odessazion · 2 months
Odessa felt like all her fears and doubts had drifted the moment Drew admitted to feeling the same. She wasn't willing to lose him, if he hadn't felt the same she would have understood, pushed it off the best she could but she knew if she hadn't confessed her feelings for him she would have regret it later on. Now their friendship had grown beyond what it had originally been thought to be. She couldn't have been more happy. This was the man she'd known for years, that'd been there for her no matter what. He was absolutely perfect in her eyes. Hearing his laugh, seeing his smile, all of it made those same butterflies that had been there since day one flutter. "Dangerous?" She had a playful tone in her voice, "Afraid of what the kisses might do to you?" She teased, giving his chest a soft poke, "Make you all soft and mushy?" She shut her eyes as his lips met her forehead, feeling her heart pounding faster in her chest if that were even possible. He had a hold over her like no other. After his lips were off of her, her eyes fluttered opened and her gaze met his once more. She felt the shivers move down her spine as he whispered in her ear, feeling her body reacting more than it should. She felt her cheeks flushing, trying to keep her composure as he spoke of having a better idea. She had a feeling she knew where this was going and she was loving it. It wasn't like they hadn't done it before, but something about it felt different now. The idea of it happening after they both confessed their true feelings, like they could both just be completely vulnerable and raw with each other. Not having to hold anything back. "Dessert first?" Her voice was soft, her eyes filled with desire for him, craving him almost desperately at this point. "I won't turn you showing your appreciation... I'd like to show you mine as well." Her hand moved to his chest, slowly sliding along his shoulder then down his bicep, feeling every muscle along the way. "Right... after..." She could feel her breathing increasing at his closeness, his suggestions, she didn't know how one person could do such things to her without even physically doing anything to her. She returned his kiss, her other hand moving to the back of his head, the passion and need between them building rapidly as their lips moved perfectly in sync. "Then don't keep your hands off of me." She whispered back, a soft grin tugging at the corners of her lips, he gave his lower lip a light tug before she continued speaking, "Touch me. Show me what it's like to be yours. All yours." She softly hummed before pulling him back in for another kiss. More heat behind it this time, she was showing him just how badly she wanted him, how badly she needed him.
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As Drew watched Odessa giggle, a warmth spread through his chest that he couldn't quite contain. He had known for a while that what they had was more than just physical attraction. From the first kiss that ignited a fire between them, to every stolen glance and whispered conversation, Drew had felt himself falling deeper and deeper for Odessa. But admitting it, even to himself, had been a challenge. The fear of ruining their friendship, of crossing a line that might push her away, had kept him silent. As he looked at her now, Drew felt a surge of gratitude. Gratitude for the serendipity that had brought them together, for the courage to take a chance on something real amidst the uncertainty of their world. He knew now that whatever happened next, he was ready to face it with Odessa by his side. Drew chuckled softly against Odessa's lips, his own smile evident in the gentle way he responded to her kisses. "You're dangerous with those privileges, you know," he murmured teasingly, his hand lightly resting on her waist. "But I suppose I'm willing to take that risk." His voice was low, tinged with affection and a hint of amusement as he leaned in to kiss her forehead gently. "I'll hold you to that approval then," he added with a playful glint in his eyes. "And I'll be sure to make the most of every opportunity." Drew couldn't help but marvel at how effortlessly they seemed to fit together, how her presence filled a space in his life he hadn't known was empty. As they lingered in each other's embrace, he silently promised himself to cherish every moment like this, where they could be themselves without reservations or doubts. Drew couldn't help but grin at Odessa's playful suggestion, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she lay beside him. Her ability to effortlessly blend humor with intimacy never failed to charm him. "I like the way you think," he replied, his voice low and warm. He brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch lingering against her cheek. He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against her ear as he spoke in a low, husky voice. "Food and movies sound perfect, but I have a better idea," he murmured, his breath sending shivers down her spine. "How about we start with dessert first? I could show you just how much I appreciate those privileges you mentioned." His hand traced a gentle path down her side, his touch lingering with promise. "And as for stealing my shirt," he continued, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and amusement, "I think that's a fantastic plan. Maybe later, after we've had our fill of each other." Drew pressed his lips to hers, a slow and lingering kiss that conveyed his longing for her. "Tonight," he whispered against her mouth, "is all about celebrating us in every way possible. And I don't think I can keep my hands to myself for too long."
