oathmmori · 6 years
My Thoughts
I’m literally cutting and pasting something I texted to Lucy about the recent Twitter storm about a campaign, it’s supporters and promoters, and it’s overall intent. How the campaign was touted wasn’t...great. And how the promoters took to the backlash was also not great. Overall, not great, but here’s what I have to say to owning up to things.
Don’t be a victim, be a warrior. If you’re going to campaign for social change, the negative backlash, no matter the cause or platform, WILL ALWAYS occur and there will always be repercussions to any action that upsets the status quo. Follow the strong examples of people who have fought oppression and for social change before you, have your head up, walk forward, do not let emotion get the best of you, and make the change happen by inspiring people, not putting them down.
While social media, the internet, society as a whole, all of it can help take an idea further, if anyone can be famous for something, be famous for being a good person and doing good things that mark yourself as an example. Is it fame, or infamy? What fires are you starting? The ones in people’s hearts or the ones in trash heaps?
Be the difference. Dont be them. Be you.
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oathmmori · 7 years
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You’re probably here because you saw me, OathD2C, doing the Hunger Games on my channel on Twitch. Well Welcome, This is the rules and how to guide to doing the Hunger Games for yourself in The Sims 4.
These Rules, the gameplay, and the idea are a unique blend of ideas from POPPKELL’s Sims 3 Hunger Games, my own development of the concept over 4 years of testing, and several versions of my own creation since The Sims 4 release. This version serves as the fourth iteration of my original Hunger Games.
Without further ado, to-do, and yadda yadda, let’s discuss!
The Hunger Games is made for streaming and VODs.
The Hunger Games is an AI-driven, commentary heavy, competitive experience that lasts an average of 2-3 hours, if taken casually with only necessary speed-ups here and there. The objective of this “challenge” is to pit seven Sims against each other in a battle of attrition to see one victor remaining at the end. There is no real gameplay except that which is observed; you do not control any Sim save for the eighth Sim involved, the Chef/Gamemaker. It’s similar to the Asylum Challenge in this sense, only the other seven Sims rely on the Chef/Gamemaker for their survival. What happens essentially becomes much like watch FIFA or Madden when both teams are AI driven: an exhibition match. Your job is to commentate, control the Chef/Gamemaker, and watch as six of the seven Sims die in various, horrible ways. The Hunger Games is made for streaming and VODs, and if you have no intention of doing either for this challenge, it can be a fun way to exhibit the AI capabilities in the Sims 4, or you could make it a fun drinking game, I guess.
You will need:
An arena (such as the one in my Gallery)
A Chef/Gamemaker (such as Gordon Ramsay in my Gallery)
Autonomy to Full (have Disable Autonomy for Selected Sim unchecked)
7 poor bastard Sims, teen to eldery (no kids, toddlers, cats, or dogs)
About 2-3 hours of free time
The Full Disclosure Chef Station from the Dine Out Game Pack (it can be done without it, but this item specifically streamlines the gameplay)
The Arena
The arena, which you can make on your own or you can use the one I’ve provided above, can be of any size, but the bigger the better. Ideally it should only comprise of 4 double beds, 2 toilets, 2 sinks, 2 bathtubs, and a living space closed off from everyone else for your Chef/Gamemaker to reside in. You can populate the arena with things to distract or entertain the Sims in the arena, such as arcade machines, group activities, televisions, books, and so on. These provide a distraction from their needs, which will be pitfalls and traps for them, explained later on. Maze-like pathways are encouraged, but be sure to leave the hallways two squares apart, as sims require a 2 x 2 space at least to die in.
The Chef/Gamemaker
The Chef/Gamemaker is the only Sim you control. Once the game has started, the other seven Sims are left to their own devices and it’s up to you to control the Chef/Gamemaker, however little you have to, to provide food for the other 7 Sims. This Sim must have max stats in Baking, Homestyle Cooking, and Gourmet Cooking at the very least. Their living area must contain everything they’ll need to live an isolated life for the duration of the Hunger Games such as a computer, other forms of entertainment such as a television, books, top of the line shower, sink, toilet, bed, decorations for happiness, and most importantly, the best in kitchen appliances. I would encourage having The Full Disclosure Chef Station from the Dine Out Game Pack, pictured below, which I’ll explain why it optionally beneficial later on. 
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The Gameplay
The Hunger Games begins by turning on cheats; for a full list of cheats, click here. Pause the game before starting the gameplay. After you’ve enabled testingcheats to on, teleport you Chef/Gamemaker to their isolated home area using shift-left-click on spot in the living space you’d like them to be. Then teleport each of the participating 7 Sims into the arena play area. Shift-left-click each Sim, including your Chef/Gamemaker, and Cheat Need them to Be Happy, which will green cap all their needs, evening the playing field. Afterwards, start the gameplay by unpausing the game. 
With Autonomy completely on, the Sims will go about their lives, needs on full, and do things that play into their personalities, their desires, possibly their whims, but very much so to the strength of the overall AI built into the Sims 4. Watch as the poor things wander around, with no idea that this is a doomed existence they live.
If the arena has various distraction points, what I would call pitfalls, such as a big screen television, a luxurious bookcase, a virtual reality game system, or even a treadmill, these will be the first things your Sims will gravitate towards to. With their needs fulfilled, Sims tend to just fill their time with entertaining things, though because their needs were already capped, they tend to stay in these distracting pits for hours, nearly the entirety of a Sim day, until their needs degrade down and they need to move on to something else.
The Sims are stupid.
