odieqlibrarium · 7 years
Ladies and Gentlemen of Opus. The war between Iseban and Morestaad did, in fact, exist. Though your government has lied to you in the past about this life-threatening war, it has been the brave souls of your military and the Hinterland Guard that has kept the fighting far from you, safe in your homes. My home, however, was not so fortunate. We were ravaged by the war and now there is a new threat- the mysterious undead that have been spotted around Odieq, Premier Town, and Dans Village. This is, of course, far from the border of the Southern Hinterlands and is of no concern to you. In fact, with your government's gracious consent, we already have sactioned a new division here in Opus --and another in your sister city Magnum--  to keep you safe. All I ask of you is to house those frm Odieq that share your wishes. Safety, Freedom, and Peace of mind. In return, meet your SHUT Commander Josephine Strongheart, and your Defensive Division leaders- Neave McCrae and Gérard Jacques Marceau Le Quatrième.
Lady Audrette’s Refuge Request in Opus, 25 A.C.
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Pyropé and Anadox [Incomplete]
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Lith is the Chaotic Good prophet of chaos and community. He is sometimes called “The Lover”, or “Lith the Light”. He is considered to be the counterpart to Charmeine.
Born Aaron Lith, Lith was a soldier also trained under Guildmaster Rowan Furke in the town of Rygh, though he preferred dual-wielding techniques. Instead of taking the place offered to him in the Hinterland Guard, he went on to become an adventurer, seeking fame and fortune in the wilds of Iseban.
When Charmeine started to spread her message, Lith returned to his hometown, now renamed in her own honour, and challenged Charmeine to a duel. He unfortunately lost, but his body was recovered by a prophet of an Old God of life and restored to health. 
At his wits’ end, Lith went to the Palace of the Sun to undergo the Trials. In return he received a longsword and rapier set, blessed with light. He returned to Charmeine to duel her again and emerged victorious. 
After slaying Charmeine, he left his longsword and rapier in her grave to symbolize that this chapter of his life had ended. And thus, he retired to Eixer in Morestaad where he lived the remainder of his life.
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Charmeine is an old world deity- the Lawful Evil goddess of order and purity. Sometimes referred to as the Deity/Goddess/Demigod of Blind Faith, Charmeine the Bigoted, or Charmeine the Clean.
Lady Angela Den Holfeth Barrok Charmeine (Born Marie Ferr Cherman) Was born to peasants in the town of Rygh, and grew up under the instruction of Guildmaster Rowan Furke. She proved to be an excellent (if biased) student, mastering the Sword and Shield techniques taught by the Dwarven society of Sommerfeldt. She rose through the ranks in Rygh’s CIty Guard and then through the Hinterland Patrol, eventually earning a place at the Queen’s side. After Queen Rosanna’s passing, Lady Charmeine was given temporary rule. This rule was not temporary, however, as she instated the Charmeine Puritans and renamed the city in her own honour, establishing herself Reigning Monarch for the next 200 years. The Charmeine Puritans led an inquisition to cleanse the church especially- being dissatisfied with the inefficiency of the current gods. They led several expeditions across the world, establishing their own church, praising Lady Charmeine, and constructing camps in which the “evil” races would stay. These camps were little more than walled villages in which tieflings, orcs, dragonborns, and others would live to “await the punishment of the Goddess Charmeine” after her ascension. The notion of the camps became increasingly unpopular and many regions, including Morestaad, Kyos, the Northern Hinterlands, and Hellseth revolted against them and destroyed the remaining Churches of Charmeine. Rather than wage war against these areas, Charmeine moved her capital city out of the region and continued to spread her message across Aegis and to parts of Iseban, Equoris, and Haddaketh before her passing. After her passing, she was buried with the sword of Lith that had slain her, and the churches of Charmeine conducted a year-long ceremony and praised the newly-ascended Goddess. To this day the church (as well as some regions of Iseban, especially) celebrate Ascension on the eighteenth day of Hurrek, and pay tribute to Lady Charmeine.
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
She seems to prefer the company of her people rather than the company of nobles, and as such, lacks a proper council and tackles most problems directly by holding court for anywhere from 6 to 10 hours a day.
Her small council includes Guildmaster Rowan Furke as Lieutenant General, Guildmaster Roijan as Spymaster, and Milhaav Architect Sairus Jesteth as Defense Captain.
Lady Audrette Odieq [Incomplete]
Audrette Lorraine Locke née Odieq is the Interim Empress of Aegis, Lord/Lady Mayor of Odieq, and Commander-In-Chief of the Hinterland Guard. 
She became Lord/Lady Mayor of Odieq after the death of her father, Sir Sairus Rok Val Odieq. Her mother is Jessica Odieq née Niphalus.
She is a half-dwarven woman, standing at 4′11, with reddish brown hair and black eyes. When she asked if she preferred to be referred to as “Lady” or “Lord”, she replied: “I’d rather not be referred to at all. But if I must, either.”
(uncoloured) outfits below:
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Thieves’ Cant
After the Collide, many places with many different dialects were merged, and thus a new Cant was born. Many thieves from many cultures collaborated and shared their own versions. Although some regions prefer different types of Cant, the overall language includes many sources, the most notable of which are militant signals from the Dwarven Armada, whistles from Elven hunters, hand language from Old Gnomish, smoke signals from the Dragonborn state of Thunderbend, a well as jargon and slang from Orcish tribes. A talented rogue will know all 27 types of thieves' cant, but even one of the most inexperienced will know basic phrases from at least five. Sometimes phrases from the Cant will slip into modern society, the most common of which being universally known as Help: an etching of four parallel lines. 
