oarno · 4 hours
Apparently back in the day lighthouse keepers HAD to have a wife to get the job so they wouldn’t be too lonely and go insane. So what I’m saying is
Fake dating au where they pretend to be married so one of them can get a job as a lighthouse keeper.
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oarno · 7 hours
so I just found out that Under Pressure premiered on September 23, 2018...
you mean to tell me that Buck staring at Eddie's abs in slow motion happened on bisexual visibility day? ok. yeah sure.
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oarno · 19 hours
"nothing is real atoms never touch each other youve never touched anything in your life" ok. well when i pet my dog he is soft and when he licks my hand it is wet and that is far more real to me than whatevers going on at an atomic level
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oarno · 1 day
wait wait wait hold on
bonus: tell me how you learnt chess, if you DO know how to play it. i learnt from my older sister, who was in chess club in fifth grade and forced me to play against her.
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oarno · 2 days
just found out about the Cinnamon-headed green pigeon... holy shit how gorgeous
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oarno · 2 days
i hope everyone finds softness & love soon
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oarno · 2 days
roughly 118 hours left until 911 comes back. if anyone cares
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oarno · 2 days
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Warmer Oceans - Submitted by SkyManta414
#00010E #013144 #046375 #0EA1AC #10C4D9
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oarno · 2 days
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through your eyes, i am reborn
within your eyes, i am alive
oliver’s selfie produced a visceral reaction from the very center of my core and i felt wholeheartedly compelled to draw this
i also feel compelled to draw ryan’s response/recreation of oliver’s photo
(i have yet to figure out how to post my art in a way where it isn’t blurry so for now you just have to keep clicking on them to see it clearer. im so sorry)
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oarno · 3 days
October can’t come soon enough
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oarno · 3 days
just had a vision of an interaction between two people that's like "if we're both still single when we're 40 let's get married" "but we are 40" "..." [smash cut to them aggressively making out]
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oarno · 3 days
im the prettiest canary in this mine
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oarno · 4 days
tumblr is a “public diary” to you. to me its a public journal. like men have. im masc.
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oarno · 4 days
Hey I just realized I don't think I know any American irl who doesn't have an immigrant ancestor within living memory and want to see if that's a me thing or just an average situation
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oarno · 6 days
wowww dude that was so strong and manly of you when you drove right up close behind that car when they were driving at the speed limit and it was sooooo masculine of you when you flashed your lights over and over and then hooked your manly horn and overtook on the inside oohhhh I bet this will save your failing marriage and compensate for your unsatisfactory sexual performances
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oarno · 7 days
Not me fangirling at you in my askbox!!!!!!!! 😍 how about 92? Or 50? Whichever one happens to strike your fancy!
CW: disordered eating, weird food stuff, anxiety Buck's never really been a pet name guy. Like, sure, he'll throw a babe around here and there, but babe is, like, casual. Neutral. Dignified, even. But mostly he just starts feeling romantic about his partner's actual names—love makes them feel different in his mouth, so Abby or Taylor or Tommy sort of become hallowed with tenderness over time. Mostly the kinds of pet names he gets back are, like, also babe. Sometimes baby. Tommy called him Evan, which was a pet name, kind of, in a way. It felt like one. But yeah, pet names have never been the thing that get Buck going. Which leaves him with absolutely no explanation for the full-body shiver that rocks through him the first time Eddie calls him sweetheart.
It's not even, like—in context, it's nothing. It's fucking nothing. Eddie's trying to bully him into eating a slice of cake for Maddie's birthday, even though Buck's in ketosis and he's been doing so well. It's just the two of them in the living room, everyone else having drifted into the kitchen or the backyard. "Seriously, I'm good," Buck says, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Buck, you're already the size of a boulder. Your muscles have muscles. You can eat one piece of cake."
And the thing is, Buck doesn't like to eat when he's stressed out. And he's been kind of stressed out for a while—with the breakup, with Chris being gone, with Bobby being gone, with Gerrard being Gerrard—and he knows Eddie knows that, so he doesn't get why Eddie's pushing him on this.
