ocularpersica · 8 years
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ocularpersica · 9 years
Heh heh.
My my.
A convinient time to return to this planet, no? I am back, humans! And on a joyous day of celebrations, no less.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
Celia felt her neck ache as she continued to marvel at the sights this beautiful outdoors provided. How lovely the scenery was to her, the sights, the various conversations that were being had by the passersby. It was similar to the outdoor pan shots shown in movies, the ones she had decided to watch to obtain information about human culture. They weren't entirely reliable, but the glimpses of popular gathering areas were top notch.
Still, she couldn't help but feel alone in this park filled with people. There were few folk as peculiar as she, not in the sense that they were also aliens, so she didn't draw as many looks as she had anticipated. What made her feel lonely was seeing groups of friends sharing a memory, or a couple enjoying a meal, or even a pet running alongside their owner. Besides Leo, and the few friends she tried to converse with on the internet, Celia didn't have anyone on this foreign Earth. She didn't mind the fact all of the time, but a walking partner would be nice now and again.
Almost as soon as the thought about her only friends crossed her mind, Celia managed to spot a face that had just made its way into her life. Recently, she had been chatting to a strange man over the blogging site, and she could swear this was him. In order to make sure, the alien walked a little faster than her normal pace, aiming herself in his direction. Perhaps he would also enjoy her company and would make his way over to her.
How Cliche
Metallic humming floated sweetly out of a pristinely polished black casing. One stray finger found it’s way traveling up to dismiss an itch that had made itself known on the back of Cricket’s head just beneath a buckling strap. Everything was pleasant, downtown. In this park, and he could admire that. Sometimes all the cyborg needed was a small escape from the labyrinth of Primrose Ward connected to Austell Compound. The whole of it was undoubtedly his home but had a stale air to it after so long which was unavoidable. At least now he was able to stretch his legs in the company of green leaves catching the wind in short bursts. Hunched forward in his walking the blue-ice haired male lead with his head and found destination atop a oak park bench eaten with small deposits of moss. Uncaring of the cultures he’d take a seat and scuff his boots outward into the walk-way unthinking, only stopping to note the barred marks they made with the friction of heels. It reminded him of youth, skidding across the kitchen to make erasable lines to chuckle about that wouldn’t truly enrage the family. Little things. Tilting his head back, both lash framed duo-hue optics chose a closed state to listen to the birdsong that lit the area. The sun was something he enjoyed despite not having enough of it. It was hard as is to get out in public without accusatory fingers, but today care was devoid of McAllister entirely.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
How Cliche
It was a fine day to be a resident of Los Angeles. The sun was shining, a few clouds littered the sky, a light breeze played in the air, and wasting it all away on a computer chair was Celia. The alien spun herself around in her chair, intent of making herself queasy for the sake of something to do. Her social life in Los Angeles was so abysmal, it was a wonder she still remained on Earth. She had a good time making merry and partying in Strathen City's lap of luxury, but her time for lap dances was over as the residents scattered themselves all over the world. Still, she had hoped to keep in contact with more than what seemed to be four of them.
Leonardo, her trusty, enormous lion sidekick, roused from his sleep and let out a a rather dramatic yawn. He was just as bored as she was, however, it was much harder for him to go out and have a good time. Celia figured his presence would be less than appreciated on the streets, and tried to keep him in her ridiculous estate.
"Ughhhh!!!" She exclaimed, finally gathering the energy to get out of the chair. The momentum of spinning was abruptly stopped, and Celia tumbled to the floor. "I've had it! I must go out and meet people. Leo, the place is yours. Try not to upset the neighbors too much, yes?"
Within a few moments, Celia fixed herself up in the mirror, making sure her hair was fluffed, and her eyeliner was perfectly winged on her bottom eyes. Winging her eyeliner on her center eye would look ridiculous, after all. She picked out quite the park-strolling outfit, pair of high wasted shorts, a short-sleeved button-up blouse, and a cute pair of peep toe heels. After she was completely satisfied with her beauty choices, and many thorough reviews in front of the mirror, she set out to Hollenbeck Park, where she desperately hoped to find some company. 
Celia finally arrived at her destination, and was amazed at hoe beautiful the scenery was. It was so different to what she was used to back home, and there was a quaint charm about the place that really captivated her. This, she thought, would surely be the place to find good company.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
I am bored! Converse with me.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
I do not think I have been to Hell. Although I did just do a search for it, and I though I may "earn my time" for it, I do not want to serve it, haha!
