If you interact with Axel in his main!verse, I am not to be held responsible for what happens.
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How am I doing with my character? Tell me in the askbox, and I'll publish it without comment.
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Down from 25 to 18, not bad for a muse that's rarely cooperating. Anyways, now; I'll be heading to Deidara's blog for a while. Then I might come back here, I dunno.
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝Sure did, figured I could stand a challenge for once, the others.. well.. to put it simply; They suck.❞
odoruhinokazeviii has dealt the cards
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▎カードと少しの運  ▎
➤ “Axel, it is not often that I see you wandering about my ends of the castle. Come for a game have you? ”
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝Told ya~❞ she chirped, honestly - most times she'd make a crack about him talking to plants, but right now he was her salvation from facing the others, no doubt the amount of teasing that would follow would drive her insane, plus - she didn't feel like being annoyed to the point she burned someone, or something. Which would likely happen if someone said the wrong thing.                                                   Hurrying after him, she kept her hands clasped together in front of her, she wouldn't touch anything unless she was told to. For all intents and purposes, she'd never really liked Marluxia - and sought his company and his gardens protection just to keep the others from finding her like this, but.. when she really thought about it; did she even know why she didn't like him? Not really.. He was nice at times, and there was no lie that he was more than attractive.. - that thought brought a blush to cover her cheeks as she followed him eagerly around the garden.                                                    Green eyes flicked here and there to look over the flowers with a slight smile, ❝I- .. if there's anything at all I can do for you, as a thank you for letting me linger around; don't hesitate to say it. Because otherwise I'll have know way of knowing the proper way to thank you..❞ He was saving her from unneeded embarrassment, she owed him big time.
Lifting her gaze to meet his, (she'd even shrunk a bit with the gender change, great) cat-like eyes blinking almost innocently. ❝Now that's just rude.❞ and then it's back to her sarcastic and snarky way; though it's a little less confrontational than her male-self's attitude. ❝But really, since when have I ever listened to you?❞ it's merely a quiet musing, thin shoulders shrugging to toss the baggy cloak back up properly. ❝You'd really boot me out when I'm here to see /you/? That's cruel.~❞
    Marluxia’s blue eyes widen slightly when he realizes what has happened to Axel. He covers his mouth with a gloved hand, trying to muffle any laughter. "You came to visit me, miss? How sweet of you; may I ask the occasion? It is not like you to come into my garden." 
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝For the most part. Girls can get away with things that guys can't. All with a flutter of eyelashes, or a kiss on the cheek --❞ speaking of a kiss on the cheek, she pressed one to the blond's flesh, ❝They can also wear trampy clothes. I mean - I could, even as a guy. Thank god for feminine figures, but it'd fit so much better in this body.❞                                      Axel shrugged her shoulders, fingers still playing with his hair, it was so surprisingly soft - sure that was probably what people thought when they touched hers, expecting it to be gelled and stiff to the touch but.. no. She seemed almost mesmerized by the feel of the soft blond strands beneath her fingertips.                            ❝Also, I wouldn't be able to sit in your lap without hurting you if I wasn't a chick right now, as soon as I'm a dude again I'll just have to settle for you sitting in mine.❞ Despite Axel still having a lanky and awkward figure, she was shorter now, just a little bit and still skinny as a toothpick. ❝I mean, provided you don't whack me with a keyblade first.❞ She's just teasing, both hands pushing through his hair before sliding down to brush her fingers over the nape of his neck, only a second of the almost intimate touch before she moved to pull herself from his lap and sit beside him instead, legs crossing and arms mimicking the action across her chest, ❝Wanna go get some ice cream?❞
The redhead is just casually going to sprawl herself out across Roxas' lap, simply because she wants to and because she can, hand coming up so skinny fingers can poke his nose right on the tip. ❝I can't decide if I think you're cuter now, when I have a female mind - or..❞ Cat like gaze narrowing in though, lips pursing as if she's trying to decide at that moment.
Fantastic. One second he was minding his own business, the next his lap was being invaded by… Axel? But… Axel wasn’t a woman (at least, as far as he knew of). Who the hell was this? His sister? A walking coincidence? Welp. He was bewildered as hell right now. His head lowered, directing his attention to her, a brow raising in silent questioning.
Wait… Wait, wait, wait.
So this was Axel, albeit with some major changes? Well, shit… As weird as it was, it wasn’t the weirdest thing he had ever had to experience. Or was it?
"Excuse me?"