Sims will “lock” into an activity for hours with little to no regard for their own well-being, misprioritizing their lives for the sake of distracting themselves from their true needs. What you need to be wary of and becomes the purpose of the Chef/Gamemaker are the other 7 Sims hunger, hence, the Hunger Games. If all the Sims are equal in their needs at the beginning when you cheated up their needs to green, they will degrade at relatively the same time. Their Hunger will fall at the same pace, save for some outstanding circumstances (any predisposing traits or reward traits), and once every Sim is at orange or red hunger, then the Chef/Gamemaker is used. The Chef/Gamemaker is a cook, full stats in all culinary skills, and cooking anything is easy. Their food doesn’t go bad because of their skill traits, and once the 7 other Sims are down in the orange of hunger, they are to cook food, however, treat it like Musical Chairs -- that game you played where there wasn’t enough chairs to go around. There isn’t enough food to go around.
First, feed your Chef/Gamemaker; if a Sim is hungry, they tend to take a helping of what they cook for themselves. Make sure the Chef/Gamemaker is topped off before you serve the comeptitors.
It’s up to you how much food you’d like to serve, but I like to serve a 4 serving (family) size meal for the competitors and leave it out for them to eat. The  Full Disclosure Chef Station from the Dine Out Game Pack helps save on having to drag the plate out to the arena, which is completely doable, but if the Chef/Gamemaker makes the 4 serving meal and just leaves it on the Chef Station, the Sims can walk up to it and help themselves since there is a window access to the food, but no cooking access to the stove. If you want a shorter Hunger Games, go for one meal each round.
A round is denoted by the highest hunger meter of the last Sim to eat. the first round is obvious: all the Sims are hungry. The last Sim to eat will then become what I previously called the Gauge, now is known as the Fed, the person fed last. The Fed’s hunger meter is monitored for the following round, waiting patiently for them to get back down to the orange, then another round is held, where the Chef/Gamemaker is used again to make a meal, this time for sure only one single serving meal is made. The Sims, depending on advantageous placement based on how their AI drove them could be closer to the food, could be asleep, could be stuck in a pitfall, could be anywhere in the arena.
Eventually you’ll see some Sims struggling. Hunger meters will be in the red. They’ll be hours away from death, and if you started this Hunger Games on a fresh save, you’d have started on Sunday in game, and you’ll see your first deaths on that Wednesday. 
This is brutal. Your Sims will die a painful death. BUT ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED. 
Eventually it’ll get down to two competing Sims, and if you’re suck in a back and forth of one Sim getting in one round and then another getting it the next, you could be in for a long haul; if this is the case, Sudden Death is an option.
Sudden Death
Remove all objects in the arena: no beds, no game systems, no TVs, no books, nothing. Watch what happens.
If all goes well, you’ll be commentating on the poor choices, the deaths, and the ridiculous AI for 2-3 hours. It’ll providing a fairly entertaining experience and give your viewers someone to cheer on. I hope these rules serve you well, and I hope you’ll check me out at my Twitch Channel, twitch.tv/OathD2C where I stream this and other Sims 4 challenges!
See you there, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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oathmmori · 7 years
Stream Idea Stuff: 15/10/17
So I’m planning a few things for the stream. I want to start back up when I return to America and I have a few decisions I need help making.
I started streaming in 2013 and did, quite successfully, without a webcam until the end of 2015, and I thought, you know, my dynamic works. I’ve since utilized webcam consistently since then, and to be honest, it’s not really added much to the channel in the way of content; I’m not outwardly emotive, I don’t really have too much expression in my face and I don’t feel like my face adds anything in the way of content. I personally think I did okay without webcam. I admire streamers like BikeMan and SheriffEli, to a lesser extent Lirik, and YouTubers like Cryaotic who don’t show their face and allow the content to evoke the story and experience themselves, adding only with the power of voice. I know I have a strong voice, I know what it’s capable of, and I’ve cultivated it more, longer, and quite consistently for years over the capabilities of being facially emotive. Though I feel this way, I understand the objective benefit of have a webcam. I’ve talked to other streamers, friends, viewers, and I understand that there is a benefit to having webcam. Viewers like being able to see the person, see their reactions, however subtle or brief, see the person playing the game; some people don’t like a mystery, don’t like to not have a face to a voice, don’t like that sometimes things happen and it’s far more entertaining to see how someone reacts. I know for certain things, scream notifications and scary games and even the once in a while big tip, a facial reaction is incredibly entertaining, but for games heavy in plot, design, and artistry, those things should take precedence, I don’t think my gob on the screen adds anything to it. I have been told by the once in a while viewer and by the one or two friends that if there isn’t a webcam, they wouldn’t watch. Having a webcam circumvents the constantly annoying question of “why can’t we see your face.” You can, I just have bed head, the lighting in this room is rubbish, and I can’t be bothered to put the effort in and like playing games shirtless with my man tits hanging out. I wanna be able to pick my nose or mute my mic so I can lean over and blast a fart and no one would be the wiser because you can’t see me. I dunno. Link At the end of this rant for a poll and you guys can vote if I should consistently keep streaming with a webcam or not. I’m open to your thoughts on the subject on discord.
Contentwise, I think I’m going to consistently start doing certain things on certain days, like I used to, but keep the time open, like I did at one point in my part-time streaming career. I know I want to go back to making cocktails and cocktail discussion; if I can swing it, I might even start streaming from the bar because mobile streaming is a thing I can do. I want to keep streaming my main game on the channel, The Sims 4, especially since Cat and Dogs content is probably going to dominate the majority of my November. I want to start writing again, and I think doing it live will help my discipline and skill grow, and having an open, creative discussion would keep any sort of block from happening, like it has for...the last 11 years. I want to experiment with new games too, maybe go back to having one day where I play whatever I want and see interest based on that. I know in the past, Blizzard games did okay, indie games were always a hit, spoopy games are a constant win, and GTA is fun with friends. I’m open to suggestions, as always, and I’m happy to have a discussion as to what might be good for the channel.
