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                concern etches itself and remains in dark features, eyes bright with it, flickering from his face ( his nose ) to the rest of him, inspecting him for more injuries. aside from flustered —- nervous ? —- he seemed perfectly okay. “ i’m not one to laugh at someone’s misfortune. it’s not in my nature. but are you okay? aside from the nose, any other injuries? it was a nasty fall. ”
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            a  swarm  of  redness  blotches  his  face  and  the  mercenary  at  least  have  the  decency  to  look  away  ———  embarrassed  ,  for  the  rarest  times  of  his  life  .  fuck  .  he  can’t  let  her  know  he  fucking  tripped  on  his  goddamn  face  because  he  was  staring  .  at  her  .    ❝      —m’fine  .     ❞     he  mumbles  ,  then  coughs  a  little  .     ❝     i  was  just  stupid  .  m’sorry  .  you’re  kinda  like  a  mom  right  now  .  which  is  weird  .  ‘cause  my  ma  would  just  scream  at  me  if  i  fall  ‘nywhere  .  you’re  nicer  .   ❞
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self care is drinking 3 pots of coffee and getting into a knife fight w god
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1989 Starter Sentences (pt. 1)
"Baby, I know places we won't be found."
"All you had to do was stay."
"People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye."
"Everybody here wanted something else."
"Welcome to New York."
"You can want who you want."
"I could dance to this beat forever."
"Any true love drives you crazy."
"I could show you incredible things."
"You look like my next mistake."
"Love's a game, wanna play?"
"I can make the bad guys good for a weekend."
"I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream."
"Oh My God, look at that face."
"I can read you like a magazine."
"I know you heard about me."
"I'm dying to see how this one ends."
"It's gonna be forever."
"I love the players, and you love the game."
"We're young and we're reckless."
"They'll tell you I'm insane."
"The worst is yet to come."
"I can make all the tables turn."
"Who is she?"
"You'll come back each time you leave."
"It's gonna go down in flames."
"You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain."
"Boys only want love if it's torture."
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
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         ❝     people  always  take  me  as  a  fool  —  i  don’t  mind  .      ❞      the  grin  he  gives  out  is  childish  ,  one  hand  extending  to  the  back  of  his  head  to  scratch  an  area  there  ,  easily  oozing  out  his  slight  anxiety  .  the  nosebleed  has  stopped  bleeding  for  a  bit  ,  and  —  as  always  with  the  puckerman  —  no  actual  embarrassment  lingers  ,  but  -  he still  ...  wishes  he  hasn’t  tripped  himself  just  cause  he’s  not  looking  .  ororo  just  seems  so  cool  and  puck  —  useless  .  he  grins  some  more  ,     ❝     you  can  laugh  at  me  if  you  want  .  or  -  whenever  .     ❞
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welps  DESPERATE STARTER CALL   ‘cause i need more threads™
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puck, after that fall: [has a nosebleed like a loser] ororo: are u okay ???? puck, immediately grins, even blushes: Super Fine, never been better, how about you, did u fall too, ah - this nosebleed? im a Pro, this doesn’t hurt at all hahahah !!!!11!!
@forgottengoddess is this not how it went ?
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has been staring at ororo before he trips himself and fall on his face. "i'm fine!" /MANDY ENTERTAIN ME
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                                                                                            the sound is startling, and the weather witch, blue eyes wide and she instantly steps forward to help him back on to his feet. fingers almost twitch ( old habit ) as they brush against his wallet ( i don’t need to do that anymore ). when he’s on his feet, when he looks steady, does she let go, takes a step back, and white teeth shine as as grins at him. “ careful, new york sidewalks are not something you want to fall on often. who knows what you’ll land in. ”  
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Oscar Isaac in A Most Violent Year (2014)
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     time’s blurred, since siberia. since bucky barnes went back to one of the last places on earth he’d ever want to go back to. since everything fell apart for steve    ( because of him )    and steve pulled him out of there anyway. since they were offered sanctuary by one of the men who’d been hunting him, after vienna.     ( though not without solid reason. )
     life in the wakanda facility’s been… a haze. a lot of sleeping.    ( and not sleeping. )    neither of which help with keeping track of what day it is. and any time he hasn’t spent closed up in the quarters he was given, he’s been under the eyes and hands of scientists, under the bright lights — poked, prodded, examined. doing his best to shut himself down, or else his head feels like it’ll explode from too many memories of other times he’s been sat down and… maintenanced.