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odessazion · 3 months
Odessa knew she was in deep with Drew since the first time they had kissed off set. Even if it was supposed to just be a physical relationship, it evolved well beyond that the second their lips met. She was always just too afraid to say anything about it because she didn’t want it to push him away. Now as their feelings were out in the open, this kiss was something even more special, it was raw, pure, and full of everything they’d felt for each other that had been hidden all this time. She knew she could trust him with anything. She knew he was the one person she could truly be herself around and now she could show this other side of her that he hadn’t seen before. One she’d been wanting to share with him for quite some time now. Odessa giggled as he spoke, she tried to keep the same seriousness that he had on his face on her own. “Yes, have a proper discussion on the matter.” She smiled widely as he said he was granting said privileges, “Oh, I’m definitely going to abuse the shit out of them.” She said before their lips met once more, her hand moving to his cheek again, craving him even further. She kissed him back softly and with the same tenderness he gave her, “You can kiss me any time you want… and I approve of you abusing it as much as I plan to.” She placed a few more quick pecks on his lips to really show that she meant it. After she nuzzled her head into his shoulder, just taking a moment to enjoy this. To enjoy him. “So..” She spoke softly, slowly putting her head back on the mattress as she looked up at him, “How should we celebrate this.” She gestured between the two of them, “I was thinking food. Lots of food. Like we order all our favorite snacks and just have a movie night? Preferably one where I get to steal your shirt and wear nothing else beneath it.” She wiggled her brows at him teasingly, “But I’m open to suggestions, or things you’d like to add to our night.”
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Odessa's touch ignited a warmth within him that he hadn't felt in a long time, if ever. It was more than physical attraction – it was a deep connection that seemed to pull them together, a magnetic force he couldn't resist. As they kissed, Drew could sense Odessa letting her guard down, allowing herself to be vulnerable with him. It was a gift he cherished, knowing that she trusted him enough to open up in that way. He couldn't help but smile back as she teased him, calling him a dork, all which affirmed the comfort they felt with one another. Drew wanted to make her happy, to see that smile on her face every day. He knew he felt the same way, perhaps even more deeply than he could express in words. Drew pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, wanting to show her how much she meant to him. He wanted to be everything she needed, a protector, a confidant, someone who would always be there no matter what. Drew couldn't help but laugh at Odessa's playful banter. He found himself falling deeper for her with each passing moment. Her kiss on his nose sent a shiver of warmth through him, and he couldn't contain his smile as she leaned in closer, her touch gentle yet teasing. "Well," Drew replied, his voice laced with mock seriousness as he met her gaze, "I think we might need to convene a committee to discuss this matter thoroughly." He pretended to ponder for a moment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I'm leaning towards granting you those privileges. Just don't abuse them too much." He leaned in closer, his lips grazing against hers in a tender kiss. "As long as I get to give you big ol' smooches whenever I want too," Drew added with a grin, unable to resist the playful back-and-forth they had fallen into.
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odessazion · 3 months
Odessa could feel her body heating up at Drew’s touch, she was melting into him, craving him more than she had before. It was like they just unlocked something deep inside they both desperately needed. The longer they kissed the more she allowed her walls to come down, she knew she didn’t have anything to fear with Drew. She knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, that he would protect her and keep her heart safe no matter what. She would do the same for him, his happiness was her main priority. Everything felt like it’d changed for the better. Like nothing was off limits now, they both put themselves out there, showed the same interest and now they could just let it flow. The heat kept rising until the moment their lips parted, her finger still running along his hair as they spoke. Her smile spread across her lips as she held onto his every word, “Mhmm..” She giggled and watched the cute little face he made. She adored this man in every possible way. “You’re such a dork.” She teased, “God, I love it.” She bit her lower lip as the playful energy in him radiated through her. She was filled with excitement and giddiness, “Ya know, Brooke and Mack have been training me for this. Plus, I’ll obviously be adding my own little spin to it.” She promised, leaning in and placing a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, "I have a very very serious question for you now, Joseph." She gently trailed her fingertips along his jawline, leaning in closer, she tried to keep a very serious look on her face but still had that little glint of mischief in her eyes, "Does this give me special kissing privileges now? Like I can just give you a big ol' smooch whenever I want?"
