ofastcria · 4 years
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can she get any cuter
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Pansy P.
Her friend’s evident elation caused Pansy’s lips to curl into a soft smirk. Pleasing her friends suited her nicely, even more so than slashing through her enemies with insults. Her brow rose at the implication that Astoria came prepared for their little adventure. ❛ My, my, Miss Greengrass. What has gotten into you? ❜ She teased with a delicate chuckle, continuing to devour her ice cream with the upmost care. Frankly, the Slytherin witch ate rapidly to the point of brain freeze, enjoying the delicious treat far too much. She also didn’t want to keep Astoria away from their  extravaganza longer than she needed to. ❛ I see. Well, I suppose that means you’ll have to do the buying. I’ll pay you whatever the conversion is. I’m rubbish with Muggle money. ❜ Muggle customs never seemed important enough for Pansy to learn.
❛ Perhaps a little bit like a child with a sweet tooth, but it’s very refreshing. ❜ She chuckled in return. ❛ Yes, right, I’m ready. I didn’t want to waste any ice cream. ❜ She divulged with a sly smile, rising from her seat and discarding their rubbish. Subsequently, she sauntered toward the store and peered outside toward the street Astoria mentioned. ❛ Just do me a favor. Don’t mention this little adventure next time you see my parents, okay? ❜ The last thing Pansy Parkinson needed was her parents berating her for yet another thing.
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     she laughed quietly, head tilting and then sending pansy the best innocent look astoria could muster.   “   i’m just prepared,   “   she said, struggling slightly. through there was a playful spark in her eyes. she couldn’t help it! finally, she will get a glimpse of something more than muggle restaurant --- that she saw a few times, but shops, with all people around? no and that was about to change! redhead nodded, moving a little in her chair.   “   of course, no problem with that!   “   she smiled, playing with the silver ring on one of her fingers. 
     she couldn’t help but feel a little warm on cheeks and duck her head slightly at the chuckle, but she didn’t felt scowled nor embarrassed by it.   “   it’s okay, i would wait for you,   “   she said almost softly, standing up too. moving after the other, she lifted a brow slightly and tilted her head.   “   of course not, pansy. don’t want to listen to my parents going on at me for it and i don’t wish it for you either. as far as everyone will know, we were a perfect little ladies and spend the day at the magical side.   “
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Draco M.
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                                     he  lets  out  a  faint  chuckle  ,  but  there’s  no  humor  behind  it.  ❛    i  suppose  peaceful  might  be  one  way  to  phrase  it.  i’ll  admit  ,  i’ve  mostly  kept  to  myself  for  a  while  now.    ❜  it’s  strange  ,  given  that  he’s  used  to  being  surrounded  constantly.  he  doesn’t  dwell  on  the  fact  ,  &  simply  offers  a  small  shrug.  ❛    i  don’t  imagine  it’ll  be  peaceful  for  much  longer  ,  no  matter  which  way  things  turn.  hopefully  we’ll  be  able  to  enjoy  it  a  bit  longer  before  it  all  turns  to  shit.    ❜  draco’s  face  softens  just  then  ,  as  he  realizes  the  words  that  slipped.  ❛    sorry  ,  didn’t  mean  to  bring  down  the  conversation.  force  of  habit  nowadays.    ❜ 
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     she slowly nodded, eyes traveling over the gardens, fingers digging into his arm just a little bit. astoria couldn’t help the laugh, just as hollow as his, her mind throwing all the pictures of what could go wrong at her.   “   don’t apologize for this, draco --- no matter how pure we are, we are still humans and are not meant to be a ray of bloody sunshine all the time,   “   she said, a tone just a little  too bitter. she didn’t want him to feel bad or guilty of it or... she just wanted a moment of breath.   “   you can buy me some ridiculously expensive chocolates for turning this conversation in that direction if it make you feel better, though. i never say no to a good chocolate,    “   she tease in a lighter tone, a smile ghosting on her lips.
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Ron W.
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Ron has probably spent more time with his face pressed in the glass window of the quidditch shop than actually being in the shop and today was sadly no exception. He spent so much time imaging how it must feel like to actually be able to pay for the more recent additions of the brooms and what he would do with them if he ever had the chance. After a few minutes of pathetically staring into the shop, Ron sighed and turned around and almost stumbled in surprise. He hadn’t seen Astoria Greengrass arrive in front of him, too busy gazing at the new brooms to pay attention to his surroundings. “Miss Greengrass.” Ron said, mimicking her for her proper way of talking.” I think the real surprise is finding you here. I didn’t know you were interested in quidditch.”
