offda-rails-art · 3 years
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More pony onie content that resurfaced. Haven’t posted art here in a while, took a break since I’ve been busy and feeling uncreative. I did these sketches a while ago and figured I’d post in hopes of maybe doing more in the future. I have a lot of ideas I haven’t executed yet :( more horse au deets:
Thomas has two coachwomen, twin sisters Annie and Clarabell who aren’t horses or carriages. They fit better as humans. Thomas is their pony that they use for their job at the Sodor livery. Thomas does all sorts of work, he pulls carriages, he can plow fields, deliver heavy wagons with goods, and he makes a wonderful riding pony. (When he’s not cheeky of course and can keep all fours on the ground)
Henry in all his glory, he’s a lanky tall draft horse. When he’s not lame or colicky he usually works with lumberjacks pulling heavy fallen trees. Sometimes he does pull wagons but he prefers the quiet forest.
Gordon spends his days pulling rich people coaches, he’s strong and quick so he’s very popular among the rich crowds who attend fancy parties. Gordon rarely will pull a wagon, and if he does get ready for a wild ride because he doesn’t like it. Spencer even in horse form is still and always will be his rival. Gordon pins his ears and snorts alot but no one makes him more ornery than Spencer.
Stick around for more horsie au content if you like :) hopefully this will get my creative juices flowing again ;(
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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“Edward, how do you make time to do this without fail every year?”
“At my age, I just have to.”
🎃 happy spooky month!!! experimenting again with my art, as always >:-)
Edward, much like an old father figure wanting to bond with his children before he dies, dresses up and has his train repainted every year on Halloween with different themes – this year being vampires which is why his train is all bloodied – to have a bit of fun with other engines he happens to drive by throughout the night (although some of them are like “who has the time for all this? why?” but most enjoy the little tradition cus he hands out candy)!
i included the clean/no Edward version of the train cus i like how they look and also a family friendly version of his repainted train he sometimes uses to not scare the younger Sodor children if he knows he’ll be passing by them a lot during work bc he’s considerate like that :]
story below the cut – Cold Night Air (ft. Edward and Diesel interaction i wanna expand on more)
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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wanted to keep experimenting w/ stuff also practicing some creative writing below the cut if you wanna read, set approx. around Edward the Very Useful Engine (i’ll title it You’re Still Useful) :]
p.s. in this world the engines get scrapped as soon as their respective drivers retire idk man it’s harsh but they’re linked to their engines…in a way
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Happy Halloween and Merry Crisis in about a few hours depending on yall's time
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Ofc sum Scotsman
You may continue
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Traintober Day 31: Ghosts And Goblins
Happy Halloween! 👻👻👻👻
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It’s funny just how many ghost episodes there are lol
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
(TVRM) Happy Halloween! I almost forgot to do anything halloween related so i was quick to sketch together this doodle of Finley in his halloween costume for this season!
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Okay some Tagger backstory to explain the edit and art, starting off no he was never scrapped there was a time period were he was seen on a flatbed when working for Norfolk (his lower half cut off possibly bc he needed a new bottom all together due to damage idk) during this time he was in a coma due to medican they had to give him in order to start repairs in which he panicked over because again he was still working for Norfolk so he thought his life was over but it wasn't
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Another thing is that because his paint work was so exposed and rusted his body became sensitive to heavy rain which inflicted alot of pain more then what he was already giving himself due to his work and much needed repairs (some minor but others not) which made him have a slight fear of rain, more often then not he was tired and had dark bags around his eye's from lack of sleep thanks to his work but still managed to push through until the end of the day/ night (end for now)
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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Y’all I watched “up up and away” again for the first time in forever and thomas and Percy absolutely massacred mr bubbles. That was funny af they had that mf clown blowing his brains out for those balloons the two kept loosing.
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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A silly doodle I worked on while rewatching the classic ttte episodes. Some of the boys as ponies :) I was in the mood for drawing some ponies. Their numbers are brand marks. Percy of course is a little welsh pony cross. James would be a spiffy fancy foot hackney horse. Henry is a mix up of draft horses. And Gordon is a fancy Percheron Dutch harness horse cross. Gordon can pick up his footsies just as swiftly as james can when he trots along with the express carriage.
