ofbrokenwands · 5 years
starter for @ofbrokenwands { rabastan }
“Lestrange!” he called after the familiar figure as they passed him entering the pub, glad to see someone he could actually stand talking to for more than a second. Making his way over to the man, he put on his signature grin. The one that could mask just about any emotion he could need to conceal. A skill he had perfected while being sorted into a house with people he did not deem worthy of much of his time and energy.
Clapping the man on the back in greeting, he let out a low chuckle. “Fancy seeing you here. What’re you drinking? First’s on me.”
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Hearing his name almost as soon as he walked inside, Rabastan turned to find the familiar face. “Avery. Gotta say, it’s been a while.” He simply said. He did not plan to meet anyone at the pub, just get a corner table and drink alone, like he usually did. But for once, there was someone he could enjoy drinking with, and so decided to instead find a place for both of them.
“Been a while since someone paid me a drink.” He chuckled lightly. That was, someone that wasn’t his brother or anyone trying to get a favor out of him. “I just want a beer.”
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
“Uh, I’d hide your valuables if I were you, Bowie likes shiny things,” Benjy grimaced as he quickly scooped the niffler back in his arms. “He was getting restless at home and hid in my bag. Sorry, I wouldn’t have brought him otherwise.”
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Cordelia only took a slight step back, although she leaned in closer to the niffler a few seconds later. “I don’t think any of my valuables are actually valuable.” It had been long since she had something that wasn’t a cheap rip off. The only true golden necklace she had, she kept it safe at home. “Please, he’s adorable, I’m glad you brought him!”
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
“They’re not exactly giving us a choice, Antonin.” Thor’s eyes rolled skyward before he sighed. “Look, if I’ve learned anything it’s to just shut up and do as we’re told and not ask questions. It’s far easier that way.”
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Part of him was still thinking about what the right thing to do was in order to keep his relationship with Fabian intact, as if they were still together. But it wasn’t long until the other part of his brain reminded him they were not together anymore, whatever he did, it couldn’t make it any worse. “Fine. Let’s just do it now before I change my mind.” He finally let out with a sigh.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
Why was she staring at him? Was she checking him out? Fuck, did she mean to do that? A billion questions raced through his mind as he simply just stood there, blinking. Snapping back to reality and clearing his throat, he shrugged lamely. “Uh, I had no plans,” No, he should most definitely be avoiding her. They both didn’t want this marriage, it’d be easier than way, right? “I can uh go out if you want me to, or I can stay. If you’d prefer, it’s up to you.” Thor internally cringed as he spoke, he was supposed to be calm and collected, and he was stuttering like an awkward teenager. And he was still pretty much naked. Shit. “I should probably put on clothes, so you can leave, or turn around. Unless you’d prefer to watch,” Did he really just say that? At least it came out cocky, and she’d probably scoff at him and leave. 
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She certainly had not looked at him in that way before, this sight never actually occurred before. But now, that was something Hesia would not be able to erase from her memory. Was it a bad thing? Well, maybe not, at least that was one thing she liked about him now. “I don’t want to force you to go out, if you wanna stay in. It’s really not a problem.” She replied with a small shrug. But an eyebrow raised slightly at his last comment, obviously making her eyes drift down a little again. It took her a lot to turn away, honestly, she would’ve probably just watched had they been a little closer. But they were not, and it would’ve felt odd. “Well, I’ll be making food, enough if you want any.” She said before quickly stepping away. If she stayed any longer, she would probably stare again, and that was no good.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
Charlie couldn’t help but grimace as the banana peel landed on her head, pulling it off their head in confusion as she glanced over her shoulder, spotting the culprit. “I would hope not,” the brunette chuckled, tossing the peel to the ground, kicking away some bits of trash that fell before her. “Can I ask what the expected result was, exactly?” 
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Pandora jumped slightly, a little startled upon hearing the voice. But she settled down quite quickly. “I’m sorry, if I got any of the trash on you.” She apologized, giving the other a small smile. “Well, it was supposed to fly up before exploding. And it was supposed to explode over and over again until everything was just turned to dust. I definitely messed up somewhere.”
