ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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– ANYA FURROWS HER BROW, she doesn’t really UNDERSTAND caledonia or the way that it worked, only that it was bad and a lot of people got hurt. it still makes her a little nervous. still, she can kind of understand what cecilia is going through, being scared and embarrassed to face your problems head on. it’s not like anya is exactly well-versed in dealing with emotions, she’s just on the other end of the spectrum, where she often feels like she’s too emotional or too sensitive. “ i know it’ll be hard, but…you have to do it, ” anya confirms, if cecilia needed any reassurance about what would be the RIGHT thing to do. “ i know it’s what everyone says, but you’ll feel much better once you’ve talked it out with him, and…i think it’ll say a lot about him as a person if he DOESN’T make you feel embarrassed that you’ve done it. i think…that’ll tell you a lot. ” mainly about whether conor and cecilia would…be good together, but anya doesn’t say that because she knows her sister doesn’t exactly think like that. “ you can’t put it behind you until you’ve put it in front of you first. but i know you can do it, cece…you’re the toughest person that i know. ” 
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        SHE KNEW THAT SHE HAD TO DO IT, but cecilia was glad to hear it come from her sister’s mouth anyway, a confirmation of what she needed to hear. there’s a few weeks left in the semester  ( yikes this is old ) ,   and while it would be awkward to ignore him for the rest of her time on campus, cecilia would do it if she had to. but there’s only so many people she genuinely likes while at gallagher, it would be a shame to deprive her of that during all this. the only question is whether his feelings for her have changed at all instead.    “ yeah, i know, ”   she sighs, slowly nodding in agreement.   “ i just have to rip off the bandaid, i suppose. ”   whether he says anything to make her feel embarrassed or not, cecilia thinks the feeling is inevitable. but anya’s right :   she can’t put the past behind her until she puts it in front of her first. glancing down, she finds her sister’s hand resting on the bed, giving it a light squeeze.   “ thank you, again, ”   she swallows, brown eyes glancing up at anya. it hadn’t been easy to show up at anya’s door, but she’s glad she had done it. caledonia or not, THIS feels like a new start :   her and anya.   “ i’m... really glad to have you. ”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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– ANYA GRIMACES AT CECILIA’S ADMISSION. she’s a little sorry that she brought it up, but not completely, because even though it’s hard…she does think that it’s IMPORTANT that cecilia hears it. and if she’s the first person that cecilia thought to come to at the end of all of this, maybe she should be hearing it from her. “ i, um…he didn’t mention that part. obviously, ” both of them are well-acquainted with how reticent conor can be. “ was that part of your mission ? ” anya asks, wondering if there’s a chance that cecilia had tried to recruit him out of her own choice. to be with him – but maybe that’s the romantic in her. “ cecilia, after everything that happened…he’d just be an idiot if he didn’t give you another chance to explain yourself. ” clearly these people manipulated and took advantage of her sister and her abilities, and anya thinks conor has a right to feel HURT but he’s on the wrong side if he’d completely fault her for all of it. maybe she’s biased, but there’s no part of her that will allow her to see her sister as the villain of this particular story. 
