obliteratore · 6 years
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( As much as I’ve been trying to hold onto this blog, evidently judging by my attendance it hasn’t been going too well logistically. I think it might be time for me to scrap this blog soon. I won’t be gone forever, I know that much; I’m like a flippin cockroach, you can’t get rid of me if you try. But as for this blog I think that getting rid of it is kinda inevitable by this point. I’ll think on it a bit more. This blog has been a fun one to mess around with, and I appreciate each and every one who’s made that possible in the past. Even if we never interacted properly. I wish all of you good farings and a wonderful week ahead of you. )
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obliteratore · 6 years
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❝ If she breathes, she’s a thot. ❞ 
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obliteratore · 6 years
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( I may make a blog for my OCs specifically, rather than just shoving them in with the rest of these pleb muses. They’re all plebs at heart but still, organization’s sake and all that. Am I a fool for blogs? Yes. There was never any doubt. But my foolishness knows no bounds. )
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obliteratore · 6 years
It's "Truth or Dare" hour!
Send ‘Truth’ + a question and my muse will have to answer all questions truthfully!
Send ‘Dare’ + an action and my muse will preform all dares!
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obliteratore · 6 years
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“Trust me when I say you’re far more then just a simple nuisance to me. You’ve long since transcended that status.”
  In truth, he’d already been informed that his behavior was less then acceptable by most peoples’ standards, but being approached about it from his own colleague’s point of view put into perspective how little progress he’d been making. People were much harder to deal with then work, it had never been his forte.
“I apologize that my behavior hasn’t been welcoming to you, and I promise to continue trying to work on that. Though, in future, I’d appreciate if you’d inform me when you feel this way rather than bottling it up until we reach this conclusion.”
  Amazing, there go more papers onto the floor. At least she hasn’t thrown them all to the ground on purpose yet. Sometimes he wished he’d put in more effort into crafting a socially stable exterior, if only because dealing with the fallout of others’ perceptions was more obnoxious then it was productive. At least when Brother was mad all it took was sweets and about an hour to cool down.
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“Grora, not once have I claimed you to be below me in status. I’ll admit I’ve made somewhat rude comments about your height, but I think my insults pale in comparison to some of the things you’ve said about me.”
  Wodahs took a breath, and another moment to collect himself before his explanation turned into an all-out rant about the other’s lack of vocal filtering, which would be more then a little hypocritical.
“Regardless of our exchange of unkind words, most often as I’ve observed, any aggression from either of us is met with equal amounts in opposition; I’d hardly call one of us worse than the other.”
  True, the head angel did have a bit more say in her workload then she did in his, but even if she could’ve made him do more work he probably would’ve enjoyed it anyway. Plus, she was the one that more often resorted to hurting him or the few things he cared about with violent force. It all mostly balanced, as far as he could tell.
“okay…. fair enough.” She takes a oment to process the words the other speaks, and while she does agree with him, at the same time she doesn’t.
“Look- I’m pretty sure you don’t do it on purpose, and I understand that, but most of the time, you just…” She looks away.
“You sound like I’m just a nuisance, okay?”
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obliteratore · 6 years
  Ivlis hadn’t even known what had compelled him to take an unprompted walk around his ‘domain’ at the time. Perhaps it was premonition of an intruder, or maybe it was just the urge for sightseeing in the hell he’d been condemned to. It should’ve made him sad to see the squalor his demons were living in, but if anything it just irritated him. All of them, him included, shouldn’t be forced to live here. Him and his subordinates all deserved better. Why did he have to be cast out, why did god have to look down on him, why--
  His increasingly enraged and already well-trodden train of thought was interrupted upon seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, something that definitely didn’t seem like one of his flame demons milling about. Curiosity piqued, he decided to trail, and get a better look of the questionable figure.
  At first glance, he almost turned tail and got the hell out of there, noting a striking similarity between them and Satanick, but upon slightly closer inspection he surmised that just to be paranoia. For one, from a brief moment in which he could see, the flame devil noticed that his eyes were red, rather than the pitch devil’s customary violet.
  Regardless of who he was or wasn’t, the intruder had seemed to notice him already, unfortunately before he made his dramatic reveal. Not like Ivlis was one for showmanship these days anyway, he supposed. Well, if he’d already been seen then he saw no point in prolonging it. He stepped out into easy view, in a ready stance with his trident drawn, trying to look more imposing then he actually was by that point.