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Drew couldn't believe it was happening. All this time, he had buried his feelings deep, convincing himself that their arrangement was enough, that he could compartmentalize his emotions. But this confession had shattered those walls, exposing the truth he had been reluctant to confront. Drew's mind raced as Odessa's lips met his. The rush of emotions was overwhelming yet exhilarating. For so long, he had navigated their relationship carefully, fearing to disrupt the delicate balance they had established. But now, with her in his arms, everything felt right. He kissed her back with a fervor he hadn't known he possessed, savoring the taste of her, the warmth of her against him. Each touch, each caress spoke volumes, echoing the unspoken words they had hidden for too long. It wasn't just desire, it was a revelation of feelings long suppressed, now bursting forth like a dam breached. As they deepened the kiss, Drew's hands found her waist, pulling her closer, a silent declaration of his need for her. Her response was immediate, her fingers threading through his hair, urging him on, igniting a fire that burned hotter with every second. Their bodies moved together instinctively, attuned to each other's rhythms as if they had danced this dance a thousand times before. When they finally parted, Drew held her close, his forehead resting against hers. He knew then, without needing to say a word, that this was more than a casual fling or a convenient arrangement. Odessa was not just his friend or a lover, she was his partner, his confidant, his everything. And as they stood there, entwined in each other's arms, Drew felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that they had finally crossed a threshold they could never turn back from. Drew chuckled softly, his arms still around Odessa as he met her playful gaze. "Oh, so I'm stuck with you now, huh?" He pretended to ponder dramatically, tapping his chin with a mock-serious expression. "Well, I guess I can handle a lifetime of your antics. I've already endured a lot." He gave her a gentle squeeze before continuing, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Annoying my ass? Please, you'll have to get in line. My siblings have been perfecting that art for years. Besides I have a feeling I'm gonna like the kind of annoying you're gonna give me."
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odessazion · 3 months
Odessa wasn’t quite sure how Drew was going to respond to all of this. She knew they both valued their friendship above everything else, then began the friends with benefits situation, but now, now it was all real. The feelings they’d been trying to mask grew out of hand, well beyond what either of them expected them to. He meant everything to her, they knew each others families, had the same friend group, the same interests, passions, they just worked together so perfectly. She knew she’d be an idiot if she didn’t try and she hoped he would want to try and see where this could go as well. It felt like an eternity as she waited for his response even though it wasn’t nearly as long. She leaned into his touch, shutting her eyes a brief moment as he caressed her cheek. As the words began to come out of his mouth her eyes locked back on his, taking in every one. She felt like her heart was about to beat out of her chest at his words. She was relieved and so happy that he felt the same way. That he had feelings for her as well. She’d been waiting so long to confess this to him, ever since their first kiss she’d felt things for him she knew were well beyond friendship or physical attraction. She cared for him deeply. More than she’d ever cared for anyone before. She was at a loss for words and she could feel the gap between them closing with each second. Her eyes fluttered shut the second his lips touched hers and she returned the kiss eagerly and the passion between them was quickly building with every touch. Her hand moved to the back of his head, pulling him in further to deepen the kiss more. She always felt like there were little sparks going off every time they touched and this, this kiss, after both of them confessing to more, felt like a whole fireworks show. After he pulled back her eyes opened and met his gaze, she couldn’t hide the blush on her cheeks or the big smile that took over her features. “I don’t think anything could ruin our friendship… but I think the feelings vomit definitely changed things.” She pressed another soft and quick kiss against his lips before letting out a soft laugh, “Well worth it.” She nudged her nose against his, still craving that closeness with him, she was so thankful for the man right in front of her. “You’re never getting rid of me now.” She teased, “Hope you’re cool with me annoying your ass the rest of your life, 'cause you, Mr. Starkey, are stuck with me.”
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Drew had known her for years and yet, recently, he'd felt a shift in his feelings, a longing that went beyond friendship. Her confession had cracked open the wall he had carefully built around his emotions, revealing the depth of his own desires. Her words reverberated in his mind, each syllable pulling him closer to the precipice of something new and uncharted. He had seen her countless times, but never like this, never with this intensity that made every fiber of his being yearn to close the gap between them. He swallowed hard, his hands still gently cradling her face. "Odessa," he began, his voice soft but steady, "I've been struggling with my feelings for a while now. You're not just my best friend." He took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers for any sign of doubt or hesitation. But all he saw was the same longing, the same hope, that he felt. we've been in this complicated dance for a while now, balancing our friendship and whatever else we've had. The friends with benefits thing, it was supposed to be simple, just physical. But it stopped being just that for me a long time ago." he let out, feeling everything had led him to this exact moment. "I didn't want to risk what we have, but I can't deny it anymore. I feel it too," Drawing in a deep breath, Drew leaned in, his forehead touching hers for a brief, tender moment. He closed his eyes, savoring the closeness, the mingling of their breaths. This was it, the moment where everything could change. He could feel her heart pounding, mirroring the rapid thudding in his own chest. "Dessa," he whispered, his voice barely more than a breath. The world around them seemed to fade, leaving just the two of them in this charged, intimate space. Slowly, he closed the remaining distance, his lips brushing against hers softly at first, testing, tasting. The sweetness of the moment enveloped him, and he deepened the kiss, pouring all the unspoken words and hidden feelings into it. He pulled back slightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "So, what do you think? Have we ruined our friendship forever with this giant feelings vomit?" He grinned, hoping to lighten the moment and ease any lingering tension. "Because if so, I gotta say, it was totally worth it."