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        EVEN AFTER WATCHING CALEDONIA GO UP IN SMOKE, it still feels wrong to talk about her mission in detail. loyalty isn’t something cecilia gives very often, so once it’s been administered it’s hard to unlearn it. it’s also just embarrassing talking about it, honestly, but she’ll grit her teeth in the name of trying to mend their sisterly relationship.   “ yes, but i recommended him for the position. ”   cecilia doesn’t see it as romantic -- she sees it as trying to drag him down with her.   “ you’re probably right, conor’s... too kind. ”   kinder than she deserves -- kind of like anya, in a way.   “ i just... don’t know how to face him, i suppose. ”   it’s a mixture of guilt and shame, two siblings battling for dominance in her head every time she thinks about him. yes, conor will probably forgive her, if not right away, then eventually. but she also knows his view of her will forever be tarnished, much like everyone at gallagher unable to see past the things she’s done. she’s already not returning next year to escape that identity ;   the last thing she wants is to have to run from it with him, too.   “ it’s all so embarrassing, ”   cecilia sniffs. feelings.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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– “OKAY, WELL, I’VE GOT SOME TIME BEFORE I GET TO SAL’S AGE,” she laughs, and i figure sal is close to thirty so this is true. she’s a bit surprised to get such an up front thank you from her sister, expecting to be contradicted, but it’s nice. still, anya notices things about her sister – not that she knows her better than anyone else, but some casiraghi traits are universal. she knows that her sister doesn’t want to show how she feels. “ i think that’s a good idea, i mean…it will be hard, but i’m sure he’ll want to talk to you about everything. i spoke to him after he came back from the sublevels and he – well, he seemed really upset, ” anya admits with candor, knowing her sister doesn’t want a sugarcoated answer from her right now, it won’t help anyone. “ but i haven’t spoken to him since. he cares about you a lot. ” 
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        ANYA’S RIGHT :  cecilia doesn’t want a sugarcoated answer from her. that doesn’t make what she’s saying any easier to hear, even if she did anticipate it.   “ i’m not surprised, ”   her lips purse, and the last thing she wants right now is to think about her conversation with conor in the sublevels,   “ we didn’t end the conversation on a high note. ”   she doubts anya will find that very surprising. the idea of conor caring about her enough for anya to notice makes her still for a second -- and again, it’s not something cecilia wasn’t already aware of. but it just makes her feel BAD after everything, when realistically there shouldn’t be anything bad about him caring for her.   “ i tried to recruit him, ”   she tells her, voice quiet.   “ for... caledonia. ”   that should explain enough.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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         “ A MEDIATOR ? ”   she makes, the term used in a slightly mocking term. cecilia didn’t even know that was a job, but it sounds awfully cheesy, somehow right up his alley.   “ that makes it sound like you’re a professional older brother. ”   sal wasn’t a very good mediator, from what she remembered, but nico’s at least tried this past year with her and anya. it’s not his fault he wasn’t very good at it.   “ alright, rude, ”   cecilia gives him a look, trying to hide the way the corners of her lips twitch upwards.   “ don’t worry, i won’t start renting it out on airbnb. ”   she could though, technically, and it’d definitely make her some easy money. who wouldn’t want to stay in an italian villa ?   it’s nice that he tells her not to worry, and not to thank him, but parker’s mad if he thinks she’ll just be able to roll over and accept this gift without knowing the repercussions behind it. when cecilia had joined caledonia, they had offered her a chance for whatever she wanted as a sort of  ‘ signing bonus. ’  perhaps she should’ve known that any job offer that came with a wish straight out from a genie’s lamp would be too good to be true, but cecilia wouldn’t make that mistake again. she trusts parker – something that’s not easy to admit – but this isn’t a good deed she’ll be able to forget. you’ve taught me more than i can explain. cecilia gives a small snort, unable to help herself.   “ what’s that, not to trust so easily ? ”   she asks, because she can’t resist.  the last thing she wants is to take MORE handouts from parker, but she knows he’s sincere in his offer. and, well, she won’t forget it.   “ you too. if there’s anything i can do… ”   her voice trails off, because cecilia knows she doesn’t really have anything to offer him right now, as embarrassing as it is. at leas the youngest casiraghi has always known how to be resourceful.
