oddcnes · 11 months
Surely Henry had weighted out the outcome of his approach. Not everyone was fond of being talked to by a stranger, he was aware of that and the way the man was typing away on his laptop was indication enough that he might be busy with something. But here's the thing, if it really was something important that needed to be worked on, then why was it done in a café? With staff that worked there and people who can easily inerrupt for whatever reason. So, here he was and immediately regretted he had said a word in the first place.
His nose scrunched a little in displeasure when he was so casually adressed as 'kiddo'. Granted, he was a number of years younger, but for some reason it didn't sit well with him in this circumstance. "I don't know how this all as anything to do with the mix-up, which yes, can happen. It shouldn't, but it can and I don't hold it against anyone. I simply figured you'd prefer to have the order you actually paid for." With that he set the full cup onto the surface of the table. He didn't want to keep the wrong order, so for all he cared this man can have both as he apparently had went through most of it anyway. Therefore Henry was going to buy himself a new one either way. "Keep the money, I don't need it, but you might, given those little stains you've gotten onto yourself there." Henry gestured at himself to show the exact place where he claimed the other had spilled some.
Eyebrows then were pulled together in a slight frown as he looked at the man in a moment of silence, trying to figure out if he was trying to be funny now. "No, I don't get it. But as I've said, I don't need nor would I accept any money." This really didn't need to be made a bigger deal than it all was.
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QUIET was simon’s sitcom archnemesis. quiet set his senses into supersonic overdrive – quirked up the white boy, so to speak, until he was quintessentially in disquietude by the quiescent or quotidian. but simon had been perfectly content sitting in the relative silence of a cozy corner in a corner shop cafe, the aromas of lightly roasted coffee and thoroughly cooked collegiate brains subjugating the skulking sense of dread that escorted his writing process without exception. it helped that he had been playing a role, one defined by roasting and cooking brains. romanticise your life, demands his newest target’s latest tiktok, the words printed in an illegible cursive font he can recognize as part of the marketing for one of his old wedding farces. so, she’s getting married. to a country singer, no less. one with a history of wrecking weddings with the regular antics of an old fart: running to vegas with the maids of honour for the welfare of another album about his truck and his banjo, recording tantrums of brides-to-be whose dresses he ruined by smashing cake with zero discrimination, rolling out the legal punches when a teenager on the way to bedroom pop success happened to use the same four-chord progression as his 2013 single “my truck and my banjo”. who’s summer macbeth to not congratulate the happy couple by posting screenshots of her old twitter account? they’re a match made in misogynist heaven, that’s for sure. also, simon thinks the guy looks like a moldy potato, which can be said for many famous boyfriends but remains one of his biggest points in the why i hate you dartboard for literally everyone he posts about.
simon types and types and types, hunching over, craning closer to the screen. he has a meeting in an hour, hence the use of contacts, but damn him if he disappoints the loyal haters of califoreal.com for the sake of something as trivial as eyesight. energy is chugged by the litre in the form of a drink he isn’t sure he ordered; what harm could a small sugar-induced heart attack be, in the grand scheme of things?
and then, just as he’s about to down another dosage of citrusy artery-blockers, a heart-attack-inducing voice reaches his ears. someone’s talking to him. he looks up as said talk goes in one ear and jams the other, a strange noise between gulping and coughing stifled by his fist. if this guy’s a fan looking for an autograph not covered in saliva, he’s about to be disappointed. and then, of course, it’s simon who’s disappointed, both because this guy isn’t a fan and because he didn’t collapse then and there and wake up to his wife cradling his cheek as he lay in a hospital bed, tenderly declaring her everlasting love for him.
okay, wait, he needs to respond to this guy within the millennia, right?
❝ oh, snickerdoodle cookies, i think you’re right. ❞ simon replies, chair rattling as he stands at a speed that should have every astrophysical plagiarist in his industry rushing to study. his expression flits between strong apprehension at the mere thought of anyone getting near the apple macbeth (yes, he names his laptops. no, he is not mentally stable) and his usual blithe disregard for whatever clause in the contract of actor guy life states he can’t talk to anyone. he can handle himself, thank you very much. the winning smile of toothpaste billboard fame, rehearsed as ever, eventually triumphs. he slams his laptop shut. ❝ kiddo, i am beyond apologetic. you know, i’m jewish, but that was very much mea culpa, don’t you think? ‘cause you’re right, and you’re definitely thinking right, and i’m definitely thinking this drink should’ve come with a few warning labels. are you sure this is yours? i mean, either way, i am more than willing to give you as much as you need to buy more, however more you want. although service workers, retail workers, all these other professions that keep the world a-turning, they work so hard and get so little, am i right? can’t blame them too badly. and i’ve already gone through – what is this? seventy-nine, negative zero, twenty-four – half of the drink, so it might just be better to buy a new one. ❞
❝ this is not hush money. ❞ a wider smile. ❝ get it? hush money? ❞ what he really wants to do is pay off whatever security the cafe managed to capture from boho chic incorporated/appropriated dreamcatchers down the street and get the kid out of here, but simon guesses that getting him to shut up will be a nice substitute. and here is the part where simon ignores everything his train of thought just crashed through.
