
extremely nothing to be ashamed of, kuroo is a patient person when it comes to you but when he sees no progress from teaching you how to play then he won’t force it
everyday he’d set fun sessions with you
when you keep struggling to spike the ball he’d find it so cute
one time kuroo was sitting on the floor of the gym, taking a break while you were insisting you’d practice more
he just watches you with a grin as you try to volley the ball but always fail everytime!!
and then when you stomp on the floor annoyed that’s when kuroo goes feral
he’ll chuckle at your attempts, hoping that you’ll never master volleyball so he could see you acting so adorable without a doubt
“how ‘bout you try playing with a balloon kitten?”
kageyama tobio
he actually gets awkward
your boyfriend had second doubts when you ask him to teach you but who tf would say no when their s/o is giving them puppy eyes?
usually he’ll get mad when no one does their job right
but when it comes to you, he becomes so patient
doesn’t mind when you get too much mistakes, he’ll softly gaze at your figure as your try to set the ball, obviously failing
he’d just appreciate how you’re trying so hard to play his favorite sport
he corrects you when your position is unstable and he’ll tell you to do this and that
then he let’s out a small chuckle when you fail again
“don’t be sad y/n, practice always makes perfect.”
oikawa toru
he’d definitely tease you for it, sometimes play fighting with you and whining how bad you’re doing
if he’s in the extra mood he’d be sarcastic asf and cheer how great you’re doing when in reality you’re not
but really, he’s going to be gentle with you
he knows how you’re trying hard and oikawa appreciates that alot
one time he watches as you try to set the ball, only for it to be landing straight on your face
oikawa busted a lung from laughing too much
he’ll immediately coo when you pout at his attitude, sparing you with a tight hug complimenting how cute you are being
“y/n-chan we should play volleyball more!”
miya atsumu
he doesn’t expect the best from you, really
but honestly it brightens his mood to know you specifically want him to teach you how to play
he becomes so excited to teach you the basics
when you fail tho, he’ll wave it off saying it’s okay since it’s your first time
he doesn’t care no matter how many times you try, he’s just really happy to spend time with you
count the amount of times he’s chuckling + grinning everytime you try to serve the ball and it’d be over a thousand
he’d go behind you to hover his hand over yours, knowing so well that you’re being flustered by his actions
“that’s not how ya do it babe. c’mere, i’ll teach ya how to do it properly.”
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Akdjskak this is amazing
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only thing that’s in my head rn is formula by labrinth and the word starfire
(here’s my instagram btw)
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Osamu: So I was eating onigiri today
Suna: Yeah? What happened?
Osamu: Nothing I was just eating onigiri
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Ennoshita: Hinata what are you doing with the volleybal-
Hinata: Shh
Ennoshita: *agitated* what
Hinata: I said shh!
Nishinoya: It's okay Ennoshita, he's just trying to communicate with them.
Kageyama: I feel cheated.
Tanaka: Stfu Kageyama, we all know you do it too.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
Oikawa when his s/o doesn’t feel like they’re enough
I don’t know what I’m doing but I hope you enjoy. Literally never been in a relationship before so it’s prob cringe, kinda angst too but dw there’s a happy ending, if it’s too much u can just stop reading.
word count: 1.1k
It had been a long day for you, you haven’t been at your best
You got zero sleep the night before causing you to slack off on a lot of things today
which only mad you feel worse about not working hard enough
You saw Oikawa working hard during practice and admired him for it but you began to feel like maybe you weren’t enough. He always gave you the attention you needed, he was always there for you began to question if you did the same for him.
He always does his best, for me and for his volleyball team, meanwhile I’m here... not really doing anything... you thought.
Even his “fan girls” were especially pesky today and slipped in some snide remarks about you behind his back. You ended up hearing them and they didn’t make you feel any better.
At the end of the day, you were walking home with him from his practice, you were quieter than usual.