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     she dug fingers a little stronger into her package, chin lifted just slightly.   "   of course you didn't,   "   astoria said, a small smile tugging the corner of her lips.   "   if I would get catch watching gryffindors' training, your lot would think I'm there to spy --- I made sure to not cause a troubles,   "   she added, looking to the shop window.   "   I'm more interested in strategic aspect of it rather than raw play,   "   she said after a moment ; a small lie but it was all she could have.   "   how about you? I recall your brothers were on team --- will you try out too this year?   "
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ofastcria · 4 years
     ---  Danielle S.‌
Dear Red,
I’m doing well thank you. I’ve been trying to keep busy. Praciticing for quidditch, hanging out with friends. Oh, and I just went up a belt in taekwondo (it’s a muggle thing) so I’m now officially a red belt….but it’s not enough. I don’t want to be sparring or fighting dummies I want to be fighting death eaters and making a difference. But the order says we need to strategise… we need action!
Sorry, I hope you’re doing well too. I know it’s a hard time, and I don’t think that makes you selfish. We all want our family and loved ones to be safe.
I might be able to help you with your homework. I did alright in transfiguration, if you have any questions I’m always here and always happy to help.
          dear yellow,
          congratulation on your belt! i cannot say i understand what taekwondo is or what belts mean in connection to it, but it seems like a game? anyway, i’m happy for you!
          it's hard to take action if you don't know where your enemy is. right now all people can do is waiting and that's nerve-wracking.
          i can't wait to be back in the castle. at last, there are people, fully trained witches and wizards, that might have be able to keep us save for some time. it's not much but it's better than nothing and empty home.
          i strong-armed one of my friends into a study session --- took care of the subjects already, but thank you so much for your offer! i might take you on it some other time though.
         your friend,                       red
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Draco M.
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                                   he’s  lost  in  his  mind  ,  as  usual  these  days.  echoes  fill  his  mind  ,  constant  nightmares  of  the  future  to  come.  his  future  ,  to  be  more  specific.  the  blond’s  mind  was  racing  ,  &  although  there  was  a  book  in  his   hands  ,  he  struggled  to  focus  on  the  words  written.  there’s  a  voice  ,  &  draco  looks  up  to  see  a  certain  redhead.  draco  does  a  double  take  before  realizing  she  wasn’t  a  weasley.  ❛    oh  ,  you’re  alright  astoria.    ❜  he  shuts  the  book  ,  not  bothering  to  bookmark  his  page.  ❛    sure  ,  i  don’t  mind  at  all.    ❜  truthfully  ,  he  was  grateful  for  the  distraction.  he  stands  up  ,  &  takes  her  arm  ,  starting  for  the  gardens.  a  moment  of  silence  falls  ,  as  draco  isn’t  sure  what  to  say.  he’s  not  as  familiar  with  the  girl  ,  despite  them  being  in  the  same  house  ,  &  small  talk  isn’t  exactly  a  strength  of  his.  ❛    so  ,  i  take  it  your  summer  is  going  well  so  far  ?    ❜  it’s  the  only  thing  he  could  come  up  with.  
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     she took a deep breath, walking by his side with ease. it was better there, making her feel less closed. astoria turned her head a little to cast a look at the blonde and smiled lightly.   "   yes, thank you. i had a lovely time so far and I hope it will remain that way...   "   she hesitated for a second.   "   though, it seems like fate has other plans for us, isn't it?   "   she shakes her head slightly.   "   how's your vacation going? peacefully, for now, I hope?   "
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Draco M.
