offgridskoolie · 10 years
Really looking forward to growing all my own organic food, before its too late!
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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We decided to each write a note and place it under the floor of the stair steps. Sort of like a vow stating our ultimate intentions<3
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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Hiding fold out tables made out of recycled pallet wood, toped with a thin layer of left over ply wood from the walls :)
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
Popular belief is that the we the people need the federal/local government, authorities, and major corporations in order to maintain the level of “comfort” and ”safety” that we have been conditioned to. This is the biggest lie ever told. Government and major corporations  project living off-grid as dangerous, scary, hard, secluded and stressful and that on-grid life as easy, comfortable, safe, prosperous, and connected. In reality switch those very descriptions around and you’ll be a lot closer to the truth.
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
2 wise men who actually know the law (unlike cops who only enforce the "code"). This is their take on the modern day slave and how to ‘legally’ set yourself free.
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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Finished building the compost toilet today. Now we can start building the walls around the bathroom. Some people think toilets not connected to plumbing is strange! Water is sacred and disposing waste in it is madness. We use saw dust instead of water. Saw dust is usually just thrown out, this way we can make good use of it. Water is noisy, splashes back on you, makes waste smell bad, takes A LOT for a single flush, and pollutes. Once we have land we'll collect the waste and use it as compost to grow the sweetest fruit trees and vegetables. We purposefully made it adjusted to the right so we can place hand sanitizer and some crystals next to the seat:) we also purchased the base of the shower from habitat for humanity. The shower room and toilet room are separate and across from each other. Just another little detail the makes our 230 sqft house seem much bigger!
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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This is my DIY couch/storage idea manifested! It works great. We used recycled wooden pallets and milk crates and some brand new, water proof couch cushions from goodwill. All we had to purchase was the ply wood for the lids (leftover being used to build the compost toilet) and the hinges (also for toilet). Under each cushion there are 4 crates, a total of 12! We tested it out and we were able to fit sooo many of our belongings inside. aAs a couch its supa comfy! So nice having a place to chill between working. We'll probably paint something like a tesselation on the inside of the lids once more important things are done. We also added insulation and ply wood walls to the bus which took about 2 days. Starting to feel like home!
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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Wooden floors and spray paint finished! We decided on lavender ceilings and a darker purple for around the windows. For the floor we left the old one, just covered over with the new. A sort of metaphorical reminder of where we came from lol. So glad we did it this way. Was much faster, cheaper, and the extra insulation doesn’t hurt either:) These 2 tasks took longer than expected and way more spray paint than guessed. This part took over a week but felt super accomplishing!
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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Removing all the seats took only one day suprisingly! This was the very first thing we did to the bus and one of the few days we needed help with the bus. Most of what we do is a 2 or 1 person job, but these seats would have taken a while if not for our roommate Leon, brother Josiah and dad with the truck. We removed a total of 600 pounds of tin seat frames and made 5o$ for them at the scrap yard. We also found gum, coins, loads of crud and candy wrppers and over 21$ hiding within the seats!
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
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The morning after we brought the bus home, the cops woke us up early in the morning lol. We were probably blocking someone’s view of the power lines near by (we live in Florida:P). We had no idea where to put this 40 foot piece of metal, since the initial idea became the full blown thing faster than anyone had imagined! Luckily a friend from my old neighborhood said we can park and work on his front yard. Its in a pretty bad area but since we’ve been there, everythings been fine and the communitys been super supportive. Still hoping we’ll have it moved to a new location soon.
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offgridskoolie · 10 years
How it all started!
Always in my heart I felt that things weren’t right. I watched my parents relentlessly chase after this so called “American Dream” my entire childhood, with of course no real luck.
 It was only after they let go of conventionality and societies “standards” that they actually started doing well for themselves. This is a really touchy topic but it needs to be said because I feel like A LOT of us go through it. 
Growing up they were hardly around. Always having to work minimal wage jobs around the clock to support an over sized house with a pool we hardly used and a huge backyard that only served for having to mow it. 
My father did his best and I respect him so much for it! He earned a phD in molecular biology. Although he never really used it. In fact every phd graduate that I know personally in America has a shitty job. Over 500 US janitors have them! Our school systems and industries revolve around money rather than efficiency.
Arguments about finances were frequent and time outdoors in nature very limited. My mother was very protective of my little sister and I and wouldn’t allow it while she was gone at work.
Frequently I would find ways back to Brazil and live with extended family in the favela (3rd world type of ghetto). There I had life, real life! Community with actual unity.