Normally he would tease you and you’d respond in the way that he always loves but today was a bit different. He immediately noticed but decided to wait until the two of you were in a more comfortable setting to confront you about it.
Oikawa was sitting in your bed facing the window when you returned. The glass reflected his face gazing out at the city lights. Just his reflection alone had you frozen as you stared at it. You shook your head after a moment realizing how silly you were to get caught in something like that and walked over to sit down at the end of your bed. You bent over to take off your socks. Your hair was still damp from the shower you took because you were too lazy to dry it properly.
After a moment you felt him hug your waist and put his chin on your head as he usually does. It felt nice, you didn’t want him to let go. Instinctively you froze, afraid that if you moved too much he’d stop. You craved his touch but you ended up shaking it off lightly. Oikawa was shocked that you had refused his embrace but you couldn’t see because of him being behind you. You felt him begin playing with your hair. “N/n,” he said. “Hm...?”
“Is something bothering you?” You didn’t respond. You felt his hands stop moving. You were itching for him to continue but didn’t say anything. “Y/n.” You practically stopped breathing. You knew that when he used your actual name something was up. “What’s wrong,” he asked. His tone was gentle but there was annoyance and worry behind it that you were just barely able to detect. “I’m perfectly fine,” you responded trying to keep your voice neutral, not wanting him to worry.
There was only silence that followed your answer. You began to get agitated by it and twisted your torso to face him. You were shocked when you met his expression. It was hurt, troubled expression. “What,” you asked, irritated by his silence and indirectness. “Are you,” he asked doubtfully. “Yes,” you replied but it was harder this time, seeing the look on his face.
He gazed more intensely into your eyes. “Are you really?” You were forced to look away in fear that you’d break down trying to lie to his precious face. “I’m fine Tooru.” But the confidence was completely gone now. “N/n please tell me,” he begged. You didn’t answer. You were too scared to look him in the eye but a second later you felt his hand on your jaw as he attempted to get you to look at him. The hunger for his touch overtook you and you ended up staring back at his soft brown eyes. “Tell me,” he murmured.
You felt your face getting warm. You didn’t move but you looked away with your face still him his hand as you answered quietly. “I don’t deserve this.” To make it more clear, you gently but loathingly pulled your face away from him. Every cell in your body was repulsed by the cold air that took its place but you allowed yourself to suffer. “I don’t deserve any of this,” you muttered. Stunned silence follows once more as you peeked at his face. Suddenly you wished you had never said anything. His expression was beyond shocked but you didn’t get the chance to study it any further.
He grabbed your face again, this time more forcefully. He gave you no other choice but to look at him again. His eyes bore into yours as if he was searching for something. It was only for a moment, the gravity of his look made you shiver before he suddenly pressed his lips against yours.
Your trembling stopped, your breathing slowed down and your whole body went limp with surprise. You were much too weak to even try to pull away from this one. The sudden kiss shocked your body but calmed your quivering nerves.
At first his grasp was firm, the way his lip crushed yours was desperate almost but he suddenly eased out. He wasn’t as forceful anymore, he might’ve started to realize he was being too rough, but to you it felt like he was holding back. Before you got a chance to protest in any way, his lips slid gently away from yours onto your cheek. He slowed there and breathed you in for a moment before descending down to your neck but he stopped there. You didn’t want him to stop though. You tried to begin to think of ways to urge him to continue but your mind was stuck. “Breathe n/n.” Momentarily realizing that you had forgotten to, you sucked in a breath.
Slowly he pulled his head away. “No,” you wanted to say, but you couldn’t form a single word from your mouth. His expression was still hurt when he looked at you but you could also see a hint of frustration. “Don’t you ever tell yourself that,” he said firmly. “But—,” you tried to speak, your voice barely audible. He cut you off, “I love you y/n, always will. I can’t tell you how lucky I am to have you here next to me even after all that we’ve been through, you’ve been patient with me and now I should return the favor. You are much more than enough n/n.” The last sentence sounded more like a tease but the light-hearted tone seemed to fill you with relief. It suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted up off your shoulders. You smiled and felt tears in the corners of your eyes. Oikawa embraced you into a hug that lasted for the rest of the night.
