ofdollz Β· 1 year
i lied again, i am moving to a more private blog as well as a single muse! i just don't have the spoons to follow a bunch of people and try to maintain all these threads so i'll follow a few people from here and if you're interested in interacting lmk, if not feel free to unfollow cause this account is dead <3
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
she gives him a confused look, curious blue eyes searching his own for a moment. he says it has to be a really important rule, but she's pretty sure it's one of the most important rules...was she really worth breaking it? bexley almost feels guilty, knowing maybe she should stop because she's responsible for allowing cal to break his vows, for letting him risk everything. it would be selfish to keep going, only giving into her desires but she can't seem to stop herself from touching him, to pull away from his lap and get on with their journey.
his words make her flush, shivering a little as her hands brush against his skin. ejoying the way he feels under the palm of her hand, smooth skin with just slightly roughness, perfect abs and a pretty frame to fit it all in. "you wouldn't? so what makes me so special kestis..." she purrs softly, her lips pulling into a smile. she knows how committed he is to the jedi order, how important this whole thing is for not only him but everyone involved. he was meant to be a symbol of peace and protection, something of a hero that the world knew they needed. so what makes her worth that risk? to cross that line.
"oh?" she chuckles at his comment about her being a princess, mostly because it wasn't her rules that were so strict. she wasn't exactly forbid from doing certain things especially with parents who barley paid any mind to the girl. "you'd be surprised just how many bad things I can do cal..." she teases, touching his skin slowly as she brushes her fingers against his chest. "just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I'm innocent, that's a myth." there's a soft chuckle leaving her as her hands come back up, against his neck and cupping his pretty face. "even if it wasn't I'd break my rules for you too...I want you cal." she smirks.
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cal's reactions are cute, how she and out of breath he was. she knows it shouldn't but knowing she's the first person he's ever touched makes her feel kind of powerful. wanting to show him how good it feels, wanting him to know she could be worth their risk. "don't be shy to touch me cal...you can squeeze it harder if you want. " she sighs, in pleasure. biting down on her bottom lip. "just take your time." she whispers softly.
she wants to take it further but she knows she has to take care not to overwhelm him too much, she wants him to enjoy this, enjoy her. "I'm going to grind against you...tell me if it's too much." she hums, slowly starting to drag her hips, brushing against his lap as a soft moan slips past her lips.
"i think so," he says softly, flushing. "they'd have to be.. really important rules." and they are, so why isn't that stopping him? he's never felt like this before and it's hard to resist, almost magnetic in the way it draws him forward. she makes him feel ways he's never felt, physically and emotionally.
she calls him perfect and it gives him butterflies, glancing up at her with green eyes that are filled with desire. her fingers trace his abs, light touch against his skin, making him shiver with need. "it's not a waste if you're touching me now, is it?" voice is soft, gentle as if saying it more quietly will somehow lessen the blow of breaking his jedi vows. "i wouldn't break them for just anybody." it's not lust alone that's driving him to this, although maybe it would be enough to just feel lust for bexley. she's impossibly sexy and he can't stop thinking about it as his palm trails up and down her waist.
he's surprised when she says it back, not expecting her to reciprocate like this, saying so quickly that she felt the same. it's unexpected, that he would catch the attention of someone so perfect, making him blush all over as her fingers brush against his skin, touching his abs in a way that makes him weak. "i would," he reaffirms, almost breathless at how good it feels for her to touch him like this. "i know it's probably a bad idea, especially because you're a princess, but... i think i need you." he's not sure he could survive not having her, gaze moving over her again. she's wearing a revealing outfit and it's not like he hasn't noticed before, but it's especially appealing now, making his throat dry at how sexy she looks in it.
she secures his bandage, touch moving away from his abs, and he feels the loss immediately. he doesn't feel it long because then she slides across his lap, taking his hand from her waist and placing it on her breast. "i do," he murmurs, delayed, his heart racing in his chest because he can't believe this is happening.
he's startled, blushing, trying to find words but completely lovestruck at her nearness, pulse far too quick at how she's sitting in his lap. he hesitantly squeezes her breast, thumb brushing against where her nipple would be underneath the thin fabric of her shirt. "fuck... you're really hot." his other hand falls on her bare waist to hold her in his lap, fingers sliding beneath the back of her shirt. "i want you to touch me."
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
how do people be good at urls? who do i have to call for ideas on a single muse bc..