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
Remus drained his glass as he turned to the person sat next to him. “Want another?” His voice was quiet, almost deathly so, barely heard above the music coming from the other side of the bar.
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Alastor’s fingers were resting around a glass that was not yet empty, although it wouldn’t take long until it was. “I always want another.” With a small smile on his lips, he downed the rest of the drink. “Anyway, how have you been, Remus?”
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
Thor winced as he collided with another, “I’m sorry-” He began, before frowning slightly. “A fair few, yeah. Oh!” His eyes widened slightly as he realised who she was. “I-uh, I should probably apologise. I was kinda a nightmare in school…”
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It wasn’t just one eyebrow, but both that raised at his statement. “Kinda?” She repeated after him, emphasizing a lot on the word. “That is not the adverb I would’ve used to describe you.” More like a huge nightmare. But then again, most students were nightmares in her eyes.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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“How is it that people enjoy this place, every INCH of this place is littered with filth, do the staff even do work? What is this?” He grimaced, kicking at a dirty napkin someone had littered onto the ground, fighting back the nausea. “Not to mention, they let just about anyone in here.” 
“Why don’t you use a spell to clean out that dirt?” She proposed, and almost instantly regretted. That was not the kind of thing you said to that man, she knew it, so why did she not think about it before? “Anyway, I have what you asked for.” Pandora said, trying to change the subject by pulling out an old parchment.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
( &closed starter for Thorfinn @thor-rowle )
She had been waiting for the release of that book for a while, and so, first thing that morning, Irma made her way to the nearest library to get it. She was just walking out, the book tightly clutched in her arms, when she collided with someone. She only let out a hiss towards the other, never really one to apologize or to get mad. She wasn’t even one to really talk to people in general. But seeing the man in front of her caused a frown to appear on her face. “I know you. You were a student a few years ago.” And if she was correct, she hated him.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
( &closed starter for Edgar @eddbcnes )
Dolores reached out to scratch the back of her neck, a nervous, high-pitched voice escaping her lips. “I appreciate the compliments, but I believe you’ve got me confused with someone else.” Taking a side glance, she spotted the ministry worker that had been on the table beside hers had finally left, meaning she could finally lift up the nice act. “I’ve never, and never will work in a bar. I’m a Ministry worker, and I’d never dare go any lower than that. Now if you’ll please excuse me.” Grabbing her now half-empty cup, the girl stood up in hopes to walk away from this situation.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
{closed starter for @ofbrokenwands}
“No, no, no, don’t touch that!” Dorcas moved quickly across the floor, gloved hands wrapping around a pot and moving the plant quickly away from wandering hands. “It’s… extremely poisonous. Touch it and then touch your mouth or your eyes and… Bad shit. I might be an asshole, but I don’t want to actually kill you.” 
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His hand stopped from going any closer to the plant before pulling away. “And that is why I didn’t not become a Herbologist. Or maybe it just means I should’ve listened during those classes.” He commented with a small smile. “Although it’s good to know you don’t plan on killing me.”
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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The Delacour’s were a long line of powerful pureblood wizards, sitting amongst the top of the hierarchy of wizards in French. They were not quite to the level of the actual Minister, but rare were those who never heard of that name before. And as the oldest and only son, Francis was expected to follow into the family’s footsteps.
Raised to believe in the elitist views, and that his family and families closely connected to his were superior to any other wizards in the Wizarding World, he actually never quite believed in those views. Of course, when he was younger, he did, but growing older changed those views.
What positively made him change his way of thinking was the day his baby sister was born, and it was later discovered she was a squib. He was still rather young, but he understood the way his parents and family members were treating her were wrong. Taking a stand for her and protecting her, Francis created a dent in his family.
His Beauxbâtons years went by rather well, despite the fact he spent far too much time away from his sister, during which it was impossible for him to keep her safe. For this reason, he started putting most of his focus and attention to his studies, so his mind could stay distracted.