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nyxisuga · 3 years
random couple tiktok pranks you’d do to your haikyuu boyfriend
— with Tsukishima, Bokuto, Kunimi, Kenma, Tendou and Suna
[ part 2 ]
A/N: i said i was on a break but during my break i kept watching tiktok and bc i felt lonely, i wanted to write about the haikyuu boys doing these trends with me instead 💀
©️ all rights reserved to katsushimaa. do NOT plagiarize or repost anywhere.
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tell your bf “u could’ve been nicer to me today”
would straight up just laugh at you
“wdym? i thought you liked me because I’m not your typcial mr. nice guy?”
true, but since you wanted to live up to the prank, you feigned a sigh. “but you’re not usually this mean to me, kei. there’s still some boundaries.”
your response wiped the smirk off his face, making him think of what he did to you to today. as far as he knew, he did nothing out of the ordinary
seeing his smirk drop did it for you. you broke through your facade and started to burst out laughing, causing him to roll his eyes at you, a fond smile spreading on his lips
he’d make you stop laughing by pushing you to a wall, caging you in his arms as he loomed over you with a sadistic expression
“never expect me to be ‘nicer’ to you from now on, brat.”
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fake a fall in public to see your bf’s reaction
with no questions asked, this man would fall with you
everyone threw the two of you odd glances as you stared at each other on the floor, stifling your laughter
until Bokuto gave in and burst out laughing, leaving you no choice but to join him
“why’d you fall?” you asked in between breaths
“i’m the one who should be asking that, you limp,” he snorted before looking at you softly. “but i just didn’t want my baby to embarrassed alone, you know?”
Bokuto stood up easily, offering you a hand in which you gladly took.
with a smile, he raised your hand to his lips. “we’re in this together, aren’t we?”
you intertwined your fingers with his, your wide smile matching his own. “we are.”
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raise the blanket while you’re in it when your bf walks in the room
you didn’t even have to say anything, he’d just dive right in next to you
Kunimi’s arm snaked around your waist as he buried his head on your chest, breathing you in
he even tucked the other end of the blanket beneath him so the two of you were cocooned together
“nap time already?” he hummed sleepily, already ready to sleep
you could only giggle as you weaved your free hand through his soft, dark hair, causing him to hum in approval
“you were so fast,” you said, causing him to raise his head up to smile at you sleepily
“well, i’m always ready to cuddle with you.”
though you were flustered by his words, you rolled your eyes. “shut it, you’re just using me as an excuse because you’re too lazy to do your work.”
you could feel his smile as he snuggled deeper into your chest. “let’s just nap together, babe.”
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sit on the floor beside your bf while he plays video games
while Kenma smashes his keyboard, you rested your head on his leg after sitting on the floor
he glanced down at you briefly and his hand came flying on your head, patting it
“what are you doing?” he murmured
“just wanna be in your presence,” you closed your eyes, snuggling deeper in his leg
Kenma threw you another glance before muttering, “give me five minutes.”
with that, he took his hand off you and started aggressively pushing the keyboard and mouse button, his eyes wide with focus that you were almost frightened by him
after five minutes, you could hear his friends from his headphones yelling out victory and cheering for Kenma, but he could careless
he pulled you on top of him on the bed and brought your head to his chest, hugging you tight. you couldn’t help but smile at his comfort, and he couldn’t help but release a small smile of his own
“you could still play, you know,” you mumbled against him. “i just wanted to be close to you.”
“me, too,” he said right after pulling out his phone. you laughed as he placed it on your back, ready to play another game
well, at least you were in his arms now
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call your bf ‘bro’
had to do a double take after you called him bro
“what did you say, baby?” he asked, hoping he just heard you wrong
“are you deaf, bro?” you kept a straight face. “i asked if you wanted to eat later.”