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❝ Who are you, and what is your business here. ❞
  Ivlis demanded, not quite asking but not overly adamant about receiving an answer. The anger would likely come later, if he could even manage that anymore.
@obliteratore /  IVLIS
the mere ground he stood on practically singed the bottom of his slacks, the heat of pure FIRE was enough to make him regret even stepping foot on forbidden territory. but he must know    for the safety of himself && others    if this world was going to mean WAR. the vampire stepped ever so quietly, strolling through dirt streets lined with shacks && other various poorly made homes. it was almost sad to say the least, but this did not stop him from brushing his hands against them; he wanted to feel the material, the carves, he even went as far as sometimes going behind the homes    they were always EMPTY. 
he remained dressed in black, a cloak covering garments && shielding his face from the ever burning flames that burned as bright as the SUN.  the only thing that remained visible was his hair against pale skin, && the scarlet eyes that were always ingrained into memory. he cursed himself, keeping distance from the places that were much too hot for him to walk. it was DANGEROUS    he told himself. whatever this place was, whoever the RULER     he prayed that they were no foe. surely tragedy would be upon them both. 
he left the homes rather quickly, making sure to never stay in one place for too long. but it wasn’t long before he stopped in his tracks     his sense of smell was spectacular. the count barely turns, eyes dashing && looking for signs of a being who may be following him. he hesitates wiping sweat off his forehead.
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                      “ .. hm ? ’
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obliteratore · 6 years
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( Not even Science can understand why I feel less urge to be here when I’ve nothing better to be doing versus when I’m full up on things in the itinerary. Honestly I’m just mad at myself for all the flaking. I’m here then I’m not then I am then I try to rp and then I disappear for another week and then I’m back but I don’t do anything until a full 24 hours later )
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obliteratore · 6 years
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obliteratore · 6 years
  Amazing, there go more papers onto the floor. At least she hasn’t thrown them all to the ground on purpose yet. Sometimes he wished he’d put in more effort into crafting a socially stable exterior, if only because dealing with the fallout of others’ perceptions was more obnoxious then it was productive. At least when Brother was mad all it took was sweets and about an hour to cool down.
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“Grora, not once have I claimed you to be below me in status. I’ll admit I’ve made somewhat rude comments about your height, but I think my insults pale in comparison to some of the things you’ve said about me.”
  Wodahs took a breath, and another moment to collect himself before his explanation turned into an all-out rant about the other’s lack of vocal filtering, which would be more then a little hypocritical.
“Regardless of our exchange of unkind words, most often as I’ve observed, any aggression from either of us is met with equal amounts in opposition; I’d hardly call one of us worse than the other.”
  True, the head angel did have a bit more say in her workload then she did in his, but even if she could’ve made him do more work he probably would’ve enjoyed it anyway. Plus, she was the one that more often resorted to hurting him or the few things he cared about with violent force. It all mostly balanced, as far as he could tell.
  Wodahs hadn’t even offered the pie yet, was he really getting so predictable? Clearly he needed to rethink his negotiation methods, soon. Unfortunate, since he’d been going with that for several years. Either way, it was obvious that his tone issues were coming off as a problem again.
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“Like I said, I don’t know why you think I don’t respect you. I’ve known you for centuries, and viewed you as an equal for nearly all of that time. Please just get off the desk and we can discuss.”
  The head angel made a very conscious effort to keep his vocal cues in check this time, not wanting her to get any more irritated then she already was. Several of his completed papers were brushed to the floor by her landing on the desk, and he had to fight the immediate urge to reprimand her for her making a mess. That would only have escalated things further, and he did not need more things to reorganize today.
“Yeah right.” It’s clear that the tone adjustment does smooth some ruffled feathers, and while she doesn’t get off the desk, she does sit down- maybe she just wanted to be at eye level instead of feeling looked down upon.
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“Go ahead, explain. Then I’ll say my bit. Okay?” She’s trying to be reasonable, she really is.
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obliteratore · 6 years
☆ ━ If you could live in the world of your muse(s) would you? 
