oceanicguardian · 1 year
This is. Different. Hes different. So, so different. With him, I feel so.. warm. And comfortable. In his arms I feel safe. Secure. I'm not scared, not tense, I practically melt into him. It's so.. different.
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Flustured, eh? God, you're fucking adorable.
God- Im so sorry I-
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
God- Im so sorry I-
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Heh. Yours is alright too, I guess..
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
You are.. so, so awfully kind. Far more than you need to be.. thank you.
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
I don't get what you see in me, Rhys, I really don't.. I wish for a day I could see me through your eyes. You see me in a way that not many others have. I don't get why, but you do.
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Well- well I did. Reioma held their guards to a high standard of excellence. When I couldn't abide, they'd handle things as necessary. Beyond the castle walls nothing is much different.
Opening up even remotely led down the rabbit hole landing me in the palm of a bastard's hand. And now I'm scared. Scared because I don't want anyone to touch me the way he did ever again. Scared because I don't want to be seen the way he saw me. Scared that any sort of love I give away will be disregarded and scared that I'm not more than a useless ragdoll, a broken vase waiting to be disregarded, unworthy of such affection..
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Not in the real world. Not when talking out of turn leaves you with a gash across your face..
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
I just.. I don't want history repeating itself. When you're weak, you get taken advantage of. The predator chases the prey, just the way it's always been. I was.. weak. During my time training in Reioma. I was weak.
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
..Fuck, does this count? Sorry, I need to stop talking..
Dunno. Guess it just.. scares me a bit.
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
It's still hard to believe people can have good qualities at all. I was built as a metaphorical machine, not a.. person. Things still confuse me. I don't get how you open your heart up to people so quickly. Don't think I could ever really open up to anyone unless drunk..
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Listen. I,, god. It's hard for me to understand you. I mean, you've been following me around like a lost puppy for a while now and the company is fine but I don't understand why you still do. I mean, I've completely blown you off dozens of times, met with only blank expressions. Why have you stayed?
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
Its,, a nice night, huh?
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
This person. Has been following me around. All day. He will not leave.
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
.. thanks?
Gym buddy! Hey! Hey gym buddy!
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
This is just how I look.
Gym buddy! Hey! Hey gym buddy!
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oceanicguardian · 1 year
I'm not sulking. Do I look like im sulking? Because I'm not.
Gym buddy! Hey! Hey gym buddy!
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