Tendou felt his heart drop at his nickname, but since he’s petty, he didn’t show it
instead, he fought back. “sure, dude. you can pick the restaurant.”
he felt some sense of triumph when your eyebrows rose, but you’re his girlfriend for a reason after all
you guys were both petty
“i’m down with anything, pal.”
“do you just want to drive around to see where we want to eat, mate?”
“sounds like a plan, champ.”
Tendou looked at you for a moment before letting a smile grow on his lips. “champ? what am i, your son?”
you threw your head back in defeat. “i couldn’t think of anything else!”
the two of you meet each other’s gazes before bursting into laughter, your bodies shaking with amusement
Tendou pulled you to him, hugging you as if his life depended on it. “never call me bro again, okay?”
you swayed him as you hugged him back, his heartbeat racing when you said, “of course, you’ll always be my baby.”
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wake your bf up during his sleep and say, “go hide, my boyfriend’s here.”
obviously, he didn’t wake up the first try so you had to do it again
at the third time, his eyes finally opened slowly, disoriented as he looked at you
since Suna was so unfocused, you expected him to go along and hide like the other boyfriends do in the trend
unfortunately, your boyfriend was built different
“i don’t care,” he said flatly and without any warning, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you next to him, trapping you in his arms and under the blanket
“Rin,” you tried to wiggle away. “i’m not sleepy.”
“then just stay with me.”
that was enough for you to lie still, finally relaxing in his hold
after a few moments of comfortable silence, he leaned in your ear and whispered, “now stay still and quiet because my girlfriend’s here and i don’t want her to see you.”
you gasped at the way he turned the prank on you, hitting him on the chest before sitting up
“what?” he laughed as he lazily stared at you angrily looking down at him. “serves you right for waking me up in my sleep. now come here and help me continue it.”
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nyxisuga · 3 years
holding his face
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how they react when you hold their face
warnings -> just fluff!
includes -> akaashi, tsukishima, bokuto, suna, mattsun, and oikawa
part 2 -> part 3
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a/n -> gender neutral!! reblogs help me tons, so please reblog!!
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━━ AKAASHI ... When you reached over to hold his face, he gave you an odd look at first, but then leaned into your touch. His eyes were soft, with the ghost of a smile on his lips. One hand came up to hold yours, his thumb soothingly rubbing the back of the hand holding his face.
━━ TSUKISHIMA ... Upon seeing you reach for him, his first reaction is to pull away. Eyebrows furrowed, a look of confusion in his eyes. But then he leans back closer to you, and this time he lets you. He lets out a breath of something like tension, and if you’re quick enough you can see the small smile.
━━ BOKUTO ... He leaned into your touch immediately, although there was a brief look of shock on his face. A hum left him as he closed his eyes, resting his head on your hand. Then he looked up at you with dreamy eyes, turning just slightly to press a soft kiss to your hand.
━━ SUNA ... Although he doesn’t pull away from your touch, he doesn’t know how to feel about it. His eyebrows are pinned, his mouth open just slightly, his eyes holding some level of both confussion and offense. Then he blinks, and settles into you touch. He still holds a look of vague confusion, but he’s trying to cover it and his new-found flustered feeling up.
━━ MATTSUN... He offers you a confused look when he sees you reach for him, confused as to why you were doing this. Confused as to why he enjoyed it. He just gave a small smirk and leaned slightly into you. You were sure he’d tease you later about you being what he deemed to be clingy, but both of you knew he seemed to enjoy this.
━━ OIKAWA ... His initially reaction is to act cocky, smirking and lifting a brow at you. All you have to do is smile sweetly and run your thumb over his cheek. Tears start to prick in his eyes, a wobbly smile appearing on his lips. He shuts his eyes tightly, bringing his hands up to hold your’s.
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