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                                      the  blond  takes  a  small  step  inside  ,  his  eyes  taking  in  the  hoodie  that  she  wears.  ❛    erm  -  yeah.  probably  for  the  best.  not  that  what  you’re  wearing  is  bad  per  se.    ❜  his  eyes  shift  down  to his  own  attire,  a  black  button  down  with  slacks  to  match  ,  obviously  more  formal  in  contrast. ❛    i  mean  ,  you  certainly  look  more  comfortable  out  of  the  two  of  us  ,  i  will  give  you  that.    ❜  he  offers  a  small  laugh  ,  a  sight  rarely  seen  these  days  by  the  youngest  malfoy.  ❛    do  you  want  me  to  wait  outside  the  door  instead  ,   while  you  change  ?  i  mean  ,  as  long  as  you  promise  to  come  out  ,  afterwards.    ❜
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     “   --- of course it’s not, at last not when i’m alone and in my room - not very pureblood of me, but draco, it has pockets!   “   she said, gently closing the door. normally, astoria would give him her so-called ‘ doll-swirl ‘ to show-off the casual dress, but instead, she moved through the room to one of the other doors ; if she would do the swirl, draco would have to catch her before she does hit the floor and that’s not something she wanted --- it would be so awkward for both of them 
   “   if you think my closet isn’t large enough for me to get in and change there comfortably, we need to talk about the manor of yours,   “   she threw back with an easy smile, for a moment leaning against the wall with a  ‘   it’s not that bad, get a grip, think of daphne, come on  ‘   thoughts. astoria tilted her head a little bit, a playful smile forming on her lips and she lifted a brow.   “   don’t worry, mr. malfoy, your virtue is safe here... maybe,   “   she teased before getting into the closet, leaving the door open just a little bit to hear him talking but not showing anything. she took a breath and walked to one of the dresses that would work for today, nice, simple, dark green and elegant.   “   are you ready to come back to hogwarts?   “   she asked a little louder, getting started to get ready.  
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ofastcria · 4 years
❛ So what, you’re just going to stay in your room alone while everybody else is out having fun? ❜ - from draco
posted here!
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ofastcria · 4 years
@silvrtcngue​ said:    ❛ So what, you’re just going to stay in your room alone while everybody else is out having fun? ❜ 
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     “   maybe i have fun on my own, here,   “   she dug her fingers harder into the door frame, watching draco a little speechless.it wasn’t that she didn’t want to go out and join the rest, no matter how boring the event could be --- she simply couldn’t ; it was humiliating, the fear she will fall down just because she wakes up feeling weak and knew it’s not a good sign. and yet, now, having the other seek her out made her felt a little... astoria bites her bottom lip, for a moment looking down before nodding gently and opening the door more, making a step back.   “   come in ---- i will just change quickly, then,   “   she said, suddenly feeling exposed with her oversized hoodie-like dress and bare feet. 
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ofastcria · 4 years
                        dear yellow, ( @ffsdxni )
                   i hope this letter will find you in good health. how are you doing?                    i’m tried of being at home, to be honest. i’m trying to get out as much                    as i can, but there is little to do and there is only so much of my whining my                    friends can - or want - take. i’m trying to stay positive, but... you saw papers.                    having black out of azkaban was dangerous, but now? the breakout? it’s rather                    terrifying. don’t be fooled by my softness, yello - i’m selfish person and all i want                    is having my family safe. and i’m scared i’m not strong enough to help to keep                    them safe.
                   on the other note, i hate my transfiguration homework. for some reason i can’t                    make it just right and it’s annoying me so much.
                                                                                           your friend,                                                                                                          red.
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ofastcria · 4 years
     --- Pansy P.
With eyes closed in pleasure, Pansy resisted the urge to sigh contently. The cool ice cream slide down her throat, creating the most pleasant sensation. It felt good, given the lack of the delicious frozen treat at the Parkinson’s manor. This meant having gone all summer without the sweet treats she pretended not to cherish at Hogwarts; therefore, the Slytherin witch felt elated when Astoria invited her for some time away from her drafty family home.
❛ I’d imagine they are. Muggles are especially boring and probably have nothing better to do than roam the streets. ❜ She hinted with a small smirk, eating another spoonful and eyeing Astoria. ❛ Though clothes and shopping are always enough to catch my attention. ❜ The raven-haired girl added with a light chuckle. While interacting with Muggles wasn’t one of Pansy’s favorite pastimes, the notion of discovering new clothing shoppes sounded rather appealing. ❛ Do you have any Muggle money with you? ❜
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     she smirked slightly, eyes glittering, the childish need to show the other her tongue swallowed with another spoon of icecreams. astoria lifted a brow and licked her lips, to get off the sweetness and smiled brightly at pansy’s next words ---- that would mean there is a chance. she moved slightly, fixing the front of her dress while crossing her legs.   “   yes, i might have had a little hope---   “   she lifted her fingers to ‘show’ the amount, with her thumb and index finger,   “   --- that you would be willing to go there with me, so i made sure to come prepared.   “   she struggled gently, smiling at the older girl. 