We all lived very simple there, with tiny houses they’d build themselves and their own rain water collection. We didn’t have solar but most would rig the electricity so it was free :P 
My whole family lives on a single piece of land all neighboring each other. We all have time for one another and life is rich. It almost seems like no one goes to work besides doing daily chores.
I would wake up every morning with sounds of laughter and little kids singing outside. My absolute favorite sound is of rain hitting a tin roof while I sleep.
The only issue there was, is that modern day society has tricked them all into thinking that they are poor and that they don’t have enough.
Everyone would ask me about America and how great it must be. I would quickly correct them insisting on how rich they were with what really mattered. 
Regardless, every single little child there had one wish and it was to go to Disney :p. 
But the US was not happiness for me, at least while I was growing up. Even now most of my friends are always working or doing something school related. This is not normal. 
Everyone ones locked away fixated on abstract thinks like money and this glowing screen. This is notp-=what we’ve been genetically designed for. 
This sort of lifestyle reeks of depression and disease.  
As the years go by, I notice Brazil turning more and more into America! As well as many other countries.
Our movies and music find ways into everyone’s home and the message America speaks of is unnecessary indulgences.
The spectrum of brain wash flies both ways. Here in the states we are projected pictures of the 3rd world as a miserable, rotten place. This is untrue! 
The only part of it that is miserable is the part the first world got its hands on for its precious resource exploitation and cheap labour. 
We are the worlds big brother sort of speak We set the standard. Lets be worthy of their senses. Its the butterfly effect in full action! 
Change your lifestyle today and watch the whole world echo it in the future. As americans we share a great resposibiy. Its pretty scary but very inspiring.
Now Im not saying Brazil is perfect. There is corruption, greed and violence there too. 
My experience has shown me over the years that these two countries resemble the ying yang perfectly. EVERYTHING America lacks, Bazzy has and vice versa. Its completely amazing and I feel so lucky to have witnessed it. 
Im a virgo. My ruling planet is Mercury the alchemist. I obsess over balance and moderation. My life path is 9. (09+06+1992 = 2+0+0+7=9). In Tarot this means I’m the hermit, the way shower. My archetype is the bridge. 
Like many of the dreams I would have as a child, my pursuit is to build a path from the 3rd world to the 1st but leave at all the bad behind. 
My purpose is to show how easy and tangible this all is and that what is best for the Earth is best for all beings.
So the idea of leaving behind our nice and comfy house to live on a school bus started while I was tattooing the sacred labyrinth on Michael on December 9th 2014.  
It was super spontaneous and we designed it and did it all in a night. The very next morning we sets out to Georgia with some friends since they were going and invited us to come along to the hostel in the forest. 
There we miraculously found the largest labyrinth in the entire North America (wow what an honour) just a couple yards away from the tree house we were staying at. We walked it fully a couple of times.
That same night we discovered the Gemini meteor shower was going to happen at 2am! So when the time came we canoed out to the center of a huge lake and floated on a platonic solid shaped platform as the sky showed us a face of hers we had never seen. 
And thats when I received the message! She said “DO IT”. So I did. On a shoe string budget Michael and I were able to buy a 1987 Blue Bird school bus for 1,900$ from a local church on January 4th 2015 and began converting it into our new home. 
We were tired of being a pond in someone else’s game. We knew how corrupt our financial system was (some people can just make money out of thin air) and desired to break free from it.
We knew how harmful being connected to the grid was to our mother Earth and how much we needed to break free from it.
Tired of paying bills, sensless authorities and the rat race, we turned away from society and turned our faces to the sun. ULTIMATE VISION
We know that living on a school bus with no land is never going to be 100% self sustaining.
So the plan is to move about America connecting with like minded people until we find some land to settle on.
We are trying our hardest to have the bus converted to run on veg oil before we leave for the north in May. 
We know that just us doing this wont make a huge difference for the world, butwe hope to atleast expand into a little eco artistic community made of self built cob homes (houses made of earth).
Initially itll consist of 12 tiny zodical themed hses circling a bigger sun looking and feeling communal area. 
And maybe one day expand into 48 areas in total representing all the constellations that surround our beautiful solar system 360 degrees. 
These areas would consist of communal art studios, yoga studio, bathrooms, gardens, library/study, kid zones etc.
Our dream is to give others a chance at a life free of the burdens of the financial systems and the poisons of the majority of foods.
We will not stomp all over this land tearing down trees and such but instead enriching it with our presence (the true purpose for human life).
Follow us on our journey and take part! This is our world and its all that we have! Here lll post updates on the bus house, updates on our journey, and info about living small, sustainably and off grid.
Eden was never lost.
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