obmessed · 2 months
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Historical Writers AU (tried to make it look like an old timey photo, hope it's not too dark) In the year 1888 two writers bumped into each other on a trip to the United States, Tetchō Seuhiro and Jose Rizal.
Phil: So you got imprisoned twice for your literary works?
Kiku: Hai, and guessing by your work, I take that you're not very popular with your country's government as well?
Phil: Heh yeah, looks like we have a lot in common already!
Colored ver:
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They met while on board of S.S. Belgie which left the port of Yokohama to America. Rizal who was fluent in Japanese (plus 21 other languages) was able to befriend Tetchō and since Tetchō didn't know English they decided to stick with each other while in the states. Both acknowledged eachother with Tetchō even writing a book dedicated to the Philippines' situation with Spain and what he believed Japan should do about it.
The time they traveled together was their first and last time they'd see each other. As Tetchō died of tongue cancer and Rizal got executed for his writings.
Both died in the year 1896
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obmessed · 2 months
Would I be the first person to draw him as him or was there already someone who did?
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(currently brain rotting and debating on some decisions...this piece might take a really long while)
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obmessed · 6 months
Maganda umaga/hapon/gabi , can you do a scenery that Piri and England talking to each other about chibi Americab all the thing the memorable especially America embarrassing moment, ( while doing this in world conference and ignoring the embarrassed America) since Piri is technically older than America so I'm assuming that Piri sometimes visit Mexico and possible meeting chibi America and bond with him like brother. Sorry if it's long🙏🙏😔😔
Is this an art request? Ok ,I'll try I guess
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obmessed · 6 months
Hi hi 👋😁👋 can you do an au where Piri is with the Latino family/Spanish family, and with Spain as a big happily family well kinda little bit of chaos.
(I mean this doesn't have to be an AU, this could just be scenario where they're visiting each other)
Warning: google translate was used
Not many know this, but Piri has his own version of Spanish. It's called Chavacano, slightly different from actual Spanish but it's so alike that people from Zamboanga can have a Spanish conversation with anyone from Spanish speaking countries.
That being said, Piri actually does know Spanish. As being the personification of the country requires him to be fluent of all the languages and dialects found in his home.
He just pretends not to, to f*ck with people. Especially the Spanish speakers who have trouble with english! Like he'd visit their house, speaks in english which forces the host to also speak in english, and then just reveal in the end that he could've just spoken in Chavacano for them.
Piri: Hey kuya! I have a secret to tell you
Mexico: (struggling) Ah, a secret! W-what is it?
Piri: Tengo mi propia versión de español que hablo con fluidez (I have my own version of Spanish that I speak fluently)
Mexico: ...entonces tienes chistes ¿eh? (So you have jokes, huh?)
The puto over reaction never goes away, but Piri is getting tired of it. 'Oh no, you named your food after swear words!' okay he gets it! That's been long established, so get over it already!
Piri: And for snacks we're having, puto!
Spain: *Gasps*
Piri: Oh shut up, Spain! You know exactly what puto is in my place!
Spain: Could you atleast change it's name? It's still jarring that...that's what you call that thing.
Piri: For your information, it's named after India's puttu. Not everything I have came from you, seriously get over yourself. And even if I want to, I can't, it has already made quite a name for itself that it would be impossible to re-brand it now.
Since America's birthday is also his friendship day with Piri, he ofcourse gets the right to go to his place and celebrate. But there was this time, when Piri asked if he could invite extra guests and Alfred allowed it. And the extra guests happened to be his neighbors from down south. And you know how Spanish birthdays go down.
Cuba: What are you waiting for amigo?...blow the candles
Mexico: Yeah hermano, blow them...
America: Aha, uhh-yeah sure dudes
*Proceeds to get his head be pushed down by the two, but managed to keep it up*
America: P-Phil! Help! Heelp!
Piri: Help? Okay
*Proceeds to push his own hand, on Alfred's head*
America: I meant me! Help me!
Piri: Oooh, I'm already helping them tho, so-
(yeah they definitely act like little sh*ts together)
As the only Asian in the family, the Latinos/Spanish definitely threw some Asian jokes at his way. Not the overly racist ones, just the generally funny ones that makes everyone laugh. Like pretending to be the strict Asian parent that wants their kid to be a doctor.
Most of the time, Piri does find them funny. But other times, he really doesn't have the time for that.
Piri: Spain! I'm here to-!
Spain: (in exaggerated accent) Don't talk to me, till you are doctor
Piri: Wha-? But this is importa-!
Spain: Well are you doctor?
