octavianxbishop · 11 months
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• FULL NAME: Octavian Bishop • FACECLAIM: Michael B. Jordan • GENDER: Cismale • PRONOUNS: He/him • SEXUALITY: STRAIGHT • AGE + BIRTHDAY: 32 + 02/24 • LENGTH OF TIME IN FAIRFORD: 20 years • HOUSING: Downtown • OCCUPATION: P.E. teacher at Fairfield High • PERSONALITY: Confident, charming, persuasive, arrogant, immature, indifferent
Q: “What’s it like, living in Fairford? Did you ever picture yourself settling down here or did you always know this would be your home?”
A: “It’s not ideal, It’s – I mean it’s fine, but not what I had planned when I was younger. I try to make the best of it though.  I always thought I’d want to travel, live somewhere warm, where it’s practical to have a backyard, in-ground pool accompanied by a trophy wife. Things didn’t work out that way, thanks to a few things out of my control. Number one being, my mother getting sick and needing in-home care. This caused me to leave my scholarship at UCLA, and to finish my degree in Fairford.” 
Q: “What’s your family like? Are you still close, or have you blocked all their numbers?”
A: “It’s really just been me and my mom for most of my life. I remember visiting some cousins of mine in Chicago and Memphis when I was younger. Family hasn’t really been all that important to me, at least, not extended family.”
Q: “Top five songs currently on your Spotify?”
A: “I can think of a few of my favorites that I work out to.”
“Turn Down For What” - DJ Snake
“Come As You Are” - Nirvana
“B.O.B.” - Outkast
“Straight Outta Compton” - N.W.A.
“Genesis” - Justice
Q: “Would you say you’re easy to get along/work with? Why or why not?”
A: “I think most people would. What’s not to like about me? Intelligent, attractive – I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t like those traits in coworkers, teammates, friends, whatever.  It’s possible maybe, people who are introverted might not enjoy my company, but I’ve been known to help even the most reserved to break out of their shell.” 
Q: It’s the little things in life; tell me three things that bring you a great deal of joy or put a smile on your face.”
A: “Number one is definitely a good breakfast. French toast, pancakes, bacon, the works. Second is hitting a game winner at the buzzer when playing with friends. And third is definitely getting a girl to crack a smile.” 
• Octavian was born in Chicago, Illinois. At the age of ten, his mother took on a job across the country, which landed them in Fairford, Washington. She thought it would be a good place to raise her child, and for her son to see more of the world, beyond just the inner city. At the time, Octavian didn’t care for the change, but as time went on, he genuinely enjoyed his new location. 
• In High School, Octavian was a standout in both baseball and basketball. His mother didn’t allow him to play football, which he reluctantly respected the wishes of. Despite being a bit of a “smart-mouth” as labeled by a few of his teachers, Octavian’s grades were average, despite opting to go out with friends rather than study.
• Octavian received a few baseball scholarships, opting to attend UCLA. However, after his freshman year, his mother needed assistance at home due to an illness. This prompted him to move back home, finishing his Education degree locally. This was humiliating to Octavian, having to return home after enjoying his independence in sunny Socal. 
• After taking a P.E. position at a middle school in the Seattle area, Octavian would later decide to take a job at his Alma Mater, Fairford High. He’s been teaching there for the past 2 years. He enjoys his work, knowing it’s one of the few subjects students actually find entertaining.
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