I want to lessen my presence at the bars soon, mostly because the hours it forces me to keep are becoming detrimental to a several facets of my life; I have the passion for making good craft cocktail drinks, but I want to do it more creatively and with less demand from a business model that just barely works. I’d like to think that projects and venues that foster the skills I have would want to function at their best capacity to encourage loyalty and consistency, and anything less would weaken my resolve to stay in such place or project. That being said, with the prospect of new opportunities, both at new establishments and ones I make myself, I want to make streaming a part of all of it with each new change, possibly IRL streaming in the future from places and projects I’m growing in.
Felt I needed to discuss openly my thoughts. Streaming is important to me, it’s been a part of my life for 4 years, and I’d like to think that through it I’ve been successful. I’m greatly successful for having met my soulmate through it, met great content creators and talented individuals through the years, had the opportunities and recognition from it, and while the potential for growth is there, I’ve always felt that getting to the level of a true professional gamer, streamer, and entertainer will always be an eventuality for me, I do my best to make it my journey with no comparison. Partnership, sponsorship, accolades, and community growth, all dreams that will be fulfilled eventually, in time, and all thanks to all of you. I will get there, I want it, and it will happen. I’m in no rush, and smelling the roses as often as I do, I hope you’ll all keep at it with me.
Let me know in the link below whether webcam or not, and then if you can, if you feel like it, throw some thoughts in discord for your boy.
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oathmmori · 7 years
My internet is shit.
TL;DR My upload speed is terrible and, despite all the troubleshooting, I have to wait until Tuesday, the 2nd of May, to possibly stream. 
Last Friday evening I tried streaming, and come to find that my upload speed couldn’t peak over 100KB/s. I need essentially between 1800KB/s and 2200KB/s (1.8MB/s - 2.2MB/s) to stream effectively to Twitch. Before streaming I was on Skype with my girlfriend, Lucy, and we didn’t have any problems with the video call. Skype doesn’t require a lot of bandwidth though, so the problem could have been prior to that and after Thursday’s Cities: Skylines stream. 
When I started the stream on OBS, I went through the normal troubleshooting methods.
First I tried changing servers. I went to New York, Texas, Virginia, San Fran, even EU servers, and I was getting the same result. Couldn’t get over 100KB/s.
I lowered my bitrate, which is low to begin with to compensate for viewers with not so great internet (look at me, all considerate), and that didn’t help.
I dropped all my firewalls, both on the modem/router and on my PC. Didn’t help.
I did a speed test, and here’s the rub, I didn’t let it finish initially. I saw my download was fine, and before it got to the upload, I ended it because my logic is, if it is the internet service provider, the ISP, it’d affect both download and upload, OR it’d affect download but not upload. How very wrong I was.
By this time I was on Twitter saying my shit doesn’t work. You guys threw some ideas at me, kudos BottleCat for saying it was the ISP, you was right girl. 
I tried resetting the PC. Nope.
Reset the modem. Nope.
Reset the modem and the PC. Double nope.
Hard resetting the modem to factory settings. Nope.
Clearing cache and history on the PC and modem. Negative.
Finally did a proper speed test, then that’s when I saw it. 
68MB/s down, 03.MB/s up.
Oh. Well nice. Fuck.
So I tested it against my LTE on T-Mobile.
17MB/s down, 18MB/s up.
Welp. It isn’t the world lagging. At least I got that out of the way as a possibility. As a sidenote, it’s a bit depressing to see that my upload to space is better than my hardline upload attached to this planet. 
So I called customer service, they did some things and saw the problem, even they thought it was weird, when they pinged me and sent test packages to my modem. The guy over the phone was really nice, and when he asked me what I did, said I was a streamer on Twitch, he was like, “Oh man! I love Twitch!” so I got a follower out of it. Cool. Came down to it, they wanted to see if the modem was to blame, so they sent a tech out. 
Next day a guy comes out in the afternoon, tall Hispanic man, nice enough, didn’t catch his name. He changes out the modem and checks the signal, and the whole thing takes maybe less than 20 minutes, and just changing the modem out seemed to help. He asks me what I do, seeing my setup, He’s like, “are you a musician?” seeing all the cables and the studio mic. I tell him what I do. He makes a Twitch account right there and follows me. Baller. I do a speed test while he’s here and I’m seeing 8000KB/s upload (8MB/s), which is great, back to normal nearly, I can work with that. He and I think, job well done, we high five, and he’s gone.
Not an hour after he leaves, and the upload speed drops back down to shit. Okay, wtf. I call customer service again and they check my signal from their end and see the same thing. The guy on the phone sounds like he’s from a Slavic country and his microphone is across the room, I can barely hear him; I can’t tell you how many times I asked him to speak up, the poor Macedonian bastard. We resolve to get another tech out here at 10AM, so I set my alarms, because no reasonable American wakes up at that ungodly hour.
The tech comes by this morning, Edgar, really cool dude, super by the book, and goes through all the steps to help. He check the signal, seems fine. Sees that the speed test is garbage on the upload, and he changes out the modem again (I get their top of the line modem, sweet), we see it doesn’t help. He check the cable from the modem to the wall, not that either. He makes another cable for the wall to the modem, and that doesn’t work. He unscrews the panel on the wall and checks the connections. We turn things off and turn things on. He goes outside and checks the connections. He troubleshot all the way to the outside access point after changing cables, going around bypasses for the television, and directly connecting the modem to the access point behind my house and my upload speed was still garbage. 