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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Cat trains cat trains cat trains cat trains cat trains cat trains cat trains cat trai
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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Hydraulic foot beans 🙀🙀🙀🙀
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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i need to find a new way to draw trains
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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u3u <3
colors from here:
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Here is part two of “Lochlans spook” 👇
Again⚠️gore warning⚠️ this is a horror story
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Not long after Lochlan made his way past the herd of deer another odd occurrence happened. The first thing he saw up ahead was a lone coyote racing out of the direction Lochlan was headed. The coyote seemed to be on a mission to get somewhere. The animal’s eyes bulged from its head, his mouth gaped open trying to take in as much air as possible, and every muscle in its body showed as it sprinted in the opposite direction it came. Lochlan was about to conclude that the animal was simply on a mission for a hunt. But then, more animals sprinted forward going the same way the coyote was headed. Foxes, rabbits, more coyotes and deer, even birds flew right past Lochlan. The big engine was the last thing the animals seemed to care about, they all ran in an almost harmonious fashion. They weren’t chasing each other but they were running away from something. Lochlan felt a pang of anxiety deep in the depths of his boiler. He had never witnessed something so strange, what on earth are they running from? He thought and as he traveled closer in the direction the animals sprinted from he felt something he never felt before, fear.
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In his lifetime Lochlan had truly and honestly never felt fear. He was so big and powerful that what could he fear? And as awful as it sounds Lochlan didn’t have normal “engine fears” either. He didn’t worry about collisions like many feared. Many engines that collided often had died from either injury or impact, but Lochlan was so large that any engine that collided with him would be doomed and he himself would most likely be untouched. If anything others feared him because of his size and mass.
Lochlan was so shellshocked with the new feeling that he didn’t know how to react. Something was scaring him. He blanked out for a moment and then came to a screeching halt, his cargo slammed into him, his engineers were nearly thrown from their seats, and any product that was in the rows of cargo trucks was surely tossed around and destroyed. Lochlan stared blankly ahead, his headlamp hardly illuminating anything in the pitch black. Now that he stood still he listened to all that was around him. His anxiety got worse when the only sound around him was nothing. No crickets, no birds, nothing. Pure quiet. Something was out there, hunting.
Lochlans engineers took a moment to collect themselves from the sudden unexpected halt. “What the hell was that all about?” His fireman asked and rubbed his head in thought.
“I don’t know, but I’ll go see what the issue is. Perhaps Lochlan will let us know.” His driver said and hopped down from the cab and started a long walk to face his engine. Lochlan meanwhile stared ahead of himself he listened in as best he could becuase he could swear something was calling his name. His driver interrupted him. “What’s the issue big boy? Are you hurt? Is something wrong?” He asked.
“I don’t know sir. I just can’t go any further.” Lochlan replied never taking his eyes off the track ahead. He felt the air get cooler with each second. His driver seemed to notice that too, he crossed his arms over his chest and shivered.
“Can’t see squat out here in this dark. Alright Lochlan I’ll try and find the out-
“I think you should go back in my cab now. It’s getting to cold out here and there’s no sense in trying to solve a problem in the pitch black.” Lochlan interrupted. More dread bubbled up inside of him. His driver looked at him curiously, he held his arms tighter to his chest bracing in the cold.
“I suppose your right, goddamn why is it so cold? It’s the middle of summer.” His driver groaned then turned on his heels to rush back to the warm cab. Lochlan’s fireman poked his head out of the cab window.
“Is everything alright? What’s going on?” He shouted down to his colleague. He felt the bitter cold nip at his face and noticed his breath show up in the air.
“I don’t know, but it’s to cold out here and I cannot see an inch of light anywhere.” He hurriedly climbed into the warm cab.
“I noticed that too. Should we radio for assistance?” The fireman asked.
“Go ahead and try but I guarantee you won’t get any signal out here.” He sighed and plopped himself down in his seat. The two did try to radio but had no luck. After hours of trying to think of what to do they both decided to stay in the cab and wait till early morning when at least an ounce of light would come out.
Lochlan sat on the tracks never taking his eyes away from the pitch black ahead. He listened carefully and heard an unsettling sound. A low grumble mixed with what sounded like an elk bugling echoed around him. Elk calls could be eerie sounding but this was no elk call, what made him come to that conclusion was his name being called after each grumble.
