ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
love your writing !!!
OOC: wow thank you Noonie that is very kind of you to say this totally made my day tbh
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
“that’s the only thing you worry about?” he asked his friend. “ but great– do you want to come now to help me out with the stuff?” he asked. “ you don’t have to of course.” theo added right after. 
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“What can I say sometimes being a genus weighs heavily on me” Martin winked at the other nodding his head “I wouldn’t mind lending a hand so long as it’s not too much manual labor” He mused looking at the other “Lead the way”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
she raised her brows in surprise. “ of course we can not be friends martin. i don’t believe this whole ‘let’s stay friends’ after a relationship like this.” she said with a shrug, talking with her hands. “ guess this didn’t mean much to you if you think that–” she told him. 
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Martin looked at the other for a moment “Come on Alex, we tried something and it didn’t work, holding a grudge over something like this is silly” He mused looking at her as she spoke, “of course, it meant something to me why do you think I’m here trying to be friends with you?”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
     It was a tough line for Hazel to balance on really; torn between wanting to see her mother receive the recognition that she sorely deserved while also being somewhat grateful that not many knew the true intricacies of the medical marvel that was herself and her sisters. Hazel enjoyed the right kinds of attention, sure, but always on her terms. She was perfectly content to only draw attention that she wanted and not an ounce more. He was calling after her and it took everything in her not to turn around the way that she always did. There was just something about Martin that could draw her attention whenever he walked into a room. Something raw and magnetic that terrified her. “Don’t be cute” she warned, pouting as she looked up at him. Hazel had little experience in a lot of things, feelings most certainly being one of them and it bothered her that Martin seemed to taunt hers so tirelessly. “Martin-” She didn’t want to talk about it anymore, that had been made clear in her attempt to walk away but she knew that he would only follow her if she didn’t give him an answer. “Like you meant it, okay? Are you happy now?” she pulled her arm back to her side. “I know that you don’t and it pisses me off”
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Martin always had such a strange relationship with Hazel, they were a connection there for sure but there was also a hesitation from his standpoint of actually bridging that gap after all love was a weakness, especially for those who were in his profession surely Hazel understood that? He still couldn’t stop himself from flirting and teasing her as she sparked something within him that made him want nothing more than demanding her attention. “I’m always cute so being anything else is pretty much impossible” He teased her once more keeping his hold on her for a moment “Come on stop trying to run away from me I’d hate to have to tackle you to the ground this early in the morning” He joked before turning serious “Hazel look….I did mean it okay? The words and looks they aren’t just some fake mask to get what I want from you.” He paused looking at her “Don’t get so mad even if it is one of your hottest emotions”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
“Cobblepot, ah yes the bird!” He remembered the tiny funny man his father used to call a Dodo. It was unlike how March himself used the term with endearment, his father used it in a different way. “A pleasure to meet another cobble of the pots.”
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Martin looked at the other sighing softly after all it took a lot of will to deal with the March Hare in and out of school. “Mhmm The pleasure is all mine, so what brings you here today? Count me curious as to what you had plans for today”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
Martin looked at Alex at what old history that was, they didn’t end well by any means but then again she only really had her mother to thank for chasing him away but he could never tell her that so he took the anger. “You are the one who won't let us be friends Alex, I always offered that branch, it's you who set it on fire.”
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closed: ❛ you’re an asshole, you know that? ❜ alex said as her back was facing him and turned back at it. “you said this doesn’t work out–” she said as her finger pointing at them. “so don’t come here and ask me about how my day was. we are not friends. we can’t be.” @ofemperorpenguin​
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
״well– for that you did come to the very much right place.” he said as he pointed at himself and let out a chuckle. “we’re having a secret party all the fourth year’s students. i can put you on the list but no talking about it.”
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“Yes I knew I was coming to the right place” Martin chuckled looking at the other nodding his head “I promise mum the word, after all, I could use a nice night out without worrying about school work or teachers.” He mused honestly.
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
     “My mother’s brilliance is often overlooked” Hazel smirked softly, raising her brows. Hazel wished to be half as smart as her mother was one day and she hoped to learn a lot more from her when she finally made it out of this place. “Malassezia will grow on almost anything…I’ve been doing a lot of reading since I got here” she explained. Something told her that Principal Waller would have a fit if she started trying to grow mushrooms on people, even if it was for science. And then there it was, the small flicker of hope in her heart extinguished by the sudden downpour of reality. “I knew it” she scoffed, shaking her head as she schooled her expression back to one that didn’t look so hurt. “You’re never nice. Not unless you want something - You know that you could have just asked me?” she frowned. “I’m not the kind of girl that’s going to fall at your feet just because you sweet talk me a little and look at me like - like that-” She shook her head again, taking a step back. “Goodbye Martin” Hazel turned on her heels, starting towards her next class. 