At some point he also asks what I do, and I tell him. He watches Twitch, and he follows me. I’m getting all the Spectrum employees.
Edgar, bless his heart, pumped 2 hours into my house and everything outside of it, only to get to the final solution: it goes beyond the power of a general service technician. I need maintenance workers.
It’s now down to a proper maintenance worker, the guys who take care of the grid I’m in, to see what the problem is; it’s actually a problem outside of the quarter of an acre I live on. He did everything he possibly could to find a solution to the problem, to which I greatly appreciated him doing, and now it’s down to guys checking not only the points around my neighborhood, but the big box at the end of my subdivision, to see what the problem is. He suggested I do speed tests from now until around Tuesday, since he’s putting the call in and they usually check the area within 24 hours of a call, and if by Tuesday morning it isn’t resolved, to call customer service again to check the status of the maintenance to my neighborhood. More than likely the problem is affecting everyone in the neighborhood, but because I’m probably the only person trying to stream to Twitch or upload to YouTube, everyone else doesn’t notice the mild amount of lag when they upload their photo album to Facebook a couple houses down, and since it’s not affecting download rates, no one would notice any effect to their Netflix or their Hulu.
So, long story short, I won’t be back until around Tuesday, May 2nd, to streaming due to my grid being garbage for upload rates. Figured I’d keep you guys in the loop, seeing as I was on a roll there for a bit, close to getting everything I need to be considered for Affiliate Program status. I know I’ll eventually get it, but it’s hiccups like this that suck for building the channel back up after being gone for a month. 
I can still do low bandwidth stuff, like browse the internet and social media. Online games stutter, so best to just go offline mode on some things. I’ll be back on my feet in a week. 
Thanks for reading. ;)
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oathmmori · 8 years
I’m in a 24-Hour Twitch Relay! - March 18th, 2017
Starting at 11AM EST (-5:00 GMT) on March 18th, 2017, twelve streamers will be participating in a Relay, and I’d really like for all of you to be part of it!
What’s a Relay? Kind of what it sounds like it is. Basically one streamer starts by streaming, then after the two hours allotted time, they raid and host the next streamer in the list, bringing their viewers and community with them. Then after two hours it happens again, raiding and hosting to another streamer.
It’s a great way of bringing people together, getting to know new friends, and seeing new, entertaining ways of play games!
Here’s the list, with links, and a short description of what to expect!
SuddenlyDucks - March 18th - 11AM EST-1PM EST
chchchelsea - March 18th - 1PM EST-3PM EST
Classic_Queen - March 18th - 3PM EST-5PM EST
IAmAlphena - March 18th - 5PM EST-7PM EST
OathD2C - March 18th - 7PM EST-9PM EST
Thunderceptor11 - March 18th - 9PM EST-11PM EST
Ganza - March 18th - 11PM EST-1AM EST
LucasSott - March 19th - 1AM EST-3AM EST
Hooker4Oblivion - March 19th - 3AM EST-5AM EST
Nicktacular42 - March 19th - 5AM EST-7AM EST
NerdRageFitness - March 19th - 7AM EST-9AM EST
JussKiddin - March 19th - 9AM EST-11AM EST
It would be greatly appreciated if you guys can follow all the streamers on this list, check out their streams, be part of their communities, say hi for me, and join me for the 24 Stream Relay! It starts at 11AM EST (-5:00 GMT) and I’ll be there in each chat! My slot starts at 7PM EST, and I’ll be happy to see you guys there! Cocktails and Sims 4 for sure!
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oathmmori · 8 years
Oath’s List of Skyrim Modifications
I use mods in Skyrim: Special Edition, mostly visual mods and immersion mods, specifically geared to add to the story and assist with RP. Each mod is linked, so if you’re interested, download it from NexusMods and support the site!
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - There’s a few bugs here and there in the game. No game is perfect, so it’s good to have a bit of coverage in case something goes wrong.
Open Cities Skyrim - No one likes load screens walking into a town. Let’s get rid of those.
Realistic Water Two - Because Skyrim water is so...unique, it’s nice to have something more familiar. More...acceptable.
Blowing in the Wind - Signs. A small detail, but seeing them move properly makes me a happy Oath.
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Slightly less robotic townies.
Immersive Patrols SE - Imperials, Thalmor, and Stormcloaks going for a walk? I like it.
Lightweight Headtracking and Emotions 1.7 - Because staring straight ahead is freaky.
Book Covers Skyrim SE - Desaturated - I have a problem in the game with collecting books. I like when they’re varied and unique.
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - The longer I’m out here, the more things start looking kind of...polygon-y. Let’s fix that.
Realistic Lighting Overhaul SSE 4.1.1 - WHY IS MY GAME SO FUCKING DARK??? Because it’s super immersive. I like straining.
QD Inventory SSE - ONLY BECAUSE I like arranging things in tight, little lists. 
SkyHUD (SkyHUD preset) - Because the normal HUD sucks.
Mist's Font Replacer SSE - Sovngarde V7 - Because the default in game font isn’t immersive enough. Seriously, I don’t think Scandinavians favor sans serif, tall ass font. Unless you’re Swedish.
Enhanced Blood Textures - Flat blood that looks like it’s just painted on bad textures is boring and unimmersive. Let’s get is squirtin’.
Belt-Fastened Quivers 1.3 SE - Because pulling a 2-foot long arrow off your back is straining, I’d rather it be lower.
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oathmmori · 8 years
New Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ, pronounced FACK), because a bunch has changed. Let's see what we can answer.
What's your name?
Ian. You can call me Ian. Or Oath. Hey. 'Sup.
How old are you?