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“Yup, it was what I was born to do,” Parker laughed. If only it wasn’t true. “Basically. Businesspeople are probably more of a headache than my sisters will ever be.” How did you tell a 50 something year old man they couldn’t do something because it was illegal? He didn’t mind being in the middle though, it gave him time to think of scenarios. To work out the problems in the world and find some sort of meaning in it. Because what else was purpose in this world but trying to make it a little better? “Good… and if you do, well, make sure you’re getting a competitive rate.” He’d have to keep one hand in the fire, his name technically on the lease. Sell it when she was done with it. But hovering over her wasn’t in the plan. A gift with a catch… No, a gift with an eventual conclusion. When that conclusion came, he didn’t know, but selfishly he hoped it wasn’t for a while. It gave them an excuse to keep talking. An excuse to stay in each other’s lives. Something he wanted, and he didn’t /want/ things very often. “That was a big one,” he laughed. No, she taught him to let go of the control. For a little bit. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so jovial in such a short time (the alcohol aside). “Don’t worry about it…” Because he didn’t have an answer. “Just promise me you’ll answer me if I call, yeah? Don’t ghost me.” They’d figure out the rest from there. Kissing the top of her head, he stepped back, “See you next month, alright?”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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     her joke makes him smile even wider, but there is still a feeling of sadness that washes over him. he knows that he’ll be able to see her during the summer, however short it may be, but that still doesn’t mean he’s already going to miss seeing her around the halls next year. conor lets out a laugh at that, and he knows that he’d probably never hear the end of it from his family if he chose to see someone else that wasn’t them within the first month of the break. “a few weeks sounds perfect,” conor nods his head, and even though he doesn’t exactly know where they’ll be or what they’ll be doing, he doesn’t care as long as he gets to see her again. his face falls for a moment at her question before shaking his head. “no, i didn’t.” a small part of him probably not wanting it to say it aloud when he first found out about everything. “figured it’s not my business to tell.”
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        IT’S ONLY A VERBAL CONFIRMATION, but it’s a start. cecilia’s always been good at getting what she wants, so she’s not afraid to bully conor into buying a plane ticket to visit her in a few weeks, if it has to come to that.   “ perfect. ”   it’s sad that RELIEF is the first thing she feels when he says his family doesn’t know about her, because she doesn’t like that he has to keep things from them. but after everything that happened with conor’s dad, it’s hard to believe they’d be as forgiving towards her as he is. cecilia only nods slightly, lips pressing together, before she takes his hand.   “ alright, ”   she sighs, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.   “ now that you officially know all my secrets, i suppose let’s go back inside. ”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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It was too late for him to say that he was waiting for verbal confirmation, because clearly he’d crossed that line more than once. He knew Cecilia to be outspoken, it was what he liked about her. One of many things, and the signals weren’t exactly telling him to back off. “Well-” Not a lawyer like a court lawyer. “Policy maker sounds a lot less exciting.” And a lot less lucrative. “Just call me a mediator.” It’s what he was born to do. Keep the peace. It was a position he’d found himself in again and again, even with her, and he accepted it as his fate now. “Wasn’t aware you had enough Italian friends to throw a party.” Tossed back in sarcasm. “Thanks, all I need is a heads up. Not policing who you choose to stay with you. It’ll be your place.” For the time being. How long that time was, he didn’t know. “Don’t worry about it.” Holding a debt over her head wasn’t what he wanted for them. Peace. Friendship. Some sense of conclusion, and some way to keep the door open all at the same time. “Don’t thank me.” Another don’t, because he didn’t want her to feel the need to. It was his decision, and something in his heart said it was the right move. It was about time he started listening to that thing more than his head. Eyes softened, not too sure that he had the right words, but an attempt to find them anyway. “I could say the same to you. You’ve taught me more than I can explain.” About forgiveness, patience (even if she drove him up a wall sometimes), and how to successfully start over. “Whatever happens, say the word and I’ll do what I can. Alright? Don’t forget it.”