     with all that going on, it’s a bit of a surprise when they get a visitor. even more of a surprise, now, when bucky’s just trying to walk down a hallway    ( moving and feeling like the ghost everyone keeps telling him he’s pretty close to being )    and he finds himself flagged down. smiled at. after a pause — and a narrow-eyed, furrowed-brow stare — he responds to the summons. but carefully. slowly. closes with the man with something wary predator in his body language. doesn’t know him. can’t know just what of a threat he might represent.    ( but even before the offer of a fight, he knows a fellow soldier when he sees one. )
     “name’s bucky.” does the gravel in his voice sound a little defensive…? grumpy, even? probably. the taut lines around his eyes remain, as he studies the other. figures since he’s been talking to steve, that he knows what his name is. which just annoys bucky further. but when the gleaming hand hanging at his side flexes, it’s not all from irritation. “it’s new.” he says, flatly. doesn’t shift his intense gaze. “haven’t fought with it yet.”
     which is sort of a warning, and a sort of an indication of interest, both.
     bucky dips his heavily-stubbled chin at the man. makes him an offer. “i spar with you… you use my name.” pauses. almost lets genuine curiosity shine through his weighty expression. almost. “ —— and you tell me who the hell james dean is.”
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             aloof  as  ever   ,  puck’s  knowledge  of  one  james  buchanan  barnes  were  limited  to  what  he  saw  on  the  news  -  and  whatever  his  sister  was  willing  to  spill  .  so  ...  he  knows  a  little  .  not  a  lot  ,  but  enough  for  him  to  be  aware  of  who  the  heck  the  winter  soldier  is  ,  and  what  he’s  done  ,  under  the  horrifying  persona  .  it  causes  puck  to  shiver  involuntarily  ,  thinking  gravely  how  maria  still  can  work  herself  with  such  dark  terms  and  terrifying  secrets  .
           no  .  for  maria  ,  puck  would  do  so  much  more  .  he  has  to  .  he’s  not  smart  ,  and  he  ain’t  a  super  soldier  by  a  long  shot  -  but  he  can  still  protect  ,  if  he  tries  .  and  if  he  gives  up  now  just  because  of  a  horror  story  ...   puck’s  grin  doesn’t  waver  as  he  listens  to  barnes  introducing  himself  ,  sounding  like  a  classic  old  man  .  in  fact  he  laughs  ,  entertained  ,  dude  sounds  more  like  a  living  dinosaur  than  rogers  !  ,  before  his  eyes  shift  to  the  arm  ,  wiggling  his  brows  .
        ❛     m’gonna  be  the  first  then  ,  huh  ?  lucky  me  .  hey  -  that  one  doesn’t  have  like  ,  a  rocket  launcher  or  something  ,  does  it  ?  ‘cause  like  ,  that’d  be  so  unfair  .  i  mean  ,  it’d  be  awesome  as  heck  cause  then  it’d  be  hundred  percent  like  those  cartoons  ,  y’know  ?  but  ,  still  .  appreciate  not  getting  my  ass  roasted  by  some  secret  explosive  tech  ,  ja  feel  ...      ❜    the  thief  slash  mercenary  continues  to  tape  up  his  knuckles  ,  before  he  halts  ,  eyebrow  raised  at  the  other’s  term  .