     she stayed silent for a moment, before shaking her head slightly.    “   i’m behaving like a child who was told they will go shopping for sweetness, don’t i?   “   astoria chuckled quietly, before struggling. so be it.   “   --- ready when you are.   “
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ofastcria · 5 years
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     if she will need to send another polite smile, just one, astoria will end up screaming her throat raw. and yet, she just took a breath and walked through the crowd ; her parents are somewhere around and she knew better than making a scene ---- it would reflect not only on her but on an entire family. she saw something light from the corner of her eye and yes, there was a familiar blond. she didn’t know draco malfoy too good, but he had that face like he was trying hard to not snap or yawn and she moved quickly, hand touching lightly his arm as she smiled to his company.      “    --- i’m terribly sorry for interrupting,   “   she said in soft tone than made people think she is just sweet, naive girl and she wasn’t above using it when needed. astoria turned her head to blonde and nodded gently.   “   draco, would you be a dear and walk me to the gardens? i would love a little company while catching a breath.   “
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ofastcria · 5 years
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     she moved her spoon lazily in a bowl before scoping a little of icecreams and eating it, eyes wandering over the busy street. astoria was glad to be away from cold hallways of greengrass mansion, from hovering elves like she would fall down at any given moment. enough was enough, and after finding someone willing to accompany her --- and that’s was surprising a little bit too! --- , here she was.
  “   ---- i’m curious if muggles’ streets are so busy too,   “   astoria said after swallowing, directing her eyes at pansy and smiling a little.   “   would you be up to a little sneaking away for few hours and see if they have any interesting clothes shops close, pansy?  “    she asked quietly, playing with her spoon again thought stopped almost immediately. she was itching to ‘ see the world ‘, but on the other hand, she was unsure of going alone. and frankly, she thought that with this girl, it would be an adventure all itself.
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ofastcria · 5 years
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     she didn’t need this ; unable to play quidditch or even fly, astoria didn’t need a decorated, shiny new beater's bat ---- but it didn’t mean she didn’t want it. with this little present from her to herself, she stepped out of the shop, stopping for a moment to fix the front of her dress and turned quickly, trying to walk in front of the window. trying, because she managed to make one step before realizing that someone already stands there, blocking her way.
      she lifted a brow, but it was easy to recognize the other, even if she didn’t breathe a word to him before.   “    ---- mr. weasley,   “   she found herself saying and nod at him gently and short.   “   fancy seeing you here.   “
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ofastcria · 5 years
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK letter.
       i might have break in father’s alcohol storage - want to join me? 
                   please. daphne away with her friends and i can’t stand my house-elves anymore.
Send “#” for a RANDOM letter.
                               dear draco,
                   would you be available to accompany me to diagon alley                   tomorrow at noon? i would be grateful if you could share your                    opinion over few things i need to buy.
                                                                         with love,                                                                            astoria greengrass
ps. i’m sorry if it’s inconvenient for you, but father highly encourages me to ask you about it. 
Send “%” for a CURIOUS letter.
                        dear draco,
                                 can i touch your hairs next time? please?  i want to know if                                 it’s really as soft as it’s look. 
                                                                with love,                                                                       asttoria
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ofastcria · 5 years
Send “☎” for a RUSHED letter.
          mr. weasley,
                i hope you recall our meeting in diagon alley. i think there was a little                                        missplacing in our bags because i just discovered that the ones i have                are not mine. i send it in and please, send mine back as fast as                                                possible. i need it tonight.
                                                                    respectfully yours,                                                                         astoria greengrass
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ofastcria · 5 years
( sirius’ askbox )    ( wolf’s askbox )   ( astoria’s askbox ) 
Send “✆” for a MORNING letter. Send “” for a letter that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED letter. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK letter. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE letter. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT letter. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL letter. Send “#” for a RANDOM letter. Send “@” for a SCARED letter. Send “&” for a LOVING letter. Send “%” for a CURIOUS letter. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED letter. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL letter. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING letter.
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