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odessazion · 3 months
Odessa's cheeks flushed at Drew's words, "I also have some other things crossing my mind, but we'll get to that after all of these." She squeezed him tightly with a soft giggle as she buried her head into his shoulder a moment after he shifted. She then looked back up at him and felt her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for his response to her request. She knew it was risky, knew it could make things different, more real, but she wanted that. She didn't want to lose him as her best friend, but she couldn't deny how she was feeling anymore. She felt like they needed to at least try and see where this could go. She could have sworn he felt it, too. She hoped he did. She wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anyone before. She craved him in every way, he consumed her thoughts, and he was just the sweetest, funniest man she'd ever met. "I'm sure, Drew.." She spoke softly, her eyes still on his as she leaned in closer, she could feel his nose lightly brushing hers as the distance was closing between them. "I.." She paused a moment, gaze flickering between his eyes and lips, "I've never felt this way before, Drew." She confessed, her heart was pounding in her chest and she was trying to steady her breathing, "Kiss me.." She said once more, not so much asking for one because she wanted it, but because she needed it. "Please.." She could see it in his eyes and hear it in his tone how vulnerable he was allowing himself to be with her, as she was doing the same with him.
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Odessa's touch sent gentle shivers down his spine. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, pulling her even closer. In that moment, everything else faded away, the world outside ceased to exist. He felt her heart beating against his chest, each thump resonating with his own. "Cuddles all day sounds perfect, but other things do cross my mind," he murmured, his voice low and soothing. He shifted slightly, adjusting to make sure she was as comfortable as possible. Drew could feel her breath on his skin. Seeing her like this, vulnerable and open, stirred something deeper within him. He could feel her hand tracing gentle patterns on his back, sending shivers down his spine. Her request for a kiss lingered in his mind. Drew's heart pounded in his chest. He had always been protective of Odessa, drawn to her in a way that he couldn't quite explain. And now, with her so close, he could no longer deny the feelings he had tried to keep buried for the sake of their friendship. He leaned in slowly, his gaze meeting hers. "Dessa," he murmured, his voice a low rumble. "Are you sure?" He wanted to be certain, to know that she was as ready for this as he was. He really wanted it, maybe it was the moment, he was at his most vulnerable with her.
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odessazion · 3 months
Having Drew in such close proximity to her was making her have butterflies in her stomach, her mind was racing with a million thoughts but all were of him. His smile, his laugh, she loved every little thing about him. She felt his weight on her, it was so comforting, and calming, it kept her grounded. Her free hand slowly glided along his muscular back, gently tracing patterns against his shirt. "All the cuddles please.." Her voice was softer. Normally Odessa was a big ball of energy, but with Drew, she felt more vulnerable, like she could just be herself without having to worry about anyone's opinions of her. All she wanted in this moment was this. Him. "So you're up for just.. cuddles all day?" She felt his breath against her skin now due to how close they were. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she found herself leaning closer, closing the little gap that they had between them, "Drew.." She took in a deep breath, her eyes locked on his gorgeous blue ones before flickering down to his lips and back again, "Kiss me?" The words came out just barely above a whisper. She didn't know what was getting into her, what was going on between them, but she knew that it felt right. That she craved more. They'd always been close, but something felt like it was truly shifting.
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"You missed my gremlin energy?" Odessa teased with a bright cheeky smile. "Without you around to keep me company I've been very very bored, Joseph." She gave him a playful pout, "I missed you a lot." She admitted, it was true, he'd been the one thing on her mind. Hell, he was only on her mind, he consumed her thoughts most of the time. "Genius package indeed. You got big brain energy." She gave his forehead a light poke and then wiggled her eyebrows at him, "And other kinds of big energy." When he said she looked stunning her blush matched his. She tried to hide it but was failing terribly. "Thank you, Drew." She looked down at their hands, lightly biting down on her lower lip as he asked what she wanted to do. Her gaze met his once more and she glanced around, seeing his bed nearby she pulled him down on top of her against it with a giggle. "Anything as long as I get my Drew time." She brought her hand up to his cheek, brushing her thumb along his cheekbone, "And some cuddles. Lots of cuddles."