With all the effort and time put on his studies, Francis ended up getting outstanding grades for quite a few classes. However, his true passion remained potions, making it very unsurprising when he decided to become a potioneer.
Sometime during his school years or shortly after, his parents arranged a marriage for him. They grew scared he would run off with someone how lower status, and wanted to keep the line pure. He hated every second of that engagement, including the person he was forced to marry.
However, it was during that time that Francis met Apolline. If it wasn’t love at first sight, it was very close to it. It became rather evident neither would be able to just let go. Maybe it was a rushed decision, but they ran off together, finding safety in England, and getting married along the way.
As a potioneer, Francis mostly sells potions he brews. He usually has countless potions ready to be sold, and will take commissions as well if he doesn’t have it already. He is really passionate about potions, and is often willing to brew any potion people want.
He does not really go anywhere near that war people are talking about. Not actually from this country, he doesn’t believe it truly concerns him. However, if it puts his friends in danger, he will do as much as he can to help them, as long as it doesn’t put him or Apolline in danger.
The hardest part about running away was leaving his sister behind. He knew he couldn’t leave her with their parents, and was aware of a distant relative who’d been removed from the family tree for being a ‘blood traitor’. Despite not personally knowing him or his sister, that relative decided to come pick her up, and keep her safe. He still hopes to meet her again one day.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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Dev Patel in Lion (2016) dir. Garth Davis
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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Chiranjay, or as he prefers, Jay, was born in India, the oldest of 4, only having sisters. Out of this parents and sisters, he was the only one showing magical abilities.
When he was 8, his parents moved to England, where they opened up a shop selling various good(mostly food) imported from India. Despite having no interest in owning the shop once he grew up, Jay would still spend time in the shop, helping his parents as much as he could despite being a kid.
They were all in the living room, playing board games, when they received a peculiar visit. Once they finally accepted what the stranger was telling them about magic and a wizarding school, it took his parents quite a lot before finally accepting to let him enroll there. Of course, they made him promise to visit and write as much as possible, and to never get into troubles.
Jay was then taken to go shop his school supplies, before embarking on the train for Hogwarts. Which, once he got there, discovered magic was even more fabulous than what he’d read in books. The hat sorted him into Gryffindor, and upon hearing what that house usually was like, he knew his parents would not approve. But the hat decided, there was nothing he could do about it.
Still, his years went by quite alright. Of course, there was a bunch of other students discriminating him due to his blood status, but he made friends in his house, and other houses, who stood by his side.
During his years, Jay discovered a keen interest for magical creatures, and found himself seeking more and more knowledge about all of them. One particularly fascinated him, the dragons. So once he graduated, not only did he decide to study magical creatures, he decided to specialize in dragons.
Hearing the rumors about a war, and what it was for, Jay knew he could not just stand to the side. He had to help. It was sometime during the time he was 21 that he fully joined the Order of the Phoenix, knowing the more numbers they had, the stronger they would be. Of course, none of that, or his job, he ever mentioned to his parents.
It was sometime after joining the Order that Chiranjay met a girl, and while it might not have been love at first sight, it did end up developing into something more. Now, despite the brewing war, they’ve decided they should at least try to have good times as much as possible, which is mostly how they ended up getting married a few months ago. And also because he loved her too much to just remain in the dating state of a relationship.
Sometimes, he wonders how different his life would’ve been if his sisters were witches as well. But he’s almost glad they’re not, since he would never want them to go through what he had to, or to even get tangled in a war.
He still often goes to his parents’ place, and always finds a new way to avoid talking about his job or anything regarding the Wizarding World. Obviously, they know this isn’t good news, but they’re not pushing it.
I headcanon that after the war, after seeing all the ravages it caused, Jay stopped being as careless or prone to join battles and fights as he used to. Which is also why, when Voldemort resurfaced years later, he thought about pulling his daughters out of Hogwarts, wanting them as far as possible form any war.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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Colleen was born the second and youngest daughter of the pureblood Prince family, younger than Eileen by 10 years. Since they had no other siblings, it was only the girls, and they were rather close despite the age difference.