At the time of writing this, 32. My birthday is October 7. I'm not very mature though.
Where are you from?
I live in Orlando, Florida, in the United States. It's okay, mostly warm.
What is your race/ethnicity/nationality?
I'm Filipino American. My mom and dad are from the Philippines, but I was born in Indiana. I look ethnic, but I got that radio voice. Throws people off. I like it.
When do you stream?
At the moment, really, whenever I can. I’ve tried setting a schedule and sticking to it, however, with being a bartender and in a long distance relationship, my professional and private life takes precedence over streaming, so I stream usually in the evenings when I can manage it. SORRY FOR INCONSISTENCY. 
What's with the bar and the drinks?
I'm a craft cocktail bartender. I was trained by Rene Nguyen at two of Orlando's best craft cocktail bars, Hanson's Shoe Repair and Herman's Loan Office. Currently in the bar scene, I work at the two aforementioned bars anywhere from two to five times a week. I've built a bar here for the stream due to my recent growing interest. I hope with dedication and time I can share my passion for craft cocktails with the Twitch Community. I tend to stick with classic cocktails, plays on classics, or riffing on classic bases, but I'm open to anything suggested within reason.
Do you take orders? How can I suggest a drink?
I do, so long as I have the stuff for it and it’s a classic cocktail in nature. Inappropriate drink orders, like a Redheaded Slut, Liquid Cocaine, or a Leg Spreader, for example, will not be made, nor will it be taken likely in the chat. Classic cocktail requests only, plays on classics, or a craft cocktail you may have tried, hell, if you wanna throw ideas at me, we can workshop on the stream.
What games do you stream?
I stream mostly the Sims 4. I'm pretty much a Sims 4 streamer, but I do play other things as well, mostly city builders, RPGs, survival games, sandboxes, anything with larger scope, long term gains aspect to it. I play story driven games on occasions, but not as often. Big indie game fan, so you'll see some of that. Not much of a FPS/shooters kind of guy, so you probably won't see me at the Call of Doots.
What're you computer specs?
I have an Intel i7-4790K Quad-Core CPU at 4GHz, 16GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GTX 970. That's the important bits, I think. You can gauge my computer's capabilities pretty much with just those things.
What do you use to stream?
Open Broadcasting Software. It's free and cool.
What's your audio set up?
I use an Audio Technica AT2020 condenser as a studio microphone hooked up to a Behringer XENYX Q502USB if I'm just playing games or for any guests on the stream. Usually I have a lavalier microphone on, an Audio Technica MT830cW attached to a Audio Technica ATW-T1001 System10 Wireless Body Pack Transmitter, transmitting to an Audio Technica ATW-R1100 System10 Receiver. It all sounds sexy.
When did you start playing the Sims?
I recall buying the first game when it came out, getting every expansion and stuff pack for that, and ever since then, owning every release for every version of the Sims for the PC since. so I guess since 2000, the initial release of the Sims.
Can I request a song?
It...kind of works? I use Ankhbot and it’s not the best at handling requests at the moment. Once I figure that out, sure, we can do that.
Can I be a moderator?
Did you invent the Hunger Games for the Sims 4?
Yes I did. I created the Hunger Games in an attempt to weed out the population of my viewer sims town as best as I could. I adapted the rules from PopKell and her Sims 3 Hunger Games.
Essentially you’ll need an Arena; if you need one, you can search for me on the Gallery and I’ll have a few provided (OathD2C is my name on the Gallery, I’m fairly consistent like that about my username). Next, you’ll need 8 sims who all have one particular trait: Loves Outdoors. The other two traits and the aspiration don’t really matter, so long as they have this one. Next, you stick them in an Arena and...wait.
The idea of the Hunger Games is an attrition based, commentary heavy, specifically made for streaming method of gameplay. You don’t essentially do anything aside from streamlining the action and bringing back sims that teleport out by accident. Usually within 20 minutes to an hour and a half,  you’ll have a handful of the original 8 dead to some form of attrition, whether it be actual hunger, embarrassment, fire, or the usual drowning. The idea is that you do not control any of them, but merely observe. Hell, you can take bets or even make it a drinking game.
Do you have a YouTube?
Yes, you can CLICK HERE and it'll take you to my YouTube account. I update occasionally with Sims 4 content as well as my own gameplay of other games, so stick around for more updates!
What time is it there?
I don’t understand why this is a really heavily asked question. I live in Florida, which is Eastern Standard Time in the United States of America (EST), Greenwich Mean Time -5:00 (GMT), so that makes it something-o'clock. I get that you’re trying to gauge when and if the stream will end, but knowing what time it is where I am doesn’t really make a lick of difference. I start and end when I want, and I stream for as long as I want.
How long are you streaming for?
I seriously don’t understand questions like this. What’re you doing? Are you multitasking? did you put me on in the background while you’re doing dishes? Did you happen upon me, liked what you see, but have some engagement you’ve committed yourself to and are wondering if I’ll be on when you get back? I seriously stream of my own volition; simply put, the stream ends when it’s finished. I know that doesn’t tell you much, but I have ended a stream after 45 minutes and I have gone as long as 25 hours. I seriously don’t know how long I’m streaming for. Until I’m tired or done playing games for the night, truth be told.
When will the stream end?
When it’s finished.
What is HBnBM?
HBnBM, Headbang ‘n Buttonmash, was a editorial website dedicated to bringing you clever articles written by fans of metal music and video games. As of July 2015, the website has shifted focus to apparel and storefront operations, bringing you clever designs by metal and video game fans for metal and video game fans. When it was an editorial website, I acted as Editor-in-chief and wrote for the video game editorial column. I managed the HBnBM channel and Twitch representation for the site. As a storefront, I was a Community Liaison for Twitch and the video game section. They make cool stuff for you to drink out of, wear, and stick on your wall, so check out the store at - hbnbm.com.  