As written by the Thieves' Guild of Odieq, 28th day of Harvestide, Year 21st. 
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
The Lafayette Family
Known Members:
Jean du Lafayette [Father]
Human, Blonde, Brown eyes
Marie du Lafayette neé Mauvieux [Mother]
Human, Red Hair, Blue eyes
Gérard Jacques Marceau de Lafayette Le Quatrième [Son]
Human, Blonde, Brown eyes
John Locke du Lafayette [Bastard Son]
Human, Black hair, Green eyes
In a letter to Mercutio: ..As for the Layettes- We did find some things. 
 Marie du Lafayette neé Mauvieux was born to merchants in The Wend, was well trained and went on to make her own trading company at the age of 12. Was married to Jean du Lafayette at the age of 14 and had her first child soon therafter. It is unknown how many children she's had, but possibly more than three. 
 Jean du Lafayette is the quiet type, the second of four children, currently in line for the (possibly no-longer-existing) throne of Lafayetteville. A seasoned merchant, current owner of the Lafayette Trade. He is good friends with a changeling mage we've identified as Lam. We've been unable to find him or Lam through our usual means, seems they're being protected by anti-divination magics. He owns three farming towns (best we know), one of which is Premier...   
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Known NPCs (Hinterlands)
Aline du Lafayette
Human, Je Suis Le Isle
Anyra Strongheart [Deceased]
Halfling Cleric, Premier
Bunny Rabbit, Odieq
Councilman Ezechiele
Human, Premier
Councilman Hurle [Deceased]
Human, Premier
Cyrian Heranis
Brothel Owner, The Pearl, Shalob
Drow, Tailor’s Assistant, The Needle and Thread, Odieq
Dulfy Whitbottom
Watcher of Jophiel, Odieq
Elf, Cat owner, Priestess, Odieq
Goden Burrows
Sea Captain, Odieq
Guildmaster Furke
Human, Hunter’s Guild, Odieq
Guildmaster Kairon
Goliath, Fighter’s Guid, Odieq
Jean du Lafeyette[Deceased]
Human, Premier
John Locke du Lafayette [Deceased]
Human, Lord Mayor Consort, Odieq
Halfling Cleric, Odieq
Tiefling, Odieq
Lady Audrette Odieq
Half-Dwarf, Lord Mayor, Odieq
Marie du Lafeyette
Human, Premier
Escort, The Pearl, Shalob
Dragonborn, Odieq
Spymaster Roijan
Changeling, Guildmaster, Thieves’ Guild, Odieq
Tailor Giselle
Half-Orc, The Gilded and Gorgeous, Odieq
Tailor Relocan
Gnome, The Needle and Thread, Odieq
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odieqlibrarium · 8 years
Premier Introduction
The area that this peaceful merchant’s town resided in used to be called the hinterlands, and about 127 years ago it had a massive exploration craze- adventurers and scholars alike rushed to every unexplored corner and charted, and everyone’s maps all correlated. During the tail end of the exploration age, 20 years ago, people started coming back with maps that showed different things- where the coastal druid’s city of Elhaav once proudly stood was now a dense jungle that stretched for miles, untouched. Where the Palace of the Sun once pierced the heavens was now a desert with burning sands. The capitol that was their main source of protection and trade was lost. People panicked, sure that this was a sign from the gods that they were unhappy with the town and their wicked sins, finding no other answer among the chaos. The du Lafeyette family took advantage of this panic when they came into Premier, buying the land and establishing the church of their god. As time went on, the city built walls around itself and looked to the local militia to keep them safe from new, grotesque peoples looking for shelter. Lumbering beasts with tusks like an elephant and sickly green skin, women with eight legs and too many eyes around their faces, dog-like people with tails and teeth sharp as razors. Premier shut itself off from the world in fear of what new things were emerging from beyond the treeline, and the du Lafeyettes promised the town their firstborn son as their new leader, when he came of age, to guide them from their fearful hiding to become a standing fortress against the newfound evil. After all this time, the firstborn has earned the nickname “Stillborn”, as he has not once been seen nor heard from by the populus in those 20 years. The du Lafeyettes visit the manor in the north-west part of town where he once lived, cared after by maids and servants, but there is still no actual sign of him. The du Lafeyette religion is one of hatred and fearmongering, and as the city witnessed more and more beasts emerging from the woods, it became more and more angry and stricter laws were set. The militia that once protected them were now a Council, marked by the ruling family and set to enforce the new law of Premier. It started with good intentions, but corrupted by fear, turned sour. They set a single 100ft-wide circle in the north-west by the manor, and started using it as everything from a whipping post to a stake to burn the wicked, to a mass grave that reeks of the stench of death. Every offense was punishable by death, from pickpocketing to murder, and with trade cut off from the rest of the world, starvation has begun to set in.
Every day, the rule is the same- Wake up at sunrise, work in the fields or in the town for shrinking wages for enough coin to scrape together for dinner, and be home before sunset. There is little time for small joys like music or reading, and with little resources of their own Premier has spent its time attempting to survive, rather than live.
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