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“Lochlan?” The voice asked trying to get a response. Lochlan didn’t dare answer. He narrowed his eyes trying to see what called his name. “Lochlan?!” It asked again this time sounding agitated, a louder grumble followed. Lochlan nearly jumped out of his pistons when silence followed and then a loud “LOCHLAN!!!! LOCHLAN!!! LOCHLAN!!!!!” The voice roared. He still didn’t answer. Just beyond where his headlamp could reach a figure came into view. A buck stood on the tracks ahead, its dark piercing eyes stared back at him in a way no animal would. Lochlan gritted his teeth, he watched the deer and his eyes went wide when the animal opened its mouth.
“LOCHLAN.” The deer mouthed in perfect English. The four legged animal began to twist and morphe into a horrifying creature. It’s bones broke then dislocated growing massive upright legs, front legs turned into massive human arms along with a long skinny malnutritished human torso with ribs poking out. Flesh clung to its horribly mangled body and with each body part that morphed into place it grew and grew and grew until it towered over Lochlan. The flesh disappeared from the deer’s head revealing its skull with bulging red human eyes. A long tongue rolled from its mouth dripping drool and all. A skinny boney finger cracked, twisted, then pointed to Lochlan in a sickening beckoning motion. The creature stepped forward, it’s massive body lurched with each step. The low grumble noise came again, this time it shook Lochlan to the core. The creature’s jaw opened wide in a smile. “Lochlan?” It asked again seeming to want a response. Lochlan refused half out of sheer panic and the other part not being able to form words at all. He’d never ever been this terrified. The creature wasn’t satisfied with the silence it received, its jaw formed into a frown.
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Lochlan watched each step it took, and now with the horrific creature just one foot away he did the only thing his body let him do. Close his eyes. The creature bent down lowering its face to Lochlan’s. “Lochlan?” It asked in almost a whine to get a rise out of him. No response and the creature grew significantly irritated. Lochlan felt it’s hot breath assault his skin, it’s breath stunk of rot. The whole beast itself was a massive rotting corpse, maggots wriggled around what flesh stretched over its body. The creature breathed in his face, it reached a hand out and touched Lochlans cheek. A sharp claw traced over the flesh on his face, Lochlan could swear he felt whatever maggots that were imbedded in the beast’s hand crawled out for a moment and graze his own skin. He still didn’t dare open his eyes. The creature sat there for what felt like hours, each breath it took a low grumble followed. Lochlan was terrified, his eyes refusing to open. Even when he felt a sticky wet tongue roll over his face. The creature got irritated and with a loud annoyed huff it got to its feet, gave one last loud bellowing screech and just like that it disappeared. Lochlan kept his eyes clamped shut the rest of the night, he didn’t open them until he could see a very small amount of light shine through his eyelids. Birds chirped and crowed and things seemed to be a bit normal. He kept his eyes opened and looked around.
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Lochlan had started up with no issues at all, the incident that happened during the night when unnoticed by his engineers who had seemed to have slept through the whole thing. The two men looked their engine over best they could and asked how he felt before starting off back down the route. Lochlan rolled down the track cautiously still shaken up from what happened earlier. He frowned when he noticed on the sides of the track further down the line dozens of cattle spread out in the field. They weren’t laying down, they were quite literally scattered about. The scene was brutal, every bovine was covered in massive claw marks, many looked disemboweled, some missing limbs, some missing heads. Lochlan felt his breath hitch as he rolled by slowly. Two very confused cowboys surveyed the field of cattle. Lochlan’s engineers looked out the window of his cab and scratched their heads at the brutal scene. They chatted about what could have possibly done that but Lochlan knew exactly what did that.
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“Well?! What did you think? Pretty weird right? I’d rate that on the list of odd things I’ve seen as a.... 3? Maybe 4? Out of 10 of course.” Lochlan said as he concluded his story. The group beside him looked horrified. Donner looked as though he was about to pass out or throw up, maybe both.
“Jesus Christ Lochlan?! You drop a bomb just like that on us?!” Red asked, his mouth agape still from shock at what was said.
“You wanted a horror story, yes?” Lochlan asked innocently.
“I’d just like to know what makes you rate that a 4 out of weird things you’ve seen?” Cracker Jack asked.
Lochlan only smirked.
Thanks for reading💖💖 I hope you enjoyed.
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Here's Star's revamp!
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
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*thinks about my low-rate OC every once in a blue moon*
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
who would you want to meet
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or bones
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