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
his words play back in her mind as does the way his hand moves up, the way his palm brushes against her skin making her feel like she really did have a chance with who she wanted. "you really think so?" she purrs a little. "even if it was against the rules?" It's kind of obvious what she's implying at this point, she wants cal...even if it might be wrong
she should stop hre, they weren't supposed to e doing this...like he said, it's against the rules among the other risks it might bring to not only him but everyone around. she heard stories but that doesn't mean it happens to everyone right? "that's a shame." she says softly, her fingers reaching his middle as they move against his abs. "I just mean...it almost feels like aaste when you're so perfect."
BD makes his exit, another reason why she should refrain from what she was doing but cal didn't seem to want her to stop either, in fact he told her he wanted her, biting down on her lower lip as she looks back at cal, eyes softening. she'd only been with one man before, a former boyfriend and a guy her parents hoped she'd get married to. but things didn't work out, she wasn't even sure she even loved him. it's not like that with cal though, the feeling he gives her is something new and the oh so curious diggory can't resist his soft touch. "I've never wanted anyone the way I want you either..." the confession feels heavy in a way, making the tension seem even thicker. "would you really break your rules for me?"
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she allows his hand to move up further, goosebumps against her skin as he touches her like this. she can hear the sound of her own heart beating so loud and making her feel a little light headed. bee wants him, no matter if it's in a small cave like this or the fact she shouldn't want him at all, the desire is stronger than any thought in her mind saying this was a bad idea. "
bee pulls her hands back though, only for a moment so she can at least apply his bandaging. it also gives her a moment to think about what he said, still feeling hot with his hand touching her.
"do you wanna feel more of it?" she purrs, voice soft as she gently moves down to slide into his lap now, arms wrapping around his shoulders as blue eyes meet green. she takes his hand, moving it from her waist to her chest "you can touch all of me if you want...it can be our little secret." she whispers. "if I can touch you too." her free hand moving up his own body, touching his chest as she keeps his hand on hers.
"i think you have a chance with whoever you want a chance with," he teases softly, hand sliding up her waist a little, caressing soft skin. it makes him shy, especially with her leaning close, fingers moving over his wound and making him wince a little. a faint smile tugs at his lips at her words. "if that's true then it's only because i'm lucky enough to be supported by people like you." he admires her so much, from her kind heart to her humor and beauty.
he doesn't miss the way she looks at him and it makes his desire worse, needing her in an unfamiliar feeling he's never experienced before. her fingers press in and he flinches again from the pain, soft sigh leaving his lips. when he glances up at her again, she's looking at his body, making him warm all over. "no," he says softly, to answer her question. "we're not." and maybe he's starting to understand why, because this feeling is all consuming. he shivers as her fingers trace down his side, lashes fluttering.
he's vaguely aware of BD-1 wandering to the front of the cave and he flushes deeply, wondering if the droid was picking up on what was happening. it's probably for the best, though, because what she says takes his breath away.
"no one's ever touched me," he confirms, shivering a little. it's hard not to imagine her doing it-- slipping her hand lower and moving her soft palm over him, relieving that ache. "i've never wanted anyone like this before..." he says quietly, almost in shame. he knows it's wrong, but she's so soft and beautiful and he can hardly breathe because she's touching him.
he nods, allowing his palm to move against her, caressing the curve of her waist. "i like you... and your body." it makes him shy, how intense this feeling is, wanting her so badly that it almost hurts. he's never been this hard before and he's pretty sure he should be ashamed, considering she was just trying to help him.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
she flirts back with her and it kind of takes her by surprise. bexley knows that it's kind of a rule for the jedi not to catch feelings or romantic attraction, not one she understands but one she tries to respect...mostly.....not really. she just didn't expect cal to return her remark with something almost dirty in a way, at least her mind starts to wonder where maybe it shouldn't.
"really? so you think I have a chance?" she jokes teasingly as if she hasn't just been flirting with the beautiful jedi in front of her. "we're all so lucky to have you cal...i really think you're the one that's going to save us all one day." she smiles gently at him time softer than the one that was teasing just a second ago.
she knows she told him to do hold her but when he actually does she feels herself tense up a little, cheeks turning red as his hand touches bare skin, feeling warm against her waist making her shiver but she tries to ignore it, at least she pretends to but the tension in the space theyshare is only getting heavier.
