obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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morpheus meets hope (aka what if they SWITCHED)
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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“Missed you, love”
(Charles was gone for 3 hours)
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
Yuyu and Jayden on the set of Dead Boy Detectives
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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Centaur!Despair's design :D
Additional pose inspo: LINK
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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Don't Leave
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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Page 120
Start from the beginning >>>
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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sparkle kitty
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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I’m just gonna throw this weird thing I noticed the other day out into the world because other people should see it too.
Dream is the only one whose name does not begin with “De”.
I don’t know if there is really a reason for that.
Maybe it’s just an actual coincidence that all the other Endless siblings names start with “De” and it wasn’t an actual thought out thing…but to be honest you never know with Neil and his universes (which I love).
I don’t know what else he would have been named if not Dream. Is there another word for his being that begins with D but the second letter is an E?
But anyway. Yea. Have my mental process.
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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I’m just gonna throw this weird thing I noticed the other day out into the world because other people should see it too.
Dream is the only one whose name does not begin with “De”.
I don’t know if there is really a reason for that.
Maybe it’s just an actual coincidence that all the other Endless siblings names start with “De” and it wasn’t an actual thought out thing…but to be honest you never know with Neil and his universes (which I love).
I don’t know what else he would have been named if not Dream. Is there another word for his being that begins with D but the second letter is an E?
But anyway. Yea. Have my mental process.
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
Dream: I am unlovable.
Hob (banging a drum loudly as he marches up and down): I LOVE DREAM OF THE ENDLESS! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!
Dream: It would be better for everyone if I had never existed.
Hob (squirting Dream with a water pistol): Say silly things, get squirted. You are wonderful and the world is better for you being in it, you dramatic – but well loved – wet cat of an anthropomorphic personification.
Dream: I hate myself.
Hob: That’s it…
-drags Dream to stand in front of a mirror-
Hob: Look your reflection in the eye and say, ‘I am loved, I deserve to be loved and I am working on my self-esteem issues,’ three times in a row.
Dream: I’m not go t…
Hob: We’re not leaving until you do. I can and will wait as long it takes. I’m immortal and very stubborn. You are not winning this one.
-two days later, after Dream has finally given in-
Hob: Good. Now you need to do that every single day until you start believing it.
Yeah okay soft dom Hob it is.
"Come on, pet," Hob murmurs, stroking his fingers through Dream's hair. Dream listens, more than watches, as Hob circles him where he kneels in the middle of Hob's living room floor, an unnecessary cushion under his knees.
Were he human, his body would have long failed him.
Were Hob not immortal, not ancient for one of his kind, he thinks, his patience would have long failed him.
"You know what you've got to say," Hob nudges.
It is shockingly easy to kneel for Hob Gadling, who treats him as something good and precious, a being of thoughts and feelings and needs who deserves to see them fulfilled.
It is less easy to view himself as Hob views him, which is what Hob requires of him now.
"I..." Dream begins, for perhaps the hundredth time. It is one thing to hear the words. He hears them, constantly, from Hob. He believes Hob means them, that to Hob, they are true.
It is another thing entirely to speak them himself, being unsure he believes the same. Or being quite sure he does not.
Hob pauses in his pacing a moment, petting Dream's hair gently. Encouragement. Space to speak.
Dream shakes his head. Tears well up in his eyes at his inability to simply give Hob what he has asked for. The only thing he has ever asked for. He is the most undemanding of lovers, and the kindest, the most generous in his own gifts.
He has asked for this one, single thing, and Dream still struggles to give it. He has never succeeded. He has always called a stop to it, eventually, when he is forced to conclude that he has once more failed.
Hob bends, presses a kiss to his forehead, and strokes his hair again.
"You'll get there," he says. "I'm going to make a cup of tea while you gather your thoughts. Not ten paces away. You'll be able to hear me the whole time."
He brushes a tear from Dream's lashes without drawing undue attention to it, and walks off.
Dream listens for the click of the kettle, the soft, high note of the spoon being dropped into the mug, piled high with Hob's second-favourite supermarket brand of raw sugar. The gentle crinkle of the teabag joining it. The water, beginning to bubble.