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         “ A MEDIATOR ? ”   she makes, the term used in a slightly mocking term. cecilia didn’t even know that was a job, but it sounds awfully cheesy, somehow right up his alley.   “ that makes it sound like you’re a professional older brother. ”   sal wasn’t a very good mediator, from what she remembered, but nico’s at least tried this past year with her and anya. it’s not his fault he wasn’t very good at it.   “ alright, rude, ”   cecilia gives him a look, trying to hide the way the corners of her lips twitch upwards.   “ don’t worry, i won’t start renting it out on airbnb. ”   she could though, technically, and it’d definitely make her some easy money. who wouldn’t want to stay in an italian villa ?   it’s nice that he tells her not to worry, and not to thank him, but parker’s mad if he thinks she’ll just be able to roll over and accept this gift without knowing the repercussions behind it. when cecilia had joined caledonia, they had offered her a chance for whatever she wanted as a sort of  ‘ signing bonus. ’  perhaps she should’ve known that any job offer that came with a wish straight out from a genie’s lamp would be too good to be true, but cecilia wouldn’t make that mistake again. she trusts parker -- something that’s not easy to admit -- but this isn’t a good deed she’ll be able to forget. you’ve taught me more than i can explain. cecilia gives a small snort, unable to help herself.   “ what’s that, not to trust so easily ? ”   she asks, because she can’t resist.  the last thing she wants is to take MORE handouts from parker, but she knows he’s sincere in his offer. and, well, she won’t forget it.   “ you too. if there’s anything i can do... ”   her voice trails off, because cecilia knows she doesn’t really have anything to offer him right now, as embarrassing as it is. at leas the youngest casiraghi has always known how to be resourceful.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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– “YES, I SUPPOSE I’M NOT TOO OLD YET,” SHE AGREES WITH A FAINT SMILE. there are so many things that anya hopes for, and there is no way that the world has managed to push her down that has gotten her to stop hoping : so, she doubts that the dreaming will quit any time soon. “ true, though i’m sure you’ll figure it out. you shouldn’t give up on it – if you love it, ” anya adds, though she knows her sister doesn’t need her to tell her this. it’s better than saying something like ‘you were always so good at it’ which cecilia already knows to be true, and anya thinks that matters less than loving it. “ do you think you’ll speak to conor ? ” anya dares to ask, but after giving him a piece of her mind and hearing how he felt about seeing cecilia in the sublevels, she’s invested. 
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        IT TAKES A FEW SECONDS FOR CECILIA TO REMEMBER how old anya actually is, having to do the math in her head. when was the last time she had celebrated her sister’s birthday ?   they won’t even get to this year, since anya will be back in gallagher by then.   “ you’re definitely not. if you were sal’s age, on the other hand... ”   she rolls her neck a bit, flashing her sister a playful smile.   “ thank you, anya. ”   a few months ago cecilia would’ve poked holes in her sister’s kindness, pointing out that she was probably just saying that to appease her. today she’ll take it at face value, because she doesn’t have much else to her name right now. the mention of conor has her glancing away from a moment, to try to mask the small frown on her lips.   “ eventually, yes, ”   she sighs, because that’s not a conversation she’s looking forward to.   “ i’m not really sure what i’ll say to him, but i’m sure i’ll figure it out. ”   brown eyes flicker back to anya curiously.   “ has he said anything about me ? ”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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“I wasn’t aware that showing up with someone put that off limits.” Yeah, clearly, Parker. You should be talking, “Uh, you’re not together right?” Because then he’d feel bad about it and have to figure out a way to back track. “Have I thought about it? Yes. It’s a slow moving world though. Negotiation is more my speed, changing how we use and interpret laws.” Less messy, still impactful. “Most of my life I haven’t had to, so yes. You sound surprised.” Having a path to follow, boxes to check, he’d always been working closer and closer to it. Watching her lips curve in a smile, his own grew as well. “That’s fine.” He wasn’t changing his mind. “Yeah, you can invite whomever, just let me know who to expect when I show up, yeah? And don’t destroy the place.” 