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she's applying the gel, fingers brushing against his skin when his words cause her eyes to flicker up, widening as they meet his. there's no way to ignore it now, how badly she wants him. they shouldn't be doing this at all let alone in a dark cave with a little droid a few steps away from them but she also can't help herself either, like an urge that takes over with his words. she rubs it in a little deeper, adding some pressure with her fingers so she can get it into his skin, making sure to coat the wound as her gaze flickers to his frame. "so jedi....you guys aren't really supposed to...be with anyone, right? " she mumbles softly as her fingers brush against his skin a little dragging down even lower past his wound aimlessly as she traces the tips of her fingers along his side.
"does that mean you've never been touched before? --- I mean, no girls have ever crossed that line before?" she knows she shouldn't be saying it, trying to be subtle but finding it hard. she can still feel his hand on her waist, eyes flickering towards where his hand meets her skin making her face feel hot all over again. "do you like touching me?"
his face feels warm when she says it, not expecting her to flirt back. "you don't need an excuse to do that," he says softly, gaze meeting hers. his heart is racing, so awestruck by how beautiful she is. "you can touch me whenever you want." his voice is gentle, matching how he feels about her, kind of a contrast to how hot his body feels all over.
he softens as she speaks about greez, smiling a little. "i know. the only one he likes more than me is you." the latero had loved having bee around, significantly less grouchy in her presence. cal can relate, finding everything is lighter and happier with her there.
he notices the way her gaze moves over his body, flushing harder as he swallows. she's so beautiful up close with perfect features; big, pretty eyes and an adorable nose. she tells him he can hold her too, which makes him blush harder than he's ever blushed before.
he reaches out as he's told, hands settling at her hip and waist, one touching the exposed skin of her midriff and his other grabbing hold of the fabric of her pants. he's not sure why he feels like he's on fire, every nerve in his body buzzing with this warmth, a soft sigh leaving his lips as her fingers roll over his skin.
"that feels good," he says softly, forgetting all about the sting of the wound. "please keep touching me." he's never felt anything like this before and it's like he's dying, his heart is beating so fast.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
"you're cute when you're jealous maybe I should flirt with him just to tease you more...olin, is it?" she purrs back, her lips pulled into a smile. she truly didn't care for the other boy, knowing this news would disappoint her parents later once she informs them she doesn't think he was a good match for her. she chuckles softly at cal's words, finding it cute he was still worried for the other boys feelings in a matter that has nothing to do with him. "you're such a good boy cal kestis, always doing what's right...my pretty little jedi." she coos at him kind of tauntingly knowing that he wasn't so innocent anymore, which of course was partly her fault of course but that's the way she likes it.
as much as she hates it most of the time there was something almost hot about their secert, the idea of sneaking around found ways to turn her on sometimes even though she knows it's kind of fucked up especially as his hand rests on her waist when it shouldn't. it would be hard to explain this as anything innocent if someone were to walk in on them and see this.
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"someone like you?" she's unsure what that's even supposed to mean, someone like him would be more than she believes she'd ever deserved. "let's see, a sweet and loyal man who would do anything for the people he loves but even for strangers, smart, sexy... passionate and maybe someone I'm even in love with. you're right, why would I ever want to marry the man of my dreams. my apologies." she says brightly teasing him, looking up at him with an adoring gaze. "bexley kestis just has a nice ring to it is all." her heart flutters, the idea of breaking out of this secret and starting a life together. he could keep traveling but she would join him sometimes, eventually settling down and he could do his jedi training here on agolo, even having kids of their own.
she wants to kiss him so bad that the idea of someone walking in didn't seem to bother her, maybe she even wished someone would. cal towers over her in height until he's leaning down, using her hands on his face to gently tug him in to meet her height as lips push into his own. kissing him slowly and deep, never growing tired of the way he tastes. the way he breathes is sexy, kind of liking the fact he's so weak for her as she against his mouth, pressing into him tighter with guidance from his hand as she deepens the kiss.
bee doesn't want to pull away, selfishly wishing she could kiss him forever but knowing that she also doesn't want to ruin the moment by getting caught, finally pulling back to catch her breath before eyes meet his once more. "I should be getting ready for dinner with olin...." she says, mischief in her eyes. "or would you rather help find a way to get me out of it?"
it's hard not to be nervous as she steps closer to him, feeling those familiar butterflies stir up at her proximity. he wants her more than anything, aching for her because it's been too long.
he smiles a little at her words, growing warmer at her suggestion. "you really want me to be that rude to olin? seems like you like him." he's just teasing her, joking this time despite the jealousy still faintly present. "there are probably easier ways to let him down than make him listen to the things i'm going to do to you later." voice grows quieter as he says it, leaning closer to her, his hands settling at her waist. it's risky, doing this out here, but he can't resist her.