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arpeggxo replied to your post: “arpeggxo replied to your post: “arpeggxo replied to your post:...”:
Oh. Okay. x3 -forgets who's over there and who isn't-
i do the same thing with most of my blogs tbh so no sweat. xD should i make a thing or should we plot or-
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝I'd much rather get smacked by neither, thank you very much.❞                         He really can't help his tone, being whacked around by keyblade wielders and those stupid keys pissed him off more than anything, he hated it; and always walked away with bruises because of it. Taking a step back, the redhead pressed his hands to his hips and sighed heavily, lips pursing in a way that showed he was thinking.                              ❝He's whacked me with worse keyblades than the Kingdom Key.❞                          And then he can't help but smirk to himself.                              ❝I think the only one of you three that likes me is Kairi - and she really likes me.❞                          He's not lying there, she does - even though he kidnapped her and all that, of course that's the past now. A sigh escapes him at the mention of the redheaded female, though his attention is focused on Riku - he's gotta be prepared in case that mention sets him off and a keyblade aims for his head.
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    ✩⊰ Riku picked up on the snort that came from the other right away, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes and let out a huff in aggravation. Teasing (unless it was coming from Sora or Kairi, of course) was a surefire way to get him worked up, and it was especially easy to make him embarrassed and uncomfortable with a topic like this. It was no wonder Riku found his patience so quickly wearing thin.
    “Yeah, whatever you say. Can’t wait until the day I get to laugh at you getting all riled up… Oh— and don’t call me cute.” Honestly, it was like he was just begging for a good punch in the face. But, regardless, Riku crossed his arms tightly over his chest, giving him a scowl instead.
    “Sora’s probably got the right idea, y’know. Maybe a few good whacks with a Keyblade will straighten you out some. But the question is, would you rather get smacked by with the big and heavy Kingdom Key, or the thin and slightly more lightweight Way to Dawn which has a ton of jagged edges? The choice is all yours.”
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - A chuckle escaped Axel's throat, tipping his head just slightly to brush his nose against hers. Eskimo kiss? Kind of. - It probably shouldn't have been any kind of surprise that he liked her. As more than a friend, he'd keep it to himself of course - Sora and Riku would kick his ass, and plus.. He didn't even know if she would, or could, like him back. He pulled away, moving to press a kiss to her forehead with a smile.                                             ❝You're a good friend, Kairi. I'm lucky to know you.❞
Kairi felt a blush start to warm her face at how close Axel’s face was to hers, but she grinned widely anyway. “Well…good! And I promise Axe, you’re always gonna have me, Okay? Someone’s gonna have to watch after you, after all!”  She teased. If axel’s true best friends couldn’t be there…well….she didn’t mind being the next best thing.
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝They can, but--❞ He wouldn't delve into the fact he wasn't quite human, green eyes watch her as she sniffs towards him -- she's rather an adorable little mouse. He's not put off by the fact he's having a conversation with an animal. ❝I'm technically supposed to be at work right now, that's why I'm not supposed to be here.❞
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❂ - she ever so cautiously hops in his direction, pink nose and whiskers twitching as she sniffs at him. he’s different from a lot of humans. surprisingly unafraid and even more surprisingly docile. mrs. brisby manages a smile.
                ❝o-oh? i thought that humans                     could go wherever they wished.                     but i suppose that makes the both                     of us.❞
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arpeggxo replied to your post: “arpeggxo replied to your post: -Totally has a Jack Frost he could...”:
Pffft, I don't think he'd have a problem with that to be honest. XD The url is axlittlexfun.