In a moment, Hob will pull the coffee table up in front of Dream, and he will lean forward with his tea clasped in both hands, the familiar scent of it washing over Dream's palate. He will offer Dream a mouthful, which he is always free to refuse or accept, and wait again. And once he has finished his tea, he will return to petting and pacing.
He will love, relentlessly, until Dream can take no more of this and must remove himself, and then he will gather Dream up in his arms and soothe him, run his hands over his body, press kisses to his flesh and hold him, and whisper love and devotion and reassurance into his ear, and promise that they'll try again. When he's ready.
He has done this a half-dozen times before, and will do it, Dream knows, knows, hundreds, thousands more. He would repeat this ritual on a weekly basis for eternity and not once falter.
"I..." Dream repeats as he hears Hob pouring water into his mug. "Am loved."
The kettle drops with a thump, unheeded, and Hob paces his way back. He aims at unhurried, but he is not perfect. He is excited. Dream has done something to please him, the one thing he has asked for, and he is excited by it, eager to return to his side.
"And?" he adds, breathless.
Dream turns his face up to Hob, taking in the wonder in his eyes, and feels something break inside him. The tears spring up anew, stinging his too-human form as they swell along his waterline, threatening to fall.
"I am loved," Dream repeats, taking a breath to get his bearings. "I am loved."
It becomes easier, each time he repeats it. It can be seen so clearly on Hob's face that he wonders now why it had been difficult at all.
"I am loved," he hiccups as Hob reaches down to touch him, stroke fingers through his hair, brush away tears. He is so good. It is the second part of the sentence he struggles with.
But it was most difficult to say the first part the first time. If he can say it once, perhaps it will become easier as well.
"I am loved and I deserve it," he says in a rush, sobbing, watching Hob's whole being radiate joy and warmth and pleasure. "I deserve it," he repeats, with another sob, tears flowing freely down his face. "I deserve it. I am loved, and I deserve it."
Hob drops to the floor before him, uncushioned, heedless of the discomfort of such an action, and surges forward to kiss him.
"You are loved, and you deserve it. You're so good. You've been so good for me, my darling," he murmurs, a bare inch from Dream's lips. "You're perfect. I'm so bloody proud of you."
Dream sobs again, and collapses into Hob's waiting arms. They fall, the two of them, gracelessly to the floor, saved only by what remains of Hob's self-preservation instincts as Dream tries to crawl into his rib cage, tears still escaping him, unnecessary breaths coming in harsh sobs as something inside him breaks. It is agony, but it is a worthwhile agony, and Hob holds him through it.
"So good," Hob murmurs, peppering kisses over his cheeks, his nose, the corners of his lips, kissing away tears, nuzzling at his skin. "Perfect. So proud of you," he repeats, over and over, as Dream curls his fingers into the soft cotton of his t-shirt, coming back to himself like the flow of sand through an hourglass—slow, but inevitable.
The ground swoops out from under him as Hob picks him up, the familiar journey to the bedroom one of triumph, today, instead of shame and disappointment. Hob's joy takes root in Dream's belly, filling it up, making him feel as perfect and beautiful and wonderful as Hob tells him he is.
"I am loved," he murmurs one last time against Hob's shoulder. "And I deserve it."
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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^public post
(Im in a deadboy fixation atm, I do still draw all my other fandoms too)
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
Omega!Dream is scared of ruts. When he was young he got very shitty/ sexist sex education and was always told that alphas in rut are uncontrollable and brutal- mindless animals who just want to fuck the nearest warm hole whether you like it or not, and would definitely break a pretty young omega like Dream. Dream grows up thinking there’s nothing more dangerous than an alpha in rut.
Now years later, he’s 18, finally gotten away from his family and is living his own life. He even has an older alpha boyfriend who takes such good care of him. Hob is so kind and good to him, and the sex has been great, as far as Dream is concerned everything is perfect.