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his eyes widen a little at what she says about marriage, heart racing both because he's touching her and because her words are so sweet and unexpected. "marriage? you'd really marry someone like me?" someone who's traveling a lot and in danger, never a guarantee in any of the ways that matter. "that sounds like.. a dream." he says it because it does-- marrying her sounds like the best thing that could ever happen to him and she's already the most precious part of his life.
she takes his hand briefly and he squeezes hers, their faces so close as he glances down at her lips. "i want you," he murmurs as she cups his face now, palms soft against his cheeks. he knows he shouldn't kiss her-- it's risky for both of them. but she looks so beautiful and she's so close. it couldn't hurt, right?
he closes the small distance, kissing her lips softly, long and lingering as he explores how soft they are. a shaky sigh leaves him and then he kisses her again, eyes fluttering shut as he deepens it, tilting his head. his hands slide up her waist slowly, one pressing into her back to push her closer to him.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
she understands how hard his situation is, for the most part he's doing this on his own, the mission was given to him and it was his duty to go through with it, it's a heavy weight to carry at such a young age but she also can't stand the idea of something happening to cal that's out of her control, what if she didn't have the stims? what if this was one of the times she stayed back on the mantis...he could've died here, she would've lost him. "I'm glad I was here too." she says softly in response rather than trying to make him feel any worse than he probably would.
she follows him to the rock, a soft smirk on her face when he begins to tease her. "maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to touch you." she teases back. In truth she kind of just likes taking care of cal, it makes her feel as feel good, looking out for the pretty red haired boy even if this just to patch him up. the stim would do most of the work for her but she needed to bandage him up to stop any bleeding and further damage, plus can't have him ruin a perfectly good poncho or greez's precious ship. "greez loves you, even if you're a pain in his ass." she purrs. she likes watching the way greez tries to bicker with cal and more often BD, their relationship was sweet like they were all one little family found under less than ideal circumstances. she'd give anything to have something like that.
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she reaches in the bag for the bandages and something to the sting from the lazer, a homemade gel she'd given him made of plants from her planet. bexley moves closer towards the boy with soft red cheeks as eyes wonder a bit too long on his near perfect body. she bends forward a little, inspecting the wound, seeing the way it's at least starting to heal. "you can hold onto me if it starts to hurt." she says softly, opening and applying the gel first. her fingers very gently move against his skin, trying not to hurt him too much as her heart pounds at the idea of touching him. "is this okay?" her voice was soft, a little flustered but trying not to make it too obvious. BD would never let her hear the end of it, the droid able to spot her not so secret crush on his companion from a mile away.
she reminds him to be careful and he knows she's right-- his mission is too important to risk himself like this. he has to protect those force sensitive kids and what if cere and BD-1 didn't find another jedi to guide? "i know... i'm sorry, but i really appreciate your help." he always knew she'd be able to handle herself, but she's even better at it than he expected.
he turns his focus on getting the bandages out, vaguely hearing bexley and BD bickering behind him. he doesn't have time to ask what it was about before she offers to help him, instructing him to sit on the rock. he shrugs, moving to do as she says. "saving my life and putting my bandage on? you're spoiling me," he teases, sitting on the edge of the rock and shifting to face her. "you're right, though. if i ruin one more surface in that ship, i'm going to have to walk to save the galaxy." except he wouldn't actually, because greez really likes him and even cal notices as much.
he tugs the bag towards them so she can reach the supplies, glancing up at her almost shyly. having her hands on his body feels good in a way he's not used to, anticipating it again before she even starts.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
bexley understood why her parents were so desperate to push her towards an arranged marriage, the growing fear of a eventual empire invasion looming over agolo as wars and plant wide massacres grew ramped and alliances were important. but she could take care of herself and her people without the help of marriage and some son of a general. she didn't want to marry for political reasons, especially once she met cal kestis.
she loved him from the moment he stepped off that mantis, large green eyes and boyish smile that was contagious. he was kind and gentle and had the most precious collection of poncho's, just wanting to do what was right, a true jedi from the stories she was told as a young girl, how they were a symbol of peace. cal was her peace, he was her home and if it was up to her he would be the one she chooses to marry but life just wasn't so simple was it?
her lips pull into a gentle smile, soft chuckle leaving them as she shakes her head a little. she's never seen cal jealous before, in fairness they hadn't been together for long but she finds it sweet how protective he is of her and their relationship, almost giving her hope that everything they're going through was worth every bit of suffering in the dark. "is that a promise?" she coos gently, looking up at him as she steps closer into his space. just wanting to touch and hold him, tell the world she was his and he was hers, not even olin could get in the way of that.