i already follow you there ~(o.o~)
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arpeggxo replied to your post:
-Totally has a Jack Frost he could pester- |||:
he'd do more than pester tbh i mean
-will gladly throw axel at him-
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - There's a grin that tugged upon thin lips, the chuckle that followed speaking of amusement and already forming adoration for the ice queen as she spoke - something twinging inside him at the sound of his name falling from betwixt her lips, it sounded.. beautiful, melodic and like nothing he'd ever heard before in his life, no one had such a tone that made it feel like it was the name he'd answered to his whole life. It felt as if his heart stuttered a beat, a silly thought of course, he knew there wasn't a beating organ inside his chest, his heart had long since ceased existence.                             That didn't stop a soft blush from crawling across his cheeks, hand moving so his palm can rub the back of his neck, another chuckle along with a nod was given, the amusement that he caught upon her features only gave to his own, his grin almost hurting his cheeks at this point. He simply couldn't stop smiling at this point, it seemed childish and cliche to say - but she made him.. feel.                                             ❝Yes, ma'am.  You got it right.                                              You're the first, usually people                                              have a little trouble with it.  ❞                             Acid colored eyes still glanced around here and there, hoping that he didn't see a cloak that mirrored his own, the very thought that the Organization still might find them and have what they wanted anyways - it scared him, honestly. He was frightened that his actions would have been for naught and she would wind up heartless and without feelings as all Nobodies were, the very thought that she could become heartless and no longer feel a need, or a want, to smile - to laugh, or care for someone other than herself or her duties with the Organization.. was a horrible thought.                                               ❝We hide,   and wait.                                                It'll take them a while                                                to find us here,  when                                                they do? We run.    ❞                               Life on the run, that's not the life for a queen like Elsa, and yet it's the only way that Axel can protect her at this point, the only thing they had to do was hold out for Sora to do something about the Organization, or for them to perish on their own from their treacherous and backstabbing ways amongst each other. - Axel's main priority right now was keeping Elsa safe from all harm, whatever tie linked the two of them dug it's claws into him and filled him with the overwhelming need to [ s a v e ] her.                               Heavy boots press into the sand, stepping across the shore before crouching to snatch up a shell, light blue in color and curved; a quick check proving that nothing lived inside before his hand pressed the objects small, open pointed end to his lips - he blew, the shell producing a rich sound, almost like a trumpet and he grinned like a child when he turned to her.                                                  ❝Shall  we shell hunt?                                                   All these    shells have                                                   something    cool they                                                   can do, like this one.❞
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                        there was heat upon porcelain palms —— likely from the element which her companion harnessed. needless to say, she and the heat had never formed a good acquaintance, what with the latter bringing much discomfort upon the former that there would be the need to utilize her own element in an attempt to bring back a semblance of normalcy upon the environment which she stood. yet it seemed as though there were exceptions, as all things had; mayhap it had been the work of the gloves dutifully separating his skin from hers, hence the subdued warmth was not entirely unwelcome. though a creature of the cold, she was as warm-blooded as all mammals were —— hence the disregard for heat every once in a while.
                       heel-clad feet made contact with sand, and there was no mistaking the smell of saltwater and the sound of rushing waves. a beach. an island. frankly not the most covert of hiding places, however the blonde trusted his judgement. he had, after all, just taken her away from a possible future wherein there would be nothing other than a gaping  H O L E  in her chest. luminescent gaze swept through the are, body turning a full three hundred sixty in order to further appreciate the landscape. this was unlike anything she had ever seen before —— though granted, she had not seen many things in the life she led. mm; perhaps it would count as covert enough in terms of hiding places; it would simply be put to the test on the arrival of this proclaimed 'organization' though the blonde hoped it was later rather than sooner.
                       such introduction left her tilting her head curiously, overwhelmed with growing fascination to this apparent nobody whose ‘ less than interesting ’ title piqued her interest a bit more. mulling all of this over in her head, she nodded, after a brief moment of taking it all to mind. all the same, she involuntarily showed no disregard to that earlier remark of his regarding hers, treacherous blood rising to the pallor of her neck and cheeks.
                                     ❝  A X E L . eighth of the organization thirteen,                                           the flurry of the dancing flames —————                                                                                                  did i get all of that ?  ❞
                         and something akin to self-satisfaction flickered upon pale veneer, cerulean irises gleaming with pride at having memorized his titles, as he had so eloquently challenged. lips the hue of the reddest rose curl upward, amusement plaited in the gesture. perhaps, she mused as irises probed the area once more, this arrangement wouldn’t be so bad. yes, there was the downside of being unable to communicate with those she cared for back in her home, however the fact was that she was doing this to protect them — the closer they were to hear, the better target they were for this organization so hellbent on having her as one of their own.
                                     ❝  so,   A X E L ,  what happens next ?  ❞
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casually picks and chooses drafts tbh
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⊰【Ⅷ】⊱ - ❝Your idiot.❞ He conceded, long finger coming up to tap the tip of his beloved's nose, before both arms wrapped tight around the blond and held him tight to the redhead's slender figure, said redhead nuzzling into the others neck with a happy sigh. ❝Mm.. you make me so happy.❞ an offhanded comment, almost without a second thought - slipped from betwixt pale, thin lips. Dare he say he loved the blond? He'd said it before, but.. 
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~{ ♒ }~
              As much as he should have gotten used to Axel’s behavior by that point, the sudden deepening of the kiss took the blonde by shock. In all honesty, Myde was half tempted to pull away due to the surprising force, though he allowed the kiss to continue—thankful at least that they weren’t in public that time around. Once their kiss came to an end, the blonde rolled his eyes once again and shifted so he could relax into the redhead’s lap. “You really are an idiot.” 
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