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odessazion · 3 months
"You missed my gremlin energy?" Odessa teased with a bright cheeky smile. "Without you around to keep me company I've been very very bored, Joseph." She gave him a playful pout, "I missed you a lot." She admitted, it was true, he'd been the one thing on her mind. Hell, he was only on her mind, he consumed her thoughts most of the time. "Genius package indeed. You got big brain energy." She gave his forehead a light poke and then wiggled her eyebrows at him, "And other kinds of big energy." When he said she looked stunning her blush matched his. She tried to hide it but was failing terribly. "Thank you, Drew." She looked down at their hands, lightly biting down on her lower lip as he asked what she wanted to do. Her gaze met his once more and she glanced around, seeing his bed nearby she pulled him down on top of her against it with a giggle. "Anything as long as I get my Drew time." She brought her hand up to his cheek, brushing her thumb along his cheekbone, "And some cuddles. Lots of cuddles."
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He tried to mask his excitement with a casual smile, but the glint in his eyes betrayed him. Drew had always been good at hiding his feelings, but with Odessa, everything felt more transparent, more intense. "Yeah, well, it's been too quiet without you," he admitted, trying to keep his tone light even as he felt the weight of his longing for her. "Stuck with you?" He chuckled, nudging her back. "I think I can handle that." He met her eyes, he definitely knew she understood him so well. "Hey, it's all part of the genius package. You should feel honored to witness it firsthand." Her compliment made him blush, and he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Thank you, thank you. You're not so bad yourself. Actually, scratch that, you're stunning, as usual." He squeezed her hand gently, feeling the warmth of her skin against his. In that moment, Drew realized just how much he'd missed her, her laugh, her touch, the way she seemed to effortlessly brighten any room she entered. "So," he said, his voice dropping to a flirtatious murmur, "What's the plan, beautiful? How are we going to make the most of this 'stuck together' time?"
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odessazion · 3 months
Odessa smiled up at Drew, "Your Odessa time, huh?" She teased, she was glad Drew seemed to have missed her so much already. He'd been on her mind every day since their trip and she had missed him terribly. "Well, you're stuck with me for a while now. I don't plan on heading back to LA unless I have to or you get sick of me. Whichever comes first." She laughed as he nudged her and she gave him a nudge back, "I know you too well, Starkey. 'Creative mess', sure let's go with that." She reached out and took his hand in hers, pulling him a little closer, "You look very handsome, by the way.. as usual."
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Drew held Odessa close, savoring the warmth of her embrace. She smelled as good as ever. As she shut her eyes and smiled, he couldn't help but feel his heart swell. Her comment made him grin. Her laughter was contagious, and he couldn't resist messing with her hair, which made her laugh even more. Drew chuckled, holding her a bit tighter before she reluctantly pulled back. When she cupped his cheek, he leaned into her touch, his smile matching hers. "Glad you could make it out here, honestly," he replied. "I thought I was going mad without my Odessa time," Drew laughed, shaking his head. "Well, I couldn't let you think I live in total chaos. Had to put in a little effort." He winked at her, playfully nudging her side. "But don't get used to it. You know I'm more of a 'creative mess' kind of guy."
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odessazion · 4 months
Odessa shut her eyes as his arms wrapped around her, she took in a deep breath, that familiar scent of his cologne surrounded her and she couldnt keep the smile from coming across her face. "Much better." She chimed in, her grip on him tightening a little further. Hearing his comment made her laugh, if only he knew how true that was. Feeling him mess with her hair she laughed and looked up at him, "Hey, I missed you a healthy amount I'd say." She reluctantly pulled back from the embrace and brought her hand up to his cheek, cupping it as her smile brightened. "I'm glad you wanted me to come out and visit. I don't think we got enough time in France." She pulled her hand back and looked around the room, "Did you clean up just for me?" She couldn't help but tease him.
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"Alright, alright," Drew chuckled, feeling her warmth against him as he gave Odessa an exaggerated squeeze. "Better?" he teased, his heart dancing a little at her closeness. He ruffled her hair gently, enjoying the playful banter. "I hope you haven't missed me too much, I know it's hard to focus on other things with me on your mind." he jested, part of him was sure she'd wanted to be with him as much as he with her and the other was expecting to be rejected.
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odessazion · 4 months
"finally!" odessa dropped her back to the ground and wrapped her arms tightly around drew as they got inside. "come on, you can squeeze me tighter than that, joseph." she teased her head nuzzling up against his chest. /@andrewstarkey
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odessazion · 4 months
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odessazion · 4 months
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odessazion · 4 months
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odessazion · 4 months
yes I love him. yes he's my best friend. no you can't have him. @andrewstarkey
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odessazion · 4 months
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