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oddcnes · 11 months
"If you're sure, fine by me." Henry really wouldn't have minded to pay for a new one, but sure, this made it way easier. "Alright, now that we've sorted this, I'll get going." He announced, there was a dance class which he had to teach and he better wasn't late for that. "Have a nice day and enjoy that coffee."
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          casey  didn’t  even  realize  theirs  was  black,  a  clear  indication  that  he  didn’t  check.  maybe  he  should  start  removing  the  lids  to  things  beforehand…  that  sounds  smart.  ❝you  don’t  have  to  get  me  a  new  one,  that’s  okay  –  i’ll  just  take  your  word  for  it.❞  surely  he  wouldn’t  get  poisoned  or  anything,  right?  it  was  too  early  in  the  morning  to  be  doing  all  of  that.  the  guy  didn’t  strike  him  as  a  serial  killer  either…  clearly,  he  had  to  stop  reading  all  these  mystery,  horror  and  crime  related�� books,  he  was  getting  too  many  irrational  thoughts.
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oddcnes · 11 months
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Jacob nodded at the response, gazing at the puppy once again for a moment. "He does look like a Pongo, though. Now he just gotta learn to listen to that name, huh?" He had no clue how it was to train a puppy, but he figured it might be more work than most might think. "Yeah, it seems so." Or it simply was the bag of food he had in one of his hands that had attracted the puppy.
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       winter nodded. " yes, that's right. it happens to be my favorite movie, " he said. " and i told myself when i was younger that one day, if i ever have a dog, i would name it pongo, " he smiled. " thanks, " he said. " i know. i honestly didn't think he would easily get out of it. but woe is me, " he said as he looked at his puppy. " all that energy just to E S C A P E , " he chuckled. winter looked over the other. " he seems to like you a lot, since he was following you for awhile. "
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oddcnes · 11 months
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"Right, right, that's an undisputable fact. Impossible for Jupiter Randolph to have questionable taste for once." Henry continued to tease. A snort was heard before he gave his friend a playful shove. "Apparently not inconspicuous enough." He chuckled. "That's what friends are for, no? To give you that extra prush whenever it's needed."
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       " yes, of course, " he said. " i'm jupiter randolph, i have great taste, " he smiled. " oh my god, how did you find out? i thought i was I N C O N S P I C U O U S , " he giggled. hearing henry say that he was gorgeous made jupiter overthink everything. if his skin was a few shades lighter, his cheeks would have definitely turned red. " thank you. i do need it. and it's nice that you and grayson give me those little pushes. i sometimes need them. "
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oddcnes · 11 months
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"Of course, all the way. You think I'd half-ass it? Ouch, I thought you pay attention to me, know me." A hand clutched at his chest right above his heart in fake hurt, before a grin spread once more across his face and he shook his head. "Ah, ah, you can't charm yourself out of it. The damage is done." JC teased, yet positioning himself to take Leon onto his back. Hands grabbed a hold at the back of Leon's knees as he straightened himself and walked out of the club like it was the most normal way to do it.
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       he chuckled, pulling away to look at the other blond. " oh, a hotel, well–– i guess i wouldn't mind that. and that means my free ride, " he smirked. " come on, time to give me a piggy back ride all the way, " leon grinned. " i swear i'm L I G H T . so it should be easy with those big biceps of yours, " he responded before kissing jacob once more and waiting for the other to pick him up.
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oddcnes · 11 months
"No, I didn't." The guitarist responded to the question if he had come here in a car, watching how the dog liked the attention they were getting. "But twenty five minutes don't sound that long. — Sorry, it's going to take up your time, though." Jacob originally had other plans, but those had to wait until later, thanks to his new little furry friend.
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          he  grins  softly,  scratching  the  dogs  head  and  hoping  to  god  that  they  did  have  a  microchip  and  they  just  accidentally  managed  to  escape.  ❝there’s  a  shelter  about  ten  minutes  from  here  by  car,  walking  i’d  say…  maybe  twenty  five  minutes?❞  it  wasn’t  that  far  either  way.  ❝did  you  come  here  in  a  car?❞
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oddcnes · 11 months
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oddcnes · 11 months
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oddcnes · 11 months
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oddcnes · 1 year
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Jacob hummed, in thought for a moment as he considered their options, remaining on their current place. Were they blocking a way for other people? Most likely, but JC couldn't find it in him to care. "Let's check in to a hotel then. There's one down the street, if I'm not mistaken." A smirk was visible on his own face now. "And as I had said, I'd carry you there."
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       he grinned. leon leaned into jacob again, wanting to kiss him some more. that was one thing, when the first kiss came, it was hard to not want to repeat it. " well, lucky these lips are for you then, " he stated before he felt jacob's lips on his again. " hmm–– i wouldn't mind going somewhere more P R I V A T E, " he smirked.
