occasional-writer-96 Β· 5 years
Hey, hi, hello, greetings.
Hi there, welcome to the dumping ground of my random-ass thoughts. This blog will be full-to-bursting with unusual, annoying, random, strange, stupid thoughts that pop up in my noggin'. This blog will also include snippets of writing that I've been meaning to write for ages now but haven't gotten around to, or just don't want to bother turning into full fledged stories.
I do tend to write PG13 and R-Rated stories & SMUT.
If you are under 18, get the hell off of my page. Thank you.
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Okay, I don't hate kids, I have a wonderful (almost) daughter, but still. No kids under 18. Please.
Secondly: I do write boyxboy, girlxgirl, and boyxgirl.
My styles vary according to how I'm feeling, or what has inspired me to write. Some of my fave pairings are MickeyxIan, CasxDean, SamxGabriel, HermoinexRon, ChuckxSarah, and the list just goes on. I am straight, but I am an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, and I love to write and create LGBTQ characters in my stories. I will not tolerate hate of any kind towards the community and I will immediately block you if you diss any of my characters, their sexuality, or anything like that. This is a place of fun, freedom, and creativity.
End. Of. Story.
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A little bit about me:
My name on here will simply be, 'S'. πŸ˜›
I am 23, and a female. πŸ’™
I am a Potterhead and my house is Hufflepuff. πŸ“š
I am a Gemini, and I do believe I was meant to be one. β™Š
Grey's Anatomy, Supernatural, Chuck, and Teen Titans are my favorite TV shows. πŸ“Ί
I have a cat named Daisy who is the absolute love of my life. I mean fuckin' look at this precious little nugget. ‡
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I have the best boyfriend, "G" who has an adorable little girl that I have come to love as my own. I am so blessed. 😭
I enjoy writing (occasionally), drawing (rarely), photography, music, and reading.
Here comes a shit ton of info on my opinions of Harry Potter, skip ahead if you're not interested.
My favorite book series of all time is Harry Potter.
My favorite book from that series is PoA.
Sidenote: Snape was a bully and genuinely an awful character and you CANNOT convince me otherwise, so don't try. You're only wasting your time.
My favorite character is and forever will be, Hermoine Granger.
I think Harry was very whiny but I do adore his sassy self anyway.
Sirius Black deserved better and I am still VERY heartbroken JK Rowling did that. (if you know, you know; no spoilers.)
Remus is a precious bean that needs to be protected at all costs.
Ron is a sweetheart and deserves the entire world.
Lastly, Reubus Hagrid should have gotten to raise Harry instead of the Dursleys and I would KILL to read a version of Hagrid being the father figure to Harry in his infancy.
Okay, okay, rant is over.
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In conclusion, buckle the fuck up babies, we're in for a fun ride. I hope you all enjoy the nonsense that is going to spew from my fingertips.
Until next time,
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