obscurityfmpac · 6 years
I am very pleased with the result of my final outcome and the amount of effort I put into this project overall. The content of my video itself is highly personal and reflective of my own development. As stated previously, each of the scenes and the objects/characters/symbols they contain figuratively represent my personal fears, desires, hopes and worries. Especially highlighting my personal fears ( -Fear of losing my mother, not achieving my goals, feeling stuck/trapped in circumstances, achieving my goals but still not being satisfied etc.) However, after feedback from peers and other viewers I have been told that the general feel, atmosphere and message of the video is received even without further explanation of the specifics, making this video (in my opinion) a success as my goal was always to create an ambiguous feel/tone and symbolic imagery that the viewers themselves could interpret freely. 
 believe that the design and aesthetic of each of the sections of the video are of high quality and compliment each other, all containing a slightly ethereal and surreal tone. 
As creating the content of this video was all purely CGI and almost everything included was made by myself, it was incredibly time consuming and did not allow me available space to create a further physical 3d object, which I would have liked to compliment the video. However, I stated from the start of my project proposal that I may not have had the time to complete this, that is was not totally necessary and that was all correct. I feel that I worked tremendously hard, especially after teaching myself a new software (unlike any that I had seen before) to create most of the characters included in my video, although I believe this did result in me lightly delaying my schedule and having to rush slightly last minute and the cause of decreased quality in my 2d drawings/paintings without enough time to focus on each piece individually.
I believe that I have been reflective throughout the process of my video and am happy with my method of choice for the overall creation of this video. (Not planning the content of the video, but rather brainstorming and developing ideas based off of automatic instinct.)
The sound editing of my video was slightly rushed, however I am happy with the final result. 
To summarise, I believe that I have put in great amounts of conceptual consideration, effort and attention to detail to the production of this video. I feel that I have achieved my desired ambiguous and mysterious effect for the viewers and would like to continue working with CGI and automatic decision making in the future. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
May 23rd 2018
Final outcome/Final video
Here is the final result of all of my previous work. I am happy with the quality of the video I have created. I believe that this video is deeply personal and accurately reflects my past experience over the last few years as I have developed, grown and overcome previous fears/anxieties. I will explain in further detail in my evaluation. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
May 23rd 2018
Video with sound 2
Further editing of the sound of the video. I smoothed out some of the sound editing and made the overall sound louder and more coherent. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
23rd May 2018
Video with sound 1
Here is my first render of the video with all the scenes and sound edited together. I believe that I need to make the sound editing flow more smoothly and coherently. I also need to swap scene ‘Art Gallery’ with the re-rendered scene. as one picture on the wall appeared black, and render a further few sections of scene ‘House’. I will be doing this  later today, however I am very happy with the progress of my sound  and video editing so far. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
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May 22nd 2018:
Further Development:
Editing sound clips sourced from youtube and my own voice recordings together to create a soundtrack for my video. Using imovie was perhaps not the best software for this task, however I beieve that generally did well with the editing. I used various sounds of breathing, light flickering, static white noice, choir harmonies and various other sounds to compose this track. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
All 3 voices
This is the mixture of three overlapping recordings of my voice, mixed together on audacity. This will be the narration of my video.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Humming 8
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Humming 7
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Humming 6
Anther recoding of myself humming/singing. I will be placing this behind the narration of the scene ‘Art gallery’. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Humming 5
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack, to be repeated and overlapping with the other ‘Humming’ Soundtracks. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Humming 4 
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd may 2018
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd may 2018
Another background humming recording to add to my soundtrack.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd may 2018
A voice recording of myself humming, to be played as background sound in the video. I wanted this sound to be, soothing, slightly creepy, repetitive yet signifying reflective and nostalgic feelings.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd may 2018
I will be repeating the track over itself with a slight overlap to create a very slight echo effect. I experimented with an echo effect on audacity but believed that simply overlapping the same sound track gave me my desired effect. 
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd may 2018
Adding sound effects to my voice recording to add a slight haunting quality to the sound. I used a paulstretch modifier to create this.
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obscurityfmpac · 6 years
22nd May 2018
Further Development:
Part 1 of my voice recordings for my video.
“Hello, I love you so much. Why do you do this to yourself? It’s all in your head. Be quiet and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. Everyone loves you here. I understand better now. Black tar is sticky and feet are only feet. You are surrounded by smiles. It’s sunny now, but there is a long time before the end. Sometimes the fear kicks in. It is good to be afraid. I never thought I could be this happy.”
Similar to my FMP last year, I wanted to use simply structured but emotive writing techniques. However, This year I wanted the writing to be slightly more complex, and using my own voice to further humanise the narration, as I wanted to signify myself finally feeling that I am developing and gaining insight into the person that I have become due to my history of mental health issues. Once again the piece of writing speaks directly to the viewer and in the first person. I believe that this passage of writing resembles that have previously been said to me by my mother while I was mentally unwell/hospitalised, and nurses/previous therapists. However, in turn of using my own voice, and then further repeating these messages to myself I feel this demonstrates my new found ability to comfort myself and comprehend and understand my own difficulties, enabling the strength to overcome them myself; returning agency.
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