Positive parts of 2016
- the rise of old friends senior dog sanctuary - Hamilton - pokemon go - female ghostbusters - i don’t give a fuck im outta here Obama - captain america civil war - girl, black guy and latino guy leads in new star wars - deadpool - lemonade - literally???! Nothing??? Else????
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Book of the week: No Matter the Wreckage by Sarah Kay
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Ease your soul here
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Book of the week: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
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Untitled: Chapter 1
Welcome! This is an in-progress tumblr fic I’m starting. 500 words per chapter, updated once or twice a week. let’s get back to my roots, less arguing, more writing.
Demon!Kylo x Finn
Summary: Horror, Modern AU. Finn has somehow captured the attention of a demon named Kylo Ren, and it turns out courting rituals from hell are horrifying.
Rated T for language and mild gore-y references
Chapter 2
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Yoda to Anakin in the afterlife
Yoda: A douchebag, your grandson is. Stop shopping from goth stores, he needs to. Smack his ass, Leia must.
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The Official Treatise for FinnLo
or “THE REYLO SHIPPER WRITES AN ESSAY ABOUT WHY REYLO WONT BE CANON”  Listen, @ms-qualia is a terrible enabler (*cough*HERETIC*cough*), and I am a weakling for ships.
Starting from the premise of her meta about Jung and TFA, each character must either:  Identify: recognize sameness (example: rey joins kylo/the dark side) Reject: recognize dissimilarity, distance oneself (example: finn kills phasma) Individuate: neither (example: rey decides to reject her force powers OR kylo goes off & forms the grey order or something) Ms-qualia’s theory is that Kylo will identify, Finn will reject, and Rey will individuate. She speculates that “VIII will end with a kiss or (something like it) to set up the Anima / Animus conflict of IX.  The kiss won’t be between people on the same side.”
Obviously Reylo, right? WRONG.  We’re all assuming that Rey and Finn will end up on the same side (The Resistance)—but if ms-q is right (and she ALWAYS is, people), then Rey’s individuation has gotta be pretty stark. What if she just decides to walk off away from both sides and do her own thing?? (grey jedi, grey jedi, grey jedi)
Finn’s conflict with Phasma represented a pretty promising rejection, already. He’s broken with the FO, and he’s broken hard. This likely means that Finn will end up being SUPER polarized—”dogmatically light,” in ms-q’s words. He’ll be unequivocally LIGHT SIDE.
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(look at this: Finn and Kylo are presented in Blue and Red (opposites) before Rey and Kylo ever are) Kylo may well end up identifying/staying with the FO (i’m not even gonna say it, guys the ash thing). He’ll personify the DARK SIDE. Rey individuates/stays neutral, which they both would resent her for it (Kylo freaks out pretty hard about her refusing to let him teach her) (Finn wants to keep her safe which means on whichever side he’s on). 
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(looook she’s used a gun on him before she ever even picks up the lightsaber as a weapon—foreshadowing neutrality? hmmmm) So, work with me here—what if the kiss between people on opposite sides….is between Kylo Ren and Finn??
But people—it gets better. 
1) when Finn freaks out about shooting the villagers, Kylo looks his way and then says nothing. This could imply that Kylo understands what is going on and made a conscious effort to acknowledge and NOT report him. (cue the fanart of the intensely emotional scene before this where the two are cuddling as Finn confesses that he doesn’t think he can kill anybody and Kylo helps him hug it out)
2) when Hux then tells him Poe had help getting away, Kylo REMEMBERS his name before Hux has time to tell him. This could be because they KNOW EACH OTHER VERY WELL. Like “were secretly dating” very well
3) Finn goes really far out of his way to deny any connection with the FO sort of like a recently single person goes out of their way to reject anything to do with their ex. This is maybe a combination of his inability to stand with the FO and his intense pain over his recent breakup with Mr. Whiny Butt (Kai Lauren)
4) Like, he yelled “TRAITOR” super super loud. And a little too emotionally for an impersonal relationship. I understand that most people think that is because of some sort of mis-identification but WHAT IF it was because Finn betrayed Kylo AND ran away with a resistance pilot? AND THEN when that pilot supposedly died, he shacked up with a nobody from nowhere?? I’d be insulted if my boyfriend left me and immediately started getting friendly with two people completely opposite of me (especially if he didn’t think Finn was into girls, too).
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(pictured here: such betrayal)
5) Kylo could have killed Finn. Dude’s a force-sensitive. He knows how to kill people. Now, it could have been impatience: gotta get to Rey, the REAL prize. OR it could be because he can’t bring himself to actually dispatch his loveeeeee and is impatient to punish Rey for stealing his bae. But Rey was all “WAHTEVER KYLE HE’S TOO GOOD FOR YOU” and beats his lovesick butt into the snow SO HARD SHE SPLITS THE PLANET IN TWO
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(really tho, I think it’s entirely plausible to say that she only took up the lightsaber to defend finn’s honor)
So here’s what I think happened: Finn and Kylo, however it happened, ended up in a secret relationship. Finn feels conflicted about the overall mission of the FO, but Kylo begs him to stay. Finn finally decides he’s got to get out before they make him kill stuff, even though Kylo said he’d just turn away and let him get away (phasma’s gonna get him). He escapes with Poe, who (he thinks) dies, finds Rey (who is basically Kylo but not on the FO side), and blah blah we’ve all seen the movie. Kylo spends the whole time searching for him.  I like this theory because it a) features Finn as the Intergalactic Heartthrob, and b) Kylo as the Whiny Turd we all know and love, and c) REY AS AN UNAPOLOGETIC BAD-A
The more I sit here writing this the longer it gets, so I’ll call it quits before I exhaust ALL avenues of argument for this dumb ship.
But basically what I’m saying here is that the Finn x Kylo Ren tag has 9 posts in it, and we need more. 
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Book of the week: Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho
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Book of the week: Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho
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(Almost) all the characters of The Walking Dead. S1-S6.  29th february 2016. More characters to be discovered this season. 
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Aww they're such precious angels ❤️
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Wonho’s heartfelt messages to his MONSTA X members (watch)
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If you have loved, you have lost. Don’t feel too bad about it — sometimes things just don’t work out, people change, or maybe you weren’t right for each other in the first place. It’s what happens after a relationship has ended that matters. Move on, let go, and make the best of things.
How Do I Unlove You and Unwrite The Past (via thelovewhisperer)
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minhyukki & appa ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡
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This man was born to perform! He’s always slaying us with his powerful moves and sweet as honey vocals. ♡
(I might also have died during his close-ups. He’s turning into quite a bias ruiner)
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Jooheon’s aegyo ~ Hani loved it ~ Jackson…not so much
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Jooheon, scary? Pffttt…. He’s the biggest, fluffiest, cinnamon roll out there. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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