ofdushandashes-blog · 6 years
Mythbusters: herding cats. 
It’s quite possibly the greatest thing I have ever seen. 
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
A mood
Whenever I see like a national tour of a musical, like the second national tour of wicked I saw a few times, I want cast recordings of the tour cast bc those voices are the ones I fell in love with. Anyone feel me? (Ps I love MK Morrissey and GC Mason with all my heart)
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Sending all the love and strength to Ruthie Ann Miles. There are no words to describe or alleviate this pain…
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Mk Rant #1 {a series}
Mary Kate truly needs to be noticed for her talent, She is totally capible of so many challenges so like lets all aknowledge that??? Like GIVE HER AN AWARD OR SOME SHIT
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
wicked au where everything’s the same except elphaba’s hat is the one from shoshana bean’s drunk broadway
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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Me thinking about how I’m an adult with like…responsibilities and stuff
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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“That may be your secret Elphaba, but that doesn’t make it true.”
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Mary Kate Morrissey and Ginna Claire Mason will be the death of me.
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Is there a Mary Kate Morrissey fandom yet and can I join? She is just too adorable. I’ve watched this video more times than I can count and I’m still not over it.
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Wicked - 2nd National Tour - Pittsburgh, PA - 1/26/2018 Evening
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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#tfw ur friend spontaneously changes her name
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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Ginna Claire Mason (Glinda), Mary Kate Morrissey (Elphaba) & Company
2nd National Tour Company; USA - Photo by Joan Marcus
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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Mary Kate Morrissey (Elphaba) & Ginna Claire Mason (Galinda)
2nd National Tour Company; USA - Photo by Joan Marcus
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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I am Elphie. Elphie is me.
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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Tom McGowan (The Wizard) & Mary Kate Morrissey (Elphaba)
2nd National Tour Company; USA - Photo by Joan Marcus
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
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when your bff is over dramatic 
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ofdushandashes-blog · 7 years
Wicked: Tells the emotional backstory of Elphaba, and how unfortunate circumstances led her to become ‘wicked’. Featuring ‘Defying Gravity’, one of the most powerful and famous showtunes of all time. Also Wicked:
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