Then Hob mentions off-handedly that his rut is coming up and Dream nearly faints. He had totally forgotten about that, and all his old fears come rushing back. Hob is a lot bigger and stronger than him, he could probably break Dream in half!! Hob is usually so careful with him but Dream is positive all of that will go out the window once his rut hits.
But… Hob is his partner. He can’t leave him alone for it, and it’s not like it’d be Hob’s fault if he hurt him. As his omega it’s his duty to take care of his alpha during his rut, right? Even if his legs are shaking all the way to the bedroom. (Hob tried to talk to him about why he was so nervous, but Dream was tight lipped, and so Hob assumed it was just some residual anxiety about sharing a rut with someone for the first time. He knows it’s a big deal to some people.)
So they’re in bed, cuddled up together, Hob’s temperature slowly rising and Dream trying not to tremble with fear. Then Hob gets hard… and starts begging.
Dream is stunned silent as Hob asks- begs, pleads- for Dream to touch him, for Hob to taste his slick, to knot Dream and make him feel good. He starts humping at Dream and nuzzling his scent glands, but doesn’t go any farther since Dream hasn’t answered. He whines, burying his nose in Dream’s neck as he starts jerking himself off. He’s a little teary eyed, and obviously desperate, but he never gets mad or pushy with Dream. Just begs in between babbling about how good Dream smells and how perfect he is.
So Dream hesitantly reaches out, starts touching Hob and when he hears his boyfriend moan he finds his confidence growing quickly. It’s not actually that different than when they normally have sex, other than Hob being more flushed and desperate. As the night continues, Dream actually finds himself feeling strangely… powerful. Hob is a whining drooling mess, fully losing himself to pleasure and hormones, and yet Dream still has him wrapped around his finger. If Dream says ‘stop’ Hob absolutely freezes. If Dream says ‘come’ Hob slurs out a thank you. He’s so good for Dream the whole time, and Dream is surprisingly able to lose himself in his own pleasure, too.
Days later, when they’re both fucked out and Hob’s head has cleared, they’ll take a bath together and Dream will shyly ask about how ruts work- after all, maybe this was a fluke, or it’s just a Hob thing? (It’s not, and Hob feels so so bad that Dream had been scared, but they reassure each other and talk through it. And Dream is already excited for Hob’s next rut.)
I love love love submissive and gentle alphas and this is so cute!!!!
I love the idea of Dream getting more confident as he experiences more of Hob’s ruts. With encouragement and practice he's really able to help Hob through them by taking on a more dominant role, which honestly feels so good! The best part is that Hob obviously loves it - he totally melts when Dream praises him, gives him orders, rewards his good behaviour and even takes care of him by keeping him clean and hydrated. Hob is feeling so fulfilled, he even tells Dream that he's never had a better rutting experience in his whole life. It's great for Dream’s self esteem, and it brings them closer together.
Dream even learns that Hob actually gets a big craving to be fucked during his ruts (particularly when he's oversensitive from knotting so many times). Dream is shocked but only too pleased to buy a strap-on so he can give his alpha exactly what he needs. Hob is so good, he deserves the nicest things. And while it's a little sad that Dream’s sex education was SO bad, he's very very pleased that it was all bullshit and that he'll never have to fear his sweet alpha's rut ever again <3
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
maybe crystal keeps her promise after niko dies. she texts niko everyday, updates about her life, that time that charles somehow managed to trip and absolutely eat it despite the fact that he can phase through walls, the fact that edwin watches scooby doo when they're not working on a case, and that she's trying to right every wrong she made in the past and she knows that niko would be proud of her.
niko can see all of the messages, but the shitty reception in her igloo won't let her send any hearts back, and it makes her so mad.
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
AI disturbance overlays for those who don't have Ibis paint premium. found them on tiktok
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
i love that we can tell when neil gaiman is bored or procrastinating because he just answers a ton of asks in one sitting and then disappears again
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
"Kill them with kindness" Nah, fuck that, CRICKET BAT 🏏 🏏🏏🏏*SMACK* 🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏*SMACK*🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏🏏
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 3 months
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Dream and Matthew - art by Jill Thompson
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