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“Just as much as my father is, maybe it’s why we got along so well because we understand what it’s like to have parents who are overlooked” Martin looked at the other after all he always loved hearing Hazel speak about plant life, much like her mother she inherited the brilliants and knowledge. “well what other little fungus grows anywhere?” He teased her before he noticed completely having their sweet moment shattered, but then again he could understand her feelings at the same time he would’ve given her the flower even if she didn’t spy on Emry for him so he sighed. “Hazel” He couldn’t even get another more out because she was quick to cut him off and move to leave but then again he wasn’t one to just let things lie as he moved just as quickly grabbing her hand and spinning her around. “Hazel Isley I believe I did just ask you yet you got all angry and scrunched up your little cute nose.” He mused looking at her “I’m always nice to you it's a problem sometimes just how nice I am to you, but I’m curious how did I look at you?” 
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
     “A magician never reveals his secrets.” Pierre replied cryptically. He had never been one to give away the secrets to his mutation, always unsure of people and their intentions. Especially after a reading such as the one he just did for Martin. That wasn’t exactly positive. “Guess you’ll have to keep on wonderin’.”
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“Spoken like a true showman” Martin replied it was a very interesting power there was no denying it, since coming here. He’d been fascinated by all the different variations of powers and skills the kids here displayed “Wouldn’t be the first time, we’ll have to do this again sometime you’ve piqued my interest.”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
     “I’m not sure that many other babies are grown in their mother’s laboratory, so…the odds are pretty slim that I came from anywhere else” she teased, shaking her head. Hazel didn’t feel that she was all that sweet, but she could see how compared to Thorn’s far more prickly approach to those that she didn’t like, she could see his point. “Not mushrooms. Mushrooms will grow anywhere” she teased, smirking widely. “You’re being incredibly nice today, what’s your angle?” she was mostly kidding. Mostly. But she couldn’t let herself trust that he was simply telling the truth because it opened an entirely new can of worms. “Why not? What are they going to do, force us to go to another school?”
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“Yes in that exact situation you and your sisters are very unique, still such an amazing feat when you really give it thought” Martin mused looking at the other, he liked hanging out with Hazel everything about her was something that captured his attention there was no denying that.  “Ahh is that so my little green bean? Forgive my lack of gardening knowledge” He teased her before smirking a bit “I here Ermy is plotting something and you are my into his little group, I was rather hoping you'd tell me what’s going on in that…thing he calls a brain” he mused it was fun this little game he held with the Nygma Brother after all their feud was known throughout the ages as something they’d inherited from their fathers. “Oh you are so funny, can you imagen if they actually had another school to send us to? It’d make me question even more their true motives for housing us all together.”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
“The only one who’s a joke around here is you, Martin. You wanted to come here. Where’s your sense of pride? What do you think these people will teach you, hmn? How to be a good, sweet little boy? I bet you take their little rehabilitation program seriously. That’s just embarrassing.” He said with a chuckle. “You’ve missed the point of my riddle…  Like always. Still; I can’t deny it is nice to see you.” He said. Looking down at him though his red lashes. He placed a hand on his chin, forcing him to look up at him. “I haven’t had any real fun in ages. And it’ll be a blast toying with you again. My little chick.” 
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“You never could see the big picture good to know you inherited your father’s short-mindedness. These people have put us in the same place as their new little heroes, you know nothing about making connections that benefit you in the long run but then again you always lacked vision” Martin replied tilting his head to the side and rolling his eyes at the other’s mention of a riddle. “Well aren’t you playful tonight what’s wrong Emry getting bored playing king to ants?” He mused before smirking “Not as much fun as I'll have playing with you, my cute little kitten” 
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
Martin knew Emry was here after all he could smell the stench of failure a mile away. “So funny you are, maybe you’re the Joker's son instead of the Riddler but then again he was always sort of a joke as well.” He mused watching the other dropped down after all they have had a pretty interesting relationship throughout the years. “Daddy didn’t need to bail me out, I came here willingly to learn all this place had to offer, unlike some idiots who got *caught*” He teased the other not all minding him coming closer. “there you go with riddles again, I don’t concern myself with second or third place Emry given I’m too busy standing in first.” 
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“I wasn’t expecting to see you here of all places. Well, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. You were always ten steps behind me.” Emrys said, dropping down from where he was doing pull ups. He slowly approached the other young man. He hadn’t seen him in a while to say the least and here he was. “Daddy didn’t have the money to bail you out of this one?” He mocked him, closing the space between himself and his old, bitter rival. “Riddle me this,” It wasn’t often Emrys used his dad’s phrases. Or riddles in general but here he was, using one now. “If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
“Please do!” He exclaimed with a jubilant nod of his head. “That would be what I am, very correct of you!” Not many people had that level of correctness often of the time, no one was 100% always correct. Only March was, of course. “And what are you called?” 