Where did your username come from?
“Oath” is short for Oathbreaker. I was an avid fan and player of the Warcraft series, in particular, World of Warcraft, where I played, since 2005, a Warlock, and as of late 2006, a Blood Elf Warlock named Oathbreaker on Farstriders Realm. I was an English and linguistics major in college, so etymology was standard, and the word warlock is Gaelic for oath-breaker, so it’s a literally translated name. I’ve used the name in some form or fashion ever since.
“D2C” is an abbreviation for “Dressed to Cuddle.” It’s an exacerbated inside joke that slowly ended up being a personal label, clan tag, and website. It’s also from my WoW days where I met a majority of my friends in the game from a level 19 twink guild called Dressed to Kill. Twinking in WoW consisted of stopping XP, back in the day, mechanically by not doing quests, currently by turning off XP by speaking to an NPC in a major city, and playing content in such fashion. Between 2007 and 2009, twinking was big on our server and our group garnered a small reputation in Warsong Gulch, Capture the Flag. Our rivals were Farstriders Elite (FE), and we communicated with them on the WoW forums constantly, sometimes competitively, sometimes just talking shop, and sometimes it got ugly. On one occasion, four of us, Mordypants, Mooj, Elegia, and myself, were in a Battleground up against a full FE premade group of 10, and we got our asses handed to us, needless to say. Queue after queue, we kept running into them, and it got to the point where we “gave up.” Giving up, to us, consisted of us taking off our clothes and dancing in the flag room. When FE realized that we weren’t really playing, not putting up a fight, they decided to have some fun with it, because capping the flag, getting honor, all when you’re already top geared and honor-point capped, is boring. So some of them took off their clothes, some of them danced with us, and then finally, all of us, nearly 20 Alliance and Horde (I say nearly because there was a handful of PUGs, pick up players, actually trying to fight and not getting what was happening) buck-ass nude walking to the Alliance flag room to cap the last flag of the night. FE started a thread on the forums, titled “Dressed to Cuddle,” sharing the experience for the rest of the realm, and what was meant to be slightly insulting ended up sticking. We treated our guild like a family and we genuinely loved each like brothers and sisters, so being a bunch of carebears, we took it in stride. A few months later, I bought DressedtoCuddle.com and I started blogging about the random shit I did in WoW. I keep the abbreviation in my username for all things I do to remind me that it’s all just a game, in the end, despite how competitive things can get, don’t get heated, have fun, and always remember that your friends are on your team and, sometimes, on the other team.
What game is this?
Read the title! Seriously, the whole “I can’t see the title” is bullshit. EVERY PLATFORM shows you the title. I’m usually good about putting what game I’m playing, if it’s not the Sims 4, in the title. Seriously, you’re lazy. How do you end up in my stream?
How tall are you?
I actually get this question a lot. I seriously don’t know why. I’m 5'7".
Do you play Minecraft?
Yes, not on stream though. Minecraft culture makes me nervous. I like the Sims Community, I like the culture and people it fosters, and I’ve seen what Minecraft does for and to streamers. While I can objectively say, sure, it could be ridiculously successful for the stream, it makes me wonder at what cost. At the end of the day, I like to think I bring in quality viewers, and even though I’d love a subscriber button and pull in those numbers, I don’t want to do it in any other way but my own. But then the question comes up, will I EVER play Minecraft on the stream? I dunno. If I get a pang to play it, sure, let’s toss out the idea that maybe I will. One day. Probably not.
What games have you finished on the stream?
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Wait, aren’t you in the last game? Domina?
Yeah. I voice acted for it. The long speech about grandma is me. I’m also various grunts and hollerings.
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oathmmori · 9 years
Modified Hunger Games for December 17, 2015 patch
The Hunger Games is a hands off, observation, commentary heavy style of gameplay created specifically for Twitch and YouTube. The Challenge/Gameplay requires an Arena of a specific build and 8 Sims. These Sims will compete to live and survive through their poorly prioritized AI.
The simple explanation of The Games is 8 Sims go in, 1-2 Sims come out. You, as a player, watch them slowly die. You do not interact, add, or take out anything aside from removing the front door once all 8 Sims are in. After that, you watch. What can you do in the meantime as the Sims slowly hurt themselves trying to survive? Stream it, if you’d like, it’s what I do. Place bets early, see who wins. Make your friends and stick them in there and root for each other. Make it a drinking game. Pretty much until most of the Sims are dead, you can spend your time how you see fit. I commentate on it and make remarks on the Sims as we go through it on my channel, as I do use Viewers to fight in The Games. So how do you do the thing?
What You'll Need
·         An Arena more or less like this one (click here)
·         8 Sims (I use viewers, bless, they're all gonna die)
·         A sharp tongue and a quick wit
·         Patience
So in the most recent patch on December 17th, 2015, the Hunger Games kind of broke. A new behavior of the AI keeps Sims that are Very Uncomfortable from doing anything "fun." Swimming now is an activity that's considered "fun," so it means that when a Sim has two of the four traits, Bladder, Hygiene, Hunger, or Energy specifically, down below 25-30% to where it's orange colored, a Sim's mood becomes Very Uncomfortable, and they will not path through water. A lack of Fun makes them Tense and a lack of Social makes them Lonely, so these needs don't have any remark on whether or not they'll get into the water.
