oceanssa99 · 8 years
; but really the more you look for happiness, the further away the happiness seems, Its all because the things that seem far are not very far at all, often they are right in front of you and they are hardly ever "things" it can be an idea a feeling a person  sometimes ... happiness is not stored in physical objects they are within us.The struggle is just finding the things that bring the happiness out of us.
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
When you find yourself drowning in self-hate, you have to remind yourself that you weren’t born feeling this way. That at some point in your journey, some person or experience sent you the message that there was something wrong with who you are, and you internalized those messages and took them on as your truth. But that hate isn’t yours to carry, and those judgments aren’t about you. And in the same way that you learned to think badly of yourself, you can learn to think new, self-loving and accepting thoughts. You can learn to challenge those beliefs, take away their power, and reclaim your own. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen over night. But it is possible. And it starts when you decide that there has to be more to life than this pain you feel. It starts when you decide that you deserve to discover it.
Danielle Keopke  (via thequotejournals)
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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Image via We Heart It
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past.
Nicholas Sparks, The Rescue  (via thelovejournals)
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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understanding art, lesson one
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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here’s a typical, pretentious, poetry hoe kinda post that you’ve definitely never seen before
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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follow for more rooms!
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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“This is what happens when you read a book. You aren’t just reading it, you become a part of the book.”
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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Rosé 🌸
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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maps & wanderlust ➳ // nanly.  ©
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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oceanssa99 · 8 years
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