obsessively-oseman · 4 years
This is adorable and gave me joy straight away! 🥰
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you can't tell whether people are gay by what they look like. and gay or straight aren't the only two o p t i o n s.
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
I am SO like Charlie!
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OMG. This is amazing so far. Comic  by Alice Oseman.
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
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Here are Nick and Charlie from the Heartstopper serie!
Seriously one of the sweetest and most touching graphic novels I’ve read since a long time! 
Can’t wait for the 4th volume to be out!
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
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I’m feeling super cute today... Would you let me sit with you? 🖤
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
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chapter 5-25
the talk
read from the beginning / read on tapas / read on webtoon / my art blog / art instagram / heartstopper merch / read the next update early on Patreon!
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more…?
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st.
Much of the advice Nick is following here is inspired by the advice available on the Beat Eating Disorders website. If you have a friend or family member possibly dealing with an undiagnosed eating disorder, this page has a lot of really good advice: www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/supporting-someone/worried-about-friend
I really appreciate reblogs and shares - please help me spread word about this comic! I’m so excited for people to read it!
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
Oof... I feel this too much!!
reading and rereading Heartstopper is my only healthy coping mechanism.
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
I can’t get over this art!!!! @chronicintrovert 😍
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hocus pocus themed halloween show with the ark!!!!
(the ark are from i was born for this)
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
Oh my goodness!! I need some. @charliespringverse these are amazing!
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no thoughts, head this winter earring
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
This is what we all need!!!
are you still consider writing a pip/rooney novella or have you discarded that idea?
I am hoping to write that, yes!! :)
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
This art is great!! @boredombuzz 🖤
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i did a doodle of the heartstopper boys (i already posted this on instagram but have it here too) thank u @aliceoseman​ / @spacezeros​ for being the absolute best and inspiring me every day <3
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
RIGHT. finishing this the ark sanderson brothers art tonight
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
Pip: I got a pet snake! What should I name him? Jason: I’m sorry, you got a what- Georgia: William Snakespeare.
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
This is what we call an Author who listens to their fan base as well as being aware that they aren’t perfect! We always see this incredible author and think they are untouchable and that they could write anything and no one would care.
However @chronicintrovert is completely different. When realising that they had created a character who was judgemental of everyone they met, Alice Oseman went back and CHANGED THEIR BOOK!!!
And again, Alice Oseman has realised they what they have written may be offensive/sensitive? To some people and has apologised! But also educated themselves on how to approach this better next time.
I cannot speak a lot about pronouns as I am a cis female and have never used they/them pronouns! However I believe that fact Alice Oseman even added a non-binary character was already incredible!!! Unfortunately we still have a long way to go in the LGBTQIA+ community, Alice is helping move queer representation in literature and for that... I am extremely grateful. ❤️
I am so genuinely sorry for just utterly fucking up Sunil’s pronoun usage in Loveless. I’m honestly furious at myself and all the criticism about that is 100% warranted. I really should have looked more carefully into how other people with multiple pronouns use and feel about their pronouns!!! There should have been way more moments in the book where characters use ‘they’ for Sunil and there should have been more of an explanation from Sunil about how they feel about their pronouns. I always felt like he just mostly used he/him but was also chill with they/them if people wanted to use those, without realising that that’s just.. basically very unhelpful to most people when that’s really NOT how a lot of people who use multiple pronouns feel. Argh I’m just so genuinely sorry to everyone who read Loveless, even if that wasn’t something you noticed. I really fucked up. I promise to do better, whenever I talk about them and whenever I draw him or if I ever write more about them or any other characters who use multiple pronouns!
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
I feel this 😂 @rustycoffemachine
I'll be reading radio silence again :)))
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
Hello! So many of you know i am new the Osemanverse. And I am looking for some friends to talk to :) I am relatively active and always check my DM’s 🖤 so please feel free to message me :)
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obsessively-oseman · 4 years
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( art in banner by @spacezeros )
has this ever happened to youuu?? *thinks for hours about how the girl osemanverse characters don't get enough love*
@georgiaswarr @cauchemares @cottonsockssssss and i have worked together to create a short and sweet fandom event to celebrate the osemanverse girls!! the event will run from the 23rd-29th of november and the prompts are as follows:
MONDAY - past (you've heard of baby rowan now get ready for baby bliss!! anything about the girls prior to the time of their canon)
TUESDAY - identity (most of the osemanverse girls are canonically lgbt!! let's celebrate this!!)
WEDNESDAY - fav wlw ship (self explanatory)
THURSDAY - fav friendship (raise your hand if you felt personally victimised by rooney's platonic love confession to georgia)
FRIDAY - older characters (outside of the main girl characters, there are some pretty fantastic older women in the osemanverse!! show them some love💕)
SATURDAY - fav fanfic trope (so many of the girls love a bit of fanfiction. why not write/draw them into their favourite tropes?)
SUNDAY - future (raise your hand if you felt personally victimised by rooney's platonic love confession to georgia)
what does the event entail?
each day you can make content in response to the prompt!! this means fanfics, drabbles, edits, moodboards, fanart, the works!!
please tag your content as #osemanversegirls2020
everyone is free to participate as much or as little as they want!!
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