Digital Marketing During the Lockdown and its Relevance
Part 1: Digital Marketing and Lockdown As we all know, we are experiencing a crisis like no other in today’s modern world. Because of the lockdown, we have seen our daily lives change, and it is not for the better. Businesses have closed down, our malls with it, and even our social life has been affected (we are going to be introverts for a few months more). However I don’t believe that all businesses have closed down temporarily, for instance some businesses who rely on the internet only and digital-based can continue on, or digital marketing companies should I say. But first, how is it different from traditional marketing? Well digital marketing can reach their target audience at a larger scale compared to its traditional one which can cost more because some businesses produce flyers and distribute them to a certain area in the country, companies would also have shoulder the transportation costs. The digital method would have not a transportation costs because it feels like the transporting part is like publishing a tweet in twitter. With that being said, digital marketing is not completely affected in the lockdown because they can simply continue on with their jobs with promoting an online business in google, generate engagements, publishing digital promotions, and others at the convenience of their own homes, as long as they have stable internet connection.  Part 2: The Community in Social Media One of the problems of not being able to go out is to ask yourself “what am I gonna do today?”. That question is going to continue on for at least another month. Since we are stuck in our homes, all we can do is just enjoy the things the digital world has provided for us such as netflix and the wonderful facebook, twitter, and instagram. Believe it or not, social media marketing did not even stop with the current crisis going on. Certain brands post their ads in these social media channels for them to generate awareness and interactions, they even post their products to show that is available for purchase, however it would seem like nobody is going to purchase anything for the time being because some delivery services are hindered during the lockdown. But still, that does not stop them from being creative in their own way. The specific social media channel that I want to talk about today is facebook. Now a lot of companies have utilized that channel for them to benefit their brand awareness. Primary example, I saw Samsung post their new phone Galaxy S20 on facebook, the caption was simple and concise about its specs and new features and I can even choose to click “shop now” to start canvassing which is a call to action marketing. When providing a caption in your promotion, it should always be concise and not long so that the reader will not get bored easily because some people refuse to read it if they see it being long, thus reducing engagements. Another ad that we see all the time are the unskippable video ads. They can get annoying most of the times but with the right viewer watching, it is actually effective. The important thing about the video ads is what is it trying to convey ? What is its message to the viewers ? Are they targeting the correct segment with this ad ? Most ads we see in facebook are just for raising awareness and the promotion of their latest products. For example, I am loyal to the adidas brand and an unskippable video ad that originated from adidas suddenly appeared to the video that I am watching wherein they are promoting a new product, there is a big chance that I would visit their website and avail that particular product online since I am their right target market. What companies can take advantage of in the digital world is that they can segregate their target market and simply work their way through them with ease through the proper content marketing and ads they choose to show.  Part 3: Purchasing Food Using E-Commerce During the Lockdown As I said before, there will be adjustments on how we will live our daily lives. It is no longer easy to simply waltz in your local grocery and simply buy enough food for you to survive the month. So the question that some people ask is that “if I can’t buy food in the grocery, how am I going to buy food ?”. Luckily the digital world has saved them again. As far as we are concerned, our safety is threatened whenever we step outside of our homes to go to public places to purchase our needs. This is where e-commerce is reliable the most because we can simply purchase from them all at the convenience of our safe homes. E-commerce does not close down, it is open 24/7 meaning you can order at 2 a.m in the morning or so. Now let’s say I am buying food and I am going to tell the difference between physical grocery and e-commerce grocery: - physical grocery may get you into close contact with other people whom you do not if they have the virus or not -choosing to buy your food at an e-commerce site is safer at the comfort of our homes -there is no line waiting when using the e-commerce site (however you may have to time your purchase properly since you have take into account the days it may take for delivery. So it is best that you order while you still have enough food supplies in your home. Do not order when you no longer have food since you may get hungry for a while before your delivery arrives) -There is no purchase limit in online ordering since the government imposed a limit when buying your needs at the grocery so that other can have a chance to purchase theirs too
-Cashless transaction in online purchasing making it safer for you since the virus can also stay in our monetary currencies, we can just do it through paypal or other online payment methods Part 4: The New Marketing
Now a lot brands may realize the importance of digital marketing because of the COVID-19. We could be seeing more companies transition to this type of marketing since it is more convenient and more people are into doing things online. But that does not mean that traditional marketing should be abandoned. Both traditional and digital could work together if done properly. All it takes are the right people, the right target market, and the proper message that they choose to express.
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