         puck  blinks  .  —before  his  grin  turns  more  excited  than  just  mere  childishness .  he  likes  this  barnes  dude  ,  already  .  he  ain’t  boring  !    ❛    dude  !  if  i  can  still  stand  after  eight  minutes  sparrin’  with  you  ,  i  can  call  you  with  whatever  i  want  ,  okay  ,  robo - cop  !  we  have  a  deal  ,  or  what  ?  unless  you’re  too  chicken  ,  huh  ?     ❜      puck  guffaws  some  more  ,  his  arrogance  painting  over  his  tanned  mask  easily  .    ❛     ah  -  forgot  you’re  like  centuries  old  ,  dark-haired  edward  cullen  .  james  dean  is  a  casanova  actor  back  in  the  50s  or  something  .  really  big  with  girls  .  you’re  popular  with  chicks  ,  weren’t  you  ?  back  in  the  1800s  ?  saw  a  documentary  of  the  howling  commando’s  once  .  big  fan  of  ‘em  .     ❜ 
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           ❝     ptsd  sucks  ,  man  .  but  like  ,  the  way  to  handle  it  is  like  ,  not  to  drink  and  piss  wherever  you  want  ,  y’know  ?  or  take  drugs  .  that’s  not  good  ,  too  .        ❞    the  older  man  scratches  his  head  uncomfortably  ,  not  really  knowing  what  to  say  .  he  absolutely  loathes  the  idea  of  a  teenager  carrying  the  burden  of  someone  akin  a  veteran   .  this  was  why  kids  should  be  kids  .    ❝     uh  ,  disneyland  .  i  can  take  you  there  .  i  mean  ,  people  like  that  place  ,  right  ?  i’d  go  if  i  can  meet  gaston  .     ❞
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           ❛      hey  ,  robotic  james  dean  !      ❜      the  grin  puck  gives  is  wide  ,  nearly  borderline  childish  before  he waves  ,  motioning  for  the  other  guy  to  come  closer  .  puck  isn’t  always  a  friendly  guy  :  like  maria  ,  he’s  comfortable  at  keeping  his  distances  (  although  unlike  her  ,  he’s  also  prone  to  unexpected  and  explosive  behaviour  which  sometimes  could  mistake  boldness  with  simple  idiocy  )  ,  his  lonesome  job  sharpening  such  quality  even  more  so  .
              but  -  he’s  bored  .  maria  has  already  sent  him  here  at  wakanda  under  a  cover  so  big  cap  can  exchange  reports  (  and  argue  )  with  his  sister  about  what  the  fuck  actually  happened  at  the  airport  and  shit  (  his  sister’s  big  on  damage  control  -  it’s  like  her  fucking  hobby  or  something  )  and  puck’s appointed  to  stay  for  at  least  three  days  before  he  flies  back  and  resumes  his  life  and  job  .  three  days  ,  so  his  sister  could  get  enough  report  to  settle  all  of  these  matters  discreetly  .
              three  days  -  that’s  enough  for  him  to  cause  some  ruckus  ,  pucker-style  .  the  best  style  there  is  .   and  it’s  only  been  his  second  day  at  this  not - so - secret  facility  :  what’s  a  little  harm  with  making  ...  well  ,  acquaintances  ?      ❛     wanna  spar  ?  you’re  a  combatant  ,  right  ?  they  don’t  give  out  cool  metal  arms  to  people  who  ain’t  gonna  use  it  .  so  what  ‘bout  it  ,  arm  of  steel  ?    ❜
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         ❝    i  don’t  like  kids  in  my  mission  .     ❞     the  mercenary  provides  unhappily  ,  not  really  in  a  mock  or  to  put  scarlett  down  due  to  her  age  -  more  so  as  a  grim  confession  he  can’t  quite  keep  to  himself  .  he  brings  a  hand  to  the  bridge  of  his  nose  ,  pinching  the  tension  building  there  .    ❝     but  you’re  already  in  it  now  .  so  —  whatever  .  world’s  fucked  like  that  .  listen  ,  sansa  stark  :  i  don’t  give  a  shit  who  you  are  or  who  the  fuck  your  parents  have  been  ,  but  you  don’t  die  under  my  command  ,  okay  ?  you  ain’t  going  to  .  i’m  your  commanding  officer  for  this  mission  -  i’ll  make  sure  of  that  .  this  isn’t  a  playground  .  you’re  working  with  military  men  —  and  military  listen  to  orders  ,  you  get  me  ?  so  don’t  fuck  with  that  .    ❞
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self care is staying alive out of spite
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The most iconic ghost adventures moment ever 
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              ❛  okay  so  …  I  think  we  have  a problem  here,  dude.  I  saw  it  first  so  it’s  mine.  Find  another  thing  to  eat.   ❜  She  doesn’t  care  who  this  guy  was.  He  could  be  the  president  and  she  would  still  fight  with  him  for  that  nutella.
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           ❛                        ❜     please  let  it  be  known  that  puck  has  been  proved  to  act  wiser  now  that  he’s  nearing  his  mid - thirties  .  this  time  ,  however  ,  is  not  one  of  those  moment  :  as  he  opens  the  lid  of  the  nutella  while  the  girl’s  talking  and  ,  with  a  lick  of  his  finger  ,  he  dips  it  in  .  the  mercenary  grins  .    ❛     still  want  my  germs  ,  sansa  stark  ?      ❜
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welps  DESPERATE STARTER CALL   ‘cause i need more threads™
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Oscar Isaac + playing guitar
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