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"I want that more than anything cal..." she sighs a bit, almost tempted to go back in that throne room and let everyone hear how much she loves him but she knows it's not possible. "maybe we should just get married instead, then they'd have to stop setting me up with strangers." she muses, wondering what their wedding would look like if they did. she'd want it to be under the large ancient tree, the one that rests in the middle of their small planet...it would be nice, to marry for love.
she feels the smile pull at her lips again, as he proposes they make things official. being his girlfriend and belonging to him makes her giddy inside as blue eyes meet his pretty green ones. "I'll have you." she says softly, hand moving down to take his hand. "I'd love nothing more than to be yours...I've never wanted anything more in my life." she says softly, reaching up to cup his face with nothing but love, noticing the way he glances at her lips. "now are you going to kiss your girlfriend or not?" she knows someone could walk past at any time but in this moment she doesn't care.
he knows she has duties to fulfill and part of being a princess is being paraded around in front of potential spouses, doing her due diligence in front of her family so they don't suspect that she and cal are anything but allies and friends. cal has connections and resources now that could help their planet if the worst were to happen-- it's the main way they pass off their relationship right now. greez landing the mantis on her planet when they need to recuperate and cal bringing bee some plants he's found (although greez didn't much appreciate his terrarium being used as a transportation device for this).
he can't help the jealousy when he watches her interact with this other guy, olin, smiling that beautiful smile and making a show about how they're supposed to have dinner together later. he feels a little guilty as soon as the remark leaves him, knowing it's not something he has any right to comment on. but then she flirts with him and it makes him flush, glancing over at her shyly as they stop walking.
"it's a good thing i'm between trips, then. we wouldn't want olin to miss out on hearing your moans." he says it teasingly, but with a darkened gaze, looking her over like he's undressing her with his eyes.
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he listens to her next words, glancing away almost sadly. "i wish we could tell him. i want to hold you in front of everyone... and i'm tired of having to stop myself when i want to talk about you."
her fingers touch his arm and it makes him shiver a little, meeting her eyes again. "i want to be yours, if you'll have me. i mean, if you'll be my girlfriend." he's almost nervous saying it, realizing they should keep quiet but he's kind of lost in her right now just because she's near and touching him. he glances down at her lips, trying not to think about how soft they'd be to kiss.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
β€œ aren’t we suppose to be a thing ? why are you flirting then ?” @aconitesbane
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It's hard not to smile at the pouting jedi walking along sde her as the exist the palace throne room. her parents invited the son of a general to their planet, who they'd been trying to get her to meet for some time now. they never directly said why but the princess knew her parents were trying to push her towards a political marriage, he had army's and they had resources...it wouldn't be the first time they tried to introduce their daughter to some powerful man, even before cedric died. it's not like they'd force her but it doesn't mean they wouldn't try... unfortunately they didn't know that the boy accompanying her had already kind of claimed his spot in her heart.
their relationship has to be secret, for the better of everyone involved and the rules he promised to and as much as she hated it, not being able to touch and kiss him whenever she pleased, she knew that this was the only way she could be with the red haired boy even if it meant having to be friendly to some stranger she didn't even like all that much. "well, I was going to tell him the story about how I'm secretly with a fugitive jedi and how he likes make me moan his name between trips to save the galaxy but..." she says in a teasing purr. "I think that ruins the whole point of no one knowing about our relationship." blue eyes flicker towards him and he was so obviously jealous that it was kind of adorable but she also doesn't want him to feel bad.
"my parents were trying to set me up with him, I was being friendly but once he leaves here I'm going to tell them that I don't think he's a good match." she stops to turn and look at him. the hall was empty for now and so she reaches out for him, allowing her fingers to trace against his arm. "and by the way...what thing are we exactly?" she says curiously. they refrained from saying the words, making it official but she kind of hates it, she hates not fully being his even if they knew better
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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Twisted by the Dark Side, young Skywalker has become.
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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MADELYN CLINE as WHISKEY Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β your arms are the only place
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  that have ever felt like aΒ Β  [ h o m e ]Β 
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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Scenes from a Marriage, 2021
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ofdollz Β· 1 year
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Every Allison Scene:
2.8 Raving
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