However, their parents were not that happy in marriage. While kids, the girls would often hear them scream at each other late during evenings. And as they grew up, they could sense the tension between their parents. Eileen was the one to find a way for Colleen to endure those times, giving her her very first book. That was when her love for books started.
Although with their 10 years age gap, Eileen left the familial house as soon as she graduated to get married with a muggle. She later gave birth to a son, Severus, when Colleen was 10. Even though still young, Colleen knew she would grow to love her nephew.
After that, every time her parents would scream, she’d pick up a book and read, getting lost in that world. When it came the time for her to join Hogwarts in the Ravenclaw house, Colleen found a place for herself, where she could discuss with like minded students. At that point, she didn’t read to escape the real world, she read because she enjoyed reading and discovering new worlds.
As a student, Colleen excelled in almost everything, although she wasn’t so good with magical creatures and herbology. But when it came to spells and charms, and even ancient runes, she was one of the best of her year. Another distinction she received during her Hogwarts years was being named a prefect, and later on Head Girl, a job she took very seriously.
After graduating, since she never lost her love for books, and it in fact grew, Colleen decided to become a librarian. Severus was 8 by then, and as expected, she did grow to love the child, often giving him books she thought he would enjoy.
There was, however, an issue at the first library she was employed. They possessed an old, particularly rare book about the Dark Arts. There was an attack at the library, a group of radicals, and they destroyed everything, trying to find the damn book. Colleen knew it was this book, so before they got to her, she grabbed the object and apparated far away. It was then that she decided to change her name to Irma Pince, knowing well enough she could’ve been tracked down if she kept using her real name.
Unsure what to do next, Irma showed up on Hogwarts doors with the book, requesting to talk to headmaster DIppet. She explained everything to him, told him how she believed the book would be much safer in the restricted area of the Hogwarts Library. He agreed, but it wasn’t the only thing he added to the library that day, hiring her as the new librarian at Hogwarts. And she has ever since been working at the school, taking serious care in every single books on those shelves.
Due to changing identity, Irma got less and less in contact with her family. She, however, made sure to contact her sister once in a while, to get news about her and her family. The last time they met, it was the summer before Severus started Hogwarts. And that night, Irma made a promise to her sister, that she would keep an eye on her son, and protect him if needed.
She believes books are better friends than people. This is one of the reasons why she’s so mean to students: they don’t understand how she feels towards those book, and don’t take much care when it comes to them.
Irma does, however, appreciate some students. She might not show it, but she actually sees every student as someone she should help and protect if the time came. Only few students have ever been able to break her shell.
Irma Pince is an anagram for I am Prince, which she hopes her nephew picks on with time. When she disappeared, he was still too young to remember her face, particularly considering he hadn’t seen her for over three years. She does not want to actually reveal herself to him, but rather want him to find it for himself.
With Severus disappeared, Irma fears she has failed her sister. She promised to protect him, and what good did it do? This will, of course, make her act out in ways people who were students while she was a librarian might not have seen before.
While she is not joining any side, Irma believes she has an obligation to support the Order of the Phoenix. She will not state it directly, but will gladly offer help to any of its members.
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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Olivia Munn as Sloan Sabbith in The Newsroom 1x07
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ofbrokenwands · 5 years
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“Is this seat taken?” Peter approached the bar stool beside the male, anxiously. The nerves for the evening doubling with each passing second, it had been a while since he’d played a gig and the current crowd hardly looked interested in listening to some mediocre guitarist. “I’d attempt elsewhere, it’s just, everywhere else seems to be packed or less inviting, to say the least.” 
Had he known this place would get so packed so quickly, only to watch a bunch of musicians perform, Rabastan would’ve stayed home. But by the time people started walking in, he already had a glass, and decided he should just endure it. The man’s voice was enough to snap him out of his contemplation of the tiny stones encased on the counter. “I’m not waiting on anyone.” He replied with a small shrug, just a way of letting the other know this seat was free without actually saying it.
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