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oddcnes · 1 year
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He should have done that sooner, but then their night would've been much shorter, at least here at the club. "Fortunate." A soft smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Because I really like to have them on you." With that he shamelessly stole another kiss. Sue him, he could spend the rest of the night just kissing Leon and that in itself spoke volumes. "You still want that drink or shall we go somewhere private?"
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       he really was falling for jacob everyday. every time he looked at jacob, leon felt his heart race, his palms get a little clammy. " well, i think you got your A N S W E R , " he said, his eyes more loving. and the moment he felt jacob grab him by the waist and the space between them being eliminated, it was over for them. he felt those lips and leon was under his spell again. " god, i really like your lips, " he said.
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oddcnes · 1 year
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"Always that. Clearly." He was quick on correcting. "Gorgeous? Sure. And the next thing you are going to tell me is you're the head of my social media fan page or what? — If anyone is gorgeous than it's you." The look Henry was giving the other spoke for itself, he was his best friend for reasons. "I do know that, Ju. That's why I'm givng you a little push here." He smiled. "It's a deal."
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       he laughed. " shut up, no, " he said. " never that. " jupiter rolled his eyes. why would he ever think that. maybe he had it bad for henry, his crush only growing everyday. " you're G O R G E O U S , shut up. one smile, and everyone is a goner, " he chuckled. " i know, but you know it's hard for me to ask for favors, " he said. " okay, then i'll have to go sometime and you can introduce me. see if anyone is interested. "
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oddcnes · 1 year
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Shit, he really had gotten it bad for Leon. Witnessing how he was biting his lower lip was making him incredible weak. "Just wanted to check if you're in the mood." As if the public was stopping him. The rainbow double heart tattoo he had at the crook of his arm was one he wore with pride. Jacob let go of Leon's hand only to grab him by his hip as he elimintated the distance between them to claim the kiss he so much wanted.
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       leon bit his lower lip when he heard what jacob said. the whisper in his ear. the other blond wasn't lying when he said he had such bedroom eyes. of course, he had them for just jacob lately, and in that moment, he wanted to be with this man so badly. he fell silent for a moment. a light B L U S H appeared on his cheeks, which normally they never got red. but he smiled. " what's stopping you, other than the fact that we're in public, " he teased.
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oddcnes · 1 year
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"Figured as much." With that he took the bag and exchanged it with Chandler's. The following suggestion let him laugh softly. A quick look on his watch was taken before he responded. "Possibly. You're in luck though. I happen to like the idea of splitting it."
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"i love gimbap as much as the next guy, but i am definitely looking forward to my dumplings," chandler responded with a laugh as he held out henry's bag. "though i'd be lying if i said gimbap doesn't sound delicious," he laughed, "would it be too weird for me to suggest we split our food?"
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oddcnes · 1 year
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Look, JC really didn't want to laugh, but unfortunately he had failed at suppressing it. "That was really graceful." Hand was lifted to cover his dying snickering. "Sorry, did you hurt yourself?" As funny as it had appeared there was also the possibility she had gotten hurt and he knew it. "No, no. There's no need for that. The last time I recorded stuff like that was back in my teens. Shit, I'm better than that today. Promise."
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"Can you... just pretend you didn't just watch me make a fool of myself?" Lena asked, bracing herself slightly on the frame of the booth as she looked up. "I know, I'm asking a lot--a woman completely face planting in heels at a dive bar is funny stuff, but if you can just look past it--and maybe delete any video evidence of it--I could throw in ten bucks? A free drink?" She ran her hand through her hair and sighed. "Look, desperate is not a good look on me--so what do you say?"
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oddcnes · 1 year
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A grin spread across the blonds face, revealing he hadn't been serious with that comment. "Just a little jab, don't take it too much to heart, yeah?" Jacob was sure the numbers spoke for itself and as far as he knew, Pepa was great at what he was doing. "Oh, man. Luck really wasn't on your side there, huh? It seems not to be much of a problem to you though. You got a better deal at hand that it's not too big of a loss?"
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❝ damn papi , who wouldn’t want to collaborate with me ? ❞ to say the least , pepas ego might have been bruised with the comment but he brushes it off , like he does everything else . ❝ nah, the girl at the club ended up being the producers daughter and lets just say that he wasn’t so happy , catching me with his daughter bent over the booth but you know , you win some - you lose some ❞ but in pepas case he never lost anything , everything else was just collateral damage
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oddcnes · 1 year
"I live plenty, thank you. A smoke filled room is just  — yuck." He could never understand how someone willingly inhaled that stuff, but to each their own. "That's right. You've huge competition." A finger was pointed at his own face as he spoke. A grin forming on his features. "As if I had known you're in need of a rescue. The vibes were strong. I practically felt them outside."
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" oh, relax, henny. live a little, " despite the jab at her friend, she put the cigarette out anyways; she wasn't a monster ... she was a considerate monster. " you mean i'm not your favorite aquarius ? well, who the hell is then ? " the 5'2" femme smiled, waiting for an answer. " yeah, yeah, things are good. fuckin' slow though. we've had like 7 clients all day. "
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