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        CECILIA GIVES HIM A LOOK, because she doesn’t believe that for a second. parker is nothing if not chivalrous.   “ no, we’re not. ”   it seems a little silly of him to ask now, after she’s let him kiss her multiple times in a single conversation. cecilia doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. his words are lost on her, eyebrows pushing together as she tries to understand it.   “ so, a lawyer, ”   she decides. is she wrong ?   “ it’s not often rich boys have a work ethic, ”   the brunette teases, smirking up at him. it’s an attractive quality, honestly, a hard worker.   “ you mean i can’t throw a party for all my italian friends ? ”   her words are heavy in sarcasm, because cecilia knows she’ll be returning to a country where she has no friends, and it’s not a pleasant thought. but she’s always been good at making friends.   “ if there’s anyone to expect, it’d just be anya. but i’ll let you know. ”   a pause, and her face sobers up a little.  “ i’ll never be able to repay you, you know, ”   she tells him, and cecilia isn’t just talking about money.   “ so... thank you. i’m really glad i’ve met you, parker. and not because of this. ”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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– ANYA’S EYES WIDEN SLIGHTLY. she’s dreamed of other places, more so this year than anytime else ; her conversations with stella have been full of them, what it might like to live in a flat in paris, go to the ballets and walk along the seine in the mornings. but she’s never really put the idea of dreams and reality together. “ i don’t know, i guess…it depends how i feel, in the future. but i’d like to experience more of the world, if i can, ” she smiles softly. “ but one thing at a time. ” she’s still essentially homeless ! anya has never felt DISAPPOINTED in cecilia, only sad and concerned. there was always more jealousy than disapproval in her about her sister’s escape. “ that sounds more like his problem than yours, ” she says, “ but i understand. do you think you’ll go back to it ? your art. ” 
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         “ I WOULD TOO, ”   she smiles slightly at anya’s words, as she speaks about wanting to experience the world. it’s funny how cecilia had thought that running away would make her become more worldly, able to travel more and have new experiences that her family couldn’t have offered her. in reality, cecilia had spent nearly all her time in england -- first london, then oxford. going to america for caledonia had been her big international adventure, and look how that turned out.   “ but i’m sure you will, if you want to. there’s always a way. ”   if anya had money, she’d be able to travel ;   it’s hard for cecilia to ignore that little fact.   “ oh, i don’t know. i’d like to, but... there’s so much to figure out right now, that hardly seems important. ”   it’s not without some sadness for her to say that too, because there had once been a time where her art had been the most important thing to her. cecilia misses those days.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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Quickly, almost imperceptibly, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Nothing lingering, but it felt right. It was how he wanted to let her know he heard her and they were back to where they needed to be. “Bending them, truthfully. A lot of laws are antiquated, they need to be updated for today.” That was what he wanted to do eventually, find the laws here and with other countries to make sure everyone got along. Being out in a court and throwing out every random obscure law to try and win a case? Not his deal. Especially if it meant lying to yourself to get a win. “We’ll see how long I last before I have to keep myself busy, eh?” Probably picking up more fights on the weekends. “It’s a lot of tourists, for sure, it also has a lot of festivals and outdoor things going on.” Not a club scene, but a scene he liked nevertheless.” Moving one hand from her back to trace the side of her face, he smiled, “Beginning of June it is. Are you going to tell your siblings?”
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        HIS KISS MAKES HER LAUGH, peering up at him almost curiously.   “ you’re going to make my date jealous, ”   she warns him, although she really does hope conor wasn’t around to see that.   “ have you ever thought about being the person that changes laws ?   i could see you working in politics. ”   he has the face for it, at least, plus parker’s pretty charming when he wants to be.   “ are you the type that can’t stand still ? ”   cecilia could see that ;   as long as she’s somewhere comfortable, she can’t relate.   “ that sounds like fun. ”   she’s listening to what he’s saying, but also thinking of home, how lovely italy used to be in the summer. a smile grows on her lips when cecilia realizes she’ll be there in just a few days.   “ about your offer ?   i’ll probably have to, i’m sure they’ll want to know why i’m living in a house, ”   she laughs.   “ i’d like to ask anya to stay with me as well, since she’s only around for the summer. it’s the least i could do. ”   she’d invite nico too, but he’d be way too up in her business.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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     conor looks at cecilia, wondering where exactly her mind is after he tells her his thoughts about it. he wants to ask her, but she’s already been through so much and doesn’t want to push her. so instead, when she leans into him, his arms wrap around her instantly. he finds himself feeling a little more at peace whenever they’re close like this. he sighs at her statement, and suddenly the reality of them having to leave and cecilia not coming back hits him. conor considers not making a big deal about it, but he knows he’ll miss her just as much, if not more. “i’m going to miss you too,” he says softly, his expression somewhat sad as she pulls away and he looks down at her. conor nods his head, not even giving it a second thought. “of course, i will.” conor offers her a small smile, hand going up to tuck a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “just let me know when, and i’ll come see you.”
