odahrp · 12 years
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odahrp · 12 years
are the old fcs up for grabs now?
we'll be doing an official clean-out later today, and we'll let everyone know when all old faces are available!
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odahrp · 12 years
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odahrp · 12 years
hey guys! everything is B E A U T I F U L, but is there a quick log-in somewhere that i'm just missing? it'd just be much easier to switch between accounts, but logging out and logging in isn't that difficult, so yes!
i know we're a few days late to replying to this, but our quick login is officially up and working on our sidebar! 
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odahrp · 12 years
if i have the claim for a face, and the person i was plotting with his dropped, can i drop the character but make a new one with the same face?
sure! just make another app/shipper and make sure it's complete before you post in the moderation thread asking for us to delete your characters and stuff. 
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odahrp · 12 years
how do we claim our old faces?
you don't have to reclaim your face claims! all you have to do is repost your apps and shippers. then once saturday comes around, any playbys on our face claim that belonged to characters whose apps weren't reposted will be taken off and put up for grabs. 
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odahrp · 12 years
if someone hasn't been on since the end of july/early august is their face claim up for grabs?
nope! if the face is claimed, the player has until this saturday, september 8th, to reclaim their character/face, no matter how long it's been since they'ved logged in! 
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odahrp · 12 years
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on dumpsters and heirlooms has officially reopened! head over to this announcement to read up on what's new!
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odahrp · 12 years
we apologize for all the craziness going on right now! we'll be officially ~reopened in a bit. we're just making sure all of our skin stuff is working properly.
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odahrp · 12 years
when is the site reopening?
later today at around 2pm est! 
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odahrp · 12 years
i was a part of the site before, but due to some unforeseen things i was forced to step away, so i'm really excited about the revamp :) the admin team was so great when i was on it.
thank you so, so much! we understand that real life always comes first, but we're really glad that you're considering coming back!
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odahrp · 12 years
what if we want to revamp our characters but want to change the face?
that'd be fine! but the face would need to be open. :) 
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odahrp · 12 years
i was going to join odah when activity was slow so i'm glad you're revamping! i was wondering though would that mean i'd have to wait a week before i could apply as a new character to see if the fc opens up?
if the playby is taken/claimed and you really want to use them, then yes, you would have to wait a week for the face claim to open up! however, if they're not taken or claimed, feel free to join at any time! and if you're open to using alternative faces, we have a playby help forum as well! does this help at all? ♥
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odahrp · 12 years
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on dumpsters and heirlooms is revamping this weekend! head over to our tumblr to keep yourself updated! 
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odahrp · 12 years
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whoa! you probably haven't seen this blog on your dash in a while. hopefully after today, you'll be seeing it a lot more. the admins of odah have been kind of m.i.a. lately, and for that, we apologize. we've all been super busy with a few real life things, but as we're getting ready to settle into the month of september, we're also ready to get back on track with odah. over the next couple of days, we're gonna have a lot going on, so get ready! 
for starters, this saturday we're going to be revamping the site's skin and graphics. we've been in desperate need for a change for a while now, and hopefully the new playlist and skin will help set a slightly different mood for the site. we're going for something a bit ~edgier this time around, so we're excited to see what you guys think. we've changed around the tumblr to match the site's new look, so consider that a small little preview!
this saturday we'll also be giving everyone the chance to revamp their characters. it's been almost two months since our initial opening, so it's safe to say that there are a lot of dead threads and characters just sitting there on the site. what we plan on doing is moving every character to the inactive membergroup and having everyone repost their app as a way of showing us that you're still interested in playing your characters. we'll also be moving all the shippers to our archives board, so you'll be reposting that as well so you can clear out all the replies from characters that are no longer on the site. this does not mean your playbys are up for grabs right away.we're giving everyone a week to repost their stuff, so don't worry about somebody snatching your playby.
the main reason we're doing all of this is because we'd really like to emphasize on giving you guys the chance to start over with all of your characters. we realize that after a while, sites start to lose their luster because of dropped plots, characters that you just can't seem to get into, etc. this is why we're giving everyone the opportunity to start all over. if you want to drop all of your characters, that's fine. if you want to keep one character, but drop the others, that's fine too! if you want to keep all of your characters, that's great! it's completely up to you. you do whatever youfeel is going to make for a stress free roleplaying experience.
another one of our main focuses over the next month is working on building a tight knit community. we aren't going to have as many people on the site as we did when we opened, and that's actually a really good thing. the site will be slightly less intimidating to jump into, and it also gives us the chance to kind of come together as a group and figure out what everyone wants to see on the site. we're going to be heavily relying on your suggestions for things that you'd like to see happen, so we'd really love to see everyone taking advantage of our suggestions board.
for now, that's about it. our teams are gonna be working on some new stuff for you guys to play around with, but we're really excited to see some activity on odah again! we've missed you guys a lot, so we hope to see you again this weekend!
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odahrp · 12 years
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