Piri: No, but you're currently under my care as your-
Spain: Then don't talk to me not-doctor-son of mine!
Mexico: Ooooh! Emotional Damage!
Piri: Fine! Deal with your own useless sick ass self then!
Spain: No, wait! I'm sorry-
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obmessed · 6 months
im just kinda asking that, what course did you get in collage? fine arts? or anything that has a connection with art?
This might sound unexpected but my course is...
Architecture, it's architecture
Don't get me wrong, my parents do love my art and they do believe in my creations what they don't believe in, is the industry itself. So they just told me to just settle to the next best thing and so I'm an architect major. And don't worry, I don't hate it. This is not your typical Asian parents crushes child artist's dream story, I've always been interested in the field as a child so really architecture was always the childhood dream. Becoming a professional artist/illustrator never even crossed my mind as a child and even now as an adult. (My cousin is a fine arts student, tho)
And you might be asking yourself 'What does architecture have anything to do with water color and stuff?'
Trust me, I was just as surprised as you were when I first started. Like damn, they really be out here making us buy gigantic sketchbooks, fancy quality pencils/pens and erasers, and coloring material along with brushes and the required paper with the required qaulity and size.
Why is this all necessary? Because in architecture, you have to show your final product, your vision in it's full rendered detailed glory. And yes, that includes being colored and shaded realistically. And we have to do all that, for three different subjects. And then more as the years progress.
So yeah, fun stuff. And just like an art student, you need all these things to build up a portfolio of how good of an architect you are and why you're worthy of being hired.
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obmessed · 6 months
hi! so.... do you do paintings or drawings without digital art? more like using oil pastels or watercolors?
Yeah I do! I'm actually still new to the digital art world since I just got my tablet around...Febuary or March? Can't really remember when exactly but point is, it hasn't been a year since I started digital art. But I do have years of experience in traditional art, I tried oil painting, oil pastels (they weren't for me sadly). But watercolor sure is!
In fact, due to my college major I'm required to master water color and after that I have to master color markers. That being said, I'm still more comfortable in doing things traditionally.
But digital art isn't that bad and since I garnered so much positive attention from my fanart, I guess I'm not that bad either.
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obmessed · 6 months
I've been getting messages from people saying they want to eat my artstyle, which thanks I'm flattered but it also makes me chuckle a bit since my style is heavily influenced by cookie run. Especially with how they shade and color characters in their illustrations.
I guess that means I succeeded in bringing the deliciousness in affect, cuz trust me when I say that the way I color digitally and traditionally are heavily different.
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obmessed · 6 months
Wow guys...
I'm surprised that nyo! Piri blew up really fast. I waited weeks for Mallari Piri to get to 15 notes and she got 23 in one night?!
Maybe Mallari Piri was too edgy for a first time serious art post or maybe tumblr just really prefers posts of cute girls.
I guess the point is I was doing tumblr wrong all along, oh well
As to why I named nyo! Piri the way I did, keep reading for those who are curious.
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Teodora Alonso
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Hopes this satisfies you!
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obmessed · 6 months
Nyo! Philippines
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Leonora "Nora" Gabriela Teodora Alonso Panganiban
I named her after my favorite song. Screw naming her after Maria Clara, she ain't even real.
Got inspired by the modernization of Filipinianas, wondered why I haven't seen anyone dressed her in one yet, then the thought came 'fine, I'll do it myself'
I mean look at these:
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I was also gonna give her this bag, but due to the positioning of her arms, there was no way you guys would be able to see it! Maybe another time:
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Nyo! Piri be out here drippin, meanwhile our Piri stays almost virtually the same.
And I know, Piri's eyes are purple now but I just pretend that never happened, okay? So you can stop pestering me now anon
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obmessed · 7 months
sneaky peeky~
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Brought to you by me hyperfixating in modern Filipinianas and dressing nyo! Piri in them
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obmessed · 7 months
XIII: The Assassin
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Planned this to be out on Oct 31, but clearly that didn't happen
Inspired by the Mallari trailer about the first documented serial killer of the Philippines 🇵🇭 along with tarot cards for this piece thus the number 13, but since he strikes at night I chose to label him as "The Assassin" instead of merely "Death"
Interestingly enough, the killer was a priest.
He probably made a bad name for native priests back then, as he murdered both Filipinos and Spaniards alike. He confessed to 57 murders and was hanged for his crimes. He almost got away with it for a decade becuase why would anyone think the local priest was the one responsible for the murders?
Why did he did it? His mother fell ill and he believed that she was cursed so he decided that a sacrifice is a need, a must to save her. So for every night, he took a knife to take a life.