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        “ SORRY, I SHOULDN’T GET MUSHY, ”   she jokes with a small smile when she’s met with his warm blue eyes, because cecilia can see her own sadness reflected back at her through him. arms staying tucked around him, she huffs dramatically, trying to lighten the mood.   “ is tomorrow too soon ? ”   she asks, before her lips break out into a wider smile.   “ i’m kidding. i’m sure your mum and sinead are excited to see you, and i have to figure out where i’m bloody staying for the summer. ”   by now parker’s already offered to buy her a house, but she’ll choose to leave that little fact out.   “ but maybe in a few weeks ?   before july. ”   she doesn’t want to go too long without seeing him, if it’s possible. cecilia wishes she had the money to travel right now, because she’d love to have their greek vacation, or even get to see his family.   “ did you tell your family about me ? ”   the thought only just occurs to her that people beyond gallagher’s walls might know what she’s done.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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nico can’t help the pompous laugh that rolls off his lips. it’s always more enjoyable when she’s catty towards others than him. “ well, you’ve just made so many friends here, cecilia, ” he starts, and he’ll blame the alcohol for the teasing lilt to his tone, “ you can’t possibly blame them for wanting to engage in conversation which serves the sole purpose of satisfying their superficial curiosity only to make comments that are entirely obvious. ” what an unnecessarily long sentence. “ yes, please. who knew free alcohol would go down this easily. ”
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        “ THEY’RE NOT MY FRIENDS, ”   she tells him, knowing it’s meant to be a drag. despite the roll of her eyes, cecilia doesn’t really take offense to it -- to her it just shows that she was a good spy.  ( double agent, but she doesn’t like to use that term. )   “ honestly. i could tell them i was jumping off the london bridge and they’d just tell me cool. ”   the last word was said in a stupid american accent.   “ let’s do shots ! ”   cecilia’s already motioning to the bartender to bring them two. 
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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Paused for a moment, unsure if the joke landed until he saw the smile. “I have to make sure we’re on the same terms, Cecilia.” Smiled again, the edges of his eyes soft, happy. The banter was where it was supposed to be, and his whole body language shifted over the course of the night to a simple ease that only existed in these shared moments between the two of them. “Yes, there’s a difference between knowing the laws and bending them.” Lying wasn’t really a great look on him, it’d catch up eventually. Finding loopholes now and again… he’d keep that in his back pocket. “For once, I’m not going to work over the summer.” A taste of freedom he’d never had. No path laid out for him. Just being. “Other than that, I’m not so sure. Yeah, I’m planning on going back to my apartment for most of it.” Cori would be visiting for a bit, she didn’t need to know that. Hand easily found the small of her back, the other softly resting by her shoulders. “So just say the word and I’ll be able to head over to Venice.”
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       SHE SMILES BACK AT HIM, because for the first time all year, cecilia thinks they’re finally on the same terms. it’s a nice feeling, even if it won’t be lasting for very long, when they’re back in two different countries.   “ and which do you like better ?   knowing the laws, or bending them ? ”   she tilts her head a bit. law isn’t something she knows very much about, nor being a lawyer, so she’s not sure which of them would actually make him a lawyer. cecilia always figured lawyers did both.   “ good for you, you deserve a real vacation. is washington dc a lot of fun in the summer ? ”   it was a fun city to visit, but cecilia can’t imagine it gets too wild. it’s certainly no london. his offer make her smile, chin tilting a little to look up at him better.   “ how about in the beginning of june ?   i don’t think i can handle non-stop sibling time for very long. ”   she’ll want the house and the company of someone not casiraghi related.
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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“yes,” nate says in a dumbfounded voice, like he’s amazed she thinks he’d ever be anything but a pain in her ass. it’s balanced, because she’s just as annoying. “it’s okay, i know the truth.” which is that she doesn’t snore but he’ll insist she does anyway. “no clue. apparently we’re going to turkey for a wedding. what are your grand plans now that your double agent life is up?”