What is pathing or what does it mean when a Sim paths? Pathing is a gaming term for an awareness of the gamer of the programming behind the game, in which a rendered character, in this case Sims, must travel from one point to another. The path Sims had to take in Panem Arena v3, v2, v1 was through water. In v4 of the Arena (click here to download it), they path through water, but its gimmick is now the Sims are mostly in the water for everything. With less chance of getting out of the water, they all have the possibility to drown more now.
They now get isolated on the smaller islands easily. We are relying on them getting stuck on these islands to watch their needs degrade. They could fulfill their needs on whatever island they're on, they can glitch from platform to platform (to make it interesting) they just SHOULDN'T glitch out of the arena. If they do, pull them back in.
After they get into the Arena,  you're really just watching, commentating, and moving the camera around. In this version of The Games, the only hand you have in the interaction is deleting a need based set of furniture when it gets down to 3 Sims. 3 Sims, I've found in tests, is the threshold in which they start balancing out for needs and there's less likely the chance for the population to drop down from 3 to 2 or 1. So by deleting a certain set of furniture, based on a need, which I usually let my viewers on Twitch select by vote, the Sims have more of possibility of death. So that means no Cooler of Sponsorshit, no deleting stairs or moving Sims needed. Instead, say you decide to get rid of all the Bladder fulfilling furniture, bye bye toilets. If they’ve balanced out their Energy need too much, see ya couches and bed. Then you watch them burn.
That's pretty much the extent of the changes. See my previous rules and my gameplay to get a better idea of how it works if you're a bit confused, and watch me on Saturdays on Twitch as I put Viewers through this!
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oathmmori · 9 years
Hunger Games for the Sims 4 v2 by OathD2C
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That’s an old ass graphic. Anyway, hi! I’m Ian, also known as OathD2C, I play games on Twitch, mostly The Sims 4. These are my rules, loosely based on KPopp’s Hunger Games rules from the Sims 3, for my brand of Hunger Games for the Sims 4. 
A number of other streamers and simmers have adopted these rules for their own gameplay, and since the original rules have disappeared from HBnBM.com, I present them here for your disgustingly amazing enjoyment.
A 50x50 lot
The Arena
8 hapless Sims of your design (I use followers in my stream)
2-3 hours (maybe less)
alcohol (totally optional, it helps me)
The following rules
The Arena
The arena can be the one downloaded from The Gallery or it can be one of your own creation, but try to keep it on a 50×50 lot for maximum space. You can be cruel and have one bed, or be at least a bit nice like me and have eight super comfy beds and let the possibilities of hunger, drowning, embarrassment, and, to a lesser degree, fiery death, be the modus operandi of your Sims’ demises. It’s up to you, but at the very least have the basic tenant in play: death by hunger.
The front door is to only allow the Sims inside initially, then, afterwards, once they’re all inside, gets deleted for the duration of the Games.
Hallways should be two spaces wide, to allow Sims ample room to die if they feel the need to keel over, but if you want to prolong the inevitable, by all means make narrow corridors and watch them path for ages.
I’ve specifically designed the arena for my HG to have platforms and stairs I move, specifically the one up to the uppermost platform, the kitchen. More on that later.
Control should be kept to a minimum, where the few commands you are allowed to exert are initially commanding them into the arena, then deleting the door behind them, to tell a Sim to stop behavior glitching, move them off platforms or rooms made to be the kitchen, or to return them to the arena if they happen to teleport. The stairs/doors to the kitchen (or other need-based rooms, depending on how complicated you want to get with this) are all that get moved/deleted during Build Mode, as a great deal of the Hunger Games should depend on their AI and chance.
Behavior glitching is when a Sim decides to forcibly complete an action due to AI scripting and pathing, or they lock up on a singular action that cannot be completed due to a parameter impediment, resulting in the Sim being stuck in an idle animation, being stuck AI pending (appears as them standing still, slightly nodding their head). This can be remedied with with either the ResetSim cheat or testingcheats on and shift-clicking a sim to reset it.
According to a few viewers and some forum posts, teleporting of Sims to the spawn point, located at the front of the lot, results when the pathing in pools is inhibited or far too constrained. The result is the Sim AI and the entire Sim fully resetting at the spawn, and for a closed arena, it results in a difficult to manage Hunger Games.
To summate how to control the the Hunger Games: you essentially don’t control much. This is more or less observational gameplay. You only tell a Sim to do something only when they’ve glitched, if they’re in the way, or if they are impeding the Game’s progression to success.
The Sims
The Sims can be Teen, Young Adult, Adult, or Elderly age, due to in-game mechanics of death. Traits do not really matter, but do sometimes carry an advantage (it would be assumed that Glutton and Foodie would make priority of food that more drastic), so if you’re wanting a leg up for someone, consider that as an option. Also, be wary of using Teens, with only two traits, it makes winning or having the advantage over other Sims that much more difficult.
Eight Sims are recommended, however, the more Sims, the longer it could take (depending on mechanics involved), the less, the more tradebacks could occur. More on tradebacks later.
AI must be turned on for the Hunger Games to work at all. If your Sims’ autonomy isn’t defaulted to be on, you can turn it on by going into the Menu > Game Options > Gameplay > and setting Autonomy to “Full”.
For my Hunger Games, we’re using Viewer Sims; Since I started streaming the Sims 4, I have slowly made my way to sixty-seven (67) Viewer Households (at the time of revising this), that five-hundred and thirty-six (536) people who wanted me to make them as a Sim in my playthroughs, and I was very much happy to obliged. The problem is is the towns in game cannot feasibly take on that sort of quick growing population, so I decided to do the Hunger Games. 
Whatever number of Sims you make or whatever age you try, understand that a single Hunger Games will take 2-3 hours average. I have seen Hunger Games run as long as 6 hours, as short as 20 minutes, it all depends on how smart your Sims decide to be that day.