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( This is around the point where I realized that basically all the worlds of my muses have gone to shit. Flame Hell is waaaaay too hot, Hope’s Peak world is basically the real world but in dystopian hell of bears, Ven kinda goes wherever the hell he pleases so he’s just out completely, Gray World is peaceful but at the same time it’s full of angels and demons with me being a human with a much shorter lifespan + no angel/demon powers, and Core/Set’s world of nondescript existence is too technofuture dystopia then my tastes would allow. I am not a smart enough for technofuture.  Long drawn out paragraph short; Nah. Maybe the new muse I’m working on’s world, but not the current ones. Plus, side note, it’s really telling as to how long I’ve been out that I had to continually check my muses page to see if I actually played certain characters. )
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obliteratore · 6 years
odd question munday meme
☆ ━ If you could live in the world of your muse(s) would you?  ▲ ━ How many muses do you have on tumblr in total? ✦ ━ Are there any muse(s) you miss roleplaying?    ❀ ━ If you could be re-incarnated into any animal in a next life, which would you choose and why?   ♬ ━ What are your top 3 favorite songs? ✖ ━ What’s something you’re very curious about?   ◕ ━ What’s something you consider is a special talent you can do? ( it can be big or small ) ☁ ━ What is your opinion on cereal? ❣ ━ If you could marry one fictional character, which one and why?  ☮ ━ What do you do to try and get the muse to roleplay a character?  ☂ ━ What’s your favorite kind of weather and why?   ☑ ━ What’s something not a lot of people know about you?
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obliteratore · 6 years
11. fluff or angst ?
11. Fluff or Angst?
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( Angst Angst Angst Angst Angst Angst Angst Angst Angst )
( Though in seriousness I like both, Angst is just something that more often yields immediate results with me, whereas Fluff is fun as it happens more then any other part of it. Plus with Angst I can write Pain which is always a fun time )
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obliteratore · 6 years
3 please
3. how do you get yourself out of a writing funk? 
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( The simple answer is that usually I don’t. I just take like a dozen naps in a row and then wait it out until I can write again. Naps are usually the solution I go with for my problems, really. That’s probably why I’m always nowhere to be found on my rp blogs, haha call me out )
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obliteratore · 6 years
5. would you hug your muse(s)? 
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( Heck yeah! I love hugs [In theory]. Even the ones like Ven or Core that’ll murder me if I get too close, that’s the best part. Hugs all around! )
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obliteratore · 6 years
What's Ivlis' opinion of Poemi, Emalf, and Rieta?
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❝ Poemi is my dear daughter, and I love her. Rieta is incredibly faithful, and I likely would be far worse off without her assistance. Emalf is… Emalf. I can’t say he’s worth having around, but there he is. ❞
  Ivlis shrugs slightly at the last point, not really knowing what to say about Emalf. He’s just sort of there, with little merit beyond grunt work. At least he doesn’t disobey orders (often). It helps that Rieta keeps most of the flame demons in line for him, which he always appreciates. He really needs to thank her at some point, if the whole Satanick thing ever blows over.
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obliteratore · 6 years
* interview the writer
send a number. a mix of serious and fun.
what color do you associate with your muse?
is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
do you have any advice for other writers?
would you hug your muse?
how are you and your muse alike?
how are you and your muse different?
do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
talk about your writing
fluff or angst?
favorite book?
how are you?
ghosts or monsters?
what does your name mean?
ice cream, candy, pie or cookies?
what motivates you?
are you a jedi master? 
describe love
favorite cryptid(s)?
do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
mcdonald’s or burger king?
anything spooky happen this week?
share a funny story 
are you religious?
what are you doing right now?
describe yourself in two words
metal, folk, pop or ambient?
list your top two movies
most used emoji?
favorite comic book character?
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obliteratore · 6 years
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❝ How can two children of mine be so utterly dissimilar? Adauchi is nothing but a disappointment, but Licorice is exactly what I could’ve hoped for. ❞
  In the space between his usual 'fun sessions’ (as Satanick put it so eloquently), a curious thought crossed the flame devil’s mind upon hearing some unimportant news of his runaway son. The only large difference he could draw between their upbringings was the presence of Satanick... but he couldn’t be the cause, could he? The thought of his constant beratement and beatings being the catalyst for the growth of others made him feel even more sick to his stomach then he usually was after the pitch devil had his way with him. Like it or not, he won’t be able to get that train of thought out of his head for a while.
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