Clearly, the man was mentally unwell.
TLDR; Finds out mother is sick, chooses violence.
But the most shocking thing that I find out about him is-
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He's in Fate/Grand Order, also an assassin
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obmessed · 8 months
Hey! Im new! So can you draw? If yes, can you draw Emilio aguinaldo and andres Bonifacio? If not its ok
As much as I'd love to, I can't. Not because I can't draw but because I have a very demanding life outside of tumblr.
I'm a college student see, and well you've heard the tales of students in college.
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obmessed · 8 months
which platonic piri friendship do you think is the most underrated/unexplored? (idk if I phrased that out properly 😭)
I feel like since his face was wiped out of the series entirely, barely anyone explored his friendship with Korea anymore. Like even in the early oc days when he was portrayed female, it was always a friendship.
But now that he's canon, no one does that anymore. Like what the heck guys? Feed me! And I'm gonna add AmePhil because people see them more as a ship, than a friendship.
I don't know what you guys see in them, but all I see is Shane and Ryan from buzzfeed unsolved. Like imagine if their relationship is like Shane and Ryan's, that would be gold. They would try to be serious with each other but can't because their braincells cancel eachother's out.
And have you seen these images:
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I demand a buzzfeed unsolved au with these two!
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obmessed · 8 months
Do you have more Spain and Philippines angst headcanon? :>
More? I don't even have a single one? But since you asked...
Spain feels like Piri still hates him due to the fact that he doesn't bother to visit or spend time with him at all. Piri spends a lot of time with America and Japan, and those two did some really heavy physical and emotional damage to him. Yet, he happily spends time with them. Not him
He also feels like Piri is rubbing in the fact that he executed his friend, his hero, the one who tried to fix their relationship. Doesn't help that he's so insistent to be called Pepe. The sounds of Rizal's family shreiking "Pepe!" as he fell dead on the ground comes back to haunt his ears whenever Piri suggests or even say that nickname.
It always goes back to that one moment, the moment where he screwed it all up that when he realized his mistake it was all too late. For all the time when Piri was there for him that was when he changed it all, and made Piri abandon him.
Like yeah England's situation sucked, but imagine being Spain and having a colony who still saw you as a brother despite the inequality and is willing to stay with you forever in exchange that you respect him better?...and you pushed him away?
Pushed him enough to abandon you after decades of being by your side.
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obmessed · 11 months
Hey! Anon here! I wanna ask what do you think Piri feels about Emilio Aguinaldo? The infamous traitor and who's known as the first Philippine president, the same one who's thought to have conspired to kill Antonio Luna. Do you think he has grudges against him?
I feel like he'd be that estranged friend/boss of his, yes he did some really questionable things and always prioritized his popularity rather than win the war he's there to win. But at the same time, he expressed he's regret on everything he had done wrong. Starting from not listening to Rizal on not abandoning Spain.
Because just like with Piri, Spain felt like a brother to him.
When he discovered his feelings he found himself unable to hate him but at the same time he can't love him for his actions. Best to say, on the scale of love or hate Aguinaldo is in the grey area.
Piri doesn't seem to be the type to hold grudges anyway, the man's long dead it would be pointless. So any grudges he held against him he let go of it, to let him rest in peace and for him to have peace in mind.
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obmessed · 11 months
To the anon who requested the scenario abt Rizal being Hitler's dad reaction
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obmessed · 1 year
Question I've been want to ask for this since I got this idea on the internet what do you think if Philippines flag was flip accident and the other countries saw this but since most countries don't know the meaning of his flag being flip I say that who know what it means and how they react.(The one who don't know will ask why they Scared and just a flip flag)
I feel like Piri would be chill about it, he knows it's an honest mistake since the personifications themselves aren't the one in charge of raising the flags. No, that job belongs to their staff.
So if there would be a scenario where their staff accidentally raise his flag on the wrong side, right in front of him. They'd panic of course since one: it's embarassing and two: it's disrespectful, but while they're panicking I can picture Piri in a joking way saying "Wanna go to war (country name)?". Which honestly doesn't help the situation, but he's a little insensitive like that.
Those who don't know still would understand why the nations who do know would profusely apologize for the mistake. After all, even if your national flag isn't a convertible war flag, having it be raised upside down is still considered disrespectful. But it is more impactful once they found out what Piri's means upside down. So they'd take this as an example to be especially careful with his, he may be more understanding of it but his media isn't.
This is why he has strict rules regarding his flag, like not allowing it to be merchandized and worn and also rarely trusts other nations in handling it.
So keep this in mind kids:
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