obsession-enjoyer · 6 months
Just sitting there and playing with his legs :)
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obsession-enjoyer · 6 months
I'd like to add the mental image of II sitting on Vessels's shoulders, playing the drums on his head.
Okay. Happy Sleep Token Mental Images.
I think we all need some right now. I think imagining them being happy will soothe some of us. At least me, so I'll start.
The snakes from the Metal Hammer photoshoot getting draped around Vessel and thinking, "huh, this tree is Very Warm and it Moves. that's neat." and enjoying interacting with the Warm Moving Tree, as I'm sure any exothermic creature would enjoy.
The snake sticks its tongue out. So does Vessel, in response. Someone giggles. Probably Vessel.
You know those fun wacky lookin straws that you can spell words with? Krazy Straws or whatever? II using one of those to get his redbull through the new mask. It says "worship"
Everyone loves III's hair. Party whenever he dyes it. Joyous hair tosses when the new color gets done. You agree. Reblog.
IV! Decorating! His! Jacket!!!! That thing looks dope as hell, I bet he had a blast designing and decorating it!!
"I'm going to the store do you need anything" convo, but IV and Vessel harsh-vocal-screaming the convo for funsies
"Are you dry yet?" every two minutes after someone gets their paint put on: the unofficial Sleep Token version of "Are we there yet?"
Based on the Silly Levels these guys can get up to, and the amount of headwear they've collected... just run it back, bet you five whole dollars someone on that tour bus fell asleep without cat ears on and woke up wearing them at least once.
Feel free to add your good vibes and happy mental images, I'm just trying to keep the anxiety level down (for myself, but for y'all too).
They're human beings. Human beings who like to have a good time and smile and joke around and enjoy things. I'm trying to focus on that part right now, instead of the awful. Join me? Think happy thoughts?
Deep breaths and lots of love, sleepyheads. We're here for each other.
Kay love you byeeee
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obsession-enjoyer · 6 months
Solace, In Silence: Chapter I
started writing a Sleep Token story a while ago and wanted to share it with you all. :]
(Word count: 890)
(TW: Mental Health struggles, Self-Harm and blood, Mentions/idealizations of Suicide, Existentialism)
Part I: Take a Bite of Me
Chapter One: Calcutta
“I’m whole again for just a moment, ‘till the morning comes.”
The city below glowed and shifted, full of life and people consumed by whatever matters peppered their realities. The streets twisted like a maze that stretched on forever. Here in this vast expanse, I lay alone, for I am nothing, if not a disgrace, a stain on the very face of this earth. I serve no one, I have no purpose, I am a ghost. I spend my days rotting away in my room; I dare not show my face to the world. And so, in my self-inflicted isolation, the darkness that blanketed my tired soul remains. 
The Earth remained beautiful, unafflicted and unhindered by my absence. I've given nothing but can't bring myself to die; I bleed from every scar and wound on my body, whether seen or unseen, physical or emotional. Despite this, the pain will never be enough to satisfy whatever twisted force tethers me to this life. Even with every last drop of sweet crimson being sapped from my body, I could not please the powers that be. In life's grand and beautiful tapestry, I am invisible and irredeemable. My nights are filled with tears, sobbing until my throat is raw and my eyes are puffy and red. I am tired. As darkness fell and the city lights battled the night for control, I remained unchanged as the streets filled with restless and working souls. Finally claimed by a restless sleep, enveloping dreams swept over me. Ones I couldn't hope to understand, Horrifying and yet, beautiful. I saw creatures and entities created and mutated by my own suffering and misery. 
Amidst these terrors, an unfathomable figure appeared, almost biblical in nature; it towered over my broken form, clad in robes and armour, with unfurled wings at its back. It couldn't be labelled by gender, seemingly shifting between states at will, never entirely solid, never quite human. in its hands, an apple stained an abyssal black within temptation, a golden liquid trickling down the sides the only reprieve from this unending void. It had taken the form of an angel; its intentions, however, seemed far from holy. It was a far cry from the celestial guardians many had grown to respect and fear equally. It raised its arms above its head and joined them together in a gesture of prayer; at this moment, as if some outside force had possessed my body, my hands joined in prayer with them. I felt like a passenger within my body while in motion, a mere spectator until I was thrust back into control; feeling a sense of security, I joined the beast in prayer. For a moment, the universe fell to a standstill. In this infinitesimally small moment, fate revealed my purpose to me. I was to serve as a mortal Vessel. It wanted someone to cater to its every whim. I was to be its muse, and for the first time, I felt truly alive and filled with purpose. I had finally been chosen. I revelled in its presence for what felt like years, centuries spent basking in the ethereal essence of this deity. 
At the peak of this euphoria, everything collapsed atop me, and I awoke again in my filthy Apartment, the sounds of the city slowly filling my ears as my vision began to clear; I was alone once again. I shot up in a panic as my eyes darted around the room, desperately searching for any sign of what I’d just experienced was real. My face felt hot, and my legs felt weak; I felt an emotion rise within me that I hadn't felt in years: despair. My vision hazy with the emotions swirling in my mind, I wept and cried and begged for my saviour to return to me, to assure me it wasn't a dream, that my purpose hadn't been revealed as some sick joke by the powers that be. 
I can't hold myself together anymore, so please; I need you. I yelled, screamed, and cried out for them to return to me and show me the warmth I had been denied for so long. In a desperate plea, Scarlet ran through my veins and down my arms as they wept; I could not live with the agony of my purpose being so frivolously given and then taken away from me. This apparent betrayal utterly crushed my soul. My sheets, stained with blood, clung to me as I spent my final waking hours bleeding from every wound on my body, seen or unseen. That night, as I slipped into unconsciousness, hoping never to wake again, suddenly, that warmth I had experienced so very briefly overwhelmed me. I stood before them once again; my saviour had returned to me. My breath escaped me, and my legs buckled.  They were real; they had come back and swept me up in their embrace once more. I fell to my knees and began to pray; my faith in them solidified, my eyes welled, and my emotions began to overwhelm me. I began to wail; my soul had known no greater joy until now. I cried till my throat gave out, and my eyes went dry as I had wept till I had no more tears to give.
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