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Martin looked over the other he might not have been the brightest bulb in the bunch but the Mad Hatter had his uses or so his father used to mention whenever he’d see some form of a tea party created. “Marteen Cobblepot is my name, I’m sure you’ve heard of the surname before.”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
Mateo thanked the stranger profusely, plopping into the empty seat. His class materials scattered over the desk into the other student’s area. He rubbed his eyes with one hand. "I’m afraid I’m prone to bad days more than good.“ Mateo joked, grabbing his materials from the other man’s side of the desk. 
He nodded slowly before shrugging. "I could, but the teacher could easily believe I’m lying.” Not like he already has eyes watching his every move. "I’d rather just be on time and not worry about it, you know.“ 
Brown eyes widened, as a hand covered his mouth. "I am so sorry! I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Mateo.” He stuck out his hand. "I’m a first year.“ His roommate tried to convince him that handshakes were old fashion among their age group, but it worked in most cases!
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Martin looked at the other for a moment after all he was used to being a quiet observer growing up the way he did. “It doesn’t help the only choice we get for this class is which one to take, and not the time we can take it” He mused lots of people were not early risers and he was sure the school had put this class so early just because they could.
“Teachers often believe we are lying its the joys of being born to the wrong parent in their eyes” he mused after all he was wrong, it was one of the reasons he never bothered to hide his parentage he was proud to be The Penguins son and nothing was ever going to change that. “Nice to meet you, Mateo, I’m Marteen” He mused taking the other’s hand to shake it was rare someone did this form of introduction and he rather liked it “I’m, a third Year welcome to the fun that is LKU”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
      Pierre didn’t like discussing the specifics when it came to his abilities. It took away some of the magic from the cards. Letting his shoulders rise and fall in a casual shrug, he tilted his head to the side, eyes locked to Martin’s face. “Something like that.” He kept his response vague, picking up the Death card and holding it between his index and middle finger. “Just a curious combination, dats all.” 
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Martin wasn’t one to be locked down by fate hell even the guy before he said it was based on a decision he made that led to that version of the future. He knew Emry was on campus and they’d been having quite the rivalry growing up which only was made worst due to their chosen career fields. Maybe this reading had something to do with the reason he’d chosen this place. Gathering intel on the up-and-coming heroes as well as building his little loyal subjects to follow him. “Mhm well I must say this was interesting, I’ve never done anything like this before…I hope my question isn’t rude but I’m merely curious about your power is it strictly linked to the cards? Like you can’t touch someone and just get a vision?”  
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
theo kind of knows why he forgets everything, since he was a kid he had to take meds for his adhd problems, so yeah he wasn’t proud but has his reasons. “ so you don’t even know jerk.” theo said. “that is true, what my loyal friend has to tell me and just tries to change the subject.” he asked him.
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Martin chuckled softly at his friend before shrugging “I’m not very sentimental built like that all I know is where we are now is perfect and this place feels less alone” He mused looking at the other smirking “Ah since we are talking about changing the subject that brings up my question, are there any parties going on this weekend? Cause all this schoolwork is making me cross-eyed.”
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ofemperorpenguin · 2 years
     “Of course” Hazel rolled her eyes, entirely unsurprised by his response. She wished that she was better at ignoring him because she knew that it was her reaction that spurred him on to continue with his taunting and teasing but she couldn’t stop herself sometimes. It didn’t help that Martin was unbelievably attractive now, no longer the scrawny boy that she remembered from back in Gotham. It didn’t help one bit. “I see” she chuckled, knowing that Thorn probably would have tried to kill him for far less. Heaven help him if she ever saw him hurting the plants. “You’d make terrible compost” she laughed, rolling her eyes when he suddenly pulled her close. “I know” she smirked softly, pushing these new feelings down as far as she could get them. After all, it could all just be one huge ruse with Martin. She could never be too careful. “You picked well”
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Martin looked at the other for a moment “You are always so sweet to me Hazel, are you sure you’re an Isley?” He teased something long since normal from their past, each sister had their personality and traits but in his eyes, Hazel always seemed a tad softer than her sisters, especially Thorn. “Why thank you, my dear, I too believe think I’d make terrible compost. The poor green would suffer so if it was forced to live off my nutrients” he joked before looking at her for a moment taking in her beauty before pulling away a bit “Yeah well, it's not that hard to enhance something that already shines so beautifully” He sighed looking at his watch “We should get to class, can’t have them thinking we are conspiring to take control of the university can we?”
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