"C'mon," Eddie says, and his eyes are dark and warm, the soft look Eddie has when he loves someone. Oh, that's probably why. "Enjoy yourself a little bit."
"Eddie," Buck says, and what he means is I know you want me to calm down, but you know it's hard to calm down.
Eddie tips his head to the side, acknowledging, but his knee bumps against Buck's thigh, and he doesn't move the plate away, and that means something like you're safe, man. I've got you, I'm right here. "You know you want it, sweetheart," Eddie says, and it's teasing, it's obviously a joke, but—a shiver rolls over Buck's shoulders and down his torso to his legs, and he can't even play it off, because he's watching Eddie watch it happen.
Eddie's eyes get really wide.
"Um," Buck says, mortified. He grabs the plate out of Eddie's hand, even though there's absolutely no way he's eating it now. Eddie lets him take it, and Buck is careful to make sure they don't touch.
"Buck," Eddie says. "Sorry," Buck says weakly, and gives a really unconvincing laugh. "Uh, I'm gonna—" Eddie grabs his arm, hand folding around Buck's bicep. Buck freezes. "No," Eddie says, his eyes still wide. "You, uh. You should just try a bite." Buck starts to shake his head, but Eddie's fingers tighten on his arm.
"Just a bite," Eddie says quietly, and Buck's stomach clenches. Eddie's lips part; there's a nervous flicker of tongue as he wets them. "Sweetheart." Buck feels the breath punch out of his lungs, almost but not quite a laugh. He watches the same expression form on Eddie's face, scared and still half-amused.
He doesn't know what's happening here. He doesn't know what they're doing. He puts the plate back on the coffee table, the porcelain clattering a little bit because his hand is trembling a little bit, and Eddie's hand stays on his arm. Buck's heart is racing.
"Come on," Eddie says. God, Buck hopes nobody comes back into the room for another minute. He's been less nervous about first time sex acts, and it doesn't even make sense. They're not doing anything wrong.
He takes a bite of the cake. It's sweet, it's rich, Eddie's watching his mouth move, it's melting on his tongue. He doesn't think it's going to turn to lead in his stomach at all. He licks the fork clean, a little showy flourish because Eddie's still watching him, and he watches the pupils of Eddie's eyes get bigger. He puts the fork down on the plate.
Eddie clears his throat. "Okay," he says, and his voice is low and fond. "Okay, is it just sweetheart, or does baby work too, because I've got all kinds of—"
Buck kisses him, fast, afraid this isn't what Eddie meant, this isn't the next stepping stone at all, but—needing to see. Eddie's mouth is soft; the mustache tickles; it's good. He doesn't try to linger, because all their friends are fifteen feet away laughing about something Jee-Yun just said, just gives Eddie a closemouthed kiss and then pulls back to see what Eddie thinks about it.
Eddie's eyes are closed, and his face is bright red. While Buck watches, his eyes slowly open.
"Yeah?" Buck asks, frightened and exhilarated.
Eddie touches his mouth with his thumb. Oh, fuck, Buck wants to be the one touching Eddie's mouth with his thumb. "Yeah," he says, hoarse.
They smile at each other.
Maddie and Karen come back into the room together, carrying full glasses of wine. "Buck!" Maddie says, a little tipsy, a lot happy. "You're having cake!"
"Yeah," Buck says, ducking his head to grin dopily down at his own hands, so he doesn't give the game away. Eddie's knee knocks into his. "Yeah, Maddie, the cake is, uh. Really, really good."
"Sweet," Eddie says, casual, and it makes Buck's cheeks burn. "Yeah," Buck says, and laughs, trying to keep it together. "It's sweet."
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oarno · 7 days
For example, if you're speaking to a receptionist at a medical practice or calling idk your insurance company
I was going to specify "the first time" but then I realized I'm actually more likely to spell my name automatically if I know they're looking it up in a set of records
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