As I’ve said before, there’s a minimal amount of control in each Game. The Game begins by commanding Sims into the arena, then deleting the front door to keep them from escaping. The stairs to the kitchen are moved back away from the platform, and are only moved to the kitchen when the Gauge is active.
The Gauge is the Sim whose Hunger is the highest; in order to allow for a level playing field and have a sort-of meter as to when to allow Sims the chance at food, all Sims alive must have a hunger rating of “Starving,” colored as an orange bar, or worse, in order for the AI to prioritize food over other needs. Obviously the AI could choose to do something else instead of eating, which can happen, but with a lack of direction from the player, henceforth the Gamemaster, the AI becomes a factor in the survival, or death, of each Sim. Once the Gauge is actively orange, the stairs to the kitchen platform can be replaced, allowing the Sims’ AI the opportunity to prioritize food as an option.
It is the discretion of the Gamemaster as to how many Sims are allowed on the platform. The first few times I allow four out of eight Sims onto the platform once the Gauge has become active, and once four Sims path up to the kitchen, I’d move the stairs to inhibit more Sims from coming up the stairs, even going as far as canceling queued actions of food for Sims who didn’t make it; I once had a Sim “Call to Meal” after she had made a group dinner, and Sims who didn’t make it to the kitchen glitched through the wall and got food because the AI forced them through to complete the action. Be mindful of every Sim! They could be shystering food from your Games!
During the Games, viewers are allowed to vote who they’d like to see get “sponsorship,” and via Strawpoll, I’ll be conducting short term gains for certain viewer Sims. Viewers can even appeal to have their Sims be voted for, and a cooler will be presented to the winner intermittently during the Games. A Cooler of Sponsorship (Sponsorshit, to my viewers), its like getting a package via shiny parachute in the real Hunger Games (I say real, I mean Collins’ Hunger Games).
The last two standing win, in honor of Katniss and Peeta, at least in my HG, but if you’d like to have a longer, more intense battle, Last Sim Standing can be an option, but can result in tradebacks.
Tradebacks occur when two to three Sims are left in the arena and only one Sim is allowed in the kitchen once the Gauge is active and the non-Gauge(s), the weaker of the two or three, gets to eat, resulting in a trade back and forth of the title of Gauge. As a result, the game could go on for a while, trading back and forth until the Gauge successfully gets the Kitchen several times in a row over the non-Gauge(s).
What to expect and final thoughts
There will be a considerable amount of idiotic AI choices and pathing, so be prepared to see them do some really stubborn or ridiculous things. There could be the occasional glitch, depending on how your arena is built and how the Sims react to it. Experimentation is a must for new arenas, and the one I’ve built has specifically been successful.
That’s it! Happy simming everyone! May the odds be ever in your favor and check out my stream on Saturdays to see me play The Sims 4 Hunger Games Live on Twitch!
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oathmmori · 9 years
Because pronunciation was a big to do yesterday:
Try this.
English is tough stuff
Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard, Dies and diet, lord and word, Sword and sward, retain and Britain. (Mind the latter, how it's written.) Now I surely will not plague you With such words as plaque and ague. But be careful how you speak: Say break and steak, but bleak and streak; Cloven, oven, how and low, Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery, Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore, Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles, Exiles, similes, and reviles; Scholar, vicar, and cigar, Solar, mica, war and far; One, anemone, Balmoral, Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel; Gertrude, German, wind and mind, Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Billet does not rhyme with ballet, Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet. Blood and flood are not like food, Nor is mould like should and would. Viscous, viscount, load and broad, Toward, to forward, to reward. And your pronunciation's OK When you correctly say croquet, Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve, Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour And enamour rhyme with hammer. River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb, Doll and roll and some and home. Stranger does not rhyme with anger, Neither does devour with clangour. Souls but foul, haunt but aunt, Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant, Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger, And then singer, ginger, linger, Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge, Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Query does not rhyme with very, Nor does fury sound like bury. Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth. Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath. Though the differences seem little, We say actual but victual. Refer does not rhyme with deafer. Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer. Mint, pint, senate and sedate; Dull, bull, and George ate late. Scenic, Arabic, Pacific, Science, conscience, scientific.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven, Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven. We say hallowed, but allowed, People, leopard, towed, but vowed. Mark the differences, moreover, Between mover, cover, clover; Leeches, breeches, wise, precise, Chalice, but police and lice; Camel, constable, unstable, Principle, disciple, label.
Petal, panel, and canal, Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal. Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair, Senator, spectator, mayor. Tour, but our and succour, four. Gas, alas, and Arkansas. Sea, idea, Korea, area, Psalm, Maria, but malaria. Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean. Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian, Dandelion and battalion. Sally with ally, yea, ye, Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. Say aver, but ever, fever, Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver. Heron, granary, canary. Crevice and device and aerie.
Face, but preface, not efface. Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass. Large, but target, gin, give, verging, Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging. Ear, but earn and wear and tear Do not rhyme with here but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen, Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk, Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
Pronunciation -- think of Psyche! Is a paling stout and spikey? Won't it make you lose your wits, Writing groats and saying grits? It's a dark abyss or tunnel: Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale, Islington and Isle of Wight, Housewife, verdict and indict.
Finally, which rhymes with enough -- Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough? Hiccough has the sound of cup. My advice is to give up!
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oathmmori · 9 years
I’ll start by saying hello.
I intend to blog here about stream related things, answer frequently asked questions, discuss tips on streaming, and write tutorials where applicable. I’ll also be writing my own stuff soon, and I’ll be linking them here and here only. Welcome guys, thank you for reading and following! ;) <3
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