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        HE SAYS IT SO RIDICULOUSLY,  she almost wants to laugh. thankfully cecilia can control herself, so the corner of her mouth only twitches for a moment.   “ you know, if i wasn’t going home to my two brothers, i’d almost miss you. ”   he certainly annoys her in ways only a brother would. then again, nate is more annoying than nico.   “ glad you know what you’re doing with your summer, ”   she rolls her eyes. men are useless.   “ i’m going back to italy, with my siblings. going to lie low for awhile. i haven’t been there in four years. ”   and it’s definitely going to be an adjustment coming back to it. 
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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     he’s a little embarrassed, knowing that he should probably work on that— apologizing when he doesn’t have anything else to say. normally he’s somewhat okay with helping people when they’re going through something, but when it comes to cecilia, he’s fully aware that his brain short circuits more than usual. conor shakes his head when she starts apologizing, “no, you don’t need to apologize either. i’m glad that you told me.” he offers a small smile, meaning that he’s glad she feels like she could trust him with something like this. his gaze meets hers, wondering if she’s just waiting for him to react in a negative way. “i don’t think i can blame you for doing it,” he says bluntly. and it’s not like he’s blinded for his feelings for cecilia to not understand why she feels guilty about this, probably feeling like a horrible person. but conor just thinks her parents were worse.
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           IT WASN’T A SMALL THING TO TELL CONOR THE TRUTH ABOUT HER PARENTS, because while she hadn’t done anything completely incriminating while working for caledonia  ( no burn book, no leaked tapes ) ,   THIS is something that can paint her as a villain. she didn’t have reason to screw her parents over other than seventeen years worth of hostility, and the desire to get the last laugh -- and she hadn’t just screwed them over, but her three older siblings as well. so for conor to smile at her as if it means nothing is more validating than cecilia cares to admit, especially when he tells her that he can’t BLAME her for doing for it. she had only blamed herself in the most recent weeks, feeling guilty because of nico and anya, so for conor to put those fears to rest means more than he could ever probably understand. she’s not sure what to really say either, so instead she wraps her arms around him and presses herself against him, resting her chin against his shoulder. words of how much she cares about him -- how much she loves him -- are on the tip of her tongue, but they’re not words that come out easily for her, so instead they die there.   “ i’m going to miss you so much, ”   she whispers instead, eyes squeezing tight until she pulls away a little to look up at him.   “ you’ll come visit, won’t you ? ”
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ofcecilia ¡ 3 years
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Just call him Raven. Parker didn’t know what to do to help Cecilia anymore except to be there and try to be honest, in hopes she’d follow suit and do the same. Telling her that he thought she had talent for art was nothing but true. “Keeping that in mind,” he chuckled. Why should he have thought any different? Seeing the clever expression, he had to grin (just barely) himself. They were moving back towards normal. Hopefully the sublevels were forever beneath and behind them. “Really? You know this isn’t legally binding.” Said lightly, between stifled laughs as he linked his finger with hers in a small shake. “My summer plans are pretty open, so I’ll let you know when sounds like the right time. Okay?” Following the path of her gaze, he nodded, “Gladly.” Hand reached out to hers as an offer.
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        “ I KNOW A PINKY PROMISE ISN’T LEGALLY BINDING, PARKER, ”   she gives him a look, but there’s a curve to her smile that's affectionate, because it’s such a parker thing for him to say, and she’s going to miss it. it hits cecilia in small waves, the idea of missing people -- not nearly enough of them to get too emotional about it, but once in awhile the feeling crashes into her. at least now she has a reason to see him again  ( a pretty giant reason ) .   “ are you sure you don’t want to be a lawyer ? ”   cecilia teases, taking his hand in hers and tugging him over to the dance floor.   “ what are your plans this summer ?   will you be in dc the entire time ? ”   she asks when they find a spot nestled around others, bringing her arms up to wrap loosely around his neck. 
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