I am rather well. I'm bored, and am delighted to have found some company to converse with on this website. How about you? How ARE you? 
We’ve all earned our time in hell. How ARE you? How is it going?
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ocularpersica · 10 years
Ohh, video games I assume? A non-digital game cannot update. Though, I suppose it can get a revitalizing? But there would be no need for the wait if that was the case. Good luck on your choice! I have not delved into the realm of games yet.
I am working on some clothing. I have found that sewing is a good way to occupy myself when there is little else to do. Plus, I have been praised for a few of my designs so far. That's a good thing, I think.
Heya, I’m Kassandra. It’s going pretty good, just waiting on a good half of my games to update so I can pick one, LOL. 
How about you? 
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ocularpersica · 10 years
Oh, do not say "aliens" as if it's a bad thing! Goodness. We aren't savages. To answer your question truthfully? I was bored. The shortened-long answer? I am getting quite old and I must explore the Universe while I am still young and pretty enough to do so.
It seemed interesting. The life style on the upper levels was grand, but when I saw how everyone else was treated, I was feeling very uneasy.
You have a full plate! I wish you much luck on your endeavors, however vague they may be. Do not take this as me wanting to pry into your business, I am simply interested. Merging three separate entities to work for a common goal is no easy task. The river?
I am residing in Los Angeles. A lot of people migrated to here so I ... followed suit. I like it so far!
Mn. Aliens, fucking marvelous. It sounds like the scape out of a videogame, why you’d come to this particular planet is beyond me. Interesting you’d dive into the habit of immersing yourself in a place of technological advancement like Strathen was. It’s rubble and contaminant now though so I suppose it’s little to deal with at this point. I’ve been working with the merger of three companies that lost their linear views and converting them to a focus of research and development for my own purpose. Aside dealing with navigating the river.  Where are you now?
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ocularpersica · 10 years
I have learned. I have come to like this particular world. Earth? World? There is a difference in terms, I am sure.
I am unsure, however, what that image has to do with our topic! Is it a custom to send a peculiar image? If so, I will respond with one!
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 Well sometimes  the world is like that 
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ocularpersica · 10 years
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vexcellent started following you
Another follower, potential friend, hello! I am Celia. How is your day going?
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ocularpersica · 10 years
I'm still figuring out all of these features! There seem to be new updates and new helpful tools everyday. I am not very good at keeping up with them.
Hello there, friend! Hello, I am Celia. How do you do? Please excuse my wordiness and inability to use these silly technologies.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
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napalmcircuit started following you
Hello there, friend! Hello, I am Celia. How do you do? Please excuse my wordiness and inability to use these silly technologies.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
Planet Alethena of the Alderian system of the Thoh galaxy. A lovely place, the atmosphere is much different, the colours and the ecosystem are divine. A bit set back in times, however. I suppose you could compare it to a ... modern Earth/medieval Earth? A bit of a peculiar explanation, I know. We are advance, but we do not possess the technologies such as computers.
I get a wee carried away discussing home, so will you tell me about what you are doing now? Must have gotten a lot done in what large time it has been since the departure from Strathen City.
ocularpersica  Forgive my memory but where exactly did you say it was you hailed from?
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ocularpersica · 10 years
Certainly awhile. Or is there a space between a and while? I don't know.
I am doing rather well. I recently returned from a rather extended trip to my home. My county is being ruled well in my absence, but I have no desire to return with permanence until this planet no longer wants me.
And how are you?
Hello, Elias! How are you? It has been ages since we last spoke, yes?
Awhile in the cases of most, yes. How does the day find you Miss Celia?
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ocularpersica · 10 years
I suppose now is a good time as any to make my way back here. Hello, those of you who remain. Please, do keep me company! I will slowly be updating you all on the changes that have been taking place in my life.
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ocularpersica · 10 years
How rude of me! I swear I did not mean to ditch all of you. I have been so preoccupied with job hunting. Finding a job on Earth is hard :(
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ocularpersica · 10 years
How fascinating! You've got so much figured out. I'm envious.
Yes. I was a part of Descopera. I enjoyed it for the time being, too. I liked having a status. I liked having... Colleagues. But, there was a me prior to Descopera. I excel in combat, and, well, being a benevolent ruler. Fat load of good that'll do me in these parts!
Well typically I leave the arm of force to Cricket. Though so as to say they’re not any guns about would be a lie. We’re doin our best for this third drift across the map. Been a lot of uprooting lately. What do you excel in? You’re ex-Descopera yeah?
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